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We need a RDR party night

Started by BDSooner72, January 28, 2011 @ 09:26 PM

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Me and Brad played tonight for a few hours and it was a blast just messing around in free mode.


I'm in. This game's a blast with a posse. When do you guys think you'll be on again?


I have it here this weekend so if you guys form up let me know.  I'd like to tag along.


No football on the tube so I will be on tomorrow night. Finally got leveled up a bit.  To be honest me and Brad tried the Posse but after awhile we just started going at each other and anyone that showed up in our territory. 


Forgot to add that the Liars and Cheats and Legends and Killers packs are only 400 points right now.  I figure this will be played until May when LA Noire hits so I might as well have all the DLC.

Brad Company

I assume you have undead nightmare as well?


I do have the Undead Nightmare and I recall Jason said he had it.



We need to have a RDR party where I do not get double teamed against. It is hard enough with the bears and cougars but Brad taking Jasons side toward the end was a touch unfair.

We need a fourth, go into a private mode and go two on two. 

Brad Company


Dumb question here, I leveled up from 6 to 10 this afternoon and got some pretty sweet guns in the process.  I got to play tonight and my pistol and rifle with a scope are gone, as well as a few others.  Up to level 12 but could not find one of those rifles with a scope.  I sure would like to have that bad boy again.  Does it like reset weapons each time you play or what?


Quote from: brent on January 30, 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Dumb question here

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people.


Quote from: Jason on January 30, 2011 @ 11:36 PM
There are no dumb questions, just dumb people.

Just remember, after the game against Kevin you got me next. 100 extra passing yards for every smart ass remark.  ;D

Brad Company

Quote from: brent on January 30, 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Dumb question here, I leveled up from 6 to 10 this afternoon and got some pretty sweet guns in the process.  I got to play tonight and my pistol and rifle with a scope are gone, as well as a few others.  Up to level 12 but could not find one of those rifles with a scope.  I sure would like to have that bad boy again.  Does it like reset weapons each time you play or what?

When you look at the radial wheel of weapons,there are multiple choices in each slot if you have unlocked them.For example,where the repeater is in the bottom slot,,there can be Bolt Action,Winchester Repeater,Repeater Carbine,etc. Same with the pistols in the top slot.
Use the D-pad to cycle thru those choices.

The Rolling Block is in the 4 O'clock position on the wheel,if IIRC.

I've never seen weapons reset or anything like that.If a weapon runs out of ammo in a given life,it won't be usable till you get more ammo or respawn.The exception,is the Exploding Charge rifle you get for clearing gang hideouts.It has 6 shots,no reload and is gone when you turn up your toes.


I had two in the 4 o'cklock position at one point - carcano and the exploding (both were gone). Now every time I do a gang hideout it gives me the exploding rifle.  Have no clue what happened, I feel sad not having them and the high powered pistol.

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