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NCAA Football 14

Started by Jason, June 18, 2013 @ 09:22 PM

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I downloaded the demo today and this may actually be the first even-numbered NCAA Football game that's impressed me since 2006. I read a lot of comment about how the colors "pop" and couldn't agree more once I saw it for myself. NCAA Football has been very dull looking the past few years, but they definitely addressed that this year. I also liked the Infinity Engine's definitely more refined than Madden 13 with fewer odd animations occurring.

The two things that surprised me the most were the improved line play and the running game. My HB slipped off my own offensive linemen instead of getting stuck to them and it looks like EA even added a few new animations. My linemen seemed better at opening up holes for the running game and for the first time ever, formed a pocket on passing plays.

I may have to avoid the OS forums so I don't ruin any positive feelings I have for the game at the moment, but as of now, I'm planning on buying a copy as soon as it's released.


Played the demo some more and liking it even more now. Two more pros:

  • Got rid of "Jump the Snap"
  • Game speed on normal feels just right
I had no intention of buying NCAA Football this year and didn't expect much from EA with the new consoles right around the corner, but this demo certainly changed my mind.


I pre-ordered my copy from Amazon with the money I got from my old tablet. I've been really enjoying the demo and figure this will be the last NCAA Football game I buy this generation.


Season pass, been enjoying it for a few days. Retail copy is here tomorrow. Love the option and the challenge involved in stopping it. Seems like every defender falls for the fake every time.


Since getting my copy on Tuesday, I've only been able to play one full game so far, which I enjoyed quite a bit. I'm rolling with Virginia Tech this season instead of Rutgers. I'm trying my hardest to avoid the OS forum because I don't want to ruin the game for myself just yet.

Brad Company

If you're having fun,don't go to OS. Words to live by.

Don't go down the slider rabbit hole, either.


Luckily I'm not a slider guy.

There was a day-one patch and tuner update, but I couldn't find any info on what changes they made.


I made the mistake of going by OS and saw that the "Bugs and Glitches" thread was over 38 pages long - luckily I didn't look through it. I'm currently playing on Varsity level with no slider adjustments and I can honestly say that this is by far the best football game I've ever played. The speed of the game, the upgraded running game and the new physics engine have almost made it feel like a new game to me.

I remember playing NCAA Football 06 on my (then) new HDTV for the first time and thinking that it doesn't get any better than this, and I'm getting that same feeling again with 14.


Quick question: I know that the current version of NCAA has something called "Ultimate Team" or similar.

To my knowledge, this feature includes both current NFL Players as well as NFL Alumni within the game.

Can one of you who has the game:

- Verify that I am correct about this (and if not, clarify which players are in it)

- Check in the manual or elsewhere within the game itself which licenses the game has that may pertain to this (I am assuming something like NFL Players and NFL Alumni)

Please let me know what you find if any of you check this out.


Brad Company


Mike, I'll try to check this out tonight. The "little one" kept me off Xbox last night.



Ultimate team does include both current and retired players in it. My ultimate team includes Aaron Rogers at QB and Bo Jackson as the RB.

Taken directly from the case:

  • NCAA is a registered trademark of National Collegiate Athletic Association and the NCAA logo is a registered trademark of the NCAA licensed to NCAA Football USA, Inc.
  • The Heisman Memorial Trophy and all affiliated service marks are federally registered trademark of the Heisman Trophy Trust.
  • Licensed product of NFL Players |



I am most interested in the retired players in the game, as I don't think they are covered under any of the licenses you mention.  If you get another chance, please flip through a few teams' rosters and list some of the retired players who are in the game.

Thanks so much!


(If the retired players are all former Heisman winners, then it's possible they are licensed that way...)


Found this bit of info for you:

"EA is also working to bring in some retired players as well though they would have to be negotiated with individually. The legends featured in Hesiman Challenge last year are locked in already however."

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