Digital Gaming Arena Forum

Forum => The Locker Room => Topic started by: Jason on January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM

Title: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 31, 2014 @ 05:25 PM
I figured I'd start a new thread instead of continuing in the "PlayStation Black Friday Deals" thread.

I'm working my way through Unit 13 now that I completed Killzone and I just downloaded F1 2011 since it was only $14.99. I'm looking forward to trying out a few races this weekend.

I still think it's such a shame that the Vita is not better supported because this could easily be my only/primary game system.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 31, 2014 @ 06:27 PM
Whew. At first I thought this was going to be a Personal Grooming Thread. Carry on.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 31, 2014 @ 06:38 PM
I'm in no position to write about personal grooming :)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 31, 2014 @ 08:27 PM
Just played a handful of races in F1 2011 and it's great. Not sure how I didn't find this game earlier as I've been looking for a good simulation racer on the Vita.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2014 @ 01:37 PM
I just started my career in F1 on the Vita and am also working my way through Killzone Shadow Fall (PS4) via remote play. I broke down and ordered a 16GB memory card for the Vita since Amazon had them on sale for only $37. I'll move all my games to the new card and use my current 8GB card for movies only. I'm probably going to buy Uncharted next and and needed some free space anyway.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 07, 2014 @ 05:29 PM
So if I'm understanding this correctly you can play any PS4 game on your Vita remotely?  Like it streams to the device or something?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2014 @ 07:07 PM
Yes, that's correct. You can connect wirelessly directly with the PS4 or over the Internet. I have a direct, wireless connection to my son's PS4 and it works flawlessly. This type of connection works best if you're within 20 feet of the PS4. We leave the PS4 in standby mode and once my son goes to bed I can power on and play his PS4 remotely right from my Vita.

So far I've tried it with NBA 2k14, Need for Speed and now Killzone and it works great. I haven't noticed any lag and the PS4 graphics look impressive on the small Vita screen. I've heard it doesn't work as well over the Internet, but that's not my intended use for remote play.

Here's a video showing it in action: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 07, 2014 @ 09:29 PM
So when it streams wireless it isn't using the internet?  They just communicate with each other?  And it might be obvious, but you can't play a different game of the PS4 when someone is streaming to the Vita?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2014 @ 11:23 PM
You can also connect to the PS4 via your wireless router. Sony recommends connecting to whichever one your Vita is closer to. My son's room is right next to my living room, so I connect directly to his PS4. I plan on trying the connection through my router which is in my office on the other side of my house.

Right, remote play essentially takes over the console. If my son turned his tv on, he'd be able to watch me play. What is nice though is that I can play on his PS4 remotely while he's playing his Xbox even though they're connected to the same tv.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 08, 2014 @ 12:04 PM
What about this.....If I had the items could I connect the Vita to my PC monitor and stream the PS4 to my Vita, holding the Vita in my hand and streaming the Vita's output screen to my monitor?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 08, 2014 @ 04:21 PM
There's no way to output the Vita display to a TV or monitor. To do that, you'd need to buy the Vita TV (, which is also compatible with remote play.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2014 @ 05:47 PM
My 16GB memory card came today and Sony's Content Manager made it so easy to move all the data from my old 8GB card to the new 16GB card. I really like being able to backup my Vita to my personal computer.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 11, 2014 @ 09:11 PM
Backing up to your PC is a great feature.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2014 @ 08:02 PM
Not only can you backup your entire system, but you can backup any of your games so you don't have to re-download them from the Sony site if you ever delete them and want to reinstall them again. I did that a few times until I upgraded my memory card. I know Sony isn't some fly-by-night company that will just disappear overnight, but I still like being able to have my own backups of downloaded games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 13, 2014 @ 01:19 AM
Killing time until Thief hits.  Peggle 2 is pretty darn addictive but you can play that so much. Still playing Dead Rising 3 and mowing down hordes of zombies.  I am also looking forward to the Golf Club game and playing around with the course editor.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 15, 2014 @ 08:18 AM
This would be interesting.


Amazon has been buying up some game developers as of late and there were rumors of an Amazon set top box.  I am a huge fan of Amazon and if this were to ever happen, customer service in the video game business would go up by about 2000%.   
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 15, 2014 @ 02:02 PM
I only shop online with Amazon and would seriously reconsider buying an Xbox One if something like this ever happened.

Is this guy a legit source?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 15, 2014 @ 08:16 PM
The guy is an insider but it looks like he may have been reaching with this one.

A guy from MS has already scoffed at it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 16, 2014 @ 11:50 AM
Any way you slice it, the Bone is in trouble.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 16, 2014 @ 08:08 PM
There are certain games that will be instrumental in the success of the Xbox One. Titanfall and Halo 5.  They really need to put out a sku without the Kinect and match the PS4 price. The one that should be worrying is Nintendo and the WiiU.

I am not worried because I will end up with a PS4 when they have some games cone out for it that I like.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 16, 2014 @ 10:09 PM
I don't think the Xbox One will be a failure, but it won't be as successful as the XB360. The PS4 is going to be the top-selling console of the new generation, but the Xbox One will still sell a lot of consoles.

As for Nintendo...they're dead in the water as a console company. The Wii U is a joke and deserves the swift death coming its way.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 17, 2014 @ 06:07 AM
The latest NPD numbers are worrying for consoles in general, and XB1 in particular. Obviously, WiiU is stillborn and will probably have the plug pulled in a couple of years.
After the initial surge of hardcore buyers gets their new consoles, how will they sell to casuals? Or has a large part of the market moved on from consoles?
There definitely is talk of MS freaking out if their situation doesn't improve after this quarter. A Kinect-less SKU may help,but then there is no difference between the less powerful console and its' better performing competition. You betcha-Titanfall and H5 better clean up. Those are both big ifs.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2014 @ 09:10 AM
It is way to early to tell how well these consoles are going to do based on 3 months of sales data. Speaking of which the Xbox 360 launched in Nov 05 and had no competition. In the same 3 months, with direct competition the Xbox One has easily outsold the 360 in the same time frame.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 17, 2014 @ 08:26 PM
We'll agree to disagree...I'm officially declaring the next-gen console wars over with the PS4 walking away the victor  ;)

Microsoft released a less-powerful system for $100 more than the PS4. Just today another 3rd party title (Metal Gear Solid V) was announced to run at 1080p on the PS4 and only 720p on the Xbox One.

I understand that graphics aren't everything and I'm sure both games will look very close to each other, but most people base their buying decisions only on specs and right now it seems that every 3rd party game runs better on the PS4. To be quite honest, I saw the PS3 and Xbox 360 screenshots compared to the Xbox One and PS4 screenshots and didn't think there was that much of a difference.

I think Microsoft's biggest problem is that in the past, it was hard to compare the power of the consoles because their architectures were so different. It was truly like comparing apples to oranges and that's not the case anymore. They're both based off of Radeon graphics cards and most people know the the PS4 packs the more powerful and later-gen graphics card along with with faster RAM.

First party titles can certainly make a difference, but I think both sides stack up pretty evenly in that regard too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2014 @ 08:51 PM
We will actually have to agree about agreeing. I have no doubt that the PS4 will be the biggest seller this generation. It is simply way to early to go doom and gloom in regards to the Xbox One. 

The irony in regards to graphics are that PS3 owners did not give two shits that their console was the one that generally underperformed and in some cases damn near unplayable compared to the 360.  All of us Sony gamers who played the greatness that was Uncharted 2/3, The Last of Us, GTA5, just to name a few, did so in native 720P with 30 FPS and loved every minute of it. Now all of a sudden these same Sony gamers commit suicide if a game dares to not reach the glorious 1080P and 60FPS (locked).

The graphical difference is there but it is pretty darn slight and I have seen it firsthand with the PS4/One versions of COD and Battlefield. I do not play framerates and resolutions, I just play games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 18, 2014 @ 11:05 AM
I'm not predicting doom and gloom for the Xbox One. I stated earlier that I didn't think it would be a failure, but it won't sell as many units as Microsoft hoped for. People hoping for it to fail should realize that no competition for Sony is NOT a good thing.

Speaking of Uncharted, I started playing my copy of Uncharted on the Vita. It's got a good Tomb Raider vibe and looks amazing for a handheld game. I'm only on the first chapter, but I have a feeling I'll progress through it pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 19, 2014 @ 06:45 PM
Made it to chapter 5 in Uncharted last night...can't wait until there's a version for the PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 20, 2014 @ 07:48 AM
Just hit LVL 50 in Dead Rising 3 with 30,000 zombie kills.  So far this is my favorite next gen game.  As much as I loved GTA V, they really screwed the pooch limiting indoor environments.  DR3 is nowhere as large, in regards to map size but there are so many indoor places to explore. Not only that some of the locked up buildings are opened as you move your way through the story.

I just hope MS sorts out the patch/update issues. They went from tiny patches last gen to monstrous patches. DR3 being the biggest culprit with a 5GB and then a 13GB update. Fortunately the majority of these updates are overwriting existing content on the HD or this would be damn near a 50GB game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 20, 2014 @ 10:27 AM
I'm on chapter 9 of 34, so I'm a little bit over 25% done. I'd love to be able to play the PS3 versions on the PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 20, 2014 @ 06:58 PM
The first one is kind of bland compared to the last two.  Uncharted 2 for me is the best of the bunch.  Of course you will be able to play those games on the PS4 eventually through Play Now. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 21, 2014 @ 07:47 PM
Just purchased Dirt 3 for $4.99 from Xbox Live. I've always been interested in Dirt 3, and really enjoyed Dirt 2, so I couldn't pass up on the $5 price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 23, 2014 @ 10:07 PM
Now reaching 60,000 zombies killed.  I have been butchering them the past few days now that I am leveled up and vehicles are indestructible.

This truly is the best vehicle ever!

Dead Rising 3 Best Vehicle Ever the Rollerhawg (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 25, 2014 @ 10:26 PM
So after 75,000 zombie kills, beating the game and every side mission, it was time to move on to something else.  Had to go to the big city so I traded in Dead Rising 3 (for an impressive $43 I might add - rare thank you Gamestop) so I used that to get Rayman Legends. Been years since I have played a platformer but I figured now was as good as any to try it out.

Also picked up Thief, even with the mediocre reviews, I wanted something stealthy and enjoyed the previous Thief games.  Nothing like buying a brand new game, going to install it and being told their is a 6 freaking GB patch to install first.  >:(  Not that I really did not see that coming but still.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 26, 2014 @ 07:54 AM
Wow, Rayman Legends is a very impressive game. Especially for the amount of content (120 levels plus extras and daily online trials) for $39.99. Plus you get some of the levels from the previous game "Origins."  The art direction is great but the music is even better and I have only scratched the surface. My only gripe is the levels where you have to control the frog can be a bit cumbersome, especially for an old fart like me. So far I have done three online trials, 5 normal levels and one chase level and did not want to put the controller down. While the levels were 5-15 minutes long, I went through each of them a couple times to collect all the items to get a gold rating. At least two to three hours spent on that alone.  Did not even touch Thief.  I highly recommend this game, which based on it's review scores should not need recommending.  I am kicking myself for not purchasing both of these on the 360 last year while I was waiting for GTAV to hit. Had them in the cart and something held me back from pulling the trigger.

$21.99 for the Vita version at Amazon.    ;) (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 26, 2014 @ 10:58 AM
There's a demo for it that I'm going to download and try. They also have Rayman Origins for only $6.49 on the PS Store.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 26, 2014 @ 06:32 PM
I'm guessing the PS3 version is a bit different than the Vita version because there's a lot of touchscreen controls in the Vita demo of Legends.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 26, 2014 @ 07:03 PM
I would think so.  It was built for the WiiU so the touch screen is a big feature in it, the Vita and probably to an en extent the PS4 version.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 26, 2014 @ 07:34 PM
April 16th can't cone soon enough. My favorite XBLA game is back!   Also now available for PC and PS4. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 03, 2014 @ 01:21 PM
Reached chapter 16 of Uncharted last night after not playing for a few days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 04, 2014 @ 11:13 PM
Peggle 2 finally gets online multiplayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I jump in, 4 players 10 rounds a match and you shoot at the same time.  I win ten or so straight matches because it appears the other three do not have a firm grasp of what is a pretty simple game. So the one with the microphone on and I am guessing Elementary School age, begins to scream, cry, pout, etc and such after each defeat. He then looks up my account to see the OU Sooner in my avatar. So started the Sooner trash talk about all the National Championships his Alabama team had won and that Bob Stoops was the supreme choker. It was at that point I left the game.

Online Gaming would be great if not for online gamers. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 05, 2014 @ 08:35 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on March 04, 2014 @ 11:13 PM
Online Gaming would be great if not for online gamers. 

Well said.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 05, 2014 @ 10:44 AM
I think there is a lot of closeted mental illness out there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 05, 2014 @ 05:10 PM
And horrendous parenting.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 15, 2014 @ 10:38 AM
Finally finished Uncharted last night. I'll start playing MLB 13 for a few weeks before 14 comes out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 15, 2014 @ 02:42 PM
I'm up to 2017 in MLB 13 and my Mariners have finally made the playoffs (I sim and only do franchise work for the regular and off season.  I play the games in post season).  I lost my first game to the Indians 4-2.   It's been months since I've played the game and I am still amazed at how good it is.

Have also fallen back into relaxing with few rounds of Nation Red in the evening.  Man I love putting on some hard, driving, music and killing zombies in this one.  I've managed to work my high score up to 33,600,000 or so with took me from 810th in the world to 796th.  My previous high score had put me in the high 700's, but that had been slowly eroded over the last few months.  It was good to get back to where I was.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 22, 2014 @ 02:02 PM
I lost two straight at home to the Indians and am facing elimination from the first round going into Cleveland.

On the positive side, this morning I reached 35,583,818 in Nation Red to move to 732 in the world.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2014 @ 08:05 PM
I've been playing a lot of WWE '13 lately and finally decided to buy 2K14 with the recent price drop to $40. The new version supposedly fixes my two biggest annoyances with '13...the slow speeds of the attacks and the reversal system.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 22, 2014 @ 10:09 PM PS3 started acting up with some nasty graphic glitches and some sparkling on blu-ray playback. Either the video card or the blu-ray drive(or both) are starting to go.
I boxed the 'ol girl up with all my PS3 games and traded her in on a shiny new PS4. I am now fully involved with "next-gen" gaming.
Woo-Hoo :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2014 @ 11:16 PM
Congrats! Did you pick up any games for it?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 23, 2014 @ 12:13 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on March 22, 2014 @ 10:09 PM PS3 started acting up with some nasty graphic glitches and some sparkling on blu-ray playback. Either the video card or the blu-ray drive(or both) are starting to go.
I boxed the 'ol girl up with all my PS3 games and traded her in on a shiny new PS4. I am now fully involved with "next-gen" gaming.
Woo-Hoo :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

What kind of trade in value is there for just the PS3 console?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 23, 2014 @ 08:50 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 22, 2014 @ 11:16 PM
Congrats! Did you pick up any games for it?

Ghosts...I've read nothing but bad stuff about BF4 glitches. I looked hard at Killzone,but worried the playerbase might be too small. I'll get it a little bit down the road.
I also downloaded all of the free stuff for Plus, including both pinball titles. Zen Pinball 2 was cool enough to give me the tables I purchased for it on PS3 for free.
I put the thing through its' Blu-Ray paces watching American Hustle,as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 23, 2014 @ 08:52 AM
Quote from: Ted on March 23, 2014 @ 12:13 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on March 22, 2014 @ 10:09 PM PS3 started acting up with some nasty graphic glitches and some sparkling on blu-ray playback. Either the video card or the blu-ray drive(or both) are starting to go.
I boxed the 'ol girl up with all my PS3 games and traded her in on a shiny new PS4. I am now fully involved with "next-gen" gaming.
Woo-Hoo :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

What kind of trade in value is there for just the PS3 console?

For my 120GB slim they quoted me $75, which multiplied by 50% for their upgrade promotion.
I probably could have made a bit more via Craigslist,but I did not want to go through that ordeal.
There is only about a hundred PS3s for sale there already.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 23, 2014 @ 08:53 AM
Not to go off topic, but I watched American Hustle on blu-ray this week and really enjoyed it. I thought Christian Bale was great in it.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 23, 2014 @ 10:48 AM
Got eliminated from the playoffs.  Swept by Cleveland.  On to 2018!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 23, 2014 @ 11:25 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 23, 2014 @ 08:53 AM
Not to go off topic, but I watched American Hustle on blu-ray this week and really enjoyed it. I thought Christian Bale was great in it.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Amy Adams distracted me through the whole movie :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 23, 2014 @ 11:51 AM
I can't imagine why ;)

I never realized how hot she is until I saw this movie. My wife thinks she's the reason I liked the movie so much.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 23, 2014 @ 07:15 PM
Quote from: Jason on March 23, 2014 @ 11:51 AM
My wife thinks she's the reason I liked the movie so much.

Better she thinks that than knowing it was for Christian Bale.  ???  Amy Adams is amazing, never really understood everyone's attraction to Jennifer Lawrence?  She is a fine actress and I just watched Catching fire but I have never really found her that attractive.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 23, 2014 @ 07:36 PM
She does refer to Christian Bale as "my boy".

Jennifer Lawrence is really hit or miss. There are times she looks amazing and times she looks terrible. Even at her best, she has what I call "slutty good looks".
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 23, 2014 @ 08:50 PM
Yeah, a bit of butter face without makeup but kickin' bod.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 24, 2014 @ 10:16 AM
I bought Fifa 13 for the Vita last night for $20 after trying the demo. It looks and plays much better than I expected.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 25, 2014 @ 08:00 PM
Wanted to play some Titanfall, XBL is down for this and Forza, amongst other things.


Really wish they had some sort of single player...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 04, 2014 @ 06:27 AM
Really have done a 180 with Titanfall since they have started working on better matchmaking. Also getting comfortable with setups for each map has helped a bunch. Hardly anyone speaks, which is great and I have only had to mute a couple people.  Have already regenerated once and getting ready to regenerate to Gen 3.  What makes the game fresh is the goals change and difficulty ramps up as they make the requirements to regenerate to the next Gen more challenging. I never used the shotgun but it is a requirement to regenerate and reach Gen 3. Now it is my go to weapon on certain maps. Regenerating adds a challenge for all players as you lose everything you unlocked and while you have a cool numerical badge next to you, skill really has to take over since your equipment is the same as someone who just started the game (outside of the sweet burn cards you get when you regenerate , like being able to start a match with a Titan). Not to mention for those who plan to continue to rank up to the next gen, a crutch that forces you into using weapons that are not a preference.

Can't wait for new modes and maps.  Attrition (Titanfall's version of Team Death Match) and Hardpoint are the only ones I play. Those are also the only two modes used throughout the "campaign."  Hardpoint requires some teamwork and when nobody on your team is talking, it kind of makes it a clusterfuck.  Never cared for capture the flag and there are a few more I have yet to toy with.  I prefer Attrition because AI (bot) kills count for something. It seems silly to have them in the game, running around on the screen trying to shoot you and killing them gives you nothing in return (another knock against Hardpoint and other game modes).

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 05, 2014 @ 09:02 PM
Looks like I'm sellling my 360. My neighbor needs one and I really don't play it now.
I thought I would keep playing with the crew I roll with in Ghosts,but it just doesn't hold my interest now.
I especially don't want to keep buying DLC for 360 titles, and I'm not going to get any more games for it.
I'll roll the money into more DLC/games for PS4 and just be done with it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 06, 2014 @ 01:50 AM
Made it the World Series in 2018 by defeating the Blue Jays in 6 for the penant.

Mariners vs Cardinals with home advantage to Seattle. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 06, 2014 @ 06:55 AM
Changed my Xbox One Username to:  PETA Kills PUPS

Informative and factual. Will make a new PSN with it once I grab a PS4.

Made it to Gen 3 in Titanfall.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 06, 2014 @ 06:58 PM
I agree with your new user name and support your cause to make it public.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 06, 2014 @ 07:26 PM
I already got my first "suck it PETA" after someone killed me.   ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 09, 2014 @ 06:11 AM
Off Screen footage of RBI 14. (

Really looking forward to getting that PS4 for my baseball needs.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 09, 2014 @ 05:30 PM
Just for the record, I called this in January: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 09, 2014 @ 09:27 PM
Some great news for the Xbox 360 owners converting to the PS4. (

I will be double dipping once I get a PS4. I beat the game but sold my PS3 before the expansion came out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 11, 2014 @ 08:11 PM
This has to be a bit embarrassing for Microsoft. (

The game is not exactly a graphical powerhouse and the developers last two Trials games were Xbox Only (Evolution was ported to PC horribly).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 12, 2014 @ 04:56 PM
There's a real bottleneck in the hardware,evidently. Hence the new "Games" focus.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 13, 2014 @ 05:41 PM
Even more embarrassing. (

Was only 800p before the day one patch.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 17, 2014 @ 06:34 PM
And so it begins.... NPD for March. (


PS4 sells the most hardware (no numbers so far).

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 17, 2014 @ 07:00 PM
The gifs have been amusing so far.


Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 17, 2014 @ 08:44 PM
Lol,those are awesome. :)) The non-partisan takeaway is that demand for next-gen is real and strong. This holiday season will be huge. C:-)

On the other hand, ;) MS is out of bullets. Does winning necessarily matter? :-\ Man, Halo 5 better be the shizzz. ^-^

Then again;(

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 17, 2014 @ 08:57 PM
Never cared for Halo, Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break are the only 2014 MS Exclusives I am interested in right now (not including exclusive indie titles like Below, which looks awesome). Project Spark was once on the list but the beta turned me off.

Will Sony win worldwide? Yes.
Will MS be successful enough to not pull a WiiU?  You betcha, the WiiU is the turd of this gen.

The Xbox One is outperforming the 360 by quite a bit in comparison to each systems first few months after launch and the Xbox One is doing so with the PS4 eating up sales, the 360 had no new consoles to compete against.  No doom and gloom here. 

Just offer a Kinectless model or drop the who thing to $399.  With only multiplatform games the next few months I do not expect to see much from MS until the Fall.  They better have one heck of an E3.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 17, 2014 @ 09:12 PM
Forgot to add...  Buy Trials Fusion! Support Red Lynx and the only motocross game worth a damn on consoles.

Do have some complains.  Hate the trick levels and the trick system as it is janky but fortunately there are only a few of them to deal with.  Get rid of the Panda (ATV) and stop making tracks that they are the only available thing to ride with. It controls like the Hindenburg and takes away from the skill set that makes Trials what it is.  Too few tracks and too many of those are beginner/easy/medium tracks.  We need double the hard tracks and a couple more extreme. Also, too few tracks and skill events to begin with.  I bought the Season Pass so it will be nice to have new official tracks pop up every so often. Online Multipayer, why the hell did you not launch with this? 

Just waiting for people to get rolling with the track editor to start adding new content.  One cool thing is that each track has 3 option obective to perform. Some things hidden, others are trying to beat the track with a specific bike. It adds to the longevity of each track.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 17, 2014 @ 09:39 PM
I agree...the Xbox One will definitely not be another Wii U. It won't win in hardware sales against the PS4 but it will be far from a failure. I am waiting for them to start talking about how cloud computing will make the Xbox One even more powerful, which is really going to amount to nothing.

On a personal note, I'm playing the shit out of The Show. What I like the most is that while pitching, each at-bat against the CPU is a battle. I'll have to throw a minimum of 8 pitches per at-bat.

I also helped my 3-year-old son beat Lego Batman 2 on the DS. What's surprising is that he played about 70% of the game and I only had to help with 30%. He's playing through it a second time all by himself.

I have the Sly Cooper Trilogy and God of War 1 and 2 Collection ordered for the Vita, so I'll have no shortage of mobile gaming any time soon.

I'm passing on Trials Fusion and any other version of Trials...I have enough aggravation in my life already.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 18, 2014 @ 12:03 AM
Are you using the quick counts at all?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 18, 2014 @ 01:37 AM
Quote from: Jason on April 17, 2014 @ 09:39 PM
I'm passing on Trials Fusion and any other version of Trials...I have enough aggravation in my life already.

Game is a breeze until you get to the extreme levels. Oddly enough I am better on the hard and extreme tracks than I am on the 3 easier levels (leaderboard wise). My hands are actually shaking right now as I just finished all the extreme tracks in one setting. They can put some serious wear and tear on both your hands and left thumb.

Quote from: Jason on April 17, 2014 @ 09:39 PM
I also helped my 3-year-old son beat Lego Batman 2 on the DS. What's surprising is that he played about 70% of the game and I only had to help with 30%. He's playing through it a second time all by himself.

Pretty sure when I was three I watched Sesame Street, broke most of my toys and pooped in my pants. Kudos to your youngest son.   :D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 18, 2014 @ 01:52 AM
Hardware numbers, minus Sony since they have not posted console numbers instead.

PS4: Best selling platform.
Xbox One: 311K
3DS: 159K (-30.9%)
Xbox 360: 111K
Wii U: 70K (+4.5%)
Wii: 28K
Vita: 10K (-69.7%)

Maybe they should consider not posting those handheld numbers either, Vita has been horrendous for some time now.  Another kudos to your youngest for not just being good at games, at such an early age but knowing which handheld to play.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 18, 2014 @ 06:05 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on April 17, 2014 @ 08:57 PM
Never cared for Halo, Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break are the only 2014 MS Exclusives I am interested in right now (not including exclusive indie titles like Below, which looks awesome). Project Spark was once on the list but the beta turned me off.

Will Sony win worldwide? Yes.
Will MS be successful enough to not pull a WiiU?  You betcha, the WiiU is the turd of this gen.

The Xbox One is outperforming the 360 by quite a bit in comparison to each systems first few months after launch and the Xbox One is doing so with the PS4 eating up sales, the 360 had no new consoles to compete against.  No doom and gloom here. 

Just offer a Kinectless model or drop the who thing to $399.  With only multiplatform games the next few months I do not expect to see much from MS until the Fall.  They better have one heck of an E3.

Obviously,not a WiiU deal,but it will be interesting to see what MS does. No-one would have predicted a $50 price cut 4 months in and the complete giveaway of their killer app. These reactions are without precedent in this space. This isn't 2006 and MS is a different company now. The market has changed as well and consoles face more competition.

Now will the "Kinect is Xbone,Xbone is Kinect" mantra continue? They've probably built so many of the damn things that not throwing them in won't save them any money.
Another price cut so early in the life cycle could send a message to potential buyers as well as developers and publishers. A message of panic and a kind of stink around the brand that may be damaging long-term. Having hundreds of thousands of these things sitting in stores is bad too. The pallets stacked with them everywhere looks bad,especially to casuals and undecideds.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 18, 2014 @ 08:56 AM
Quote from: Ted on April 18, 2014 @ 12:03 AM
Are you using the quick counts at all?

No. I'm in no hurry to get through my games and the pitcher/batter battle is so good this year that you're doing yourself a disservice by using quick counts imo.

