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Personal Gaming Thread

Started by Jason, January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM

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Just purchased Dirt 3 for $4.99 from Xbox Live. I've always been interested in Dirt 3, and really enjoyed Dirt 2, so I couldn't pass up on the $5 price.


Now reaching 60,000 zombies killed.  I have been butchering them the past few days now that I am leveled up and vehicles are indestructible.

This truly is the best vehicle ever!

Dead Rising 3 Best Vehicle Ever the Rollerhawg


So after 75,000 zombie kills, beating the game and every side mission, it was time to move on to something else.  Had to go to the big city so I traded in Dead Rising 3 (for an impressive $43 I might add - rare thank you Gamestop) so I used that to get Rayman Legends. Been years since I have played a platformer but I figured now was as good as any to try it out.

Also picked up Thief, even with the mediocre reviews, I wanted something stealthy and enjoyed the previous Thief games.  Nothing like buying a brand new game, going to install it and being told their is a 6 freaking GB patch to install first.  >:(  Not that I really did not see that coming but still.


Wow, Rayman Legends is a very impressive game. Especially for the amount of content (120 levels plus extras and daily online trials) for $39.99. Plus you get some of the levels from the previous game "Origins."  The art direction is great but the music is even better and I have only scratched the surface. My only gripe is the levels where you have to control the frog can be a bit cumbersome, especially for an old fart like me. So far I have done three online trials, 5 normal levels and one chase level and did not want to put the controller down. While the levels were 5-15 minutes long, I went through each of them a couple times to collect all the items to get a gold rating. At least two to three hours spent on that alone.  Did not even touch Thief.  I highly recommend this game, which based on it's review scores should not need recommending.  I am kicking myself for not purchasing both of these on the 360 last year while I was waiting for GTAV to hit. Had them in the cart and something held me back from pulling the trigger.

$21.99 for the Vita version at Amazon.    ;)


There's a demo for it that I'm going to download and try. They also have Rayman Origins for only $6.49 on the PS Store.


I'm guessing the PS3 version is a bit different than the Vita version because there's a lot of touchscreen controls in the Vita demo of Legends.


I would think so.  It was built for the WiiU so the touch screen is a big feature in it, the Vita and probably to an en extent the PS4 version.


April 16th can't cone soon enough. My favorite XBLA game is back!   Also now available for PC and PS4.


Reached chapter 16 of Uncharted last night after not playing for a few days.


Peggle 2 finally gets online multiplayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I jump in, 4 players 10 rounds a match and you shoot at the same time.  I win ten or so straight matches because it appears the other three do not have a firm grasp of what is a pretty simple game. So the one with the microphone on and I am guessing Elementary School age, begins to scream, cry, pout, etc and such after each defeat. He then looks up my account to see the OU Sooner in my avatar. So started the Sooner trash talk about all the National Championships his Alabama team had won and that Bob Stoops was the supreme choker. It was at that point I left the game.

Online Gaming would be great if not for online gamers. 


Quote from: BDSooner72 on March 04, 2014 @ 11:13 PM
Online Gaming would be great if not for online gamers. 

Well said.


I think there is a lot of closeted mental illness out there.

Brad Company


Finally finished Uncharted last night. I'll start playing MLB 13 for a few weeks before 14 comes out.


I'm up to 2017 in MLB 13 and my Mariners have finally made the playoffs (I sim and only do franchise work for the regular and off season.  I play the games in post season).  I lost my first game to the Indians 4-2.   It's been months since I've played the game and I am still amazed at how good it is.

Have also fallen back into relaxing with few rounds of Nation Red in the evening.  Man I love putting on some hard, driving, music and killing zombies in this one.  I've managed to work my high score up to 33,600,000 or so with took me from 810th in the world to 796th.  My previous high score had put me in the high 700's, but that had been slowly eroded over the last few months.  It was good to get back to where I was.

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