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Xbox Series X/S

Started by Jason, December 13, 2019 @ 09:56 PM

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Brad Company

Gears 2 is even better, iirc.


I've played Gears 1, 2 and 3 but don't remember 2 at all.

Not that I gave it a fair shot, but I like Madden 21 better than Madden 22 on the Series X, just like I did on the PS4. It looks and plays better.

Xbox has a nice feature where you can link controllers to accounts. Now the white controller automatically logs my son in to his account and the black controller logs me into mine.

Brad, I got a 14-day trial to Game Pass Ultimate with my new controller that can only be used for new subscriptions. You're more than welcome to it if you want it.

Brad Company

Thanks, but I need an Xbox first, lol. If I was to get one, GPU would be a day one purchase.


Quote from: Jason on September 21, 2021 @ 04:54 PM
It's crazy how Madden and NCAA Football has physics-based gameplay two generations ago and moved back to an animation driven system for newer systems. The running game in NCAA Football feels so natural and smooth.

I forgot how nice it was to see refs on the field while playing...

I have another dilemma now. I have to figure out if I should buy games on sale if they're on Game Pass since games do get removed. For instance, The Show 21 is currently on sale for $24 (which is cheaper than the PS4 version has ever been on sale for so far) and I've heard rumors that it wouldn't be on Game Pass for too long. I'm debating whether I should buy it while it's cheap in case it's removed.

Brad Company

Maybe for a game you're going to play a whole lot of. A yearly sports game iteration, nah.


Wreckfest (Xbox One) is available on GamePass, but I can upgrade to the Xbox Series X/S version for $10 which includes better graphics and more importantly, 60fps.


Another dilemma. Forza Horizon 4, which I'm playing more than any other game on my Xbox, is currently on sale. The issue with Forza games is that they get de-listed due to expiring licenses with the car manufacturers. Forza Horizon 2 and 3 are no longer available to purchase. I'll probably buy it considering that I stay play Forza Horizon 1 and 2 on my Xbox 360.


New update with Dolby Vision was released for the Xbox Series X/S:

I checked it out quickly in Flight Simulator and could tell the difference immediately. I'm looking forward to seeing how much better Gears 5 looks now. It's nice to finally get to use one of the key features of my TV.

Brad Company

You had been using HDR 10?

I wanted a baseball game for PS3, so I grabbed the Show13 for a couple dollars. Again, I find previous gen sports games better than their current iterations. Might try a 2K baseball game next.
I wish MVP baseball had been on PS3, I may actually grab a PS2 to play MVP 05 again.


Yes, HDR 10.

I loved 2K's baseball games and still have a few on disc. I wish MLB 2K13 was available to buy digitally.

If you're not interested in licensed players and stadiums, EA's NCAA Baseball 06 and 07 both play better than MVP 05.

Brad Company


MVP didn't have zone hitting, so that automatically disqualifies it as GOAT for me. I couldn't believe they added it to NCAA Baseball the following year.

It's a shame they didn't continue making baseball games. They'd probably suck now, but there would have been some good ones between then and now.

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New 2TB and 512GB Expansion Cards Announced:

The price for extended storage for both the Xbox Series X/S and PS5 is going to be the Achilles heel for these consoles. I wish there was an option to load next-gen games on a standard drive and just deal with the slower load times. I seriously doubt every next-gen game requires an SSD to work anyway. I'd rather wait a minute for a track to load in Forza rather than pay insane prices just have it load in 20 seconds off an SSD.

Brad Company

I've given up on the idea of having a huge library attached. Gonna have to get used to only having a few games installed at a time.


I had to disable Dolby Vision on my Series S due to input lag. It wasn't that noticable with Flight Simulator, but it was almost impossible to play MLB 21 (mainly meter pitching). Sony is supposed to release a firmware update for my TV that allows Dolby Vision in game mode, so I'll just have to wait for that.

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