The main reason I don't have to rush through games is because I can pause my game and put the Vita in sleep mode if something comes up and just pick up where I left off later. It's something I didn't even think about when I bought the Vita, but it's become such an important feature to me. For example, I started a game against the Pirates last night before bed and have it paused and in sleep mode until I can continue playing it later today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 18, 2014 @ 11:00 AM
Can't you just save and exit and later reload the game?  In 13 on the 3 you can do that.  I don't think it's a negative that you can put it in sleep mode just curious if they didn't include the save mid game feature in Vita, or it would be bad for me if it wasn't in 14 on the 3.  On the mainland this weekend and thinking of getting 14 for the 3  since I feel a 4 purchase is still on the distant horizon for us.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 18, 2014 @ 05:32 PM
The Vita doesn't offer that option on 14 and I never noticed it on 13, so I'll have to check. What's nice is that pause and sleep mode works with any game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 23, 2014 @ 09:26 AM
I found out last night that there are mid-game saves in the Vita version of MLB 14. I've been playing exhibition games only at all the stadiums until the first patch was released and there's no mid-game saves in that mode. I started a new playoff series last night and the option to save my game was there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 29, 2014 @ 06:51 PM
Quote from: Ted on April 18, 2014 @ 11:00 AM
On the mainland this weekend and thinking of getting 14 for the 3  since I feel a 4 purchase is still on the distant horizon for us.

Did you ever pick up MLB 14?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on May 01, 2014 @ 11:02 PM
I did.  I've messed with it a bit, mostly the RTTS part and then some exhibitions with quick counts on with both fast play and then full broadcast because I wanted to get a feel for how it played with the different options turned on.  I already noticed additional animations and was particularly impressed with how the AI played balls of the wall in the outfield.  A minor addition that I really liked was the total pitch count addition in the score overlay.  Even though I'm anxious to transition to 14 I didn't want to mess with franchise until I finished my current season in 13, which concluded tonight with a 5th game loss in the ALDS against Toronto.  I battled back from a 2-0 deficit to tie the series and then lost 6-5 at home in the 5th game.  It was one of the best video baseball games I've ever played.  Toronto ended up losing to the Dodgers in 7 in the WS.

Now that that's over (in the year 2023) I'm ready to start again with 14 and sim the seasons while playing the postseasons if I make it.

Edit: I find the RTTS mode incredibly mundane and repetitive.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 02, 2014 @ 08:24 PM
What fielding and batting modes do you use? I use button fielding and zone batting. I also use the "Normal" swing all the time and still hit plenty of home runs.

Yes, I noticed how much better the AI plays balls off the outfield wall immediately in this year's game. It's a small change that makes a big least to me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on May 02, 2014 @ 08:46 PM
Analog everything.  I use power hitting when I get a 3-0 or 3-1 count, but I also guess pitch and location and wait for my pitch so I rarely get to use that swing.  I hit plenty of homers using normal hitting and the AI seems to hit plenty off me.  Also veteran difficulty across the board.  I have gotten the pitching up to Legendary for a few games and even held my own, but I get a better variety of games keeping everything on veteran.  All Star hitting is just a bit too hard for me at my age/reflex level.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 06, 2014 @ 07:26 PM
My copy of the "God of War HD Collection" for the Vita arrived today so I'm looking forward to playing the first 2 games. I've played the demos on the PS2, but I've never played the full games.

The Microsoft Store has a great deal on "Splinter Cell: Blacklist" for only $9.99, so I just ordered a copy. I've been interested in the game since I first saw the trailer for it and I couldn't pass it up at that price.

I finally started my MLB 14 season. I was holding out for the first title update before starting it, but I got tired of waiting. So far I haven't had any the freezing issues that people are talking about.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 11, 2014 @ 09:56 AM
I finished the first God of War last night. Brilliant game with some frustratingly hard parts. I'm going to play a few more season games of MLB 14 before diving into GoW II.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 11, 2014 @ 05:13 PM
Came into some $$,so I bought another PS3,500GB super slim. Spent the weekend filling up that thing with all of the games from Plus I've had.
Still prefer the 3 over the 4 for media stuff,too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 19, 2014 @ 05:09 PM
Almost done with GoW 2 and was able to pick up "The Amazing Spider-Man" for my son for only $15.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 21, 2014 @ 04:13 PM
I need to re-acquire the GoW games. Think I'll get the Saga pack with all 5.
Got around to playing GT6. It's still GT, but is a big step up from GT5.
Re-acquired RDR, this time on PS3. Love the game, but it runs like ass on PS3.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 21, 2014 @ 11:32 PM
It's funny that you mentioned RDR. I finally saw Django Unchained this week and it got me in the mood to play RDR again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on May 22, 2014 @ 12:50 AM
Anyone playing a franchise in The Show?  Or is it just exhibitions out there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 22, 2014 @ 05:58 AM
Just exhibition and online for me, atm.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 22, 2014 @ 08:56 AM
I'm 22 games into my season. No franchise for me until they release a patch for the Vita that prevents lockups in Franchise mode.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on May 24, 2014 @ 04:02 PM
A-Rod just retired with the Yankees at the end of 2017.  His line was:

AB 11109
H 3258
HR 683
RBI 2106
AVG .293

His last season with over 400 AB was 2015.  He hit 5 HR the last two years combined.

David Ortiz retired as a Brewer with:

AB 7859
H 2242
HR 470
RBI 1552
AVG .285

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 31, 2014 @ 02:16 PM
Just finished God of War II. I'm a little disappointed that it ended on a cliff-hanger since I don't have the option to play the third one on the Vita. While it was a great game, I also found myself very frustrated with the difficulty at times, so maybe it's a good thing the third one is not available on the Vita. Now I'm off to start the Sly Cooper trilogy on the Vita and Splinter Cell: Blacklist on the 360.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 26, 2014 @ 02:38 PM
I let the hype get to me and just ordered FIFA World Cup 2014. I like that the world cup game is slightly more arcadey than the regular FIFA series.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 26, 2014 @ 06:22 PM
Actually just canceled my order for it and decided to buy and download it directly from Xbox Live.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 30, 2014 @ 08:40 AM
Actually finished the story mode in Injustice yesterday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 30, 2014 @ 06:50 PM
You're quite the busy bee. :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 30, 2014 @ 09:01 PM
Arkham City...finished.

Debating whether I should start Arkham Origins or Splinter Cell.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 01, 2014 @ 08:19 AM
Quote from: Jason on June 30, 2014 @ 09:01 PM

Arkham City...finished.

Debating whether I should start Arkham Origins or Splinter Cell.

I may have jumped the gun a bit. I have the Harley Quinn DLC and some side missions I want to complete before moving on from Arkham City.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 23, 2014 @ 11:44 AM
I decided to buy Arkham Origins even though it received mixed reviews, although most of the complaints were about game-saving issues and freeze-ups which have since been fixed. I realize it wasn't made by Rocksteady, but it seems to be much better least to my eyes. Gotham is much bigger and detailed. I'm only a few missions in so far, but the graphics alone made the purchase worth it to me, especially since Amazon was selling it for $20.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 23, 2014 @ 04:01 PM
That superhero sale this week is crazy. I'ma get Batman AA, Injustice, and MK vs. DCU.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 23, 2014 @ 05:49 PM
Apparently today is "Batman Day". I had no idea.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 25, 2014 @ 11:10 PM
Only about 25% through the story in Arkham Origins but I'm enjoying it more than Arkham City. The crime scene investigations are a nice addition too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 04, 2014 @ 06:56 PM
Watch Dogs for the XB360 dropped to $39 so I went ahead and ordered it. I've watched a lot of comparison videos between the PS4/XBOne and PS3/XB360 versions and felt the last-gen versions weren't too bad graphically.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 09, 2014 @ 03:50 PM
Almost done with Arkham Origins. I'm hoping to finish it up before I leave on vacation Monday morning. Also played the first few chapters in Watch Dogs and like it so far. That'll get my full attention once I finish Arkham Origins.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 25, 2014 @ 10:44 PM
Well, I'm back from vacation for almost two weeks and I still haven't gotten a chance to finish Arkham Origins. My 3-year-old is starting to hog up my PS3 with his Ninja Turtles game.

My plan is to still finish AO sometime soon and move onto Watch Dogs. I have been playing a bunch of single races with NASCAR 14 and really enjoy it with the Speed Wheel. There are times I'll just run 25-30 laps in "Track Testing" just because I enjoy the handling. The subtle turns are a perfect fit for the wheel where regular racing games can feel a little uncontrollable with it.

Finally, I bought Assassins Creed 3: Liberation for my Vita. I was looking for something with a semi-open world and the graphics are pretty impressive. I'm only about 1 hour into it, but it's pretty good so far. It's a shame they don't have a true Arkham game on the Vita (instead of the 2.5D Blackgate) because AC 3 shows it could have been done.

I was considering Madden 15 on the XB360 until I saw how little was added to the old generation versions. My sports gaming will probably be put on hold until I move onto the PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2014 @ 06:52 AM
Traded my Xbox One for a PS4! lives...  Might end up getting an Xbox One again down the line once more exclusives come out and a new Trials game (played a ton of Fusion and burned out on it). Just not a Halo guy and the only game I will miss this year from MS is Sunset Overdrive.  I still hate the PS4 controller. The only redeeming value for me is the little speaker is cool when used properly and the touchscreen has been useful in many games.  The thing I miss most about the XB1 controller (outside the layout of the sticks) is the rumble feedback in the triggers.  You really miss that on racing games and for me Trials Fusion .  Also the battery life on the PS4 controller sucks. I am lucky to get 6-8 hours before having to charge it.

That said the exclusive games for the PS4 just suit me better. The Last of Us Remastered is still the best looking game I have played on a next gen console. Finally got to play Last Light, the DLC and it was terrific. Infamous Second Son is a close second in the graphical dept and was a blast.  One thing TLOU Remaster taught me is that 60FPS is just a thing of beauty. I never really played into the 30/60FPS war and was always content with a game as long as it tried to be a consistent 30fps.  Then Naughty Dog goes in and gives you the option to play TLOU Remastered in 60fps or a locked 30. The difference is stunning.

Big day for games and my library. Madden 15 is coming from Amazon, the Infamous DLC is already pre-loaded and just waiting for the timer to go off and I will be downloading The Golf Club once it shows up on PSN tomorrow.

Forgot to add that the NHL 15 Demo is out today.  Shame they half-assed it on the features end (No connected GM or EASHL) but I will still stick pick it up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2014 @ 07:04 AM
I played a little Watch dogs on the XB1 but did not get far.  Just cranked it up for the PS4 and hopefully I can get into it.  It just feels too much like the AC games. Also removing the ability to shoot from inside you car was a horrible idea. Sure they are trying to get you to hack all the stoplights, bridges, etc to avoid them but it does not really help when guys are spraying bullets in your car and all you have is your phone.

Also have Pure Pool which is a beautiful billiards game. A bit glitchy online from what I hear but the single player is the best I have played. The use of the Analog stick is better than any other pool game, not to mention the ability to hold a button to make a short/slower shot.

For some reason we can't get a freaking Tennis game on any system but there will be two more pool games coming out on the PS4.  Oddly enough Pure Pool was made by the guys who made Hustle Kings. The new Hustle Kings will be published by Sony using some other team.  Then Pool Nation returns on the XB1 and now on the PS4.  I did not care for either game as they were too dependent on trick shots.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2014 @ 10:17 AM
I never knew you needed an Xbox Live Gold membership to download roster updates for Madden. Just one more reason I'm glad I skipped it this year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 26, 2014 @ 11:37 AM
I'm in week 27 of my rookie season of Nascar 13 The Game career.  This week is Indianapolis.  I'm current in 22nd place out of 43 and playing on Champion (toughest setting) and 20% race length.  I've managed to pull off two wins and 7 top 10 finishes so far, although my qualifying is abysmal and I haven't qualified higher than 26th in any race.  My success is due to clean driving and fuel management usually garnering me one less pit stop than my competitors.  It's been a suprisingly fun experience so far considering the negative reviews the game has received.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2014 @ 10:28 PM
So far, thumbs up to Madden 15. Game looks great, except for the sidelines. Love the switching of the cameras, especially on D. Defensive camera will take getting used to but it is the camera I have always wanted.  Playing on All-Pro and on my first run I took it 80 yards to the house. Was a bit concerned but the CPU can run the ball down your throat and I did throw a pick on my next possession. Eager to try the skills stuff and the gauntlet.

The Golf Club is a little underwhelming. It looks okay but closer to something you might see on a last gen system.  The longevity will be with all those courses that are created.  Odd thing was the download for the full PS4 version was under 1GB and the Xbox One version was just under 2GB. Will have to see what the devs say about that.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2014 @ 02:10 AM
The Golf Club is growing on me after a few rounds. It is not a looker but plays a challenging round of golf. The only distance available for each club is how far it will carry. When you zoom out to see where a ball will land, there are no markers shown, just an approximation based on the camera. So you have to spend some time looking at the overhead yardage screen to see just how far that sand trap is down the fairway. Putting is also a bit tricky at first. Completely done on feel. Your putter can be hit just over 100ft. The length of the stroke dictates distance. You can and will push and pull putts. Feels a lot like Links on the Xbox.

Completely forgot about MLB 14: The Show. So much more fun for me with the addition of quick counts. I am not very picky at the plate and tend to swing first, slap myself across the head for swinging at a pitch later.  With quick counts, since I am not always starting in the hole for swinging away, my on base percentage has increased dramatically. It also looks amazing. Unfortunately the load times are some of the worst ever and it took forever to install.  Most PS4 games you can jump in and play after 30 seconds, while the install continues. Not with this one. I have the disc and it took just under an hour to play a game. Over an hour to fully install.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 27, 2014 @ 02:48 PM
I have the NHL 15 demo downloading on my son's PS4 today. I'm looking forward to trying that out tonight.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 27, 2014 @ 04:00 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2014 @ 02:10 AM
The Golf Club is growing on me after a few rounds. It is not a looker but plays a challenging round of golf. The only distance available for each club is how far it will carry. When you zoom out to see where a ball will land, there are no markers shown, just an approximation based on the camera. So you have to spend some time looking at the overhead yardage screen to see just how far that sand trap is down the fairway. Putting is also a bit tricky at first. Completely done on feel. Your putter can be hit just over 100ft. The length of the stroke dictates distance. You can and will push and pull putts. Feels a lot like Links on the Xbox.

Completely forgot about MLB 14: The Show. So much more fun for me with the addition of quick counts. I am not very picky at the plate and tend to swing first, slap myself across the head for swinging at a pitch later.  With quick counts, since I am not always starting in the hole for swinging away, my on base percentage has increased dramatically. It also looks amazing. Unfortunately the load times are some of the worst ever and it took forever to install.  Most PS4 games you can jump in and play after 30 seconds, while the install continues. Not with this one. I have the disc and it took just under an hour to play a game. Over an hour to fully install.

There are some great classic roster sets to pick up for the Show.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2014 @ 07:22 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on August 27, 2014 @ 04:00 PM
There are some great classic roster sets to pick up for the Show.

Thanks, I will check that out.  Would love to play with the late 70's Pirates.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 27, 2014 @ 07:57 PM
I tried out the NHL 15 demo with remote play on my Vita so I couldn't get a true feel for the gameplay and visuals, but I like the new default camera. It's not too different from the old one but it tilts subtly when the action is in the corners. It's a nice touch. You can view a video of it here:

NHL 15 Demo Gameplay (Xbox One): Rangers vs Kings (Madison Square Garden) (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2014 @ 09:34 PM
I have so many games just released that I am holding off on the NHL demo. Will get it anyway so I pre-ordered it and Destiny, since they release on the same day. It is nice to be able to start playing some new games, the drought was getting bad on the PS4 but even worse on the XB1.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2014 @ 08:36 AM
Franchises have been started. Wanted to use team I have never played with.

Went with the Mariners and the Vikings. Partly for Peterson and partly due to wanting snow games and the Vikings will be playing outdoors the next two years while the new Stadium is built. No clue while I picked the Mariners, maybe all that time running around Seattle playing Infamous SS rubbed off on me.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 29, 2014 @ 11:42 AM
Finally finished Arkham Origins last night. I'm glad I listened to my son and not the reviews because I enjoyed it more than Arkham City. I can't wait to see the next-gen version.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 02, 2014 @ 10:26 AM
One week to Destiny.  Anyone else picking this one up?  I was a bit hesitant since the Halo games and Sci-Fi games in general are not my thing but the comparisons to Borderlands 2 (My favorite FPS ever) pushed me to pre-order it with NHL 15. 

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 02, 2014 @ 10:51 AM
No Destiny for me but I'd consider picking up NHL 15 for the XB360 if it was $40 instead of $60.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 02, 2014 @ 05:53 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on September 02, 2014 @ 10:26 AM
One week to Destiny.  Anyone else picking this one up?  I was a bit hesitant since the Halo games and Sci-Fi games in general are not my thing but the comparisons to Borderlands 2 (My favorite FPS ever) pushed me to pre-order it with NHL 15.

Didn't get in the Beta, so I'm not sure. Will Gamefly it to see if the online multi has legs.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 02, 2014 @ 11:54 PM
And in true Brent form, I am going to hold off on Destiny for now. The one thing I loved about Borderlands 2 was I could play it by myself. Never once used co-op. Reading more about the game, they are really pushing for you to play with other players. The campaign can be played solo but there really is no mention of how long it is. I also did not play the Beta, so all the Borderlands talk had me excited.  Watching some youtube videos brought me back down to earth.

So I bought the Metro Redux game tonight to get my FPS fix and will wait and see how the game plays out. Still getting NHL 15 and Fifa 15 and that looks to be enough for this month.

IGN released info on a motocross game headed to the PS4 in November. (

That and the news of a Hot Shots game in the works for the PS4 has me giddy as a schoolgirl. (

Now if someone would just make a next gen tennis game. Anyone, I would even take a new Virtua Tennis at this point.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 03, 2014 @ 12:32 PM
I'm excited about the motorcross game coming to the Vita too. There are far too few racing games on the Vita and I still can't believe Sony never released a GT game for it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 03, 2014 @ 09:51 PM
I remember it took forever for them to get Gran Turismo on the PSP. 

Assuming you already knew this but just in case...

Gran Turismo (PSP Version) - Playstation Vita Gameplay (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 03, 2014 @ 11:23 PM
I had no idea it was compatible with the Vita (I could have sworn I checked this a while ago) and it looks pretty good. I'm going to download it tomorrow. Thanks for the info!!!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 04, 2014 @ 12:46 AM
Well it may or may not work on a US Vita. ( (

There was a glitch when they added it and another title to the Vita.  Some people say it works, others do not. Apparently there is no issue with a European Vita. Others say you have to download from the PS3, then transfer to Vita.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 04, 2014 @ 10:14 AM
That fucking sucks. US customers apparently have to download it to a PS3 and then transfer it to the Vita, but I don't own a PS3. I was really looking forward to getting it today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 04, 2014 @ 10:45 AM
Sorry to get your hopes up.

On the bright side Minecraft comes out today on the PS4. If you happen to be one of the 75 people on the planet that has yet to purchase Minecraft in some form, now is your chance.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 05, 2014 @ 09:24 AM
Yikes, no NHL 15 for me this year.  Thank you OS for pointing out all the stuff that is removed from this years next-gen game. I knew it was missing a few modes but they go and screw with things like no custom camera or playing AHL team in a franchise. Also guessing by no tourney mode, I can't play international tourneys, assuming they even have international teams in the game.  They can kindly piss off.  Bring a full product to the table and I will pay full price.  This is a joke, especially considering they had two years to make this. (


    No GM Connected
    No Online Team Play (when this is patched into the game later this year, it will use real NHL players and teams)
    No EA Sports Hockey League
    No EA Sports Arena
    No Online Shootouts
    No Live the Life
    No Be A Legend
    No Winter Classic
    No tournaments or Battle for the Cup
    No season mode (you can only play seasons in Be A GM, which is limited to NHL teams)
    No NHL 94 Anniversary mode
    No custom music support
    No create-a-play designer
    Cannot customize each team's AI
    No create-a-team
    No way to edit individual players
    Practice mode is now limited to one skater vs. an AI goalie


    No custom camera option
    No Action Tracker replay highlights
    No Top 3 Stars at the end of games.


    Yearly draft is fully automated by the CPU
    Cannot play the AHL games for your chosen franchise
    Players sent down to the minors do not accumulate any season stats
    No fantasy draft option
    No preseason games

Be A Pro

    No option to sim ahead to the next shift
    You only play in the NHL; you cannot play for minor league teams
    The Memorial Cup tryout period is gone. You now begin by picking an NHL team, or by letting a random CPU team draft you.
    No All-Star game

Guess I have to put Destiny back in it's place.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2014 @ 09:28 AM
Yeah, I've been following all the talk about NHL 15. I could understand this if they rushed out NHL 14 on the next-gen systems last year, but to have all that stuff missing this year is unacceptable. I thought the entire reason they skipped NHL 14 on the next-gen consoles was so they could concentrate on NHL 15. I guess they should have put some more resources into it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 05, 2014 @ 09:36 AM
I have no clue what they are doing with their time.  Apparently the 360/PS3 versions of NHL 15 is NHL 14 with a roster update and a few tweaks. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2014 @ 09:38 AM
I figured that which is why I'm passing on it...especially at full price. I'll stick with NHL 13 for another year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 05, 2014 @ 09:42 AM
I am also skipping basketball this year. Live is going to suck and 2K14 was such a screwjob for the consumer with the VIP point issue, bugs, things left broken like my GS Warriors making it to the playoffs and not being able to save the game. Starting to move away from sports games.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 05, 2014 @ 03:54 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on September 05, 2014 @ 09:42 AM
I am also skipping basketball this year. Live is going to suck and 2K14 was such a screwjob for the consumer with the VIP point issue, bugs, things left broken like my GS Warriors making it to the playoffs and not being able to save the game. Starting to move away from sports games.

Yeah, the genre is pretty barren, now. I only play the Show some and a little PES.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2014 @ 11:54 PM
One of the few next-gen sports games I'm actually looking forward to is WWE 2K15 and that's if you consider it a real sport.

I helped my younger son beat Arkham Asylum again and I'm convinced it's the best of the 3 Batman games in terms of story. The gameplay controls are definitely improved in the two later games though.

I just finished the Harley Quinn DLC for Arkham City which I started before I even played Arkham Origins. It was pretty good and definitely a nice, free bonus included with the Game of the Year version.

Now I'm debating whether to go back to Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell: Blacklist or finally finish off Max Payne.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 06, 2014 @ 09:56 AM
Quote from: Jason on September 05, 2014 @ 11:54 PM
One of the few next-gen sports games I'm actually looking forward to is WWE 2K15 and that's if you consider it a real sport.

No, when the events are predetermined, it's just entertainment.

I am halfway through Watch Dogs and the game has really grown on me. The only thing that really irks me now are the missions and side missions (like gang hideouts) that require you to take down the individual without killing them. That alone would be fine if not for the fact in many cases you have to gun down 10 of their associates to get to them. You can only do so much with the cameras, explosives and stealth.  Just feels wrong that you are allowed to slaughter everyone but the head bad guy. They also missed out with Chicago by not having snow. Rain looks really good as does night and overcast. Could have had some really fun chases on icy roads.  Plus it would be less time playing in sunlight, which looks far less pretty.

On a side note, the actual hacking of peoples phones for money has been an interesting experiment that I wish Ubisoft would release data on.  There is always a little blip about the person as you hack them. One time it said the person had not received child support payments but I had already hacked the cash and felt like crap afterwards. Would be interesting to see if there are lower % of people who actually take the money in these cases versus some random thing like "Traveled to Canada" or "Buys Video Games."
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 06, 2014 @ 07:53 PM
Is Sleeping Dogs on Vita? It's better than most in that genre, imho.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 06, 2014 @ 08:32 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 06, 2014 @ 07:53 PM
Is Sleeping Dogs on Vita? It's better than most in that genre, imho.

No. I wish it were. AC3 is one of the few open world games on the Vita that's not an RPG.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 07, 2014 @ 08:34 AM
Is Destiny a Skyrim-type game?

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 07, 2014 @ 09:15 AM
No, more of a Halo/Mass Effect mash-up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 07, 2014 @ 10:39 AM
Quote from: Jason on September 07, 2014 @ 08:34 AM
Is Destiny a Skyrim-type game?

What Brad said and you have to throw in Borderlands and Far Cry 3 because the guys at Bungie said they copied a lot of things from those games and added stuff they felt both games were missing. (

Will let your know Tuesday when UPS delivers it.  :-[
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 07, 2014 @ 07:49 PM
Lol, I should have it this week from GF.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 07, 2014 @ 09:49 PM
I am laughing at the people complaining that the game is capped at Lvl 20.  Now if Bungie learned anything from Borderlands, DLC = ability to raise your level.  More DLC = ability to raise your level again.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 08, 2014 @ 04:14 PM
I'm wondering how much space fruitiness I'll have to tolerate to get to the pew-pew.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 08, 2014 @ 06:27 PM
You mean story?  Not really looking forward to that part, just give me a gun and something to shoot at. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 09, 2014 @ 09:19 AM
Anyone want Watch Dogs for the PS4?  Trade value for the game is pretty low and I do not plan any trips to Gamestop.  You pay shipping and it is yours.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 09, 2014 @ 03:58 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on September 09, 2014 @ 09:19 AM
Anyone want Watch Dogs for the PS4?  Trade value for the game is pretty low and I do not plan any trips to Gamestop.  You pay shipping and it is yours.

I'll buy it for my son unless Brad wants it. I'll give you more than shipping though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 09, 2014 @ 04:36 PM
It's all you, Jason. I'd only put it on the pile of backlog, I'm afraid.

I see GF has sent me Blops2, instead of Epic Spaceman. Time to build up my Blops bonafides, PSN style.

The more I read about Destiny, the more I realize it's not my cuppa tea.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 09, 2014 @ 08:22 PM
Too early to say much, just a lvl 2 space dude but the gunplay is fun so far. Shotgun was a nice find. Just got thrown into a hub with other strangers after completing part of a mission.

Jason if you want it you can have it.  I do not want anything more than shipping, just PM me the details. All I can do is mail it to you, unless you can do some sort of UPS pickup.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 09, 2014 @ 10:53 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on September 09, 2014 @ 08:22 PM
Jason if you want it you can have it.  I do not want anything more than shipping, just PM me the details. All I can do is mail it to you, unless you can do some sort of UPS pickup.

Do you use Paypal or would you prefer if I just mailed a check?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 10, 2014 @ 10:25 AM
You can consider the payment a donation to the site. I can stick it in the mail cheap enough. PM me the address you want it sent to.

Back to Destiny. Started over with a Titan versus a hunter. It plays more to my liking. Really plays like a serious version of Borderlands 2. From the stats dropping off enemies, shielded enemies, certain colored guns are best against certain enemies, loot and tons of bounties (side missions and kill scenarios). The loot, like Borderlands, requires a little searching.  Found loot chests on top of ledges, buildings, etc. I would probably already have a level 12 player had I not messed around with the different classes to choose from.  You will run into enemies with higher levels, especially if you go into places that are not on your way to a mission. Also Bounties/side missions open it up to everyone and you will end up fighting some tougher enemies just by running near a higher level player in a fight.

