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Personal Gaming Thread

Started by Jason, January 31, 2014 @ 05:25:53 PM

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Got the Redline pack fro Drive Club. Going to spend the next week hard and heavy on it and Dying Light. Finally beat the Final Act/Boss in Diablo 3, got to level 61 and it is now trade bait the next time I go to Gamestop.  Great game, long, challenging but I am not going to go ass crazy trying to do the adventure mode, which is pretty much more of the same with larger numbers involved. Learned my lesson from Destiny. Play it, beat it and move on to new stuff.


Brent, are your racing stats for Norway being recorded? I've had a bunch of races in Norway but it shows that I've driven 0 miles there when choosing a track. I was wondering if this is a common issue or specific to me. I couldn't find anything online.


Quote from: Jason on January 27, 2015 @ 05:18:46 PM
Brent, are your racing stats for Norway being recorded? I've had a bunch of races in Norway but it shows that I've driven 0 miles there when choosing a track. I was wondering if this is a common issue or specific to me. I couldn't find anything online.

Logged out and then back and it seems to be working now.


First few hours into Dying Light have been interesting. I loved Dead Island and this game is made by the same team behind Dead Island.  You can see that many of the graphics, zombies, weapon crafting and the whole sandbox do not stray away from the original formula. The gameplay on the other hand does.  This is not find a stick and hit tons of zombies with it till it breaks. For starters, early on that stick is lucky to last for one enemy. Secondly, the combat, while improved, takes a back seat to the free running and general desire to stay alive. As the weapons get better there might be a bit more balance but early on it is scavenging for supplies and staying where the zombies are not and these are just the daytime zombies. The free running works well in most cases, outside a glitch here and there. The key is to keep you head level focused on what you are jumping to and when climbing you need to look up, always, ALWAYS. You look straight ahead at a fence you want to climb and there is really big chance you are going to jump in place. It is taking some time to get used to and having to use the R1 button to jump presents another challenge (Really hope they patch in where you can swap X and R1). The glaring issue in free running is less the timing and more certain obstacles you have to climb and what you can and can not perform. This rears it's ugly head once you start climbing Radio Towers (similar to the climbing churches and towers in AC and Far Cry). I have only climbed two towers but they seem to have no set rules for what you can grasp onto and what will plummet you to your death.  Things you could navigate up in tower one were hit and miss in tower two.  The biggest annoyance in the game for me. Outside of that I am thrilled to get a different experience as Dead Island 2 looks to be more like Dead Island.

Oh and there is Nightfall.  Only went through two nights but if you thought free running was essential during the day, at night you have to be stealthy and capable of speed running with a flashlight.  A special breed of zombie pops up at night and they have a radar, sprint shoes and even more desire to taste your brains. Once night hits these bastards come out and you have to maneuver around them AND the regular zombies from the daytime. They work similarly to cops once you get a wanted level in GTA V. They have radars that you need to avoid and once detected, it's flight, not fight. You do get rewarded extra for playing during the night and escaping the baddies once they latch on. I prefer the daytime myself but will be more willing to go out more when my skill tree grows.

During the day you start seeing more of the tougher zombies (not Nightfall) come out more often. Same as the old Dead Island. Big Guy with Big Weapon, spitter dude and my new favorite, hazmat suit wearing zombie with oxygen tank on back that you do not want to hit. This is still early so there could be more to come. Noise is still an issue and if you make too much, feral zombies (recently turned) come out of the woodwork and while they are not tough, they come in packs, move quickly and will climb things the other day zombies do not. While not as tense as the night you still get the occasional zombie up high and they will pop out of the woodwork when you least expect it.  Lockpicking is pretty heavily used in this game and creates many tense moments. Especially when you are picking a vehicle out in the street (Ambulance/Police Vans), as they have some of the best goods early on. Every little noise caused me to twitch, wondering if I missed a zombie or they are combing back from a distraction I just created to allow me to do the task at hand. They also do a nice job of having certain noises and radio calls come through the controller speaker. Once of the best uses for it so far.

So far a thumbs up. Character skill growth will be intriguing as to how the game is played as you level up and get better weapons and abilities. One thing I did not see was anything to drive. Just another friendly reminder that the emphasis is parkour over pretty much everything you did in Dead Island.  This will make for a lot of repetition but at least with the parkour it will give you more than just kill zombie after zombie to make it to the destination.

P.S. Standing on top of vehicles, a favorite in Dead Island, used to slaughter mass zombies.  Does not work well early on. 


The DGN Driveclub Racing Team has officially reached level 2!


Risk is hitting PSN this week.  :)


Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 01, 2015 @ 08:22:05 AM
The DGN Driveclub Racing Team has officially reached level 2!

Did you have to race online to do that?

Brad Company

Decided to poke my head in GS with the 3 games for $10 deal going on. Got pristine copies of AC Revelations(comes with AC 1 as bonus), Mass Effect 2(w/ all DLC missions) and Uncharted 3.
Even got pretty cases, and the Online/DLC codes were all still valid. With rewards discount, I paid $9 for 4 full games. Not bad, to add to my enormous backlog.


Quote from: Jason on February 02, 2015 @ 12:45:12 PM
Did you have to race online to do that?

Nope, just single player and mostly time trials to test out some tracks.


Quote from: Brad Company on February 02, 2015 @ 08:20:00 PM
Decided to poke my head in GS with the 3 games for $10 deal going on. Got pristine copies of AC Revelations(comes with AC 1 as bonus), Mass Effect 2(w/ all DLC missions) and Uncharted 3.
Even got pretty cases, and the Online/DLC codes were all still valid. With rewards discount, I paid $9 for 4 full games. Not bad, to add to my enormous backlog.

Wow, nice haul!


I wish the Uncharted games were playable on the PS4. I started trading in my backlogged games like Watch Dogs and GTA V on the Xb360 for the PS4 version of GTA V which is currently $40 at Amazon.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk


The first two are, via streaming with PlayStation Now. The second one was just added and both are part of the subscription model. So if you beat them in a month it would cost you $20.


Has anyone tried the streaming service yet? I'd much rather pay $10 each for digital downloads that I own, but I'd be curious to see how the streaming versions look and play.

Brad Company

Quote from: Jason on February 03, 2015 @ 05:03:38 PM
Has anyone tried the streaming service yet? I'd much rather pay $10 each for digital downloads that I own, but I'd be curious to see how the streaming versions look and play.

I tried it during the beta...worked great.


Sometimes I hate this gen. I purchase Risk and it shows a 1.8GB download. Fine, no problem. Then as it starts downloading it starts an update with the exact same size file size? If this is not a mistake, what the hell?