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Personal Gaming Thread

Started by Jason, January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM

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For Honor is down to $35 on Amazon already...very tempting.

Brad Company

Awfully multiplayer focused; you sure?


It supposedly has a decent single-player campaign, but I'll probably hold off for now.

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Brad Company

Grabbed Uncharted collection and Last of Us remastered for 7.99 each on the flash sale, which ends tomorrow.


Quote from: Brad Company on April 16, 2017 @ 04:39 PM
Grabbed Uncharted collection and Last of Us remastered for 7.99 each on the flash sale, which ends tomorrow.

I purchased the same two games last night to replace my disc versions. Looking forward to playing The Last if Us again in HDR this time.

Brad Company

Great minds think alike ;D
I will never finish my backlog, even if I live to be a million. :))


I've already beaten all four games (UC1 twice), but plan on playing through the rest at least one more time.

My backlog is pretty big too. Here's mine (in the order I plan to play them):

  • Horizon: Zero Dawn
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • AC: Syndicate
  • AC: Black Flag
  • AC: Unity
  • Shadow of Mordor
  • GTA V
  • The Witcher III
  • Temple of Osiris
  • Sniper Elite III
  • The Division
  • Zombie Army Trilogy

Brad Company

Move the Division up the list...I'll start a new character and help you through.


Quote from: Brad Company on April 17, 2017 @ 06:16 AM
Move the Division up the list...I'll start a new character and help you through.

Appreciate that, but I haven't had PS+ for over a year.

Brad Company

I'm not sure the game functions without it.


Quote from: Brad Company on April 17, 2017 @ 03:50 PM
I'm not sure the game functions without it.

I could have sworn I played it without PS+, but I may have to check tonight. If not, I'll either sell it or give it to my son.


I've replayed Uncharted 2 & 3 with my 6-year-old son since going digital and we're now halfway through Uncharted 4...but this time we're playing it with an HDR-capable TV and it looks amazing.


I just bought Gears of War Judgment for $4.99 for the Xbox 360. I'm amazed that I'm still buying Xbox 360 games all these years later.

Brad Company

I had good times with Gears 2 and 3. I'm interested in Injustice 2 at the moment.


Injustice 2 is one of those games I'll buy when the price drops since my son still enjoys the first one, as do I.

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