It also carries a gripe that I had with Borderlands 2, not enough enemy types. I have seen different versions of the same enemy but so far it is has been the same 5 or so enemies.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 10, 2014 @ 10:32 AM
NHL 15 is getting roasted by most reviewers. That and NBA Live 15 getting postponed a few weeks you really have to wonder what the heck is going on at EA Sports.  In fairness Madden 15 has been pretty good. Still plenty of issues but more than playable.  What concerns me is how poorly the sales will be for NHL 15. If it does not sell, how much is EA going to invest in NHL 16?  Wish they would just drop Live. Did not foresee an NBA Live 16 before the delay, now it seems like a miracle needs to happen for that series to continue.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 10, 2014 @ 01:59 PM
EA should have been up front with everyone about NHL 15 and released it at a discounted price ($39.99). I think doing that would have helped their sales and reputation.

As far as NBA Live goes, I really hope the series doesn't die but if the 3-week delay turns into another delay, then I don't see it ever coming out again.

No donations necessary. I'll PM you my address once I have a PayPal account I can send money to or an address to mail a check to.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 10, 2014 @ 09:02 PM
So is NHL for last gen getting roasted or the Xbone and PS4 version getting roasted.  Because if it's the
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 10, 2014 @ 09:07 PM
Quote from: Ted on September 10, 2014 @ 09:02 PM
So is NHL for last gen getting roasted or the Xbone and PS4 version getting roasted.  Because if it's the

Both and deservedly so.  The 360/PS3 for basically being a roster update and still charging $59.99.  The XB1/PS4 version for being bare bones. Not to mention they had two years to make it.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 11, 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 10, 2014 @ 01:59 PM
No donations necessary. I'll PM you my address once I have a PayPal account I can send money to or an address to mail a check to.

It appears we have a stalemate. Allow your son to read this thread and see that he could have been playing Watch Dogs this weekend.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 11, 2014 @ 10:39 PM
You can get $15 if you trade it in at Amazon and not have to pay shipping for it. Put it towards your next purchase.

With the way my son is starting off the school year, he may not even be allowed to play video games this weekend.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 11, 2014 @ 11:14 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 11, 2014 @ 10:39 PM
With the way my son is starting off the school year, he may not even be allowed to play video games this weekend.

I recall something similar when I slacked off at school. Of course my parents like to use the trifecta.  No TV, no games and a little cowhide to the backside.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 12, 2014 @ 09:49 AM
GTA V was the only GTA game I ever completed.  Come November 18th it will be time to do it again. (

Grand Theft Auto V: ââ,¬Å"A Picket Fence and a Dog Named Skipââ,¬Â (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 12, 2014 @ 01:54 PM
I haven't completed it yet, but GTA V will be the first GTA I ever complete too.

I just completed Arkham City again with my son. We'll probably finish Arkham Origins again to complete the trilogy for a second time.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 12, 2014 @ 05:48 PM
Going to Gamestop today to trade in Watch Dogs and the Mertro Redux game (could not get into it).  If I come back with NHL 15, I blame you.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 12, 2014 @ 10:39 PM
Was there ever any doubt?  I threw it in and played a couple games. It looks and plays good, really will miss my custom camera angles but what put me over the edge was that they are patching in a playoff/tourney setup. This allows me to create my international tournaments and pleases me.

NBA 2K15 went back on my wish list. I am an odd duck with sports games, my OCD takes over and I have to own at least one of each of the major sports games. Could not go a week without NHL. Now I just need a tennis game to complete the list.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 13, 2014 @ 05:23 AM
Well I know Activision and Bungie did not see these reviews coming. Gamespot, four days after release gives it a 6.  IGN is still afraid to give the game a score. Most sites are giving it an average of 7 out of 10 which when I honestly look at the game they are currently reviewing would agree.  It is a beautiful game but it lacks in innovative missions, barren areas and repetitive side missions/bounties.  That said I am now level 15 and enjoying the heck out of it.  I love the grind, to an extent and while it is not as loot friendly as Diablo or Bordelands 2, I still get excited when a new gun pops up or I find a loot chest, which they hide pretty well, especially the gold ones.  Just got my first "Rare Blue" colored gun and it took me back to when I got my first Orange colored gun in BL2.

The planets are larger that meets the eye. I am finding new areas to traverse on Earth. You do spend a lot of time repeating areas during the story and Bungie deserves a slap on the wrist for that.  I am even finding enjoyment of the free roam (full access to the planet for side missions/bounties) and interacting with other players (in a silent, let me give you a wave gesture sort of way). There are public events that break in at any point during these session and you get to the marker, along with whoever else is nearby and wants to join what consists of waves of enemies to be extinguished under a certain amount of time. A time limit and amount of enemies that would be extremely hard for a single player to go it alone, forcing the interaction on you. Each planet has a raid that follows the same principle but with a boss or two that is a bullet sponge. It says one to three players for a raid but it does force random players on you to do battle. The first time was not very successful and one quit but the second time I tried it, two of us were evenly matched and we had one lvl 20 player. Success as we beat the two bosses, though we did spent most of the time being revived by the more skilled player.  ;)

No question in my mind that I will buy the expansion pass. The game has so much potential and is giving me a next gen Borderlands fix, since the nice folks at Gearbox decide to skip the newest generation of consoles for the prequel. It is a very hit or miss title amongst the people who have played it.  Apparently investing $500 million in a game does not buy you love. All I can say is that if you like Borderlands, rent it, buy it, just give it a try.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 13, 2014 @ 05:34 AM (

Microsoft is expected to pay close to $2.5 billion for Mojang, or about 8 times sales last year.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 13, 2014 @ 04:48 PM
Imagine what they would pay for Flappy Bird. Windows Phone is such a money pit, it's hilarious.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 13, 2014 @ 07:12 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on September 13, 2014 @ 05:23 AM
Well I know Activision and Bungie did not see these reviews coming. Gamespot, four days after release gives it a 6.  IGN is still afraid to give the game a score. Most sites are giving it an average of 7 out of 10 which when I honestly look at the game they are currently reviewing would agree.  It is a beautiful game but it lacks in innovative missions, barren areas and repetitive side missions/bounties.  That said I am now level 15 and enjoying the heck out of it.  I love the grind, to an extent and while it is not as loot friendly as Diablo or Bordelands 2, I still get excited when a new gun pops up or I find a loot chest, which they hide pretty well, especially the gold ones.  Just got my first "Rare Blue" colored gun and it took me back to when I got my first Orange colored gun in BL2.

The planets are larger that meets the eye. I am finding new areas to traverse on Earth. You do spend a lot of time repeating areas during the story and Bungie deserves a slap on the wrist for that.  I am even finding enjoyment of the free roam (full access to the planet for side missions/bounties) and interacting with other players (in a silent, let me give you a wave gesture sort of way). There are public events that break in at any point during these session and you get to the marker, along with whoever else is nearby and wants to join what consists of waves of enemies to be extinguished under a certain amount of time. A time limit and amount of enemies that would be extremely hard for a single player to go it alone, forcing the interaction on you. Each planet has a raid that follows the same principle but with a boss or two that is a bullet sponge. It says one to three players for a raid but it does force random players on you to do battle. The first time was not very successful and one quit but the second time I tried it, two of us were evenly matched and we had one lvl 20 player. Success as we beat the two bosses, though we did spent most of the time being revived by the more skilled player.  ;)

No question in my mind that I will buy the expansion pass. The game has so much potential and is giving me a next gen Borderlands fix, since the nice folks at Gearbox decide to skip the newest generation of consoles for the prequel. It is a very hit or miss title amongst the people who have played it.  Apparently investing $500 million in a game does not buy you love. All I can say is that if you like Borderlands, rent it, buy it, just give it a try.

Pretty good write up here; (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 13, 2014 @ 11:28 PM
Dude creeps me out. He makes plenty of valid points but the game is closer to Borderlands than it is an MMO.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 15, 2014 @ 10:51 PM
LvL 20, finished the game and now it is time to grind for some Legendary goodies.  I have had quite a bit of fun doing strikes with randoms.  They have also been pretty damn challenging.  Tried some PVP but I just suck at it.  Titanfall was the rare instance where I could be competitive with other players due the ability to kill all the AI dudes on the map, with a few user kills, mostly from inside my Titan.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 15, 2014 @ 11:23 PM
When I finally get it, I'm down for some co-op or whatever.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 16, 2014 @ 10:14 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 15, 2014 @ 11:23 PM
When I finally get it, I'm down for some co-op or whatever.

Sounds good. I am fairly capable now and will be better off once I get some legendary armor/weapons. I finally hit lvl 21 and about to hit 22. Once you hit 20 it is all based on finding new armor pieces to level up and then upgrading or finding better armor to go higher. At this point it is a grind as you have to level up either through bounties, strikes or grinding if you do not want to play PvP online.  I am enjoying the strikes and so far the randoms that I have played with have all been really cool.  The currency system is odd once you hit 20. The main currency with a mixture of items you get within the game is used far less. You have a bunch of different currencies that you are dealing with to get legendary armor/weapons and you have to get a high enough rank (through grinding. etc) to get them, which is a different rank from the main character leveling. They really made it more confusing than it needed to be. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 18, 2014 @ 09:29 AM
Level 24 and just got my first Legendary item, Chest Armor.  Had to farm one spot for two hours just to get it.  Fortunately the gun play is terrific, unfortunately you have to hear Peter Dinklage say the phrase, "We've woken the Hive!" every minute or so. I like his character in Game of Thrones but he phoned the performance in and when you throw in a terrible story...  The only redeeming part of the story is it comes in small bits, usually in the form of a short cutscene as you travel between planets or during gameplay. Allowing my mind to sway from the game and ask the question, "What would Claptrap say?" DinklGhost got nothing on my boy Claptrap. 

Amazing to think I am almost held off on the game.  Now I am just waiting for the first expansion to come out to buy the Expansion Pass.

It just dawned on me that the game came out on the 9th. I have already completed the story, went on more bounties than that guy named Dog and IGN has yet to put out a review.  :o
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 18, 2014 @ 10:18 AM
Dear Gearbox,

Please port the game over to PS4/XB1. 

New video for Borderlands: The Pre-sequel.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel -- An Introduction by Sir Hammerlock AND TORGUE | PS3 (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 18, 2014 @ 05:56 PM
IGN finally reviews Destiny, 7.8 which is about what I expected from them.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 19, 2014 @ 09:27 AM
I get my first two Legendary weapons and they were shotguns. The worst weapon, for me at least and I get two.  >:(
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 20, 2014 @ 12:08 PM
Finished Arkham Origins again with my son. I've now played through all three Batman games twice in the past few months including the DLC missions. Needless to say I need a break from the franchise for a while. Now it's back to Watch Dogs and finally Splinter Cell.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 21, 2014 @ 08:56 PM
I took advantage of Sony's Racing Games Flash Sale ( to grab Ridge Racer, Asphalt Injection and ModNation Racers for the Vita.

Ridge Racer is by far the best-looking and playing but the reason I never purchased it before was because it only came with 3 tracks and a handful of cars for $24.99. With the sale I was able to buy the game and both the gold and silver passes for less than $20, which gives me 9 tracks and more cars than I need.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 23, 2014 @ 08:08 AM
Guess I will be the only one playing FIFA 15 tonight?  It's a great time to be a Man City fan, though I prefer not to use them now that they are too good.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 24, 2014 @ 09:03 AM
My Titan: Human Female

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 24, 2014 @ 02:37 PM
I'm moving backwards with gaming. I've been enjoying Ridge Racer on my Vita so much that I bought Ridge Racer 6 (2006) for the XB360 for $10.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 25, 2014 @ 08:09 AM
Jason, I seem to recall you were a fan of the Wipeout series?  Found this on GAF.

QuoteFor reasons known only to Sony, Wipeout developers Studio Liverpool were closed before the PlayStation 4 launch and any hope of a Wipeout game for the new console vanished.

Sony’s loss is Microsoft’s gain as some of the developers from the defunct studio reformed as R8Games and they have released some rough footage of their new PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 racing game. ( (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 25, 2014 @ 08:29 AM
Yes, I love the Wipeout series and would be very interested in this. I got worried when I read "Sony’s loss is Microsoft’s gain" as I thought it was going to be an Xbox exclusive, but luckily it's coming to PS4 too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 25, 2014 @ 05:01 PM
Wipeout HD still one of the best looking PS3 games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 25, 2014 @ 05:36 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 25, 2014 @ 05:01 PM
Wipeout HD still one of the best looking PS3 games.

Wipeout HD and the Fury add-on pack look quite good on the Vita too. That was one of the big Vita selling points for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 25, 2014 @ 07:03 PM
RIP loot cave. Sucks for all the new Destiny players that never got to use it.  Easily the quickest way to pickup Legendary engrams. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 29, 2014 @ 06:21 PM
I'm tempted to buy Forza Horizons 2 for the 360 but I need the price to be $40. The already discounted price of $50 is just too much for me to pay for a last-gen game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 30, 2014 @ 03:59 PM
Isn't it a shell of the now-gen release? Like different devs, etc.?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 30, 2014 @ 05:03 PM
Neither version was done by Turn 10 Studios. Playground Games (developer of original Forza Horizon) made the Xbox One version while Sumo Digital made the XB360 version. Sumo Digital has a pretty good track record with racing games and the videos I've seen look pretty good. They're basically using the original FH engine for FH2, which is fine with me. I also doubt that Turn 10 Studios would let another developer put out crap with the "Forza" name on it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 01, 2014 @ 05:49 AM
I'd still bet it's a budget title very quickly. If the online isn't a priority, you should be able to get it for $20 in the run-up to Black Friday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 05, 2014 @ 02:05 PM
Pretty good write-up here: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 05, 2014 @ 03:35 PM
Great write-up and even better comparison video. As expected, the Xbox One version looks much better, but with the exception of buildings (check 2:45 in the video), the XB360 doesn't look too bad.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 11, 2014 @ 07:32 PM
I'm looking forward to the PS Plus version of Drive Club on the PS4. It was apparently delayed due to server issues but hopefully it will be available soon.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 12, 2014 @ 02:09 PM
Have spent all weekend playing Shadow of Mordor and find it completely addicting.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 02, 2014 @ 09:33 PM
My son is officially transitioning to the PS4 with the release of COD: Advanced Warfare tomorrow so I moved his El Gato game capture card from his XB360 to his PS4 tonight and recorded some NBA Live 15 Demo gameplay here:

NBA LIVE 15 Demo PS4 1st Quarter (

It's not too bad once I started getting the hang of it. I haven't tried NBA 2K15 but it's always nice to have an alternative. I'm really itching to get a PS4 especially with some good games selling for cheap like UFC for $30 and Madden 15 for $40.

Edit...forgot to mention that MLB The Show 14 is only $30 too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 03, 2014 @ 01:08 AM
Count me in the CoD zero, hour one. :P
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 03, 2014 @ 05:57 PM
Finished Shadow of Mordor last night.  One of the best games I've ever played.  The second to end fight sucked and the end fight was extremely unsatisfying and anticlimactic, but still one of the best games I've ever played.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 03, 2014 @ 06:45 PM
Shadow of Mordor is another game I'm interested in on the PS4 that is already discounted $10. I can't believe how many big-name games are discounted already for the new consoles.

I've also heard a rumor that the new COD will add a third-player view at some point. I've watch my son play for a little while today and the graphics are impressive.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 03, 2014 @ 07:10 PM
Quote from: Jason on November 03, 2014 @ 06:45 PM
Shadow of Mordor is another game I'm interested in on the PS4 that is already discounted $10. I can't believe how many big-name games are discounted already for the new consoles.

I've also heard a rumor that the new COD will add a third-player view at some point. I've watch my son play for a little while today and the graphics are impressive.

I'll share play it with you some time if you like. I think the MP may attract and keep some non-traditional CoD players.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 03, 2014 @ 09:26 PM
That sounds good...I won't have to bother logging into my son's PS Plus account.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 05, 2014 @ 07:09 PM
I am insane...since I get the PS3 CoDAW for free(digital day zero,woo hoo), gonna play it concurrently with the real version.

Edit: Looks like your stats and level carry from one version to the other.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 25, 2014 @ 10:12 AM
Only one more game for me to purchase this year, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.

Far Cry 4 has been simply amazing. Just surpassed Destiny as my GOTY and I have not even touched the top half of the map. My Holidays will be filled with the Destiny DLC, FC4 and GTAV.  Plus occasionally playing a few sports games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 25, 2014 @ 10:20 AM
I've had a sealed copy of GTA V for the PS4 in my hands since it was released last week. Unfortunately, it's for my son for Christmas...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 25, 2014 @ 10:29 AM
I plan to play it after I finish Far Cry 4 but I did play the first few missions and ran around the city. First Person mode turns it into a new game. Love it how you move from 3rd person while in cover and back out to FP.  Most have complained about driving in first person but after driving in that view through Far Cry 4, it should be no problem.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 30, 2014 @ 07:04 PM
I am playing the trial version of Destiny...definitely conflicted as to whether or not to buy it in full.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 30, 2014 @ 07:53 PM
You have until tomorrow at midnight to get it on sale as a digital download: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 31, 2014 @ 10:42 AM
I bleepin bought it. Now I need to level up my space-fairy some more. And find some peeps to help with missions.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 31, 2014 @ 01:58 PM
You're a rock ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 31, 2014 @ 06:34 PM
Yeah,boy. Now I'm drawing the line at the DLC :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 31, 2014 @ 08:53 PM
Just started a new Warlock character, hit me up if you need any help.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 01, 2015 @ 09:30 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on December 31, 2014 @ 06:34 PM
Yeah,boy. Now I'm drawing the line at the DLC :))

Pulled a Brent.  Never say never.  Had fun last night. Up to Lvl 13 and loving the Warlock.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 01, 2015 @ 08:27 PM
Brent pulls a Brent and buys Super Mega Baseball.  Hope to play it tonight after the games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 01, 2015 @ 10:32 PM
Yeah, the ball dropped there last night...we'll hook up again for sure. Game drew me in alot more than I thought.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 01, 2015 @ 11:26 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 01, 2015 @ 08:27 PM
Brent pulls a Brent and buys Super Mega Baseball.  Hope to play it tonight after the games.

I think you made the right call on that one. Haven't heard anything bad about the game yet...although I don't visit OS that much anymore.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 02, 2015 @ 02:55 PM
Looks interesting.  And available for PS3 as well   hmm::
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 02, 2015 @ 03:11 PM
Quote from: Ted on January 02, 2015 @ 02:55 PM
Looks interesting.  And available for PS3 as well   hmm::

And it's Cross Buy with PS4 so you can upgrade for free when you buy a PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 02, 2015 @ 04:15 PM
Very fun game, Played it for a few hours last night. The pitching interface is something you have to try. It is as good as advertised and really challenging as you raise the difficulty (which goes from 1 to 100.  Playing on 25 and got some really good games. Tried on 50, which was hard and went 10 innings only to lose by a run.  The hitting interface is really nice, especially how contact hits and power hits are done. Contact is pretty simple but you have more timing involved with power hits, as you need to power up a swing at the right time.  Fielding is the only dissapointment.  Anything hit high in the air is pretty much auto fielded, unless it is hit in the gap. Even at the 50 difficulty is was not very difficult. Low hits in the infield have a slow down effect to allow you time to figure out of you need to hit the button to dive for the ball. The throwing has a timing meter which works like most games.  Very pleased with this purchase so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 03, 2015 @ 01:04 PM
Got my PS4 in Oregon last night.  Didn't buy any games.  Got it set up at the hotel and got my PS+ subscription started.  Will probably hit a gamestop on the way home and pick up Madden 15 and The Show 14 before getting on the ferry.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 03, 2015 @ 05:06 PM
Congrats on your purchase. Let me know what you think of Madden and The Show.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 04, 2015 @ 02:28 AM
Congrats on the PS4.  Suggest buying a charger as the controller battery life is really short, especially if you use a headset. 

This is the one I have. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 04, 2015 @ 10:40 AM
I like that...I just added it to my shopping cart.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: GB_Simo on January 05, 2015 @ 04:49 PM
Got the DriveClub PS4 bundle for Christmas. Haven't spent massive amounts of time with it but what I've played has been fun, reminiscent of a slightly grippier PGR4, and it looks absolutely spectacular. The online component also seems to work now, so the experience is closer to the one Evolution wanted to deliver at launch.

The good lady - sorry: Santa - also brought me Pro Evo 2015, which is as close to a proper representation of football as Konami have come since PES5.

I am very, very aware that I should have started by introducing myself...hope you're all keeping well, fellas.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 05, 2015 @ 06:22 PM
Yeah, looks like Driveclub is pretty much fixed. I'll get that at some point. Good to hear about PES...I actually like 14 on PS3(caveat:non-knowledgeable about soccer 'Murican here).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 05, 2015 @ 07:12 PM
What's up Adam? Good to see you around these parts again.

I'm really thinking of jumping the gun and buying my PS4 this week. Target still has the free game voucher deal along with the Sony Silver PS4 headset included for free. The free headset is a big deal to me since I always have to keep the volume down at night when I'm playing and it supports 7.1 virtual surround sound. My local Target still has "Limited Availability" so I don't don't want to miss out on this deal.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 05, 2015 @ 07:21 PM
It is time to bring back our rivalry.   >:D

Brad, hope you have been playing some Destiny.  Just leveled up to 28 and need someone to help me with the future Nightfalls and Weekly Heroics.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 07:22 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 05, 2015 @ 07:12 PM
What's up Adam? Good to see you around these parts again.

I'm really thinking of jumping the gun and buying my PS4 this week. Target still has the free game voucher deal along with the Sony Silver PS4 headset included for free. The free headset is a big deal to me since I always have to keep the volume down at night when I'm playing and it supports 7.1 virtual surround sound. My local Target still has "Limited Availability" so I don't don't want to miss out on this deal.

If you hadn't been using a headset before, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how much you like it. Get Destiny as your pick 4 game, not some wack-ass sports title, lol. ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:14 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 07:22 AMGet Destiny as your pick 4 game, not some wack-ass sports title, lol. ;D

I rarely touch PVP but if Jason was to get Destiny, it would be worth playing just to relish in the beatdowns.  Always wanted to see a grown man wake up his family after screaming in the agony of defeat.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 04:36 PM
So I went to Target today to buy the PS4 bundle with the free game voucher and headset ( ( since it's out of stock online and doesn't allow Ship-To-Store from the web site, but did show "Limited Availability" at my local Target.

When I got there I saw that they had one console left with the included free game voucher but no headsets (which were supposed to be in-stock according to the web site). They also said the free headset was "online only" and couldn't include it for free even if it was available. Needless to say I was pretty annoyed and left with nothing.

I guess I'll just wait until the next sale.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 05:28 PM
Would Wal-Mart match the deal? If you show them that the stuff is on-sale and "in stock" they should match.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 05:32 PM
That sucks. With MS raising the price back up to $399, you might not see any good deals until E3 or later.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 06:12 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 05:28 PM
Would Wal-Mart match the deal? If you show them that the stuff is on-sale and "in stock" they should match.

My local Walmart is the only other place that even has the PS4 with free game voucher in stock right now. I may just buy it from them tomorrow and not worry about the headset. I did learn that you can plug in a standard headset into the PS4 controller and get stereo sound through there, so that's better than playing with almost no volume on the TV. That also eliminates the need for a headphone cable to be connected directly to the console.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 06:58 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 06:12 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 05:28 PM
Would Wal-Mart match the deal? If you show them that the stuff is on-sale and "in stock" they should match.

My local Walmart is the only other place that even has the PS4 with free game voucher in stock right now. I may just buy it from them tomorrow and not worry about the headset. I did learn that you can plug in a standard headset into the PS4 controller and get stereo sound through there, so that's better than playing with almost no volume on the TV. That also eliminates the need for a headphone cable to be connected directly to the console.

My other option is to order the base system with no free game voucher but get the headset for free. I can order it from Target online and have it shipped for free. I can also apply for a Target store card and get an addition 5% off the purchase. I'm leaning that way now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 06:59 PM
If you are looking for a really good and cheap stereo headset for the PS4 and VITA.

I bought this one at Gamestop. (

Amazon (much cheaper) (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 07:34 PM
I'm now the proud owner of a PS4. I went with the base system and free headset from Target and saved $20 ($379.99 + free shipping) by applying for and paying with a Target store card. Hopefully it arrives soon.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 09:08 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 07:34 PM
I'm now the proud owner of a PS4. I went with the base system and free headset from Target and saved $20 ($379.99 + free shipping) by applying for and paying with a Target store card. Hopefully it arrives soon.

Here are the games I'll be purchasing over the next few months (in no particular order): Madden 15, MLB 14 & 15, NBA 2K15, NHL 15, UFC, WWE 2K15, Driveclub and possibly Destiny.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 09:53 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 09:08 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 07:34 PM
I'm now the proud owner of a PS4. I went with the base system and free headset from Target and saved $20 ($379.99 + free shipping) by applying for and paying with a Target store card. Hopefully it arrives soon.

Here are the games I'll be purchasing over the next few months (in no particular order): Madden 15, MLB 14 & 15, NBA 2K15, NHL 15, UFC, WWE 2K15, Driveclub and possibly Destiny.

P.S. That's a LOT of wack-azz sports titles 8) ;D ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:16 PM
A couple digital sports titles to consider.  You already know about that other baseball game.

Pure Pool
The Golf Club

NHL 15 is not a bad game, but far too much is left out or untouched from last gen. I have it but recommend finding it as cheap as possible, preferably used so the sale does not go to EA.  This should have never been a $59.99 game, even with the improvements.

Anyway, congrats on the PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:23 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 09:53 PMP.S. That's a LOT of wack-azz sports titles 8) ;D ;)

I just bought Diablo III (Ultimate Time Sucking Edition) for the PS4. Between that and Destiny, I could legally be referred to as a crack addict and my sports games the neglected kids.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 10:23 PM
Yes, I'd definitely consider The Golf Club...heard a lot of good things about it. As far as NHL, I won't buy it until it drops to $30. Ted has actually gotten me pretty excited about Madden. I also have my son's games to play...NFS: Rivals, BF4, COD, Killzone and GTA 5.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 10:28 PM
Forgot to add Shadow of Mordor and AC: Unity to my list.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:30 PM
Best part of The Golf Club is how much they are supporting the game for free. Adding modes and features.  They should also have a career mode coming later this year.  EA on the other hand will have us playing Golf on the Call of Duty set to cater to a wider audience. The same audience that generally buys one golf game per console cycle.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 10:33 PM
How much is it and is it digital-only?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:44 PM
$34.99 and digital only.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 10:52 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:44 PM
$34.99 and digital only.

That's pretty steep. Was just browsing the the Sony store and there's no deals on discounts on any of the big-name titles I'm interested in. Kinda sucks and I'm less resistant towards digital downloads now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 07, 2015 @ 07:24 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 06, 2015 @ 10:23 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 06, 2015 @ 09:53 PMP.S. That's a LOT of wack-azz sports titles 8) ;D ;)

I just bought Diablo III (Ultimate Time Sucking Edition) for the PS4. Between that and Destiny, I could legally be referred to as a crack addict and my sports games the neglected kids.

How you likin' it? It was between that and Destiny for me. Still interested, but I've read the online is hacked up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 07, 2015 @ 07:26 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 06, 2015 @ 10:28 PM
Forgot to add Shadow of Mordor and AC: Unity to my list.

Pinball Arcade should also be on your radar.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 07, 2015 @ 08:30 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 07, 2015 @ 07:24 AM
How you likin' it? It was between that and Destiny for me. Still interested, but I've read the online is hacked up.

