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MLB 14 Thread

Started by Jason, February 26, 2014 @ 06:52 PM

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I have to admit that I'd be very tempted to buy a PS3 if Sony came out with an MLB 14 bundle.


Is it not available for PS4?

I love the idea of both the quick count (I really liked that EA had it one year in their game too) and the player lock.  I wonder if you and a friend could co-op and both play locked to two players?


The PS3 version comes out April 1st.  The PS4 version comes out sometime in May.  Have no clue why Jason mentions buying a PS3?  I am assuming it was a typo and he meant PS4.  Which is more confusing as I could have sworn Jason had a PS4.


I did mean PS3. The PS4 version comes out a month later and I'll mainly play it via remote play. I wouldn't mind having a baseball game to play on my TV. Having said that, I'm looking forward to the Vita version and eventually the PS4 version.


Next gen screens, look really pretty.


This is the first PS4 game I'm really excited for. I'm even excited about the my Vita version which comes out a week from Tuesday.


Got my copy for the Vita today. Only had a chance to play a few innings, but seems like a subtle improvement so far.


I just read on the new features that they have added the ability to carry franchise saves over into following year releases.  FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY.  This feature probably just pushed up my purchase of a PS4.  Now if there was only a horse racing game like Gallop Racer for it as well.

Actually I'm tempted to buy the PS3 version right now on the PS Store and just have the digital version.

Brad Company

If the rumors of PS2 emulation/disc based compatibility are true,you may be able to play Gallop Racer on your PS4 this year.


I'm really happy with the Vita version and I've heard good things about the PS3 version too. They've added a bunch of new animations which makes fielding much better and the hit variety, which was good last year, is even better this year.

Brad Company

Last years' PS3 version was damn near perfect. If they improved it, well look out.

Brad Company


Quote from: Brad Company on April 08, 2014 @ 12:12 AM
Video here PS4;
Absolutely sick.

If I had the money I would be shelling it for this game and a PS4.  Maybe Summer or Fall.  They really need to bring out a new Hot Shots Golf while they are at it.


Some crazy new steaming high quality format. Someone took one part of that video taken out and the first time I saw it, I thought it was real. That is a first for me. Jaw actually dropped and stayed dropped the next 20 or so times I replayed it.


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