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L.A. Noire Thread

Started by BDSooner72, December 16, 2010 @ 02:29 PM

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And all the cases are solved, final verdict.  C+

I just hate these open world games that are linear. I would have enjoyed the game more if I had some time to play around in the city. Without that ability it just became a case of passing on driving and letting my partner take the wheel so we could fast forward to the next location. It was like Mafia 2.  I wanted to play in the sandbox but there was no sand and only a note that said where to go next.

Oh boy a side mission.  Suspect runs and takes a hostage, you shoot and kill them.  So many repetitive areas in this game.

Ending...  Not what I expected but not very good either. The twists in the game for the main character were really against the grain and hard to accept based on everything you know about him. Also for a game based on interrogation the last part of the game is spent, driving and shooting.

Glad it is all over because I really did not enjoy my experience. Most of the game had me remembering how much fun RDR was and when the next RDR or GTA was coming out. 

Brad Company

Glad I didn't drop 60 bones on that cleared it in a weekend.


Most people seem to be clearing it quickly.  Of course I was not looking for the bonus stuff, movie reels and landmarks as they felt tacked on just to get you to explore the city.

I will just toss it in with VT4 and let you experience it for yourself.  I am in the boonies and trading games is a PITA.


I guess it's got no replay value? That's one of the great things about RDR, I played the game a bunch even after completing it and that's not including the DLC available for it.


Not unless you just want o play each case again and try for a better score/see more scenarios unfold within a case.  In some cases I completed the case without having to go to all the places available.

Each case is ranked on clues found, amount of correct questions and damage caused while driving through the city.

Not worth it for me.  I am really looking forward to another REAL open world game.

Brad Company

Quote from: Jason on May 22, 2011 @ 06:55 PM
I guess it's got no replay value? That's one of the great things about RDR, I played the game a bunch even after completing it and that's not including the DLC available for it.

Plus,RDR has a pretty robust multiplayer.

Brad Company

Been enjoying this game,but it's definitely on rails.

Here's a great review most may have missed;

The best quote; "As I ambled exhaustedly along, I decided that L.A. Noire is not a detective story at all. It is a parable about death and purgatory, a story of forgiveness. A man named Phelps went to war. He had his share of flaws, and in the midst of battle he made some bad decisions. Those decisions had repercussions that no one could have anticipated. Some of them were terrible, but then, war is terrible.

Phelps died at Okinawa, and his soul became lost. He couldn't move on until he found his own justice, acted out his part in a morality play born of his own cowardice and insecurity. So now he wanders a half-remembered vision of his home city, playing detective, solving cases over which he has no real control.

Cole Phelps is not looking for criminals; he is looking for absolution. He must make peace with his failings before he can finally let them go, and this gauzy straitjacket of a city will not let him rest until he has done so. L.A. Noire asks not for players’ help or guidance in this matter; it asks only if they would like to tag along."


I had no idea Dennis Miller did game reviews, minus all the funny bits. After reading the first paragraph of his "Stacking" review on that very site my head felt like it wanted to explode.  If the New Yorker started publishing video game reviews, this guy has a job for life.

I prefer my game reviews by British guys speaking so fast that I need cartoon visuals to keep up and therefore the review is supplied in video form.

There are spoilers in this review but it really does nail down my thoughts on the game.

So have you given up on Virtua Tennis 4 yet?
Did it start make\ing you feel uneasy at the sight of a freshly glazed doughnut?  :P

Brad Company

I still like the idea that the game is like The Sixth Sense and Phelps is actually dead the whole time.

As far as VT4,the unearthly grunts and shrieks of the female players and their seminal sheen is too much.
Otherwise, it seems the gameplay is exactly as I remember it on Dreamcast.


Quote from: Brad Company on June 05, 2011 @ 01:32 AM
I still like the idea that the game is like The Sixth Sense and Phelps is actually dead the whole time.

Had to be done.  ;)

Brad Company





Got L.A. Noire, all the DLC, and the brady guide on steam for 10 bucks.  Been waiting for a good price.


Very rarely do I feel like I've wasted 10 bucks on a video game.  With this one I do.


At least you were not a sap like me and payed retail + some of the DLC. 

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