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Fallout Series

Started by Jason, August 15, 2011 @ 10:52 PM

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Anyone here into the Fallout series? I have a friend at work who just started playing Fallout New Vegas and has nothing but good things to say about it. It's only $20 on Amazon so I'd consider picking it up, but was curious to hear some more opinions.


I just couldn't get into it.  The combat was atrocious and the story was boring to me.  I played the original Fallout for months, the one that was an RPG with an isometric view and turn based combat.  I loved that game.  The new version does nothing for me.  YMMV.


Thanks for the feedback. I watched the video review on Game Trailers and nothing really excited me about the game. I was under the impression that it would be like a "Red Dead Redemption" in a future Las Vegas.


Oh no, I don't think it plays anything like RDR.

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