Played it a couple hours. It will be a fun game to pop in every now and them but honestly I prefer a twin stick control for this type of game. Just finished beating Laura Croft: Guardian of Light, so I miss the twin sticks and puzzles.  Playing as the Demon Hunter (Ranged Weapons and Traps) played fairly close to what you do in LC: GOL.  Of course when the action gets heavy and I had 5 fat snake infested enemies surrounding me it was a lot of rolling around just to get enough time and distance to do some damage. Just going to take some time getting used to it and remembering to use the buttons a bit more. Tons of loot and I do love my loot.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 09:32 AM
In regards to Destiny:

Can I play single-player offline if I don't have PS+? I've read that even the offline game interacts with online people but would that still happen if I didn't have PS+?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 09:41 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 09:32 AM
In regards to Destiny:

Can I play single-player offline if I don't have PS+? I've read that even the offline game interacts with online people but would that still happen if I didn't have PS+?

Amazon finally had MLB 14 available for sale again this morning for $20 so I ordered it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 07, 2015 @ 09:53 AM
You do not have to own PSN+ to play the story and free roam, though you do have to be online.  What you would be locked out of are Strikes, Raids, the Crucible (PvP) where matchmaking is required.  Even w/o PSN+ there will still be some interaction with other players.  Public events will pop up that you can join in with other players and you will have other players fighting around you when you are in open areas (patrolling planets, gaps in-between sections of a story).

Also Destiny comes with a one month trial of PSN+.  It did when I bought it and looks to still be available. So there is another bonus for purchasing Destiny.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 07, 2015 @ 09:55 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 09:41 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 09:32 AM
In regards to Destiny:

Can I play single-player offline if I don't have PS+? I've read that even the offline game interacts with online people but would that still happen if I didn't have PS+?

Amazon finally had MLB 14 available for sale again this morning for $20 so I ordered it.

You answered your question with a purchase?  ;D     
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 10:15 AM
That's how I roll...

Just need a price drop on Madden now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 10:17 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 07, 2015 @ 07:26 AM
Pinball Arcade should also be on your radar.

I almost bought that for the Vita a while back and I think it's cross-buy. I'll have to take a look at it again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 07, 2015 @ 02:19 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 09:32 AM
In regards to Destiny:

Can I play single-player offline if I don't have PS+? I've read that even the offline game interacts with online people but would that still happen if I didn't have PS+?

Free games and discounts makes Plus a no-brainer. Nearly every game requires it for multi-player.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 03:00 PM
I plan on getting it, just not immediately.

My PS4 shipped via UPS today. The tracking number isn't showing up yet but I hope it arrives before the weekend.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 07:15 PM
Just realized Destiny is first-person only. I could have sworn it had a third-person view in it. I'm still considering it but that put a damper on my excitement for it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 07, 2015 @ 09:53 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 07:15 PM
Just realized Destiny is first-person only. I could have sworn it had a third-person view in it. I'm still considering it but that put a damper on my excitement for it.

I used to avoid FPS due the headaches but ever since Borderlands 2 it has not bothered me and I have played quite a few since. 

Speaking of Destiny, they finally got around to passing out their Christmas   New Years  First Week of January gift. A random legendary weapon.  Pretty useless for those who are leveled up (just hit 31 myself) but a great deal for those just finishing up the story and nearing or just over Lvl 20.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 08, 2015 @ 08:17 AM
Just a heads up, Sony has released a new theme.  Make sure and download it as it gives you a chance to win a one year PSN+ membership. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 08, 2015 @ 12:51 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 08, 2015 @ 08:17 AM
Just a heads up, Sony has released a new theme.  Make sure and download it as it gives you a chance to win a one year PSN+ membership.

I like it...but I also liked the 20th ann. with the PS1 boot-up sound.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 08, 2015 @ 02:01 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 03:00 PM
My PS4 shipped via UPS today. The tracking number isn't showing up yet but I hope it arrives before the weekend.

Holy crap - still no info from UPS:

The shipment has been processed by the sender. Once the shipment is within the UPS network, an expected delivery date will be made available.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 08, 2015 @ 03:00 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 08, 2015 @ 02:01 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 07, 2015 @ 03:00 PM
My PS4 shipped via UPS today. The tracking number isn't showing up yet but I hope it arrives before the weekend.

Holy crap - still no info from UPS:

The shipment has been processed by the sender. Once the shipment is within the UPS network, an expected delivery date will be made available.


Scheduled Delivery:
    Friday, 01/09/2015, By End of Day
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 08, 2015 @ 08:30 PM
Just in time for the weekend!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 09, 2015 @ 03:56 PM
Just got it all set up, started playing NFS: Rivals and the power went out. WTF!!!

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 09, 2015 @ 05:39 PM
LOL.  Oh god that's classic.  Couldn't have been scripted better.  Of course this never happens to a hate spewing online random jerk.  The gaming god's decide to pick on a nice guy.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 09, 2015 @ 06:09 PM
We never have power outages either but Jersey Central Power got us back up and running. I was more worried about heat since it's a frigid 8 degrees here right now.

Was pleasantly surprised by the $10 Playstation store credit code included with my PS4 and will probably buy Super Mega Baseball tonight. I guess the discounts for PSN members aren't for all games?

Am I able to download the free PSN games from previously months? I wanted to download Injustice for my son but it keeps coming up as $29.99 when I try downloading it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 09, 2015 @ 07:22 PM
When a game is free on Plus, you need to "buy" it and start the download. If you don't want to play it right away, you can then cancel the d/l and the game shows up as purchased for good.
So you need to "claim" the game, even if you're not going to play it anytime soon. If you(or your son) already had Plus, you could have stockpiled rights to any or all of the free games, even before having a PS4. If you let Plus lapse, you can't play the games, but they remain in your Library and re-activate when you go back on Plus.

Plus discounts are usually on stuff already on sale. Check the PS blog or the Store, weekly to see what's what.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 09, 2015 @ 09:18 PM
Gotcha. I do the same thing Amazon's Android Free-App-Of-The-Day. I "buy" it when it's free even if I don't download or use it, but it's available to me forever as I long I got it while it was free. I thought PSN let you play all the free games all the time since you don't really own them - you lose access to them if your PSN+ subscription is not renewed.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 10, 2015 @ 01:16 AM
I ended up buying Super Mega Baseball and Pure Pool tonight. I have MLB 14 and NBA 2K15 coming Monday. Just need Madden and NHL to go on sale.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 10, 2015 @ 09:31 AM
I ended up playing Super Mega Baseball for a couple hours last night. This is the most fun I have had with a baseball game since the NES games.  There are some issues, mainly the lack of fielding but the pitching is simply the best setup I have ever used.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 10, 2015 @ 03:20 PM
Really enjoying the NHL demo. I know the full game is missing a ton of features but the gameplay is awesome. As long as it has basic online play and a season/GM mode, I'm fine with it. Just waiting for it to drop back down to at least $40 again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 10, 2015 @ 04:14 PM
If you wanna play the Show sometime, hit me up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 10, 2015 @ 04:31 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 10, 2015 @ 04:14 PM
If you wanna play the Show sometime, hit me up.

Sure. How does it play online?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 10, 2015 @ 06:57 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 10, 2015 @ 04:14 PM
If you wanna play the Show sometime, hit me up.

Same here.  Either of you guys.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 10, 2015 @ 10:20 PM
Ted, what's your PSN name? Just realized you're not on my friends list.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 11, 2015 @ 11:16 AM
My copies of The Show and NBA 2K15 showed up this morning from Amazon!!! Love those surprise Sunday deliveries.

On a side note, Super Mega Baseball is great to play using remote play on the Vita since you don't have to use the L2 and R2 buttons.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 11, 2015 @ 11:20 AM
There are some great historic roster sets in the Vault for the Show.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 11, 2015 @ 02:48 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 10, 2015 @ 10:20 PM
Ted, what's your PSN name? Just realized you're not on my friends list.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 11, 2015 @ 05:07 PM
Brent, you were right about the painful load times, but once the game starts there's no load time at all including in between innings, so it's not as bad as I thought. I do have to say that I thought the game may have froze up the first time I fired it up because it took so long before anything happened. It's a nice looking game, but what surprised me the most is how faithful the Vita version is in both graphics and gameplay.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 12, 2015 @ 09:03 AM
They need to hurry up and get the Driveclub PS+ free version out soon. I want to give this a shot. Windshield wipers have never been so realistic. Notice the wind/direction changes how the rain moves by the wiper.  We are supposed to be getting India but they better have the weather included.

DRIVECLUB - McLaren P1 through Indian Rain (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 12, 2015 @ 10:40 AM
I think the weather stuff is in the latest patch(?) Would probably be included in the + version, then if so.
I'm getting more skeptical that there will be a + version, though.
The game is getting a lot of good buzz from the people who are actually playing it, as opposed to metacritic.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 12, 2015 @ 10:45 AM
I've been waiting on this too. I think they'd get a lot of bad publicity is they backed out from releasing the PS+ version, but I can see them stripping it of almost any useful features and basically turning it into a glorified demo.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 13, 2015 @ 09:54 AM
Diablo 3 is really hitting my OCD hard. So many things to compare as to what makes for the best weapon/armor/misc that I am spending way to much time in the inventory. I long for the day when you could just use a base number and be right most of the time. Already level 33 and I still have a legendary level 14 weapon that is still better than anything I have come across. Should have payed more attention in math class.  :P
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 13, 2015 @ 08:33 PM
See that there's a new patch for Diablo too. $30 used on Amazon...gonna go give some Plasma, brb.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 14, 2015 @ 05:28 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 13, 2015 @ 08:33 PM
See that there's a new patch for Diablo too. $30 used on Amazon...gonna go give some Plasma, brb.

Don't forget that extra Kidney.  ;)

Already have the Destiny monkey on my back. Not to mention Dying Light coming at the end of the month. My neighbor wants this and has a $25 Sonic gift card and two free car washes (which he owns) for trade.  Tempting.  Especially with all the TV shows I still need to catch up on and the sports games I have barely played.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 14, 2015 @ 12:15 PM
I've got some Arbys coupons and a receipt for one free car wash...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 14, 2015 @ 04:09 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 14, 2015 @ 12:15 PM
I've got some Arbys coupons and a receipt for one free car wash...

:)) :)) :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 14, 2015 @ 06:56 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 14, 2015 @ 12:15 PM
I've got some Arbys coupons and a receipt for one free car wash...

:))   If only we had a Arbys here.  Eating two Sonic chicken sandwiches and waiting for a warm day to wash the truck.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 15, 2015 @ 06:01 AM
Just as I kick the Diablo monkey off the first DLC arrives for Laura Croft and the Temple of Oris.   :))  I will say that if you enjoyed Guardians of Light on the last gen consoles, give it a shot. More of the same with 4 player co-op and challenges. The single player puzzles are dumbed down compared to multiplayer but it gives a fair challenge and beating all the objectives is no easy task.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 16, 2015 @ 12:34 PM
Brent, you were right about Pure Pool and Super Mega Baseball but I'm going to have to strongly disagree with your opinion to pass on The Show 14. I have been pleasantly surprised by this game and would be even more impressed if I wasn't already familiar with the gameplay from my Vita version. What the PS4 version adds, besides much better graphics, is the atmosphere. Playing on a big-screen TV helps but the Vita doesn't have a lot of small presentation features shown in between innings, at-bats and even pitches.

Playing this game with my headphones on almost makes me feel like it's springtime and I'm at the stadium in person. Top that off with excellent gameplay and this game is a steal for the $20 I paid for it. It'll be interesting to see how they top it in a few months (not including the better load times, which really don't seem to bother me anymore).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 16, 2015 @ 07:47 PM
And I agree with your right to disagree, though I also still strongly disagree about MLB.  But that's just me, you see.  ;)

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 17, 2015 @ 10:14 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 16, 2015 @ 07:47 PM
And I agree with your right to disagree, though I also still strongly disagree about MLB.  But that's just me, you see.  ;)

Thank you Dr. Seuss :)

Target is going to have Madden 15 on sale for $39.99 starting on 1/25 so I'm going to have my copy in time for the Super Bowl. I'm guessing some other places will match that sale.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 19, 2015 @ 07:00 AM
While I am greatly enjoying Super Mega Baseball there seems to be a mystical force in the season mode.  On 30 ego I can blow anyone out in most games during the season and every exhibition I have played at that or a lower rating. Yet every once in awhile I have run into a season game where it is bound and determine to do one of two things. A low scoring game that goes into extra innings or a defeat, by more than a few runs.  In these games I play no differently and in many cases the loss or close game is to a really bad team (standings wise).  It feels forced on you as hits that come naturally now end up in a whiff or goes right to a fielder. Hits that normally go through the gaps in the outfield are caught and pitches you throw well and with a high number get ripped.  It has happened a few times and it also seems like my individual players ego's dropped really fast, making everything much more difficult. Most games my egos are fairly steady and since I am winning big, usually go up or stay even. When one of these games hits, most of my players individual egos drop fast. A bad inning where you give up a few hits or one poor at bat and they go into a funk that would require a doctors visit and Xanax to get out of.

The crazy part is I kinda like it. You can move the ego up to keep making the game more difficult, as I plan to go up to 50 in my next season but even then I can see this happening. It is like they have programmed in, "You are gonna have one of those days where you seem to be fighting ever pitch and at-bat."  My last game was a 5-1 win in 15 innings. All of my players egos were at the bottom rung. In my mind I never though the game would end, outside of losing on a home run. Every at bat was a struggle just to get the timing right that normal comes naturally and hardly anything, outside a really long foul ball, was making it out of the infield. Just got really lucky that they were down to their final pitcher and he was done for. The individual egos and their constant reminder, as they are always shown on the screen for pitchers and batters, must have some affect on me. It could be a placebo effect but I still think the programmers of the game have a little on/off switch to bring you back down to earth after running off a few double digit wins.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 19, 2015 @ 02:19 PM
I kinda like that too. In real life, every team has a bad day once in a while and this seems to mimic that.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 20, 2015 @ 08:16 AM
Something funny, that I assume was unintentionally left in when making a female pitcher out of a male. My whole team is female (through customization) and a couple of the pitchers scratch not only their butts but their groin area in between pitches.  :))  Victoria Secrets, my #1 starting pitcher is not so secretive on the mound.  She just goes to town on herself. Pretty sure it is illegal both in the rules of pitching and public decency. She does have one heck of a breaking pitch.

Have to add that by naming them, mostly after porn stars and penis humor (we are the Wild Pigs) I have grown quite attached to this team. 

A quick clip of Christy Cannons, breaking all the rules.

Super Mega Baseball_20150120070919 (

My team dominates, here are the team and league stats so far (11-0).

Super Mega Baseball_20150120071236 (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 20, 2015 @ 08:55 AM
Yes, March 27th. I would gladly play through BL2 again just to have the ability to play the Pre-Sequel.

Quote2K and Gearbox Software have announced Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game will include Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel as well as all downloadable content for both games, all in high-definition.

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection is scheduled to launch in North America on March 24, with an international release to follow on March 27. The game will support cross-saves, with players able to transfer save files over from the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The cross-save functionality will only work for consoles within the same family, with the Xbox One supporting saves from the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 4 supporting saves from the PlayStation 3.

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Announcement Trailer (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 20, 2015 @ 11:16 AM
I bought Driveclub today. All the updates and free DLC, along with a $40 price tag, were too much to pass up.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 21, 2015 @ 06:27 AM
Driveclub is so tempting now that I am back to playing sports games. Racing games never hold my attention long enough to get addicted but it does give me a nice fix for the graphic whore in me. I get way too invested in the other stuff and just end up doing the same crap over and over. Already put a few hundred hours into Borderlands 2 and do I really want to do that again? No.  It just hit me while I was doing bounties for Destiny.  This is the same stuff I have been doing over and over and over. So I just scrapped all my legendary/exotics/shards, deleted my player and took a knife to the disc so I would not be tempted to play it again as it is currently residing in my trash can. Sure you guys think I am crazy but it was cathartic. 

So I canceled my Dying Light preorder and wait patiently for MLB 15 The Show.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 21, 2015 @ 06:49 AM
Well we need to make a DSP club. Just bought it at Amazon for $40.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 21, 2015 @ 09:31 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 21, 2015 @ 06:49 AM
Well we need to make a DSP club.

DSP Club?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 21, 2015 @ 09:35 AM
 ^-^  DGN! 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 21, 2015 @ 04:34 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 21, 2015 @ 06:49 AM
Well we need to make a DSP club......

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 21, 2015 @ 06:08 PM
Damn Amazon and their constantly changing prices. WWE 2K15 dropped to $39.99, but went back up to $47 by time I got to my computer to order it...15 minutes later!!!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 11:52 AM
Didn't have to wait for Target to get Madden. Amazon dropped the price to $39.96 a few minutes ago and I jumped on the deal before the price went up again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 11:56 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 11:52 AM
Didn't have to wait for Target to get Madden. Amazon dropped the price to $39.96 a few minutes ago and I jumped on the deal before the price went up again.

The price went back up to $47.41 right after I placed my order.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 05:07 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 21, 2015 @ 09:35 AM
^-^  DGN! 

I created the club today and sent you an invite. If anyone else ends up buying this game, let me know and I'll send you one too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 05:09 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 11:56 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 11:52 AM
Didn't have to wait for Target to get Madden. Amazon dropped the price to $39.96 a few minutes ago and I jumped on the deal before the price went up again.

The price went back up to $47.41 right after I placed my order.

It's back down to $39.96 of anyone is looking to buy it for a cheap price. Still waiting for WWE to drop back down to that price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 22, 2015 @ 07:39 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 22, 2015 @ 05:07 PM
I created the club today and sent you an invite. If anyone else ends up buying this game, let me know and I'll send you one too.

Should get it tomorrow, due to a shipping delay. 10 inches of snow in the area tends to set UPS to a halt.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 23, 2015 @ 09:14 AM
For those who survived during the great Lizard blackout over Christmas.  You have three days (starting today) to use your 10% discount. Can only be used on existing games, no pre-orders. Will be added when you buy something. Also your five free days will be added to your PSN membership. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 23, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
Was able to score a copy of WWE 2k15 for $39.99 this morning from Amazon. Now I'm all set with my sports/racing games for a while. Next purchase will be Shadow of Mordor.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 23, 2015 @ 02:50 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 23, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
...... Next purchase will be Shadow of Mordor.

My GOTY hands down.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 23, 2015 @ 06:29 PM
Hopefully we can get some Drive Club and NHL in this weekend. Installing Drive Club right now but with the 5.87gb patch, I am just going to let it run while I drive to Kansas to pick up some stuff at Wallyworld. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 23, 2015 @ 06:50 PM
Quote from: Ted on January 23, 2015 @ 02:50 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 23, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
...... Next purchase will be Shadow of Mordor.

My GOTY hands down.

It was on sale for $32 two days ago. I can kick myself for passing it up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 23, 2015 @ 06:51 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 23, 2015 @ 06:29 PM
Hopefully we can get some Drive Club and NHL in this weekend. Installing Drive Club right now but with the 5.87gb patch, I am just going to let it run while I drive to Kansas to pick up some stuff at Wallyworld. 

My wife is out tonight so I should be on sometime after 9pm.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2015 @ 09:57 AM
Just purchased the Red Line expansion pack for Driveclub and Shadow of Mordor from the Playstation store with the 5% discount. I love how Sony makes money on their "gift" to their customers.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 24, 2015 @ 01:13 PM
Once the new car smell wears off, what's the verdict on DC?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2015 @ 01:36 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 24, 2015 @ 01:13 PM
Once the new car smell wears off, what's the verdict on DC?

It's honestly one the best looking driving games around. The gameplay is very good and the weather effects are insane. It's been so well supported by the developer with more updates and free add-ons coming. There's visual damage, but it doesn't seem to affect your car, so this could be a deal breaker for some. I still would not call it an arcade racer though as the actual driving model and locations are very realistic.

All the launch issues have also been fixed so at $40 it's a steal.

Here's a video comparing Forza on Xbox One to DriveClub PS4:

DriveClub (PS4) vs. Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One) Gameplay Graphics Comparison Video Review (

Forza is a bit more colorful and cartoony while DC is more realistic looking.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2015 @ 01:41 PM
Let me just add that you're more than welcome to do share play with my copy if you're on the fence and want to try it out for yourself.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2015 @ 02:10 PM
Here's another comparison with The Crew added in with Forza and DC:

The Crew vs. Forza Horizon 2 vs. Driveclub (PS4 & Xbox One) Gameplay Graphics Comparison Review (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 25, 2015 @ 10:16 AM
@BD; you still playing Diablo3?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 25, 2015 @ 10:26 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 25, 2015 @ 10:16 AM
@BD; you still playing Diablo3?

Funny story, that I told to Jason yesterday.  The guy who I traded it to was caught by his wife playing it, who is pretty heavy into the whole Church and Bible stuff. Kinda set her off seeing him and their son playing a game called Diablo. So yeah, I am back to that which addicts me the most, that loot and grind.  So forget all that not playing Dying Light/Borderlands comment. Pretty sure I would have caved by the end of the week anyway. No plans to re-purchase Destiny though. Just no way I can grind through that story again.

You would know this if you answered my party invites. We just wanted to shoot the shit with you while you were playing Destiny.  ;D

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 25, 2015 @ 02:19 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 25, 2015 @ 10:26 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 25, 2015 @ 10:16 AM
@BD; you still playing Diablo3?

Funny story, that I told to Jason yesterday.  The guy who I traded it to was caught by his wife playing it, who is pretty heavy into the whole Church and Bible stuff. Kinda set her off seeing him and their son playing a game called Diablo. So yeah, I am back to that which addicts me the most, that loot and grind.  So forget all that not playing Dying Light/Borderlands comment. Pretty sure I would have caved by the end of the week anyway. No plans to re-purchase Destiny though. Just no way I can grind through that story again.

You would know this if you answered my party invites. We just wanted to shoot the shit with you while you were playing Destiny.  ;D

I figured, but I was partied with some dudes from Den Kirson forums, and they were chatting up a storm. ;D
Quite a few play Destiny heavily, and have gone off CoD quite a bit.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 26, 2015 @ 06:44 PM
Free Icona Vulcano DLC for DriveClub releases tomorrow (1/27):

DRIVECLUB | Icona Vulcano (Free Download) Gameplay (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 27, 2015 @ 11:08 AM
Got the Redline pack fro Drive Club. Going to spend the next week hard and heavy on it and Dying Light. Finally beat the Final Act/Boss in Diablo 3, got to level 61 and it is now trade bait the next time I go to Gamestop.  Great game, long, challenging but I am not going to go ass crazy trying to do the adventure mode, which is pretty much more of the same with larger numbers involved. Learned my lesson from Destiny. Play it, beat it and move on to new stuff.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 27, 2015 @ 05:18 PM
Brent, are your racing stats for Norway being recorded? I've had a bunch of races in Norway but it shows that I've driven 0 miles there when choosing a track. I was wondering if this is a common issue or specific to me. I couldn't find anything online.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 27, 2015 @ 05:39 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 27, 2015 @ 05:18 PM
Brent, are your racing stats for Norway being recorded? I've had a bunch of races in Norway but it shows that I've driven 0 miles there when choosing a track. I was wondering if this is a common issue or specific to me. I couldn't find anything online.

Logged out and then back and it seems to be working now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 28, 2015 @ 10:03 AM
First few hours into Dying Light have been interesting. I loved Dead Island and this game is made by the same team behind Dead Island.  You can see that many of the graphics, zombies, weapon crafting and the whole sandbox do not stray away from the original formula. The gameplay on the other hand does.  This is not find a stick and hit tons of zombies with it till it breaks. For starters, early on that stick is lucky to last for one enemy. Secondly, the combat, while improved, takes a back seat to the free running and general desire to stay alive. As the weapons get better there might be a bit more balance but early on it is scavenging for supplies and staying where the zombies are not and these are just the daytime zombies. The free running works well in most cases, outside a glitch here and there. The key is to keep you head level focused on what you are jumping to and when climbing you need to look up, always, ALWAYS. You look straight ahead at a fence you want to climb and there is really big chance you are going to jump in place. It is taking some time to get used to and having to use the R1 button to jump presents another challenge (Really hope they patch in where you can swap X and R1). The glaring issue in free running is less the timing and more certain obstacles you have to climb and what you can and can not perform. This rears it's ugly head once you start climbing Radio Towers (similar to the climbing churches and towers in AC and Far Cry). I have only climbed two towers but they seem to have no set rules for what you can grasp onto and what will plummet you to your death.  Things you could navigate up in tower one were hit and miss in tower two.  The biggest annoyance in the game for me. Outside of that I am thrilled to get a different experience as Dead Island 2 looks to be more like Dead Island.

Oh and there is Nightfall.  Only went through two nights but if you thought free running was essential during the day, at night you have to be stealthy and capable of speed running with a flashlight.  A special breed of zombie pops up at night and they have a radar, sprint shoes and even more desire to taste your brains. Once night hits these bastards come out and you have to maneuver around them AND the regular zombies from the daytime. They work similarly to cops once you get a wanted level in GTA V. They have radars that you need to avoid and once detected, it's flight, not fight. You do get rewarded extra for playing during the night and escaping the baddies once they latch on. I prefer the daytime myself but will be more willing to go out more when my skill tree grows.

During the day you start seeing more of the tougher zombies (not Nightfall) come out more often. Same as the old Dead Island. Big Guy with Big Weapon, spitter dude and my new favorite, hazmat suit wearing zombie with oxygen tank on back that you do not want to hit. This is still early so there could be more to come. Noise is still an issue and if you make too much, feral zombies (recently turned) come out of the woodwork and while they are not tough, they come in packs, move quickly and will climb things the other day zombies do not. While not as tense as the night you still get the occasional zombie up high and they will pop out of the woodwork when you least expect it.  Lockpicking is pretty heavily used in this game and creates many tense moments. Especially when you are picking a vehicle out in the street (Ambulance/Police Vans), as they have some of the best goods early on. Every little noise caused me to twitch, wondering if I missed a zombie or they are combing back from a distraction I just created to allow me to do the task at hand. They also do a nice job of having certain noises and radio calls come through the controller speaker. Once of the best uses for it so far.

So far a thumbs up. Character skill growth will be intriguing as to how the game is played as you level up and get better weapons and abilities. One thing I did not see was anything to drive. Just another friendly reminder that the emphasis is parkour over pretty much everything you did in Dead Island.  This will make for a lot of repetition but at least with the parkour it will give you more than just kill zombie after zombie to make it to the destination.

P.S. Standing on top of vehicles, a favorite in Dead Island, used to slaughter mass zombies.  Does not work well early on. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 01, 2015 @ 08:22 AM
The DGN Driveclub Racing Team has officially reached level 2!

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 02, 2015 @ 11:52 AM
Risk is hitting PSN this week.  :)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 02, 2015 @ 12:45 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 01, 2015 @ 08:22 AM
The DGN Driveclub Racing Team has officially reached level 2!

