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Xbox Series X/S

Started by Jason, December 13, 2019 @ 09:56 PM

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There's supposed to be a big drop of Xbox consoles later this week. I've been checking Target and Microsoft constantly to see if I can land a Series X.


My son's Series S arrived today. He's downloading Fight Sim right now so I can check it out.

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even the S will have MSFS 2020?


Quote from: Ted on September 14, 2021 @ 07:47 PM
even the S will have MSFS 2020?
Yes, we were just trying it out. The level of detail is slightly lower, but it runs at a steady 30fps. I can't get over the level of detail. We were picking out high schools and restaurants flying over our town.

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I'm having a hard time holding out for a Series X when I can get s Series S after playing Forza Horizon 4 this morning. I had also forgotten that The Show 21 was available on GamePass too.


The Series S is still available directly from Microsoft. I just wish it had a 1TB drive.


I'm weak. I just bought the Series S from Target. I'm picking it up tonight.


Here's my new setup with the Series S. Positive comments coming soon.

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Before I get started, I just have to say that the Xbox Series S with Game Pass Ultimate is best bargain in videogame history. I was able to jump into a new console generation with over a hundred good games to play for only $300. I decided against the monthly payment since I get 5% off at Target using my Red Card and only payed $1 for the first month of Game Pass.

The console itself was even smaller than I expected, but it's solidly built and looks great. I never held an Xbox One controller, but the Xbox Series X/S controllers look and feel great. They're smaller than the Xbox 360 controllers but fit comfortably in my hands. There's a textured grip along the back the controller and on the trigger buttons that feels great too. They also have a standard headphone jack, unlike the Xbox 360 controllers, which is great because I can use my regular headset/mic combo I use for my phone with the new controller. There's no need to buy an Xbox or gaming specific headset for the system.

The console does give off some heat, but I haven't heard a fan once (I'm not even sure if the Series S has an internal fan) and it's whisper quiet, even when running games like Flight Simulator. The interface takes some getting used after using a PS4 for the past 6+ years, but it very modern looking and easy enough to navigate around. Once I logged in, my Friend's List and digital games showed up immediately. I plugged in a spare 1TB external drive I had lying around and was able to download all of my digital 360 games onto it easily.

Surprisingly, I've spent a majority of time playing my Xbox 360 copy of Gears of War 1 with my younger son. I never knew it offered co-op local LAN play, so I've been playing on my Xbox 360 in my office while my son plays on the Xbox Series S in the living room. He's able to plug his Sony headset into the Series S controller and I use the Xbox App on my phone with my headset so we can communicate while playing. It's amazing how well the game has held up both graphically and gameplay wise considering it came out in 2006. We're planning on playing through the whole series.

I also downloaded MLB The Show 21 from Game Pass and couldn't believe how smoothly it ran. The graphics don't look much better, but the solid 60fps makes it like a completely new game, especially when fielding. I'm downloading Madden 21 now and am curious to see if the next-gen physics have as much of a positive effect on the gameplay.

Now I can patiently wait for a price drop or slim version for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X, since I no longer have a strong urge to buy either one right now.


oof now you're tempting me to not wait for the X


The only thing I'm annoyed about is that I didn't buy NCAA Football 14 digitally a few years ago when it was only $5 (it's de-listed now). I'm not able to play it on my Series S since I only have disc version. The external drive was a life-saver as I was able to save all the Xbox One/360 games on there to save room for the next-gen games on the internal SSD.

I played half a game of Madden 21 and the player control is a nice improvement over the last-gen versions, but it pales in comparison to the control in NCAA Football 14, which I played a little yesterday. Forza Horizon 4 is beautiful and runs at a silky smooth 60fps as does GRID.

My only other expense was to buy a second controller, which is currently on sale directly from Microsoft.

Brad Company

That's funny, I played a game of NCAA 14 the other day. Had more fun than any Madden in years. I have it digitally for PS3, there are still current rosters in Roster Share.


It's crazy how Madden and NCAA Football has physics-based gameplay two generations ago and moved back to an animation driven system for newer systems. The running game in NCAA Football feels so natural and smooth.


My son and I finished our co-op playthrough of the first Gears of War. It's amazing how well that game has held up. Now onto the second one.

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I forgot that a 10 hour trial of Madden 22 is available through EA Play. Downloading it now.

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