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Assassins Creed 3 - Here I go again on my own...

Started by BDSooner72, March 23, 2012 @ 12:58:11 AM

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I just took my son's copy of AC3 to try out. I wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay mechanics in AC2, but I'm willing to give this one a try.

Brad Company

I think you'll like it...pretty intuitive controls.


You're a bad influence...I just bought AC IV for the 360 while on sale at Amazon for $15.

Brad Company

Black Flag is even better than 3. Sailing around the Carribbean is easily worth $15.


Unity is now on sale for $29.99 at Amazon. It seems like all the major issues have been fixed so I'm on the fence with this one.

Brad Company

Unity is on sale from Gamefly(used) for $12.99, free shipping.


Quote from: Brad Company on May 12, 2015 @ 06:46:48 PM
Unity is on sale from Gamefly(used) for $12.99.

I bought it from Amazon back in March for $19.99 but haven't played it yet. You thinking of buying it?

Brad Company

Yeah, man, I pulled the trigger at that price.

Brad Company

Lol, grabbed AC:Rogue for $13. Think I've got 'em all, now.


I've been considering Black Flag on the PS4 since it's on sale for $15 in the Playstation store this week.

Brad Company

It sure is purty on PS4. Don't snooze on Freedom Cry if it's on sale, either.


Quote from: Brad Company on September 24, 2015 @ 05:55:27 AM
It sure is purty on PS4. Don't snooze on Freedom Cry if it's on sale, either.

I have it on XB360 and was watching comparison videos to see the difference. While the PS4 was definitely better looking, it wasn't like it blew away the XB360 version. I would prefer playing on the PS4 though and I like that it's the digital version.


I'm about 3 hours into Black Flag (yes, I caved and bought the PS4 version) and really like it so far. This is actually the furthest I gotten in an Assassin's Creed game and now that I'm invested in the story, I can't see myself not finishing it. I even went ahead and installed the add-on app on my tablet.

I still need to get better at fighting since I'm so used to the fighting style in the Arkham series, but the counter/parry system is similar enough between both games. I also have to remind myself to use stealth more as taking on a group of enemies in this game usually doesn't end well, but I'm having fun learning.

Brad Company

The naval battles are worth the price of admission.


Just made it Nassau and started assembling my crew...