Did you have to race online to do that?
Title: Tidy Gamestop haul
Post by: Brad Company on February 02, 2015 @ 08:20 PM
Decided to poke my head in GS with the 3 games for $10 deal going on. Got pristine copies of AC Revelations(comes with AC 1 as bonus), Mass Effect 2(w/ all DLC missions) and Uncharted 3.
Even got pretty cases, and the Online/DLC codes were all still valid. With rewards discount, I paid $9 for 4 full games. Not bad, to add to my enormous backlog.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 02, 2015 @ 09:27 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 02, 2015 @ 12:45 PM
Did you have to race online to do that?

Nope, just single player and mostly time trials to test out some tracks.
Title: Re: Tidy Gamestop haul
Post by: Ted on February 03, 2015 @ 11:15 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 02, 2015 @ 08:20 PM
Decided to poke my head in GS with the 3 games for $10 deal going on. Got pristine copies of AC Revelations(comes with AC 1 as bonus), Mass Effect 2(w/ all DLC missions) and Uncharted 3.
Even got pretty cases, and the Online/DLC codes were all still valid. With rewards discount, I paid $9 for 4 full games. Not bad, to add to my enormous backlog.

Wow, nice haul!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2015 @ 01:56 PM
I wish the Uncharted games were playable on the PS4. I started trading in my backlogged games like Watch Dogs and GTA V on the Xb360 for the PS4 version of GTA V which is currently $40 at Amazon.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 03, 2015 @ 03:29 PM
The first two are, via streaming with PlayStation Now. The second one was just added and both are part of the subscription model. So if you beat them in a month it would cost you $20.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2015 @ 05:03 PM
Has anyone tried the streaming service yet? I'd much rather pay $10 each for digital downloads that I own, but I'd be curious to see how the streaming versions look and play.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 03, 2015 @ 06:08 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 03, 2015 @ 05:03 PM
Has anyone tried the streaming service yet? I'd much rather pay $10 each for digital downloads that I own, but I'd be curious to see how the streaming versions look and play.

I tried it during the beta...worked great.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 03, 2015 @ 08:18 PM
Sometimes I hate this gen. I purchase Risk and it shows a 1.8GB download. Fine, no problem. Then as it starts downloading it starts an update with the exact same size file size? If this is not a mistake, what the hell?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2015 @ 10:04 PM
Let me know what you think of Risk. Was hoping it would be more like $4.99 or $9.99 tops.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 03, 2015 @ 10:23 PM
It is the basic game with the standard options (auto/manual territories, troops, etc). That alone makes it a step ahead of EA's version. Plays really slow and you are constantly having to hit buttons to speed it up and skip some of the dialogue (yes they have someone commentating on every move).  Will check the game options to see if there is a way to skip some of that completely. There is custom AI for the CPU players so it will be interesting to how varied they are.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 04, 2015 @ 07:25 PM
Please be halfway descent. The games I have wanted since I first picked up a controller. 

Summer Camp (

Tom Savini is involved, Kane Hodder (The best Jason) is the lead role and Henry Manfredini (The guy who wrote the music to the original Friday the Thirteenth) is doing the music.

Also a Friday the 13th game is coming that I had no clue about, created by the man himself, Sean Cunningham. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 06, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
Just finished Dying Light with well over 50 hours to complete story and the majority of the side missions. The final story mission was terrific, outside of one bit I will not spoiler but is a pet peeve. It is long and requires you to utilize everything you learned from the game and all of the enemies you have faced.  I did find that as I leveled up I spent more time slicing zombies, then running from them. Nightfall is not so bad as you get dug into the second map but death is still right around the corner.

Best part of the game are actually some of the side missions. Quarantine Zones are a real stand out.  The grappling hook has never been so well done in a game and the parkour is just a few little issues from being darn near perfect. Combat was better than Dead Island, especially when you switch to manual melee. Far from perfect but they take all the big issues with Dead Island and make them more user friendly (crafting on the fly). A rare game that actually put some scares into me and the soundtrack is a throwback to 80's horror movies.  Highly recommend the game. Long enough to easily pay for itself but not something I really need to make another run through as I did the majority of events in the game.

Now I need to find something to get me by until The Order: 1866 comes out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 09, 2015 @ 10:26 AM
Since I am the only one posting the past few days, just thought I would share my FIFA 15 experience this weekend.  So I made a really long post discussing the PES series, Celtic, Rangers, Scottish football history and how this applied to my new season in FIFA 15, only to have some weird disconnect upon posting and I lost everything.

Moral to the story, copy/paste before posting long winded replies. 

Side note: Isn't it about time you open up the gates a bit to get a few new users? I can always talk to myself without having to use a keyboard.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 09, 2015 @ 11:06 AM
Well I've been rotating through a few new games.

I continue my Madden 15 connected franchise as owner Khan with the Jacksonville Jaguars.  I've only been playing on Pro since I'm old and suck and my team is a very unrealistic 9-1, but I'm really enjoying playing the games and developing the players.  If I didn't win these games though I don't think I would make any money and I would end up losing the team.  However, I don't think owner mode is broken like I've read on some other forums.  I think really bad teams just have to make some really tough choices if you are playing realistically  (all pro and above).

My son picked up Elite:Dangerous during the open beta and he said good things about it.  I picked it up after release and hve sunk some hours into it, but other than great visuals and sound, and really fun combat I don't think there is much game there and it has a long way to go re:content.  It's something I put a couple hours a week into.

Darkest Dungeon released into Early Access on Steam last week and I've put about 20 hours into that.  For Early Access its very polished and feels complete.  This is a game where you go on quests with your party and you spend more time managing their mental health than anything else.  Also, sacrificing some of their lives is expected to complete the quest.  This isn't about gathering loot and leveling up to super heroes.  This is grinding out fights trying to restore your family estate while watching humans get battered along the way.  All become afflicted, many die, a few reach hero like status, and hopefully in the end you win.

DCS world is the current flight sim that I'm stuck on right now.  Flying one of the campaigns in Flaming Cliffs 3 with a Soviet era SU-25 Frogfoot CAS aircraft (similar in role to our A10).

Hope that helps you with the crickets, BD
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 09, 2015 @ 11:14 AM
Yes, it is nice to see someone else post.  :D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 09, 2015 @ 01:26 PM
If you have any suggestions on how to open the gates a bit, I'm all ears.

The new forum upgrade, which I'm still waiting on, will eliminate the problem of losing your post without the need to copy before you post.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm 3-1 in my Madden franchise. I'm playing in coach-mode as opposed to owner-mode so I don't have to deal with all the little details. I basically prep my team and play the games. Madden is definitely one of my favorite games so far.

I had a chance to play NBA Live over the weekend and have come to realize that the 5-on-5 gameplay is far inferior to NBA 2k15. The game is just to fast and there are far too many blocked shots. It's a shame no sliders were included in the game because these are issues that could have been fixed easily with some slider adjustments. Playing NBA 2K15 immediately afterwards really made me appreciate how much better the game is so I'll probably start an offline franchise in that too and see if I can do a better job of rebuilding the Knicks than Phil Jackson can.

Also planning to dig into Shadow of Mordor soon. The pick-up-and-play ease of the sports games has kept me away of investing time in some of the less-familiar games in my library at the moment.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 09, 2015 @ 02:32 PM
My Destiny Space Barbie is now level 30., if that's of interest.  It's really true that that is when the game actually begins.
Having some peeps to play with is essential for the most advanced content.
Got 3 more games for $9 at GS. Uncharted2, Mass Effect3 and Virtua Fighter 5. At 3 bucks a game, you can't lose.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 09, 2015 @ 04:18 PM

I have no idea how to get more members. Maybe letting people see the forums without having to log in to see posts?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 09, 2015 @ 04:50 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 09, 2015 @ 04:18 PM
I have no idea how to get more members. Maybe letting people see the forums without having to log in to see posts?

Done. It's something I've been considering for while but held off on because of the enormous amount of spammers that visit each day. They'll now be able to view the forums but still won't be able to post or register if their IP address is blacklisted.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 09, 2015 @ 04:55 PM
Xbox One owners finally get a baseball game.  Unfortunately... (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 09, 2015 @ 04:59 PM
This is now the second year in a row that Microsoft's consoles won't have a real baseball game. WTF is Microsoft thinking, especially when they own the High Heat source code? This was a major reason I went with the PS4 this generation.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 10, 2015 @ 07:40 AM
They're probably thinking it would be a huge money sink to launch a new baseball franchise now.
The trend of fewer licensed sports games will continue. NHL series will be the next to visit the headsman.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2015 @ 08:07 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 06, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
Now I need to find something to get me by until The Order: 1866 comes out.

Finally a third-person shooter for the PS4. I'm keeping my eyes on this one too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 11, 2015 @ 09:56 PM
I am doing a wait and see on The Order. What scares me is the length of the game and how much of it is story versus gameplay. Will wait for the reviews first. Went ahead and started Dying Light again and bought the season pass.  So many things I missed on the first run through and I want to try and also get some of the trophies I missed from the first run.  Also just received the Metro Redux series for my FPS withdraws and Sherlock Holmes game.

Risk is just making it harder to recommend with each play. I still have yet to be able to connect Ubisoft online. The three AI options (balanced, defensive, attacking) seem to work for the first few turns and then they all just end up becoming aggressive once they turn in cards.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 11, 2015 @ 10:03 PM
If you are starving for a third person shooter, grab Infamous Second Son.  Technically use your hands as guns but it works the same. the game is beautiful and it was nice to see a new city, Seattle.  Also the method of traversing the world is fantastic and varied, based on what type of power you are using.

$20 for 20+ hours. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2015 @ 08:10 AM
I actually downloaded Infamous First Light when it was available for free last month but I haven't tried it yet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 13, 2015 @ 10:06 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on November 25, 2014 @ 10:12 AM

Only one more game for me to purchase this year, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.

Would you recommend this? It's currently on sale for $8 during Sony's Flash Sale.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 14, 2015 @ 05:06 PM
For $8 it is a steal, especially if you liked the original (Guardians of Light).  It was fun in single player but you get the most difficult puzzles when you do co-op.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 14, 2015 @ 05:43 PM
I ended up buying it earlier this afternoon. I'm a sucker for a good deal.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 16, 2015 @ 09:21 AM
Might want to hold off on The Order.  People who have played it have said that it is between an 5-6 hour game.  If that is the case, I am waiting for a big price drop.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 16, 2015 @ 02:04 PM
That is pretty short. 8-10 hours is my sweet spot.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2015 @ 08:01 AM
Someone at NGaf broke down how much actual gameplay is in "The Order." This was based off the youtube video of the game that was played on Normal difficulty and they died numerous times.

In case you're interested, I did an analysis of the 5:30 walkthrough. Notes:

Gameplay include walking sessions, prompts for actions that aren't inserted in mere cutscene sessions (like pushing a carriage)
QTE include prompts for actions insterted in mere cutscene sessions
Cutscenes include mere videos
This isn't 100% accurate, but it should give you a decent idea.

So, here it is

Prologue - Total | 12:28 --> Gameplay | 3:39 - QTE | 1:58 - Cutscenes | 6:50
Chapter 1 - Total | 29:23 --> Gameplay | 20:20 - Cutscenes | 9:03
Chapter 2 - Total | 16:33 --> Gameplay | 6:43 - Cutscenes | 9:49
Chapter 3 - Total | 46:00 --> Gameplay | 32:36 - QTE | 0:54 - Cutscenes | 12:30
Chapter 4 - Total | 24:25 ---> Gameplay | 12:20 - QTE | 2:21 - Cutscenes | 9:46
Chapter 5 - Total | 32:41 --> Gameplay | 24:17 - QTE | 0:32 - Cutscenes | 7:52
Chapter 6 - Total | 7:32 --> Gameplay | 1:42 - QTE | 0.18 - Cutscenes | 5:32
Chapter 7 - Total | 6:41 ---> Cutscenes | 6:41
Chapter 8 - Total | 21:37 --> Gameplay | 9:30 - QTE | 0:07 - Cutscenes | 12:00
Chapter 9 - Total | 43:07 --> Gameplay | 31:13 - QTE | 1:13 - Cutscenes | 10:41
Chapter 10 - Total | 4:07 --> Cutscenes | 4:07
Chapter 11 - Total | 44:15 --> Gameplay | 33:13 - QTE | 1:07 - Cutscenes | 9:55
Chapter 12 - Total | 5:37 --> Cutscenes | 5:37
Chapter 13 - Total | 5:17 --> Gameplay | 0:04 - Cutscenes | 5:13
Chapter 14 - Total | 5:31 --> Gameplay | 1:47 - Cutscenes | 3:44

Chapter 15 - Total | 10:48 --> Gameplay | 9:24 - Cutscenes | 1:24
Chapter 16 - Total | 9:23 --> QTE | 2:33 - Cutscenes | 6:50

Walkthrough - Total | 325:17 --> Gameplay | 186:48 - QTE | 11:03 - Cutscenes | 127:26

Gameplay | 57,43%
QTE | 3.4%
Cutscenes | 39.17%

So we have around 11 minutes of QTE's and far too high a cutscene (which can't be skipped) to gameplay ratio. So you are looking at 3-5 hours of actual gameplay.  Also why have a whole chapter one big cutscene and the three chapters, toward the end of the game with 2 minutes of gameplay?

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 17, 2015 @ 03:56 PM
That means it will be free on Plus within a year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 17, 2015 @ 05:18 PM
I just bought Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition from the Playstation store for $14. I loved it on the 360 and am looking forward to playing through it again on the PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2015 @ 05:46 PM
Loved TR and did the same thing. Played on 360 and Xbox One when I had it. Still hate the lazy ending but the rest of the game was great. Felt so much like Uncharted. Only downside was the lack of tombs. Gotta have more tombs. Sadly with Rise of the Tomb Raider, we have no idea if it will ever come to the PS4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 17, 2015 @ 03:56 PM
That means it will be free on Plus within a year.

Right about the time Drive Club PS+ edition finally arrives.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 19, 2015 @ 07:31 PM
The Order is just getting roasted by most sites.  I think this has gone to a redbox rental, since I can beat it in one night.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 19, 2015 @ 07:40 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 19, 2015 @ 07:31 PM
The Order is just getting roasted by most sites.  I think this has gone to a redbox rental, since I can beat it in one night.

Is it mainly because of the length of the game or is the gameplay no good?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 19, 2015 @ 11:06 PM
This gif should answer that.


There is a 150 page thread on the reviews of the game at GAF.  The actual OT for the game is at 30.

To the games credit it did provide the video below. 20 minutes of the most asinine logic you will ever see.

The Order 1886: A Victim Of Racism Like Blacks In America (KILL HATE WITH LOVE) (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 22, 2015 @ 07:49 AM
I re-bought Destiny and GTA V a few days ago.

Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 25, 2015 @ 10:26 AM
No plans to re-purchase Destiny though. Just no way I can grind through that story again

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 22, 2015 @ 09:29 AM
Imma get GTA next time it's on digital sale. Maybe heists will be implemented by then.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 25, 2015 @ 09:13 AM
Heists for GTA Online, are scheduled to launch on March 10.  Only took a year and a half, so hopefully it will be worth the wait.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 25, 2015 @ 09:51 AM
I'll join you guys for that. I'll be back from Florida by then.

Sent from my SGH-T599 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 04, 2015 @ 04:32 AM
If you like 3rd person shooters and zombies, give Zombie Army Trilogy a shot (pun intended).  $10 off for a limited time on PSN making it $40 (Digital Only).  Has 15 campaigns and most say 15-20 hours to do it singleplayer but there is co-op and that is when the zombies come out of the woodwork. There is also Hitler, so getting too kill him is a plus.  Also a horde mode available with multiple maps.  The amount of enemies and difficulty are all tweakable or default based on the number of players you have.  Made by the Sniper Elite team and the first two games were only on PC.  Plays like Sniper Elite and the kill cam is included.

Zombie Army Trilogy - What is Zombie Army Trilogy? | PS4 (

It is also a buttery smooth 60FPS.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 04, 2015 @ 09:00 AM
Holy crap...that looks pretty good. I may have to buy that tonight.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 04, 2015 @ 07:19 PM
Speaking of Nazi's...  A standalone prequel to Wolfenstein New Blood is coming in May (Digital).  I loved New Blood and more B.J. is a good thing.   ;D (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 05, 2015 @ 08:41 AM
Rock Band 4 Announced (

An even bigger challenge also looms: making sure the close to 3000 songs already available on the Rock Band network will be playable on new consoles when Rock Band 4 ships. Harmonix is also planning on making sure any songs you already own seamlessly transfer to the PS4/Xbox One.

"We have been working with Sony and Microsoft to support legacy entitlements, so that DLC you bought on the PS3 will carry forward to the PS4, and same with the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One.

Hopefully they will do a sequel to Rock Band Blitz or allow you to play the game with a controller, instead of a guitar, etc. I have a ton of money invested in RB DLC.

Rock Band 4 - Announcement Trailer (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 05, 2015 @ 08:47 AM
And here's a handy FAQ for you!

Q: When is RB4 coming out?!
A: Rock Band will be out this year. Stay tuned for more specifics in the coming months.

Q: What consoles is RB4 coming out for?
A: Rock Band 4 will be released for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Q: Why not Wii / Wii U / PC?
A: Due to shifting production priorities and capabilities of the studio, we don’t currently have plans to release RB4 on the Wii / Wii U / PC simultaneously with Xbox One and PS4. While we genuinely appreciate the support of Wii Rock band users over the years, and the increased interest from PC gamers, the truth is that we had to prioritize opportunities on other platforms with historically larger RB audiences.

Q: Will my old DLC work on the next gen console of the same type, i.e. PS3 -> PS4?
A: Yes! Content purchased from the store or exported from a disc will transfer over to the new generation of consoles at not addition cost as we make that content available.

Q: Will my old DLC work if I bought a different next gen console, i.e. Xbox 360 -> PS4?
A: Cross platform DLC compatibility is not entirely within our control, as DLC ownership is managed by the 1st parties.

Q: Will my old hardware work?
A: We’re already working closely with Mad Catz, Sony, and Microsoft on solutions for letting you use legacy hardware on new consoles. This is a challenge on both the software side and hardware side, but something we’d love to happen. We’ll have more information on this in the coming months.

Q: Will you be making new hardware?
A: Yes we will! You can preorder a new PAX East exclusive guitar if you come by the Harmonix booth! We’re working with Mad Catz, who has a lot of history with RB gear, and we’re excited to get more instruments back into the world.

Q: Will there be any new instruments, i.e. a tuba, accordion, mouth harp, etc?
A: We’re concentrating on the core band that people are most familiar with (guitar, bass, drums, and mic) rather than expanding on the types of playable instruments in RB4.

Q: What will the new Rock Band cost?
A: Sorry, but we’re not talking about pricing at this time.

Q: What instruments will be playable? Wiill RB4 have Pro guitar and keys?
A: Rock Band 4 will focus on the core experience and the roots of the franchise â€" guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. There will be no Pro Guitar or key support in Rock Band 4. We will continue to support “Pro” mode for Drums.

Q: What are the new features?
A: We’re not quite ready to reveal the evolutionary features of Rock Band 4, but we’re excited to show you in the coming months how we’re expanding the core gameplay you love.

Q: Will you be bringing back [Random Feature X]?
A: We’re not quite ready to reveal the feature set of Rock Band 4 yet, but keep posted for more info!

Q: Will you have songs by [Random Band X]?
A: We’re not talking about the disc soundtrack just yet, but you can bet it’ll be awesome. Over 2000 songs spanning over 500 artists already exist in Rock Band catalog and we’re committed to expanding that and supporting the game post-launch with DLC, and we’re always looking for new bands and sounds, so keep the suggestions coming! Let us know what you want at

Q: When will you have more news about RB4?
A: Soon! Keep posted to our social channels and the Harmonix forums for updates.

Q: When can I preorder RB4?
A: You can sign up for preorder notifications right now at!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 05, 2015 @ 10:20 AM
Is Zombie Army Trilogy worth it just for the single-player campaign?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 05, 2015 @ 11:30 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 05, 2015 @ 10:20 AM
Is Zombie Army Trilogy worth it just for the single-player campaign?

Absolutely, every mission can be played single player and the amount of enemies are designed around how many people are playing. It's extremely long, I have completed 3 of the 15 levels and put at least 5 hours in so far. Be warned, you better be good at sniping. The snipers are the best guns in the game, followed by the shotgun and then the pistol. I am playing on the easy difficulty which just gives you more ammo and when snipping you do not have factor in wind, laying on the ground for the best shot and how the different snipers react differently.  Even on easy the challenge is still there, without having to worry about the little things.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 06, 2015 @ 07:31 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on March 05, 2015 @ 08:41 AM
Rock Band 4 Announced (

An even bigger challenge also looms: making sure the close to 3000 songs already available on the Rock Band network will be playable on new consoles when Rock Band 4 ships. Harmonix is also planning on making sure any songs you already own seamlessly transfer to the PS4/Xbox One.

"We have been working with Sony and Microsoft to support legacy entitlements, so that DLC you bought on the PS3 will carry forward to the PS4, and same with the Xbox 360 to the Xbox One.

Hopefully they will do a sequel to Rock Band Blitz or allow you to play the game with a controller, instead of a guitar, etc. I have a ton of money invested in RB DLC.

Rock Band 4 - Announcement Trailer (

I will play bass in our DGN band. Which will be called Bradfinger.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 06, 2015 @ 08:44 AM
Dibs on Cowbell.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 06, 2015 @ 03:25 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on March 06, 2015 @ 07:31 AM
I will play bass in our DGN band. Which will be called Bradfinger.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 06, 2015 @ 07:11 PM
Sony saves us from lazy developers that do not offer custom control schemes. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 06, 2015 @ 07:47 PM
You beat me to it: Looks Like the PS4 is Getting Some Cool Software Changes (

The app suspension should be nice...that's a feature I use on my Vita all the time.

I could have use the button mapping when Madden 2005 came out on the PS2 and switched the O and X buttons with no option to change it back to how it had been every other year.

Edit: Actually found one of my old threads from 2007 complaining about it: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 09, 2015 @ 08:35 PM
I caved in a bought Zombie Army Trilogy tonight since the sale ends tomorrow. I also realized that I'm out of hard drive space on my PS4. I'm going to start looking for deals on 2tb drives to replaced the standard drive.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 09, 2015 @ 08:47 PM
On the 3rd part of the trilogy and it keeps getting better.  Let me know when you make it to the church and meet a special zombie that you will be seeing much much more in future chapters.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 11, 2015 @ 09:51 AM
Uncharted 4 delayed until 2016. (

Not a real shocker but the rest of 2015 is looking pretty thin for Sony Exclusives, unless we get some news of certain games actually shipping in 2015 from the E3 conference. 

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 11, 2015 @ 05:09 PM
Finally got a chance to try out Zombie Army Trilogy last night and now that I've got the gameplay settings set to my liking I'm enjoying it even though I'm only on the first level.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 12, 2015 @ 07:35 AM
Just finished it last night. The last two levels are brutal.   I could not see myself finishing this game on a difficulty level higher than Cadet. Well worth the $40 but I have had my fill.  Going to focus on GTAV until Borderlands and MLB arrive.

I did end up trading a few games in that I was not playing. NHL 15, NBA 2K15 and Driveclub.  Outside of playing hockey online with Jason, I never touched it. Doubt I will be buying the series in the future unless they overhaul the National Teams/Tournament mode and add the Frozen Four. Probably won't get another basketball games unless by some miracle a College Basketball game arrives. Driveclub was an easy decision as I just suck at racing games.

Also deleted Super Mega Baseball since MLB is coming soon. Won two championships and pretty much reached the peak of my abilities to compete with the CPU around Ego 65. I do hope it sells well enough for a sequel. It has a great foundation but desperately needs more teams, stadiums, advanced editing of teams and players and a separate Ego for offense and defense. When the difficulty is ramped up it makes it hard as nails to score but you can always pitch well enough to stay in the game.  The fielding in the outfield needs a revamp to where you have to do more to catch a fly ball. I think the infield fielding was great.  One last thing that would be great is the ability to use zone batting, without the game assisting.  It is kind of there as you have to move the cursor more once you get to the higher difficulties but the height of the pitch has too much impact on a grounder or pop-up.

Great thing about selling, removing games when I have had my fill, is not having to worry about paying for a larger hard drive.  296GB free since I only have six games installed.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 18, 2015 @ 09:37 AM
I will stick to Pure Pool but Hustle Kings was just released in the US and is Free to Play. (

How free, I have no clue.  Pure Pool is on sale and current $6.99 in the PS Store.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 26, 2015 @ 10:15 AM
For any Steam user, first come first served.  For per-ordering Borderlands Handsome Jack Collection, I got a bonus that gives you the first Borderlands and all it's DLC for free.

Dear Amazon Customer,

Your order qualifies for the pre-order bonus for this game: a free download of "Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition" for PC through Steam. Here is your Steam bonus code:


Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 29, 2015 @ 07:25 PM
I am starting to root for MLB The Show 15 to not arrive on time and I hate myself for it.  Amazon has been horrible shipping me games the last year or so and it is to the point where their customer service is too good for their own good.  Being a Prime member and buying most of my games with release date delivery promise, I expect the 2 day shipping they promise. I pay for Prime and by gosh they are going to live up to their end of the bargain.  What they have been doing the last 6+ months have been shipping my orders UPS Ground out of Dallas and upping the delivery date to try to make it in two days.  Little does their computer, which is trying to cheat the system by doing this maneuver know it is costing them a small fortune. Partly due to it, my location in the boonies and some incompetence at UPS. This is not a stealth brag thread. Honestly I would rather have my games show up on time so I could play them.

Here are just some of the highlights

Borderlands 2/Pre Sequel  - $40 digital credit  (this same credit amount on 2 other occasions but do not recall the games)
Dying Light - Prime 3 month extension  (this has happened a couple times)
GTAV and Far Cry - Both games fully credited and I could keep them (shipment was like 5 days late)

These are just a few. I have had such a sting of back luck with the shipping dept, each time I talk to an Amazon Supervisor, they just take a hammer to the piggy bank. Each time this happens I explain that they should stop sending me shipments UPS Ground which is not gauranteed two day delivery. To start sending another carrier or to actually do wha they promise and ship the pack via a 2 day shipment method like UPS Blue, etc.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 29, 2015 @ 07:43 PM
Good for you...I love Amazon and buy everything from them, but I'm the first to complain if they don't get something right. My most recent issue was when they delivered a cracked kitchen table (the top was marble) to me twice and was given a $150 gift card for the inconvenience. My best deal was when I was able to keep a $499 Canon digital camera back in 2002. I payed for upgraded shipping (Prime didn't exist back then) to have it for Christmas and it didn't arrive in time. They shipped out a second camera with overnight shipping and I let me keep the original when it arrived.

I guess I'm not the only customer complaining to them if they're not perfect.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 30, 2015 @ 06:59 PM
Finally they ship MLB The Show 15 UPS 2nd Day Air. Now if only they had shipped it on Friday, instead of Sunday.  They are doing the same thing they do with UPS Ground. Shipping it one way and then rescheduling for early delivery. We shall see.   ;D

I see Amazon now wants some of that Angie's list money.  Unfortunately there are not any Goat Grazers in the area, or goats for that matter, which I am sure Amazon ios working on selling next.  Goats delivered by drones. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 06, 2015 @ 07:12 PM
Here I was thinking the MLB 14 server shutdowns were a crappy move. 2K just obliterates the competition when it comes to taking a crap on their customers. (

Even the guys At EA are blushing at this.

