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Super Mega Baseball 3 coming out next month

Started by Jason, March 11, 2020 @ 11:39 AM

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I was going to pre-order/download it before I went to sleep but it still has not shown up on the xbox store/console. Makes me wonder if you have to pay a % to PSN/MS to have your game listed as a pre-order? It seems almost silly to not have it there if you are not being charged. It did show up on the search from the console and had a placeholder with all the game info, etc. Did show it would be 13GB which is almost 10GB more than SMB2.


I heard it will be available at 12pm ET for all systems.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk


Quote from: Jason on May 13, 2020 @ 09:04 AM
I heard it will be available at 12pm ET for all systems.

Downloading it right now...


Quote from: Jason on May 13, 2020 @ 01:54 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 13, 2020 @ 09:04 AM
I heard it will be available at 12pm ET for all systems.

Downloading it right now...

To quote Jason, quoting Jason, I too am downloading.


The new stadiums and time of day options are a thing of beauty. Still can't figure out which on I want to use for my team. So far it plays great and all the new additions are well implemented. I may just start a season with the existing teams to get the hang of the franchise mode.

Also nice to see they were able to poke fun at the Astros. Found this on Reddit.


I wanted to start an in depth franchise with 32 teams so my plans changed. Went with 32 states - East/West Conference broken down by areas. The best football team in each state dictates the color scheme/look of the uniform. Gives me a college feel but being in a franchise playing with old guy/gals that can be traded on a whim.


All teams are done. Now I am going to tweak rosters to make sure teams have at least two descent starting pitchers. Was always a problem in the past for AI teams that specialized in the bullpen. What good is a bullpen when you are always behind a couple runs.  I found a couple issues with the sound. The crowd tends to be watching a Home Run Derby and never quiets down, so mlous I probably need to turn it down. Also some of sound coming off the bats (especially bad contact/foul balls) sound more arcadey than SMB2. Baserunning has changed and I need to look at the tutorial. Used to be the shoulder buttons would advance all runners but now it seems to only affect the lead runner.

Jason did you see the Custom Pennant Feature that is coming out this summer?  You can setup a cross-platform league and it keeps track of all the stats. wins/losses/etc. So we could actually renew our rivalry, assuming the visions of all those drubbings in NCAA Football are out of your head.  ;)


I've played a handful of games myself and really like the new additions like pickoffs and wild pitches.

I haven't had the baserunning issue you're seeing. I've always used just L1 and R1 to advance and retreat all my runners and it's working the same as it always has in previous years. Maybe it's a bug in the Xbox version.

I was excited when I first saw that it supported cross-platform play, but I'm surprised that didn't include simple online versus play.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk


Some more observations...pitching is definitely tougher this year. They also need to tweak the lighting a little. The strike zone can be hard to see during night games, which tend to be a bit over-saturated and day games are a little too dark in the shadows.


They tweaked he settings. Used to be you could use the triggers to advance/retreat all runners. Now the triggers only advance/retreat/hold the lead runner. The shoulder buttons advance/retreat/hold all runners.


I'll have to check the PS4 version of SMB 2 because I could have sworn I used the shoulder buttons last year too, which is also the same with The Show.


Pretty sure you could use either last year (trigger or shoulder) to advance/retreat all runners and holding both shoulder buttons froze the runners. Now that they have a setup specifically for the lead runner you can't.


Won my first USA League Game as Oklahoma outlasts Ohio 3-1. Starting at Ego 39 across the board. Will tweak as necessary.

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