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Red Dead Redemption Reboot

Started by BDSooner72, May 02, 2012 @ 06:35:23 PM

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Long summer ahead with not many games on my pre-order list so I am downloading this one back from the dead.  Mainly for Multiplayer but I might try the Campaign again along with the Zombie Nightmare. If anyone is interested in playing some multiplayer, post here.  I recall having some fun times with Jason and Brad back in the day, especially when we just turned on each other.


If I have the time, I'd to love to play this online again. RDR is one of my all-time favorite games.

Brad Company

Still have it...haven't been online with it in a while, so don't know how many people are still playing.
Besides the shootin' there's always cards or horse racing and such.


Brad Company

Still plenty 'o peeps playing this. Hijacked some dudes' Zonkey...that thing is FAST and never tires.