Side note:  Really getting into Borderlands: Pre Sequel.  Did not like it at first but once you play it a few hours more, the whole outer space, butt slamming, oxygen needing and crazy navigation starts to work. Navigating maps are much different than BL2 but only because they make use of jump pads and your jumping ability to maneuver certain areas.

Never could find a character that I really wanted to use at first. So I went with DPS and chose Nisha because her play style is a completely different then anything in BL2. No turrets to throw out, just good old fashioned Jacobs pistols with high rates of fire and laser guns. Aussault rifles are fine and I use grenades and occasional a rocket launcher but you need fast rates of fire and speedy reloads to make full use of the special, which is just absolutely

Almost like playing two different games and that is pretty good, although in Borderlands 3 I would rather they stick closer to the BL2 line of thinking.  Bigger everything, varied environments and a section of the game dedicated to Tiny Tina and her DLC.

You know it was made my 2K Australia because every other character is an Aussie. Crikey, those voices can get annoying.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 07, 2015 @ 04:54 PM
2K stinks, and they've wrecked their NBA game, on and off the court.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 08, 2015 @ 09:33 AM (

Okay guys, we done goofed.  You can have 9 more months to play your single player OFFLINE career mode and then it is gone. NBA 2K14 has been a complete disaster since the beginning.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 09, 2015 @ 01:27 PM
I'm currently about 40% through The Last of Us and Tomb Raider. I had always wanted to play through Tomb Raider a second time back on the Xbox 360, but now I get to play a better-looking version of the game which feels new again since it was so long ago that I last played it.

The Last of Us is a pretty creepy sunshine and rainbows in this one. I'm enjoying it, but what I don't understand is why this game was "Game of the Year" while The Order got ripped since their game styles are very similar. There are plenty of cutscenes, walking-and-following and QTE's in Last of Us too...if not the same amount. Even the guns fights and stealth killings play very similarly. Either way, it's fine with me bacause I really enjoyed The Order and I'm enjoying this too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 09, 2015 @ 07:50 PM
Quote from: Jason on April 09, 2015 @ 01:27 PM
The Last of Us is a pretty creepy sunshine and rainbows in this one. I'm enjoying it, but what I don't understand is why this game was "Game of the Year" while The Order got ripped since their game styles are very similar. There are plenty of cutscenes, walking-and-following and QTE's in Last of Us too...if not the same amount. Even the guns fights and stealth killings play very similarly. Either way, it's fine with me bacause I really enjoyed The Order and I'm enjoying this too.

The key is you are not halfway through the game. Length and challenge were never an issue with this game. Plenty to do, even with a world that is pretty closed off. You really need to play the whole thing first, to understand why it won all those "game of the year awards."  Not to mention how amazing the game looks and looked on a PS3. You still have quite a few emotional moments ahead of you. Plus you have the DLC to run through which was pretty good and explains a few things not fully covered in the game.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 09, 2015 @ 07:59 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on April 09, 2015 @ 07:50 PM
Have you met the clickers yet?   >:D

Met and killed plenty of them so far. I'm up to the part where Joel meets up with his crazy friend and they're going to build a car.

I didn't know you played LoU.I was actually shocked by what happened at the very beginning....

I knew the game was about some guy and a young girl so I assumed it was Joel's daughter when I first started playing. As you know, you find out pretty quickly that it's not.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 09, 2015 @ 08:15 PM
Heh, I removed the clicker reference, just in case you had not been that far.  The car guy, I loved Ellie's interactions with him.  ;D 

Played through it twice, once on the PS3 and again on the PS4, though I only played the DLC on the PS4.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 12, 2015 @ 09:19 AM
My daughter is officially hooked on watching me play The Last of Us. I let her stay up 2 hours past her bedtime last night to watch me play and she was completely caught up the story of the game. She kept saying "play a little more" last night in the hopes that we were close to the end, which I found out today we're not. For those who have played, we're up to the part where Joel meets up with his brother Tommy a the dam.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 12, 2015 @ 09:40 AM
Yes, some of us know that better than others.  Between you and Brad, I am not sending out a party invites anymore.  :-X

Make sure that your daughter and anyone else who has been following the story line be in the room when you arrive in Salt Lake City, up to the point where no explanation will be needed as to why I emphasize this.  Still a good ways from that point.  Right now you are about at 50%.  This will be after you go through fall and winter.  Winter should be interesting too, in regards to your daughter watching. Don't forget to post impressions after playing these two areas. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 12, 2015 @ 11:49 PM
Finished the game today and started on the included DLC. I'll post my full impressions tomorrow but I did limit what my daughter watched today based on your comments above and it was a good call on your part.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 13, 2015 @ 09:10 AM
Just a heads up on the DLC  (Spoiler but something you may or may not want you kids to see).


There is a little smooch between Ellie and Riley at the end. Just a short kiss but something a youngster might have questions about after watching it.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 13, 2015 @ 09:27 AM
More spoilers - not for Jason but anyone who has not played the games.

I am sure you figured out the scene I was referring to were the Giraffes in Salt Lake. If you can watch that and not get even a bit emotional, you are a rock. Gives you a short break from the fighting and is one of the big bonding moments, just ahead of when he let's her shoot for the first time and right behind Ellie taking care of Joel (which as you are seeing is part of what the DLC is about).

Winter, the first of it, I thought would be neat to watch because of the big plot twist and then getting to see Ellie take charge. The hunt scene, while scripted was one of my favorite in the game. One, because I love snow and they did an amazing job of capturing winter in the mountains and secondly, the twist of taking over as Ellie with bow in hand. Of course it gets really dark once she is captured and not exactly something for younger viewers. 

Sure seems like you could not stop playing it? The second half of the game is just so good. Not that the first half is bad but there are so many twists and emotional moments toward the end.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 13, 2015 @ 08:17 PM
Spoilers galore in entire post...

You're right...I couldn't stop playing it because I was so caught up in the story rather than the game. To be honest, the constant gunfights starting becoming a little repetitive by time I made my way to hospital but I had to see how the ending unfolded. I will say this though, the entire thing felt more like an experience and I say that as a compliment. For whatever reason, I really felt like I was there. Maybe it was the incredible graphics or maybe it was the story. It was most likely a combination of both.

The winter was a nice twist in both gameplay and story. The game almost makes you think Joel is dead because the previous scene shows Joel fall off the horse and lay lifeless on the ground. It then moves to you controlling Ellie in the middle of the snowy woods. I doubted Joel was dead but it did put the thought in my head. Once Ellie asked for the antibiotics you knew he was still alive though.

Joel and Ellie were definitely a big part of why the game was so good. Not only were they both well thought out and interesting, but their chemistry together was very good. There was no doubt that they were going to bond during their journey but the way it happened was still very good. My only issue with both characters was that I kept picturing them as Billy Ray Cyrus and Ellen Page.

In regards to the DLC, the gameplay is sort of cheesy (breaking car windows and playing imaginary fighting games), but I didn't know Ellie was going to be the main character in it. I actually thought it was going to be about a completely different pair of people (not seen in the game) and their battle against the infected, so seeing that it fills in a pretty important gap in the game came as a nice surprise.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 13, 2015 @ 08:40 PM
Even Ellen Page thought it was Ellen Page and she was not too happy about it. (

So can you see why it got so many GOTY awards now?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 13, 2015 @ 09:00 PM
Wow, the side-by-side picture in that article really shows you how similar they are. I guess I wasn't the only one who saw the resemblance.

I think the amazing story is what really helped it earn all those awards. I was far more impressed with the story than the gameplay, not that the gameplay was bad. They could make a movie based on the exact events of the game and it would be great if done correctly.

I had mentioned how I felt like I was there but I forgot to mention how many times I was afraid to cough or shushed my daughter when she would talk because I was afraid of the clickers hearing the noise. That's the first time anything like that has happened to my while playing a game. If anyone was on the fence about this game, do yourself a favor and go get it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 15, 2015 @ 08:40 AM
Finished the DLC last night. Glad they included it for free with the Remastered version since it definitely added to the main story.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 23, 2015 @ 10:39 PM
Purchased Bloodborne tonight. Had to see what the hype is all about.  I remember enjoying Dark Souls, crushing death after crushing death. Did not finish it but enjoyed my time. Never played DS2 but if I enjoy Bloodborne I might pick up the PS4 version that is out now.   
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 24, 2015 @ 07:43 AM
I'm sure it's a great game but the length and difficulty have stopped me from buying it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 24, 2015 @ 09:12 AM
Some say it is less difficult than Dark Souls but you could have fooled me. Loving the combat so far, outside of the constant dying. Everything is hard in this game.  From starting the game and figuring out what on earth you are doing, to figuring out what those crazy notes plastered everywhere are (and then rating them with no explanation whatsoever). I had to use a FAQ to figure out how to get back to the main menu for cripes sake.  Apparently I am far from the only one to do that. It is a bit overwhelming but the tenseness of combat is second to none. Here comes another bad dude, no checkpoint in sight and I have little health and no recovery options.  Fail and you gotta go through every baddy again, just to recover your blood booty (forget what it is called, Echos?  It used to be Souls.), taken away on your death. Sure, you can still cower back to the last checkpoint with your blood booty in tact to head back to the central point to buy some healing goodies but those same enemies await and that blood booty will never be safe.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 24, 2015 @ 05:43 PM
I've been advised not to play it, due to my 'temperament" >:D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 28, 2015 @ 10:02 AM
Trailer and screens for Just Cause 3. (

I enjoyed the first two, so this should be day one.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 28, 2015 @ 12:14 PM
Never played the first two but that looks really good. I'd definitely consider that.

Right now my next 3 purchases will be The Golf Club: Collector's Edition, Project Cars and Batman: Arkham Knight.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 29, 2015 @ 10:43 AM
Have returned to Kerbal Space Program since it reached full release 1.0 this week.

Trying to complete some games on the backlog:

Still working my way through Metro 2033 (I'm just now facing the Librarians)

Have started Mass Effect (1) for the 6th or 7th time and I think I'm done.  I just can't get into this game.  I hate the dialog.  I hate the combat.  I wanted to see the story because of the critical acclaim, but I just cannot get the feel on this one.  Maybe I'll just watch a youtube of all the cut scenes like a movie.

Now that baseball season is here thinking of getting back into my MLB 14 The Show franchise.  Is 15 really that much of an upgrade because it doesn't seem to be and my biggest gripe was the frame rate drop during batter walk ups and such and that doesn't seem to have been fixed.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 29, 2015 @ 03:14 PM
Ted, I wouldn't recommend MLB 15 at this point. You're better off sticking with 14 for now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 29, 2015 @ 03:44 PM
Quote from: Ted on April 29, 2015 @ 10:43 AM
Have returned to Kerbal Space Program since it reached full release 1.0 this week.

Trying to complete some games on the backlog:

Still working my way through Metro 2033 (I'm just now facing the Librarians)

Have started Mass Effect (1) for the 6th or 7th time and I think I'm done.  I just can't get into this game.  I hate the dialog.  I hate the combat.  I wanted to see the story because of the critical acclaim, but I just cannot get the feel on this one.  Maybe I'll just watch a youtube of all the cut scenes like a movie.

Now that baseball season is here thinking of getting back into my MLB 14 The Show franchise.  Is 15 really that much of an upgrade because it doesn't seem to be and my biggest gripe was the frame rate drop during batter walk ups and such and that doesn't seem to have been fixed.

Did you play ME 2 or 3? I've got them, and have yet to play either.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 30, 2015 @ 12:08 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 29, 2015 @ 03:44 PM

Did you play ME 2 or 3? I've got them, and have yet to play either.

I can't even get past the Citadel in 1.  I have 2 and 3 in the library and have never opened them.

Forgot to mention doing the same with Witcher 1.  I've never gotten half way in that game.  Same problems....shitty voice acting, atrocious combat.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 30, 2015 @ 04:21 PM
Well, 2 and 3 are supposed to be much better than 1...hence me skipping 1 entirely.
The first Assassins Creed isn't so hot, either, evidently.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 01, 2015 @ 06:56 PM
Bloodborne can bite me.  Man do I suck at that game.  Trading it in tonight for the disc version of The Golf Club. Already have the digital but really want to support the dev team for all the stuff they have added for free, post-release.  Plus I will not have to wait until mid-May to play the season mode and the tropical theme.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 01, 2015 @ 08:18 PM
I just purchased the digital version of The Golf Club yesterday since the price dropped $5. Unfortunately I had surgery on my elbow on Monday and don't have much use of my left arm and hand to play it though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 02, 2015 @ 09:38 AM
What happened to your elbow? 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 02, 2015 @ 12:33 PM
I had a compressed nerve that needed to be moved and had some of the bone stuff.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 02, 2015 @ 04:35 PM
Hopefully not your strokin arm. :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 03, 2015 @ 10:11 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on May 02, 2015 @ 04:35 PM
Hopefully not your strokin arm. :))

I'm ambidextrous ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 04, 2015 @ 08:51 AM
Ambidextrous? Not based on the score you put up in The Golf Club.  You did pound out a serious amount of strokes though.  Did you mistake this for The Rowing Club? ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 05, 2015 @ 08:29 AM
Lol. Smart try playing with one hand the first time you play the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 05, 2015 @ 08:56 AM
Just a friendly reminder that you can use either the left or right analog stick to swing. Since you are limited to the right hand, going into the settings and changing that would be a good idea, if you have not already.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 07, 2015 @ 08:44 AM
I love that the analog swing is on the right stick. Tiger Woods would always default to the left stick which I couldn't stand. I guess I got used to the motion on the right stick from batting in the MLB 2K games for all those years.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 08, 2015 @ 04:48 PM
F1 bonanza for me. F1 CE and F1 2010 for $1.50 each.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 12, 2015 @ 10:28 AM
Beta gameplay but this looks like it would be a blast to play. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 12, 2015 @ 08:13 PM
Dammit Ubisoft, you can shit out an Assassins Creed game every year but you delay The Division to 2016. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Thinking about picking up The Witcher 3 today. Just need something new to play.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 20, 2015 @ 07:35 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Thinking about picking up The Witcher 3 today. Just need something new to play.

I've considered it myself but would never have the time to really invest in it. You may want to wait for the next patch since there's apparently some pretty nasty bugs.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2015 @ 10:18 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 20, 2015 @ 07:35 PM
I've considered it myself but would never have the time to really invest in it. You may want to wait for the next patch since there's apparently some pretty nasty bugs.

Too late, picked it up tonight. Need to check out these bugs to see if I want to start or wait.  Until then I can figure out who the crap I am going to run with for my MLB The Show Franchise. Playing at home with Seattle reminded me why I disliked playing with them.  Hipsters and concession stand jackoffs are constantly getting up and moving around while trying to pitch and it bugs the crap out of me, especially with a zoomed in pitcher and using a meter. Might have to go back to my Pirates.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 20, 2015 @ 11:09 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2015 @ 10:18 PM
Until then I can figure out who the crap I am going to run with for my MLB The Show Franchise. Playing at home with Seattle reminded me why I disliked playing with them.  Hipsters and concession stand jackoffs are constantly getting up and moving around while trying to pitch and it bugs the crap out of me, especially with a zoomed in pitcher and using a meter. Might have to go back to my Pirates.

It's funny that you mention that. Just today I played against Seattle in the ALCS at Safeco Field and really noticed how much activity was going on in the stands. I also found it distracting and thought maybe it had to do with it being the playoffs or I was just used to the less active crowd on the Vita version.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 21, 2015 @ 03:12 AM
Yeah it is really annoying trying to concentrate on the pitch meter with all that movement.  I have settled on a team, Toronto.  Great throwback unis and the turf field, which will be gone in a few years.  Plus the added bonus of being in the same division as two of my most despised teams.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 21, 2015 @ 08:37 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 21, 2015 @ 03:12 AM
I have settled on a team, Toronto.  Great throwback unis and the turf field, which will be gone in a few years.  Plus the added bonus of being in the same division as two of my most despised teams.

What do you have against Baltimore and Tampa Bay? ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 21, 2015 @ 09:24 AM
Quote from: Jason on May 21, 2015 @ 08:37 AM
What do you have against Baltimore and Tampa Bay? ;)

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 21, 2015 @ 08:23 PM
Well I had no idea opening day would be on the road against the evil empire.  Wacky game.  Gave up 6 runs in the first inning (including a lead off HR and a Grand Slam). In the top of the second my bats were on fire and I cut the lead to 6-5.  My pitcher shows up for an inning and takes all three batters down on strikeouts. Top of the third and a home run to tie it.  Pitcher goes groundhog day and gives up 3 more runs in the bottom of the third.  At this point I have 11 hits to the Yankees 9. There is only one more hit the rest of the game. I hit a bloop single in the 9th.

Ballgame over! Yankees win! Theeeeeee Yankees win!  :'(
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 26, 2015 @ 08:47 PM
Finally a release date for Until Dawn!  August 25th for some slasher horror.  Odd date, releasing the same week as Madden. It's been in development for years, you would think they could have held off until late October.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 27, 2015 @ 07:25 PM
Brent, have you put any time into The Witcher 3? Didn't the patch and DLC drop today for it?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 27, 2015 @ 08:22 PM
Played it for about 10 hours and it just never clicked for me. I disliked the combat too much to continue on. It did take a really big downgrade in the graphics dept and never wowed me they way Skyrim did last gen. Skyrim was just your basic combat, with some enchanting to make your weapons and armor stronger. The Witcher requires you to learn the enemies, which sword to use, type of bomb/sign to spell, etc.  Far more is required to defeat enemies than just hack and slash (which is good thing for most RPG fans). Not to mention the text for all this stuff was so tiny I had to get up from the couch numerous times (something they plan to fix).  The side quests, at least early on were nicely done. Much more detailed than go to point A and kill things. 

I did like the card game and would have liked to have seen all the other places, story, etc but the combat and controls just never felt right.  Did not feel like slogging my way through a game just for that. There is a crossbow eventually and if one could have played the whole way using that as a primary weapon, I could have soldiered on, unfortunately the swords are the key.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 27, 2015 @ 08:59 PM
I thought it may be a little too RPG-y (yes, I just made that word up) for me and your description confirmed my thoughts. It sounds like there's way too much to worry about with combat...I just want to start hacking at enemies.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 27, 2015 @ 09:36 PM
Yeah, having to put certain ointments on your blade to be successful against an enemy was a bit much for me.  Felt like watching my friends play D&D as a kid and wondering WTF about this is enjoyable exactly? 

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 28, 2015 @ 02:28 AM
MX vs ATV coming to next gen. (

I rented the last one they made using Play Now and it was horrible. Rainbow studios needs to go back to what made their games sell. The open world layouts were like crack (blatant copy of Tony Hawk but it was a blast). Then jump back to the PC days when you made MM2 and had a kick ass track editor (lids like to create stuff, see Trials series).

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 28, 2015 @ 11:34 AM
I almost pulled the trigger on Destiny last night now that it dropped to $20 at Amazon but decided not to buy it after reading how boring it is as a single-player game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 28, 2015 @ 03:25 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 28, 2015 @ 11:34 AM
I almost pulled the trigger on Destiny last night now that it dropped to $20 at Amazon but decided not to buy it after reading how boring it is as a single-player game.

Mmm, that is way over-simplified. There is metric poop-tons to do all by your lonesome.
Also, there are some experienced hands around here to help you out big-time. :P
The core gameplay is sublime.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 28, 2015 @ 07:54 PM
While I doubt I will ever touch Destiny again, I think you are doing yourself a disservice. At $20 it is worth it to play the single player. It is a bit short and the story is meh but as Brad said the core mechanics (shooting and controls) are absolutely top notch.

Now with all that said I would highly recommend Borderlands Collection over Destiny by a long shot. While the core shooting mechanic is no Destiny, everything else is x10 better.  A shitload more guns, tons of things to do, far higher use of elemental weapons/environment, with hardly any grinding as there is always something new to explore. Borderlands 2 story alone is a good 50+ hours with side missions and that is not touching the DLC and Headhunter packs. There is even a DLC, Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep that I would rate higher than Destiny.  Plus no unskippable, tedious, cutscenes. Most of the story is told, in game.  Plus another 30+ hours of things to do with The Pre-Sequel, which is pretty fun in it's own right. Moon jumping, butt slams, cryo weapons and lasers.

Plus there is one DLC that revolves around Wrestling. Mr. Torque, nuff said. (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 29, 2015 @ 06:20 PM
Playing Destiny with friends online is the best experience video gaming I've ever had.
Once you have some regular peeps, the game opens up in a way that is hard to describe, and goes way beyond  any other game I've played.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 29, 2015 @ 07:03 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on May 29, 2015 @ 06:20 PM
Playing Destiny with friends online is the best experience video gaming I've ever had.
Once you have some regular peeps, the game opens up in a way that is hard to describe, and goes way beyond  any other game I've played.

The key is regular peeps, when I was playing the crap out of Destiny I had a good fireteam and agree 100% that doing Raids and Nightfalls with them was a blast. Playing with randoms because you needed (x) more for a Raid on the other hand...  Played with my one British friend and his group of Brits and Scotts and what a nightmare.  The average British female voice is considered by many to be grating, at the very least. To have that same voice telling everyone else where to go and what to do because she was under-leveled was overly grating.  To have her baby crying the whole time. >:(
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 29, 2015 @ 07:10 PM
Uncharted 4 confirmed to ship before April 2016.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 30, 2015 @ 12:06 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 29, 2015 @ 07:10 PM
Uncharted 4 confirmed to ship before April 2016.

I hope the remastered trilogy comes out this fall.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 30, 2015 @ 12:10 AM
I don't doubt that Borderlands 2 is a great game, but I'm really not a fan of FPS games. I'm willing to give Destiny a shot because the graphics and environments look amazing. I'll probably download the 17GB demo this weekend so I can at least get a feel for it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 30, 2015 @ 02:33 AM
That is a -1 Karma for not even considering Borderlands but a +1 for giving Destiny a shot.

You know what, -1 because Borderlands 2 has a melee character and you could have been the conductor of the poop train. Plus it would have given me someone on my friends list with the game. (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 30, 2015 @ 12:05 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 30, 2015 @ 12:10 AM
I don't doubt that Borderlands 2 is a great game, but I'm really not a fan of FPS games. I'm willing to give Destiny a shot because the graphics and environments looks amazing. I'll probably download the 17GB demo this weekend so I can at least get a feel for it.

That's what I did, DL the demo first. If you keep it, I can help you level up your little spaceman.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 30, 2015 @ 06:30 PM
I just ordered it but it's temporarily out of stock. Downloaded the demo and played it with my son for a while. I just found out my son has wanted the game for a while so he'll get a lot of use out of it even if I don't.

The movement was pretty smooth and the gameplay seems a little bit slower than other FPS games which I like since it doesn't seem to give me a headache. Of course you see other online players when you're at that first port (or whatever it is) and they're all making their characters dance around like jackasses. I'm curious to see what would happen if I disconnected my PS4 from the Internet before playing...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 30, 2015 @ 07:27 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 30, 2015 @ 06:30 PM
I just ordered it but it's temporarily out of stock. Downloaded the demo and played it with my son for a while. I just found out my son has wanted the game for a while so he'll get a lot of use out of it even if I don't.

The movement was pretty smooth and the gameplay seems a little bit slower than other FPS games which I like since it doesn't seem to give me a headache. Of course you see other online players when you're at that first port (or whatever it is) and they're all making their characters dance around like jackasses. I curious to see what would happen if I disconnected my PS4 from the Internet before playing...

You have to be connected to log into Destiny servers. Embrace the dance.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 30, 2015 @ 09:08 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on May 30, 2015 @ 07:27 PM
You have to be connected to log into Destiny servers. Embrace the dance.

Never embrace the dance.  Do embrace pushing fireteam members off cliffs.

-1 K for you.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 04, 2015 @ 09:28 PM
Well I deserve some negative karma for what I am about to do.  Going to back to Destiny, from scratch, so I can enjoy the second expansion I already paid for.  Did most everything you can in Borderlands 2 and TPS so I traded it in.  Technically making Destiny free, yet I still feel dirty.

So Jason if you are planning on playing this weekend let's go around and shoot stuff.

I should get negative karma each time I promise to never play a game again/sell/trade game, as a reminder that I really should just go all-digital and alleviate the problem all-together. Outside of having to re-download games each time I quit a game and wipe it.  >:D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 04, 2015 @ 11:18 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on June 04, 2015 @ 09:28 PM
So Jason if you are planning on playing this weekend let's go around and shoot stuff.

Sounds good. My copy just arrived today since it was out of stock when I ordered it last week. Was glad to see I didn't have to reinstall the game and download the updates again when I put the disc in. I was just asked if I wanted to use the disc version from now on instead of the version I downloaded.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 05, 2015 @ 04:27 PM
If you see me on, let's do stuff. Either with my baby Hunter or my lvl 34 Titan.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 05, 2015 @ 08:16 PM
Jason, are you planing on playing tonight?  if so let me know as we have not played in awhile. Brad is always on at certain times so he is easy to catch but finding you online is a rarity, since you tend to play offline quite a bit.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 05, 2015 @ 08:54 PM
Maybe tonight but definitely tomorrow night. I have to get it back from my son who stole it as soon as he got home from school today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 08, 2015 @ 10:03 AM
Finally go to play the Prison of Elders as a level 26.  It was pretty fun, outside of not knowing what was happening, being dropped into round 2 with a lvl 34 and 30 and still running with mostly rare armor and only one legendary hand cannon.  I held the team back on occasion but was able to figure out what was going on and we eventually beat the final boss. Pretty good loot for a 28 event.  Exotic Shotgun (which I dismantled due to my hatred of shotguns) and a nice little auto rifle.

I think I took more joy out of watching Jason tackle a First Person Shooter than the loot.  ;D

Most of the time I was looking at...


+1 Karma to Jason for giving it the old college try.
+1 Karma to Brad for helping me get through the weekly.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 08, 2015 @ 02:57 PM
For the record, I had Brent yelling at me through the headset and my son yelling at me in person....and, I was drinking that night.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 08, 2015 @ 07:08 PM
I would find the yelling annoying and the drinking helpful, as usual. :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 09, 2015 @ 09:26 AM
Finished all the Wolves content in Destiny and left mostly unsatisfied between the two DLC's.  Now we see $40 for the new batch of content, which may not even include a new planet. That is enough money for you Bungie. Great shooter but you lost me with the "new" story missions that just have you traversing backwards through the same stuff. Bad enough you had a strike on the previous DLC do this but the whole story mode?

Moving on to Elder Scrolls Online which is downloading now. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 10, 2015 @ 07:55 AM
Once I finally got to log into Elder Scrolls Online so many Skyrim memories came back to me. Combat is pretty much Skyrim, same goes for the GUI, etc, etc. The Map is larger than Skyrim and Oblivion combined and I barely scratched the surface of the first town (Daggerfall). Towns really bog down the framerate with all of the people running around in one place, especially on day one but it settled back down once you made you way out of the city.  Getting to travel to all the different areas of Tamriel is the selling point for me. With thousands of quests, all that can be done by yourself and a map this large, I will be kept busy for some time.  Great game to get me through the Summer of no new releases for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 10, 2015 @ 07:59 AM
Patch for Super Mega Baseball (

Ego customization: Ego can now be set independently for each of batting, pitching, fielding and baserunning

That was one of the biggest requests most people had.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 10, 2015 @ 02:46 PM
Nice update. Maybe I'll get around to playing it now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 24, 2015 @ 09:12 PM
I'm 22% through Arkham Knight so far. It's definitely a much different game than the last three with a lot of new gameplay elements, with the biggest being the addition of the Batmobile. I'm enjoying the Batmobile tank battles more than I thought, but there's way too many and from what I've read the biggest majority are in the past quarter of the game.

The graphics are a huge step up from the previous almost makes the older games seem like cartoons. The constant rain was cool looking at first but I wish it would stop once in a while. It also causes some framerate issues when racing through the city in the Batmobile.

The story is pretty intense and definitely not for younger kids which is a bit of a problem since my 4-year old loves the Arkham games and has been anxiously awaiting this one for the past 6 months. What I've been doing is playing the story when he's not around and then I let him just fly, drive and run around the city without completing any missions.

My older son and I have been swapping the disc back and forth. We're both trying to beat the other to the end. What he doesn't realize is that I can just not allow him to borrow my MY game and settle it right there :) . Actually, I needed his help getting past one of the Batmobile boss fights.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on June 26, 2015 @ 05:06 PM
Quote from: Jason on June 24, 2015 @ 09:12 PM
.... Actually, I needed his help getting past one of the Batmobile boss fights.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 26, 2015 @ 11:52 PM doesn't seem like long ago I was helping him get past levels in his Lego Star Wars games. At least my 4-year old still needs my help with games, although he always suggest I get my older son when he sees me struggle with certain parts of games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 29, 2015 @ 10:48 AM
With the exception of the PC version, Arkham Knight may be the first AAA game released this generation without game-breaking bugs at launch. It's sad that this is the exception now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 01, 2015 @ 07:05 PM
Riptide GP2 was quietly released last week for the PS4 (it was released on the Xbone in January) for only $6.99. I enjoyed the game on my tablet but hated not having real controls so it's nice to finally have it on a console. If you're a fan of Splashdown, which I was, you'll enjoy this. It's a jet-ski racing game in futuristic cities with nice graphics and 60fps. Well worth the $7 for some simple and fun racing.

My son just informed me that he completed Arkham Knight. Maybe now I can get the disc away from him and finish it myself.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Slumberland on July 02, 2015 @ 03:09 PM
Hi gents, been a while!

Wish I'd thought of stopping by when in the throes of my Destiny addiction. Hot damn I liked that game. I'm one month Destiny-sober now and will likely not go back... as much fun as I had with it, it felt like jumping from treadmill to treadmill, and my desire to acquire and level blasters and baubles just became unhealthy.

Making my way slowly through Arkham Knight now and liking it a lot. A bit of MLB 15 here and there. Any my little boy (yup) makes me play Meow Meow Up (aka Super Mario 3D World) first thing in the morning before I've had my coffee, which isn't easy.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 02, 2015 @ 05:44 PM
Hey, what's up. Congrats on your son. The last time you were here I think your wife was still pregnant.

Welcome to the world of gaming with young kids. My 4-year-old switches from PS2 to Xbox 360 to PS4 all the time. For a while he was playing nothing but PS2. I have a ton of games from my two older kids including Lego Star Wars 1 and 2, Lego Batman, Ninja Turtles, Up and a few different Spider-Man games.

On Xbox 360 he plays the Arkham trilogy, Lego Batman 3, Cars, Transformers, Sonic and now Arkham Knight on the PS4....most times VERY early in the morning.

Like you, I'm also slowly working my way through Arkham Knight and play MLB 15, DriveClub and Project Cars. AC: Unity and Shadow of Mordor are my next two games to beat.

Welcome back...hope you stick around.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on July 03, 2015 @ 05:33 PM
I introduced my 4 year old grandson to Flatout Ultimate Carnage on the 360 last weekend and we've been having a lot of laughs with that.  It's a great racing game for youngsters that don't have the coordination for clean racers.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 03, 2015 @ 09:04 PM
Quote from: Ted on July 03, 2015 @ 05:33 PM
I introduced my 4 year old grandson to Flatout Ultimate Carnage on the 360 last weekend and we've been having a lot of laughs with that.  It's a great racing game for youngsters that don't have the coordination for clean racers.
I still have that game...I have to let my son try it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 07, 2015 @ 09:51 AM
At 72% of the main story of Arkham Knight. Hoping to complete it within the next two nights.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 08, 2015 @ 09:33 AM
With a little help from my son, I finished Arkham Knight last night.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 08, 2015 @ 07:50 PM
Quote from: Ted on July 03, 2015 @ 05:33 PM
I introduced my 4 year old grandson to Flatout Ultimate Carnage on the 360 last weekend and we've been having a lot of laughs with that.  It's a great racing game for youngsters that don't have the coordination for clean racers.

Funny you should mention this game recently: New FlatOut Game Coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2016 (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 09, 2015 @ 09:39 PM
Anyone trying Rocket League? It's multi-player, so I'm guessing no. ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 10, 2015 @ 12:03 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on July 09, 2015 @ 09:39 PM
Anyone trying Rocket League? It's multi-player, so I'm guessing no. ;D

I'm waiting until they fix the over-heating issue with the PS4 even though there are work-arounds for it: Fix for Overheating (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 10, 2015 @ 04:28 PM
Yeah, man it makes your console roar like a jet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 17, 2015 @ 08:19 AM
Quote from: Jason on July 08, 2015 @ 09:33 AM
With a little help from my son, I finished Arkham Knight last night.

I'm having more fun with the game doing all the side missions than the actual story. It's most likely because the gameplay is closer to the older games and doesn't rely too heavily on the batmobile. What's surprising is that the side missions added up are probably equal in length to the main story. You don't often see that, especially in today's age pf paid DLC.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Slumberland on July 18, 2015 @ 11:32 AM
Has anyone else checked out Rocket League yet? Oh my is it fun. Played some pickup 3v3 online last night. Laggy at times but such a hoot and easy to get into.

For those unfamiliar, it's soccer with jet-powered cars.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 18, 2015 @ 04:46 PM
Quote from: Slumberland on July 18, 2015 @ 11:32 AM
Has anyone else checked out Rocket League yet? Oh my is it fun. Played some pickup 3v3 online last night. Laggy at times but such a hoot and easy to get into.

For those unfamiliar, it's soccer with jet-powered cars.

I've added it to my library but I haven't downloaded and tried it yet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 27, 2015 @ 02:30 PM
I just made a short video of my three best shots in The Golf Club. I've been hooked on this game lately. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 03, 2015 @ 04:07 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on July 09, 2015 @ 09:39 PM
Anyone trying Rocket League? It's multi-player, so I'm guessing no. ;D

I finally downloaded it this weekend since the new patch came out and really like it. I suck big-time but it's very addicting. I had a hard time scoring with no opponents on the field at first but started getting the hang of it after a while. I can definitely see this being a fun online game.

Also been playing Madden 15 on PS4 since I never finished my season, so I'm doing that now. I've been enjoying it so much that I went ahead and pre-ordered 16 since it's only $49.99 for Prime members. Amazon might be onto something big with these Prime member discounts.

Finally, I've been playing a lot of FIFA World Cup 2014 on XB360. I actually prefer the graphics and gameplay of this over the FIFA 15 PS4 demo.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 11, 2015 @ 07:52 PM
Rocket League Patch Notes v1.04 (just released about an hour ago)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2015 @ 04:40 PM
It's been a busy few weeks for me but I did end up buying FIFA 15 a few weeks ago for the PS4. I've been on some big soccer kick (no pun intended) for the past month, but I had no intention of paying full price for FIFA 16, which comes out in a few weeks. I'm not a long-time FIFA player so I most likely wouldn't even notice the upgrades to this year's version.

I had intended to buy Madden 16 due to the updated passing game this year and the $10 discount for Amazon Prime members, but I ended up canceling my order right before it shipped Sunday night. Amazon issued me another $10 credit for apparently missing the release day delivery (even though I cancelled my order), so I ended up buying it for $40 with the two'll be here tomorrow. Surprisingly, the game is not getting ripped to shreds this year on most of the sports gaming sites.

As far as future purchases go, NBA Live is the only sports title on my horizon. I'm skipping NBA 2K16 due to the ridiculous influence of Spike Lee and I think Live is going to be a huge improvement this year. I would have played last year's game much more if it had sliders. Having said all that, I have no intention of paying full price for it and will have time to see plenty of reviews before a price drop.

My most anticipated game of the fall is The Nathan Drake Collection. I've never played any of the first three games but loved the Vita version of Uncharted. Apparently a lot of work is being put into these remasters, so I'm pretty excited about it.

Star Wars: Battlefront and The Witcher 3 will round out my purchases for the fall.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 26, 2015 @ 04:56 PM
You're in for a treat with the Uncharted titles.
Destiny re-launch/expansion will keep me busy till November at least.
Then it's Blops3/Battlefront. Plus I gotta squeeze in some time with Borderlands Handsome Collection.
Round that all out with some BF4 and CoD throwback titles, and sheesh :P
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2015 @ 05:41 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on August 26, 2015 @ 04:56 PM
You're in for a treat with the Uncharted titles.

I know I am, which is why the wait is killing me. The hard part is going to be finding the time to complete not one, not two, but three full games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 01, 2015 @ 09:32 AM
I forgot to include Assassin's Creed Syndicate and the possible purchase of the new Need for Speed.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 02, 2015 @ 04:03 PM
I have to at least play some more Unity and start Rogue before getting Syndicate.
I'll be ready when that one hits the 'ol $20 price point.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Slumberland on September 28, 2015 @ 09:38 AM
Ok I finally finished the main story in Arkham Knight this weekend and am going to try and complete the side stuff and even bought the season pass while it's on sale mostly because I'm a sucker for alt-skins, love the 1989 Batman outfit and can't wait for the added 60s TV show skins wheeeeee
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 28, 2015 @ 04:00 PM
The side missions are better than a majority of the main story. Luckily there's plenty of them to complete after the main story is done.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Slumberland on September 29, 2015 @ 02:23 PM
Even clearing garrisons is great fun, the layout and challenge to each is so different.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 26, 2015 @ 08:56 AM
Just ordered Assassin's Creed: Syndicate from Amazon for $35. I'm hoping they match the prices of WWE 2K16 ($29.99) at Best Buy and Rory PGA ($25) at Walmart tomorrow for Black Friday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 26, 2015 @ 09:57 AM
Didn't have to wait until tomorrow for Rory PGA...just got for $25 from Amazon during their Lightning Deals. Just waiting on WWE 2k16 now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 26, 2015 @ 06:15 PM
I'm now all-digital on PS4, got rid of the last discs I had.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 26, 2015 @ 06:23 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on November 26, 2015 @ 06:15 PM
I'm now all-digital on PS4, got rid of the last discs I had.

PSN now has Assassin's Creed: Syndicate for $35 too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 27, 2015 @ 09:08 AM
Also looking at GTAV. Already have Borderlands and Diablo, which are also on sale. Converted my last few discs into Fallout4.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 27, 2015 @ 12:35 PM
I've warmed up to digital games this generation but the main factors preventing me from going completely digital are:

1. There are always sales on disc-based games much sooner than digital games.
2. There are quite a few games that I share with my son (Arkham Knight, Destiny, The Order, Assassin's Creed, The Witcher), so discs are just easier in those cases.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 01, 2015 @ 06:52 PM
So my final tally for Black Friday was Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, Need for Speed and WWE 2K16 all for $35 each. I also grabbed Rory PGA Golf for $25. AC and WWE are "Christmas gifts" from my wife, so I won't be able to play them until after the holidays.

I've been playing a little NFS and PGA and have enjoyed them so far. My only complaint with NFS is the always-online thing. I was having a good time playing last night but kept having to deal with the typical idiots crashing into you online and then getting a bunch a party invites from strangers. I really hope they patch in the rumored offline mode.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 01, 2015 @ 08:30 PM
Fallout 4 and GTA 5 for this guy.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 03, 2015 @ 11:25 AM
I may be a little bit addicted to NFS. I planned on playing it for about 30 minutes the other night and ended up playing for almost three hours. It's very rare that I do that these days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 10, 2015 @ 11:47 AM
Surgery was a success even though they added a plate to go along with the two spacers in my neck:


The good news is that Amazon had Star Wars: Battlefront on sale for $39.99 yesterday so I bought it as a treat for myself.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 11, 2015 @ 02:45 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 11, 2015 @ 08:57 PM
LOL. That's sorta how I feel...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 11, 2015 @ 11:18 PM
Glad everything went ok!

P.S.  We have the same hairline.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 18, 2015 @ 11:59 PM
What happened to you and hope you are doing better.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 19, 2015 @ 07:44 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on December 18, 2015 @ 11:59 PM
What happened to you and hope you are doing better.
Cervical fusion. Inserted two spacers and a plate into my neck. 9 months for a full recovery but I'm feeling great already.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 19, 2015 @ 07:51 PM
Glad you are feeling better. Isn't your wife a nurse? That must come in handy.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 19, 2015 @ 08:00 PM
She works in a hospital doing administrative work...she's no nurse.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 19, 2015 @ 08:21 PM
She has nurse friends?   ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 19, 2015 @ 10:08 PM
None that I'd want a sponge bath from ;)

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 30, 2015 @ 10:00 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on November 27, 2015 @ 09:08 AM
Also looking at GTAV. Already have Borderlands and Diablo, which are also on sale. Converted my last few discs into Fallout4.

Just went all digital too. I will not miss the discs and this is great for my OCD. Always sell games and then regret later, not anymore.  Take that impulsive self.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 14, 2016 @ 08:09 PM
Finally found a way to play Need For Speed without all the assholes online:

! No longer available (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 02, 2016 @ 11:36 AM
Finally started playing Uncharted last night after buying it when it was released in October. Right now I'm 25% through the first game and loving every minute of it. I want to finish up the trilogy quickly so I can start AC: Syndicate.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 23, 2016 @ 09:16 PM
Finally finished the first Uncharted tonight after starting it just over three weeks ago. Looking forward to the 2nd and 3rd since they're supposedly much better than the original.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 24, 2016 @ 08:08 AM
Second was my favorite. Great intro. Nepal is absolutely stunning. Hard to take your eyes off the environment to play the game stunning.  Then there is the moving train.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 28, 2016 @ 03:18 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 24, 2016 @ 08:08 AM
Then there is the moving train.  ;D

Up to chapter 20 as of this afternoon so I know exactly what you're talking about. That was a pretty amazing level.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 29, 2016 @ 01:33 PM
Uncharted 2...Complete!

I can definitely see why people think this one is much better than the first. It'll be interesting to see how well the third one holds up against it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 01, 2016 @ 11:08 PM
I made the mistake of letting my five-year-old son watch me play Uncharted this past weekend and now he's hooked on Nathan Drake. He's running around the house jumping all over everything like Nate does in the game. Now he's started his own campaign in the first Uncharted and is already at 30%. The sad part is that he's completed some of the climbing/platform levels in fewer tries than me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 02, 2016 @ 06:10 AM
I am so bad at platforming it is ridiculous. There is a section of the Kings' Fall raid in Destiny that I had to let a teammate complete via SharePlay ("PistonPuzzle").
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 07, 2016 @ 12:32 PM
Don't feel bad, I've had my older son beat plenty of levels for me...most recently with Arkham Knight.

I'm halfway through Uncharted 3 and was expecting a little bit of a letdown after part 2, but that has happened. I should hopefully be done by this weekend.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 07, 2016 @ 06:54 PM
You are a single-player adventure animal ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 07, 2016 @ 11:11 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on March 07, 2016 @ 06:54 PM
You are a single-player adventure animal ;D

That's not the first time I've been called that ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 08, 2016 @ 08:24 AM
Just in time for The Division. It was a rough start at first. You had to activate your shooter at the first safe house and it was broken for about 5 hours, not allowing you to start a single mission. Finally got to play the game and got through Brooklyn and working my way to the main safe house in Manhattan. Really need to bone up on my shooting skills from 3rd person. It took a couple times to beat the first boss-like character.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 08, 2016 @ 07:03 PM
My copy didn't make it today. I really wish digital would try to compete more with disc sales on price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 09, 2016 @ 05:36 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 08, 2016 @ 07:03 PM
My copy didn't make it today. I really wish digital would try to compete more with disc sales on price.

Did not pay tax on it. It's not much but it beats getting my fat ass off the couch to switch discs.  ;)   

Made it to lvl 6 so far. Pretty much back to where I ended with the demo, plus the beginning stuff which was new. I did the Madison Square Garden mission in two tries, so I am improving a bit. The guys who throw fire bombs are the biggest pain so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 09, 2016 @ 10:05 AM
I may have to start doing that. It looks like my order from Amazon was lost so now they're sending me a replacement for tomorrow. I've had more issues with them in the past 6 months than I've had the previous 17 years I've been shopping there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 09, 2016 @ 10:37 AM
My Prime expires at the end of the month and I will not be renewing.  I was mainly using it for Prime videos but there are not enough exclusives to sway me away from Netflix. Only thing I buy are PSN codes because I refuse to give Sony my CC info. It's still tax free on both Amazon and when I purchase through the Sony store.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 09, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
My Prime keeps getting extended because they keep adding months every time I complain. I'm up to 7 additional months free since November. I'm still hoping to get two copies out of this mess.

I do the exact same thing as you...I don't trust Sony with my CC info, so I buy my codes (tax free) from Amazon to purchase items on PSN (also tax free).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 09, 2016 @ 04:17 PM
I use Paypal for PSN.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 10, 2016 @ 01:09 AM
Might be glad you have had to wait for the game because it has become quite the clusterfuck tonight. Three times I have started a mission, each time getting to the boss and getting disconnected. Forced to sit in a queue each time (5-minute wait) only to get thrown back to the beginning of a mission. All the while I am playing single player. Why do companies not allow for an offline mode for those who are not using matchmaking or playing in the Dark Zone?  >:(

Edit: Apparently they are undergoing maintenance. Which makes it even more confusing as to why I was able to get to the boss three time. Also there was no on-screen warning and who does maintenance at 12PM Central Time the second day of launch?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 10, 2016 @ 05:54 AM
Finally started in on the Division. Made level 6, picking up randoms for the main missions. Took 3-4 hours.
Leveling the gear and abilities is pretty smooth and intuitive. Gunplay is tight, the biggest thing is to adjust to flow and pace of combat.
You need help for the main missions,either with friends or matchmaking. I am going to wait until I'm at least 10 or 11 to go into the DZ.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 10, 2016 @ 08:04 AM
Hopefully my copy arrives today so we can all meetup online this weekend.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 10, 2016 @ 08:17 AM
My only real complaint in gear is that you have to manually remove gun accessories when you sell or scrap, otherwise they are lost forever. Would be nice to have an option to instantly remove accessories. Which brings the question. Are you selling or scrapping? I went the scrap route since the standard and green items do not make you a load of cash.

Almost level 9 and beat the main missions to open up all the wings of the main HQ. The cleaners are the only real trouble for me as the flamethrower has some serious distance on it and tends to find it's way through objects that fire is not supposed to travel through.  Absolutely loving the game and there are some neat little touches as you roam the mean streets of NY. Dog pooping in the street and kicking it made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it.  ^-^

Just can't play with randoms.  I like to go slow an easy and search every nook and cranny. It's rare to find someone that wants to play that way. Some of the best gear I have found in the game are in out of the way places within missions.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 10, 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 10, 2016 @ 08:04 AM
Hopefully my copy arrives today so we can all meetup online this weekend.

After watching you play Destiny...  I think I will keep going it alone.  ;)

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 10, 2016 @ 09:47 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on March 10, 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 10, 2016 @ 08:04 AM
Hopefully my copy arrives today so we can all meetup online this weekend.

After watching you play Destiny...  I think I will keep going it alone.  ;)


So, you've been able to pretty much get through all the missions on your own?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 10, 2016 @ 10:13 AM
Yeah, it has not been a problem so far. Playing solo in missions just requires taking some time and using the right upgrades. The self med and sticky bomb have been my go to skills. With the self med you do not have to depend on medkits as much as long as you can hold out for the cooldown. With a sticky bomb I can usually take out two regular enemies at the start of each checkpoint. Really helpful in taking out one side of enemies to avoid being flanked. Safe to say I spend a lot of time in cover and do not run and gun. The cleaners on the other hand tend to force me to improvise as they are very aggressive and where I die the most.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 10, 2016 @ 07:17 PM
I have read that playing missions on Normal it is much easier to beat them as a single player or with one other player. Three or more and the difficulty and amount of enemies spike dramatically.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 11, 2016 @ 06:08 AM
Everything seems to scale nicely. I think co-op play is the heart of the game, actually.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 11, 2016 @ 08:59 AM
It is definitely a must for the Dark Zone. I gave it a shot last night and went lone wolf. There was plenty of ass-kicking, mostly by the over-leveled purple colored AI that relentlessly came at me in droves. These guys are far more aggressive and deal way more damage. This is not a place to go it alone, though I got my fair share of kills in before dying over and over. Typical that my first human encounter the person (already rogue) shot at me on sight. He made the mistake of getting trapped next to a wall after spending a couple minutes of dodging and rolling each other. Sticky bomb took him down, a few more shots to end it before he could tap out with a manual respawn.  Fortunately I did find a couple other humans that were waiting for the chopper to extract their goodies and while not grouped I was able to take advantage of their presence to get one lowly green trinket on the chopper.  So I got my achievements for killing a rogue, actually trying the Dark Zone and a successful weapon extraction.

The regular missions have been great. The one where you fight in a department store (Broadway Emporium) is special. Hard as nails, especially the last part but the atmosphere is what makes it special.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 13, 2016 @ 07:04 AM
Up to level 16 and just started seeing some purple stuff.  Just need to finish the Clinton area and it is off to the other side of the map.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 17, 2016 @ 09:21 AM
Level 30. All upgrades to the base complete and one maybe two main missions left. Plus all the side/extra missions of the final three areas. The late game was not designed for the single player in mind. Once you start fighting with the LMB (Private Military Group) the JTF no longer says we can beat these guys, they are unorganized. They are very organized, grenades that are like nuclear bombs and they have one the goes off two or three times, one right after the other in different locations. They use turrets, roaming grenades and will shotgun rush you just like the Rikers but with a ton of armor on.

Small Spoiler, speaking of those pricks.

Russian Consulate boss.  Used up all my ammo and grenades taking out all the lesser minions. Get trapped in an area that allowed me to roll around a curve and nothing else (I was fortunate to have that to escape the roaming grenades and limiting their impact). So all I have is a Magnum and Sticky bomb to fight this guy because an attempt to get to the restock box would be certain death. Roughly 30 minutes later, after self healing myself what seemed like 50 times and waiting out the 60 second cooldown of the Sticky Bomb roughly the same amount of times, I finally took him out. The Magnum just tickled the guy and was used mostly to take out the 10 or so turrets he dropped. Easily the most difficult boss fight I have ever faced, primarily due to my limited weaponry. The self heal is the only reason I survived as I had no medkits and he took me down to my last bit of health a dozen or more times.

So if you dare to go it alone, the two skills I have used the whole way is the self heal (40 second cooldown) and the Sticky Bomb (60 second version that was upgraded). Both come highly recommended.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 20, 2016 @ 08:55 AM
Got my primary weapon up to 85,000DPS and both guns have all the skills unlocked. Made a Gold Pistol. Sold some crack to my neighbor. Played a bunch of Dark Zone with randoms and a few of the "Hard" challenges with randoms. Still think it was more challenging on normal by myself but they definitely toss a crap load of purple and yellow enemies at you on hard. If you are teamed up with guys with any end game experience, it will be a cake walk. There is one higher difficulty but I will pass as it appears to be fairly brutal.

Going to back away from the game a bit now that I have completed all the missions. Still dislike playing with randoms and the Dark Zone does nothing for me. Will pop in every so often to collect all the intel. There is also a new event that has popped up that looks to be free (another mission?) that says coming soon.

Got my moneys worth but the end game stuff is just redundant. I would prefer to see more areas of the city opened up with more missions.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 20, 2016 @ 01:01 PM
Haven't been able to play anything for the past two weeks, but finally got to play Uncharted 3 this morning and got up to chapter 20 of 22. Once I finish it up I'll finally be able to try out The Division, which I haven't even played yet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 20, 2016 @ 06:29 PM
Quote from: Jason on March 20, 2016 @ 01:01 PM
Haven't been able to play anything for the past two weeks, but finally got to play Uncharted 3 this morning and got up to chapter 20 of 22. Once I finish it up I'll finally be able to try out The Division, which I haven't even played yet.

...and done. Going to go against the popular consensus and say that the third one was the best, followed by two and then one.

I wish they had an option to select a chapter to play again after beating the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 01, 2016 @ 07:10 PM
Bought Casey Powell Lacrosse, it was $5 off for PSN+ users but still a steep $44.99 for most gamers.  I have been buying this guys game since he was making those little XBLA titles. He has now teamed with a little bigger studio and you can see this is a far more polished game, outside of the framerate hiccups. A full career mode as coach or player, with a community that has already created all the real college and pro teams. Not only are they created, the first thing you can do in the game is replace all the teams with the most popular ones automatically. Logos are limited to fictional ones but everything else looks really good. It also copies the EA NHL control scheme so you will feel at home with this game. Also like EA NHL games I suck at the faceoffs or whatever they are called in lacrosse.

Also bought NBA Live 16. Had a craving for hoops and was not going to give money to anything Spike Lee was behind. It has been years since I played a Live game so it will be interesting to see how it goes.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 01, 2016 @ 08:18 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on April 01, 2016 @ 07:10 PM
Also bought NBA Live 16. Had a craving for hoops and was not going to give money to anything Spike Lee was behind. It has been years since I played a Live game so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

I think you may be pleasantly surprised by Live 16.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 02, 2016 @ 08:44 AM
I wanted it to be but...  Let's hope Spike is not involved in the next years 2K game.  Live 16 just feels barren in comparison. No historic teams. Limited cameras and none have any customization and lack the ability ability to zoom in when in the paint. That is just basic stuff right there and this is the third edition of the game this gen. You are always too far from the basket. Gameplay is tolerable but player movement leaves much to be desired. So many animation issues I could not even list all my problems.  Whoever decided to let the AI make a bunch of special dribble moves for the player you are controlling to get it past midcourt needs a kick in the nuts. On offense the right stick is fairly handy and one of the few positive things I can say about it but is not that different from 2K other than being a little easier to make fancy moves. Passing is hit or miss and there is a ton of jank out there. Three times in a game a player shot from under the basket hitting the back side. It's an offensive game out of the box with plenty of dunks and drives to the hoop. Defense stance (L2) and animations are just flat out horrible compared to the competition. Commentary is just piss poor. If I hear Van Gundy ever again it will be too soon.

Starting to feel like if there is no gunplay involved, I get really bored fast.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 02, 2016 @ 12:23 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on April 02, 2016 @ 08:44 AM

Starting to feel like if there is no gunplay involved, I get really bored fast.  ;D

Join the club, lol.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 05, 2016 @ 07:30 PM
So anyone getting excited for Uncharted 4?

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 05, 2016 @ 09:37 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 05, 2016 @ 07:30 PM
So anyone getting excited for Uncharted 4?

Absolutely!!! Especially now that the early reviews have been great. I'm being careful about what I read because I don't want to accidentally read any spoilers.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 06, 2016 @ 03:53 PM
Would be interested in the multiplayer; otherwise, I can wait a long time to knock out the story.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 07, 2016 @ 12:01 AM
Next Battlefield game is set in WW1, with tanks and biplanes and flamethrowers and
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 09, 2016 @ 12:37 PM
Just got the shipment notification for Uncharted...can't wait.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 09, 2016 @ 07:03 PM
Already pre-loaded and two patches installed!  Can start playing tonight at 11:00.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 10, 2016 @ 03:14 AM
2 hours in so far and they are called the Naughty Gods for a reason. Graphically the game is just amazing.


Up to Chapter 4 and the pacing is pretty slow after the first scene, limited to traversing and fist fights but it does so purposely and I think was a bit of a jab at those who make such a big deal about how many people Drake has killed.  Oh and Crash Bandicoot scene was the best.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 10, 2016 @ 03:52 PM
Up to Chapter 8 already.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 11, 2016 @ 08:50 AM
Up to Chapter 16. So good.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 12, 2016 @ 07:46 AM
Just finished it and it was a great ending for the series. It was also classy move to recognize the work Amy Hennig did for the series in the credits. Only found 15 of like 150 collectables but to be fair I played it pretty linear and did not stray from the path. Next run will be to explore everywhere and collect everything. Story was simply ND at their best. Generally I could give two shits about a games story but this one sucked me in. The amount of ways to tackle enemies in each section makes it worth a couple runs or even restarting battles. Not to mention some of the most aggressive enemies you will find in a shooter. Outside of Snipers, they do not stand still or stick behind cover and will flank you early and often. Way more aggressive then the AI in The Division, which I though was pretty aggressive. Stealth is a viable option, though it is really just finding another patch off grass to hide in and wait for someone to come close.

Bring on the single player DLC and then a long wait for The Last of Us 2 or whatever they plan to call it. Would love to see Naughty dog make an open world game in the future.

End game spoilers. Highlight below to view.

Biggest disappointment was the boss fight being another QTE battle of hitting two buttons. The other was how they handled Nadine. She played too big of a part to let her story arc end with her just saying "Fuck it" leaving Rafe and the Drake boys to die or not, she just could care less. That slap from Rafe alone was worth a bullet to his head.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 29, 2016 @ 10:19 AM
Finally had a chance to play again after a while and am now up to chapter 17. Playing this game is like reading a good's so hard to put down once you're into it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 29, 2016 @ 01:53 PM
...18 now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 31, 2016 @ 09:16 AM
...and done.

I'm going to start a new thread so we can discuss spoilers without ruining it for anyone else.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 01, 2016 @ 11:01 AM
Quote from: Jason on March 20, 2016 @ 06:29 PM
...and done. Going to go against the popular consensus and say that the third one was the best, followed by two and then one.

I wish they had an option to select a chapter to play again after beating the game.

Apparently I'm an idiot because all 4 versions of Uncharted have the option to play individual chapters after you beat the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 02, 2016 @ 08:01 AM
So the guys behind The Order 1886 are working on their next game.

! No longer available (

That is different.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 02, 2016 @ 09:22 AM
That is disappointing.

They should have made a sequel to The Order that addressed the biggest complaints about the game (length and over-used QTE's).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 25, 2016 @ 12:27 AM
Looks like I will be getting an Xbox One sooner than later. PS4 crashed for good and repairs are around $150. My PSN is running out so I plan to just shit can it and get an Xbox One. Now the question is can I go without video games for a couple months or get something now as they are dropping the price on them?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 25, 2016 @ 07:21 AM
Sorry to hear about your PS4. I just saw a deal for an Xbox One that included 4 games (Forza 6, GoW and two other games I can't remember) and an extra controller for only $279. I'll try to find where I saw it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 25, 2016 @ 07:39 AM
They don't have the deal that I mentioned, but here are some great deals for Xbox One this month: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 25, 2016 @ 08:16 AM
The one I am currently looking at.  Comes with the new Tomb Raider game which I was already going to buy. (

Oddly enough I checked my old Xbox Account and there is still $12 to spend. Which makes me feel a bit better for losing the $5 I had in the PSN store.  ^-^
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 28, 2016 @ 11:39 AM
Did you make the switch to the Xbox One yet?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 28, 2016 @ 06:50 PM
Thursday or Friday.  Looking forward to playing the newest Tomb Raider game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 30, 2016 @ 10:19 AM
It's really a shame that you have to lose your entire PS4 digital library. I hope Sony and Microsoft come up with some way to sell your digital games in the future. I know Microsoft is working on some type of trade-in program for digital purchases, but that's no help if you switch platforms.

There are new rumors of a PS4 slim bring released soon, so I wouldn't be shocked if you grabbed one of those when they become available.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 30, 2016 @ 04:53 PM
If I go with another Sony it will be the Neo, assuming the price is not crazy. Though to be honest I am probably sticking to the Xbox and will buy the Scorpio down the road.  I am going back to discs, as a Prime Member the deals are too good to give up.

Plan to pick mine up today.  The 1TB with The Division for $299.99 plus you get a free controller, so it's a damn good deal. Makes the console just barely over $200.00 plus it's 1TB.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on June 30, 2016 @ 11:38 PM
If he got a new PS4 wouldn't his digital library just migrate to the new console?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 01, 2016 @ 12:19 AM
Yes. Digital purchases are linked to your PSN ID. The only thing he'd have to do is re-download his games onto the new console.

I just found out today that digital purchases made from Nintendo's eShop don't transfer as easily. They're linked to the hardware and your Nintendo ID. There's a transfer tool to migrate digital licenses, but it's not the most user-friendly experience and becomes more complicated if your previous console/handheld is lost or not working.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 01, 2016 @ 01:13 AM
Got my XB1 and some games...

Rise of the Tomb Raider: This was the big one.  Will get the season pass down the road.
Fallout 4/Season pass (repurchase but I really wanted to play with mods) just found out a day ago Bethesda wont be releasing mods anytime soon for the PS4, so this actually worked out well.
Inside, made by guy who created Limbo.
Borderlands Handsome Jack Collection: Again... but there are a couple DLC's I never finished.
Borderlands 1 from the Xbox 360: I have only played this once and was right before my final 360 shot craps, really looking forward to playing with Roland or Brick.
The Golf Club: Another repurchase but I like the devs and looking forward to The Golf Club 2.
Sunset Overdrive: This was $10 new. It looks interesting but not expecting much from it.

Took the copy of the Division out of the box and traded it in. Not going back to that game, it was fun for the single player stuff but it paid for Sunset Overdrive. Once nice thing about Gamestop is their bundles only include physical copies, for obvious reasons. Worked for me.

I really like that they have game previews now.  Going to try out early versions of ARK: Survival Evolved and The Long Dark for free.  Also backwards compatibility with many 360 games is great. Appears I bought quite a few digital games that are on the list.  May never use it much but it is nice that it is there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on July 17, 2016 @ 11:26 PM
Just completed the campaign in The Flame in the Flood and I really liked this game.  Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 18, 2016 @ 08:08 AM
Quote from: Ted on July 17, 2016 @ 11:26 PM
Just completed the campaign in The Flame in the Flood and I really liked this game.  Highly recommended.

PC or PS4 version?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 18, 2016 @ 08:16 AM
There is only a PC and XB1 version.  I have it on my watch list but waiting on a price drop.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on July 20, 2016 @ 11:07 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 20, 2016 @ 05:22 PM
Just started my 7th franchise season with the Brewers in MLB 16 The Show and this weekend spending time in newly purchased No Man's Sky.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 21, 2016 @ 10:22 AM
Destiny, Division, and Borderlands 2 for me right now. Also messing about in Mortal Kombat X.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2017 @ 09:08 AM
Now that I own the digital version of UFC 2 I've been playing it quite a bit this week. I'm struggling to learn the grappling and ground game, but I'm hoping it starts coming to me after playing some more.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 24, 2017 @ 03:11 PM
Is this included in the DLC?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2017 @ 04:57 PM

Isn't she fighting again soon? I heard she's going to the WWE after her next fight, which is supposed to be her last. I don't know how someone like her could leave the UFC without having a rematch with person who beat her.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 25, 2017 @ 04:57 PM
She's been exposed as a fighter. The payday would be a fraction of what she made last time, as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 20, 2017 @ 08:53 AM
I ended up buying Sniper Elite 3 for $10 this weekend during Sony's recent Flash Sale. It looked decent enough and for $10 I was willing to take a chance.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 20, 2017 @ 10:42 AM
X-Ray Cam!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 20, 2017 @ 12:39 PM
Quote from: Ted on February 20, 2017 @ 10:42 AM
X-Ray Cam!
I'm guessing you've played it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 20, 2017 @ 07:54 PM
I own 2, but never played 3.  2 has x-ray cam too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 25, 2017 @ 11:39 AM
Getting into Ghost Recon this weekend. Cool open world, a lot of ways to get stuff done.
Hop in and out of groups or do it solo with AI squad. Great graphics and sound.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 25, 2017 @ 03:16 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 25, 2017 @ 11:39 AM
Getting into Ghost Recon this weekend. Cool open world, a lot of ways to get stuff done.
Hop in and out of groups or do it solo with AI squad. Great graphics and sound.
Which one? Wildlands isn't out yet?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 25, 2017 @ 03:33 PM
Open Beta, mi amigo.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 25, 2017 @ 04:41 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 25, 2017 @ 03:33 PM
Open Beta, mi amigo.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 07, 2017 @ 05:13 PM
After playing the demo, have you considered buying the game now that it's out?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 08, 2017 @ 04:58 PM
Yeah, I got it. It's odd, because lots of people bagged on the demo, but now are saying the game is really good anyway.
Looks like the type of game that will appeal to just about anyone. Difficulty is individually set in co-op, so any skill level can play together.
Yet, the whole thing can be tackled solo, with AI squad. You get XP for everything, even stuff you've already done.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 08, 2017 @ 08:35 PM
I've been hearing good things about it too. I want to get it, but I'm holding off until I finish Horizon: Zero Dawn and the price drops to $40.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 08, 2017 @ 10:52 AM
For Honor is down to $35 on Amazon already...very tempting.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 08, 2017 @ 04:50 PM
Awfully multiplayer focused; you sure?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 08, 2017 @ 07:42 PM
It supposedly has a decent single-player campaign, but I'll probably hold off for now.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 16, 2017 @ 04:39 PM
Grabbed Uncharted collection and Last of Us remastered for 7.99 each on the flash sale, which ends tomorrow.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 16, 2017 @ 05:32 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 16, 2017 @ 04:39 PM
Grabbed Uncharted collection and Last of Us remastered for 7.99 each on the flash sale, which ends tomorrow.

I purchased the same two games last night to replace my disc versions. Looking forward to playing The Last if Us again in HDR this time.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 16, 2017 @ 08:38 PM
Great minds think alike ;D
I will never finish my backlog, even if I live to be a million. :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 17, 2017 @ 12:00 AM
I've already beaten all four games (UC1 twice), but plan on playing through the rest at least one more time.

My backlog is pretty big too. Here's mine (in the order I plan to play them):
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 17, 2017 @ 06:16 AM
Move the Division up the list...I'll start a new character and help you through.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 17, 2017 @ 09:30 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 17, 2017 @ 06:16 AM
Move the Division up the list...I'll start a new character and help you through.

Appreciate that, but I haven't had PS+ for over a year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 17, 2017 @ 03:50 PM
I'm not sure the game functions without it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 17, 2017 @ 05:15 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 17, 2017 @ 03:50 PM
I'm not sure the game functions without it.

I could have sworn I played it without PS+, but I may have to check tonight. If not, I'll either sell it or give it to my son.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 03, 2017 @ 10:34 PM
I've replayed Uncharted 2 & 3 with my 6-year-old son since going digital and we're now halfway through Uncharted 4...but this time we're playing it with an HDR-capable TV and it looks amazing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 21, 2017 @ 07:34 PM
I just bought Gears of War Judgment for $4.99 for the Xbox 360. I'm amazed that I'm still buying Xbox 360 games all these years later.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 22, 2017 @ 03:09 PM
I had good times with Gears 2 and 3. I'm interested in Injustice 2 at the moment.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 23, 2017 @ 09:43 AM
Injustice 2 is one of those games I'll buy when the price drops since my son still enjoys the first one, as do I.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 23, 2017 @ 03:34 PM
Yeah, probably the same here, but the addition of loot drops and upgrades and more robust solo content have me a thinkin' on it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 29, 2017 @ 10:29 AM
Yep, I got it. Injustice2 is a blast, but I'm pretty terrible. There is an absurd amount of content.
Graphically, the 4K/HDR presentation is incredible. It's like the entire game is FMV.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 29, 2017 @ 12:50 PM
I didn't know it has PS4 Pro support. I can only imagine how nice it looks in 4K/HDR. Is it true 4K or checkerboard?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 29, 2017 @ 07:13 PM
From what I've seen, it's 1440p native, not 2160 or 1620. Locked at 1080p on 1080 displays.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 30, 2017 @ 02:50 PM
I picked up the digital version of WWE 2K17 for $30 over the weekend and finally had a chance to try it out today. I didn't give 2K15 and 2K16 much play time, but I'm hoping to put more time into 2K17.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 18, 2017 @ 08:32 AM
Just ordered Uncharted: The Lost Legacy from Amazon for $31. It comes with a free copy of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, which my younger son will enjoy.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 18, 2017 @ 06:26 PM
Destiny 2 Beta here.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 21, 2017 @ 12:01 PM
Just made my biggest purchase on PSN. Bought 4 games during Sony's current Flash Sale. Lego Avengers and Lego Harry Potter for my son, Batman Return to Arkham for both me and my son, and finally Rise of the Tomb Raider because owning the disc version on both Xbox 360 and PS4 wasn't enough for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 21, 2017 @ 04:49 PM
Yeah, I got the Arkham combo a little while back. Nice to have 'em on the 4.
I may jump on the Tomb Raider deal.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 21, 2017 @ 06:55 PM
Yeah, I bought Arkham for the convenience of having them both digitally on the PS4.

I know I'll love Tomb Raider once I start playing it and will be hooked...It's just getting myself to start it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 25, 2017 @ 08:00 PM
Finally started Rise of the Tomb Raider yesterday. I thought it was upgraded to HDR on the standard PS4, but I guess it's just for the PS4 Pro...It's still a great looking game though.

It's amazing how similar the gameplay between this and Uncharted have become. With the female leads in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, it'll be hard to differentiate the two.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 16, 2017 @ 04:51 PM
With all of the hype surrounding the latest update, I grabbed No Man's Sky for $24.
Space Cadet Morrison reporting for duty.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 16, 2017 @ 09:32 PM
I read somewhere that sales were up 6000% (yes, six thousand) since the new update. I'm glad to see them right that ship.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 23, 2017 @ 12:25 PM
Currently up to chapter 5 in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. It's slower going than past Uncharted games so far, but still a lot of fun with amazing graphics.

Also been playing the NBA Live 18 demo and may consider a purchase with the reduced $40 price at launch. I'm also looking forward to the PES 18 demo on the 30th. None of the other upcoming and recently released (Madden 18) sports games interest me at all.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 23, 2017 @ 04:12 PM
Why no Madden? Satisfied with last years'? Live seems interesting, but you just know it's gonna be a buggy mess.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 23, 2017 @ 05:30 PM
They really hyped the move to Frostbite with Madden, but what I've seen hasn't been that impressive in regards to graphics or gameplay. I'll probably pick it up for $20 before the 2018 Super Bowl. I've been playing Madden every year since 1991, so I'm also a little burned out on it.

I did forget to mention two other games I'm interested in, but won't buy until they drop drop to $40...F1 2017 and WWE 2K18. The gameplay videos of WWE 2K18 really showed improved graphics and animations.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 24, 2017 @ 11:06 AM
Redout is another one I'm keeping my eye on. Will probably wait for a price drop before purchasing though.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 24, 2017 @ 05:33 PM
Between now and Xmas, only Destiny2 and CoD for me. Gotta get to my backlog at some point, too, lol.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2017 @ 11:00 AM
It looks like HDR is only supported in the PS4 Pro version of F1 2017, which is very disappointing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 26, 2017 @ 02:45 PM
HDR in non-Pro versions is going to remain unicorn-rare. Netflix PS4 app updated, and now has HDR support for base and pro, I think.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2017 @ 03:42 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on August 26, 2017 @ 02:45 PM
HDR in non-Pro versions is going to remain unicorn-rare. Netflix PS4 app updated, and now has HDR support for base and pro, I think.

I'm gonna have to check that out. I've yet to see a movie/show in HDR and really would like to.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2017 @ 08:24 PM
I didn't realize that Project Cars 2 comes out September 22nd. That's going to be hard to wait on for a price drop before buying. I'm considering NASCAR Heat Evolution 2 on the 12th since I can get it for $39.99 from Amazon. So far, it seems like a nice improvement over the first game, which I did have enough will-power to never buy, even with all the price drops.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 27, 2017 @ 10:56 AM
Quote from: Jason on August 26, 2017 @ 03:42 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on August 26, 2017 @ 02:45 PM
HDR in non-Pro versions is going to remain unicorn-rare. Netflix PS4 app updated, and now has HDR support for base and pro, I think.

I'm gonna have to check that out. I've yet to see a movie/show in HDR and really would like to.

HDR is the killer app. Makes everything so much more real and vibrant. Add it to 4K/UHD, and it's magic.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 27, 2017 @ 03:27 PM
Finally got a rare day off since 4th of July and fired up The Show 17.  Picked up my continuing Brewers franchise where I left off at May 12, 2022.  As usual I sim the 1 though 4 starters and play the games as the 5th starter.  This season it's the fictional 29 year old Clayton Petty. 

Petty pitched 15 innings as a September call-up for the White Sox in 2015, spent most of 2016 and all of 2017 in the minors before being traded to the Dodgers in 2018.  That year he started 15 games for the Dodgers going 5-2 with a 3.13 ERA.  He then spent the majority of the next two seasons in the minors posting an unimpressive 1-2 record and 6.86 ERA in 2020.

2021 saw a move to the Brewers where he secured a spot at the bottom of the rotation posting a record of 10-11 with 4.97 ERA over 32 starts.

He started 2022 a disappointing 0-2 in 6 starts and posting an ERA of 4.85 over 20.2 innings.  On 5/12 though he finally posted his first win of the season with an impressive complete game shut-out of the Giants which included 11 K's.  The Brewers improve to 20-15 while the Giants fall to 18-18 on the year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 27, 2017 @ 08:15 PM
This video pretty much convinced me to buy NASCAR Heat 2 when it's released:

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 28, 2017 @ 10:50 AM
Nobody does gaming like you Ted. I've always enjoyed the way you play sports games and the intricate rules you come up with. It's nice to read about people enjoying games rather than complaining about the tiny details all the time.

Quote from: Ted on August 27, 2017 @ 03:27 PM
Finally got a rare day off since 4th of July and fired up The Show 17.  Picked up my continuing Brewers franchise where I left off at May 12, 2022.  As usual I sim the 1 though 4 starters and play the games as the 5th starter.  This season it's the fictional 29 year old Clayton Petty. 

Petty pitched 15 innings as a September call-up for the White Sox in 2015, spent most of 2016 and all of 2017 in the minors before being traded to the Dodgers in 2018.  That year he started 15 games for the Dodgers going 5-2 with a 3.13 ERA.  He then spent the majority of the next two seasons in the minors posting an unimpressive 1-2 record and 6.86 ERA in 2020.

2021 saw a move to the Brewers where he secured a spot at the bottom of the rotation posting a record of 10-11 with 4.97 ERA over 32 starts.

He started 2022 a disappointing 0-2 in 6 starts and posting an ERA of 4.85 over 20.2 innings.  On 5/12 though he finally posted his first win of the season with an impressive complete game shut-out of the Giants which included 11 K's.  The Brewers improve to 20-15 while the Giants fall to 18-18 on the year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 28, 2017 @ 12:27 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Jason.  I really like the sim 4, play 1 method so I can get through a whole season in a reasonable amount of time.  And I found it to be the most fun using the bottom rotation guy because I get more ups and downs, streaks and slumps with these mediocre guys.  Petty is rated a 78, marginal starting pitcher by the game standards.  The fact that I got a shutout with him really surprised me.

On the flip side, my best player is 28yo 3B Joey Gallo that I re-signed last year to a big contract (27M/year for 5 years).  He now has 24 HR's through 39 games.  He's such a monster right now. I was really nervous paying out that contract, but so far it's paying off.  94 (98 due to morale boost) overall, 98 power vs righties.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 28, 2017 @ 12:56 PM
 :)) And, as expected, Petty immediately regresses to the mean in his next start.  The Brewers lose to the Marlins 6-3.  Petty lasted 3 innings, giving up all 6 runs in the first two innings on two-run and solo homers in the first, followed by a three-run double in the second. 

Being a 5th starter is fabulous! ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 28, 2017 @ 05:13 PM
They should DFA that bum.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 28, 2017 @ 07:07 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 28, 2017 @ 08:24 PM
Well my left handed setup man, 36yo Antonio Bastardo went down today with a torn rotator cuff.  This ends his season, and I imagine his career as well.

I picked him up in the off season before the 2021 season and he pitched 60 innings of slightly below average relief, posting a 2-5 record and 5.70 ERA.  This season he looked like he was returning to the form he had with PIT and NYM, going 3-0 over 23 innings and posting a 2.35 ERA.

Another benefit of simming 80% of the games is that I get to see and manage plenty of injuries.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 02, 2017 @ 10:18 AM
Been playing the PES 2018 demo since I got back from vacation and really like it. The graphics and player control have been improved a lot since 2017. I plan on buying it when it drops to $40 digitally.

The NBA Live 18 demo was also patched this week and plays even better now. I'm tempted to buy it at the discounted pre-order price of $40, but I know it's going to drop in price quickly, so I'll hold off until that happens.

Finally, I think I'm going to buy NASCAR Heat Evolution 2 when it's released. I can get it for $40 from Amazon and the videos I've seen have convinced me it's probably worth a shot at that price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 02, 2017 @ 05:53 PM
Just checked, I've put in 859 hours in The Division. :o
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 02, 2017 @ 07:25 PM
I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned for you ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2017 @ 10:57 PM
I gave in and ordered NASCAR Heat 2 since I was able to get it for only $40 from Amazon. Hopefully I won't be disappointed next week.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 06, 2017 @ 06:58 PM
Destiny2 is amazeballs.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 06, 2017 @ 11:24 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 06, 2017 @ 06:58 PM
Destiny2 is amazeballs.
Are you having issues with it crashing? I heard there were issues with it crashing on the PS4 Pro.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 06, 2017 @ 11:26 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 06, 2017 @ 11:24 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 06, 2017 @ 06:58 PM
Destiny2 is amazeballs.
Are you having issues with it crashing? I heard there were issues with it crashing on the PS4 Pro.

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Here's the link to the story:

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 09, 2017 @ 01:58 PM
I think that has been folks with the Pro@1080p. Rock solid 4K presentation for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 09, 2017 @ 02:56 PM
Really thinking about getting NBA Live 18 this week. I know I said I was going to wait for a price drop, but $42.95 digitally on release day is not a bad price.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 09, 2017 @ 03:39 PM
That's a risky move, compadre.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 09, 2017 @ 04:44 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 09, 2017 @ 03:39 PM
That's a risky move, compadre.
I'm feeling a little crazy this week...

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 10, 2017 @ 05:43 PM
I went ahead and pre-ordered the digital version of NBA Live 18 from PSN today. Getting to use the Rockets in the demo put me over the edge. Looking forward to the full game on Friday, along with NASCAR Heat 2 on Tuesday.

Next in line will be PES 2018, FIFA 18, WWE 2K18, Project CARS 2 and F1 2017 once they are available for $40 digitally, which will probably be in November.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 15, 2017 @ 08:28 AM
I was credited $5 on my PSN account since pre-orders of NBA Live 18 won't be available until 11am today while people who ordered it after midnight were able to download and play it right away even though they paid the full $60 for it, instead of the pre-order price of $40.

I was asleep long before midnight and didn't have any time to play this morning, so this was a nice bonus for me. That brought the price down to a cool $35 for a day-one digital purchase.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 21, 2017 @ 06:11 PM
Really enjoying Live 18. I hate to repeat what I've heard most other people say, but it's simply a lot of fun to play...that's the best way to describe it. The uncomplicated controls and the great graphics really stand out. It's also the first basketball that makes playing defense fun.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 28, 2017 @ 06:47 PM
It's on my radar. Should be a good pickup @ $15 or $20 in a few months.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 28, 2017 @ 10:46 PM
Got FIFA 18 and downloading to play starting tomorrow.  Couldn't resist after watching some youtubes and trying the demo.

Won the World Series in 2022 with my Brewers franchise.  Let my #1 (Monty Stuart {fictional first time free agent 6 years MLB service}) and #3 (Michael Pineda {34 years old, 11 years MLB service}) starters go to free agency and will start a couple of rookies in the #4  and #5 slots while everyone else moves up.  Stuart was a 90 rating and Pineda was 83.  I could have re-signed the 29 year old Stuart for a very reasonable 14.5M/year, but I needed to free up some salary space with some other players coming into their arbitration years.  Lineup remains unchanged as everyone is still under team control with less that 6 years of MLB service or are free agents still under contract.  I'm heavy with position players in the middle 60's ratings with B potential, especially outfielders, so I need to make some trades to stretch out the pipeline a little.  I foresee a postseason position, but it will be hard to repeat as my pitching will be a downgrade from 2022.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 28, 2017 @ 11:26 PM
I've been playing a lot of the FIFA and PES demos lately. Let me know what you think of the full game.

I think I would have re-signed a 90-rated, 29 year old pitcher for $14.5M a year. How many years was the contract for?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 28, 2017 @ 11:44 PM
I'm sure I passed up a reasonable deal for him.  He had fantastic K ability and I think he only wants 5 or 6 years.  But he was a little injury prone and only pitched 170 innings for me in the #1 spot.  I have 3 young, team controlled (less than 6 years service) pitchers now in the 1 through 3 spots and they are rated 87, 85, and 83.  The current #4 and #5 starters are 79 and 78 so I have a very decent staff that is cheap.  I have a great hitting catcher that was FA eligible that I wanted to make sure I could sign.  Also had some arbitration eligible players that were pretty much going to double their salaries from 2022.  It wasn't that he wasn't worth it, just that he was the most expendable considering my depth I guess.  I have a stack of pitchers coming up behind him over the next two or three seasons that I would need to trade away if I signed him.  So I went with the financial decision over the ratings one.

Now you're making me second guess my decision, lol.  Maybe I'll try to sign him out of the FA market anyway  :o

Edit:  So I looked and he wants 6 years.  My 1-5 are 87,86,84,80,and 78 and the total salary for them combined is 11.2 million.  1 under arbitration and FA eligible end of 2023.  One arbitration eligible end of 2023. The other 3 will just have renewable contracts.  I'm sticking with my plan man!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 29, 2017 @ 07:46 AM
Now that you've given me some more info, I agree with your decision. I'd never give a pitcher a 6-year contract (4 max), especially an injury-prone one. Your 1 through 3 are decently rated too, making the decision even easier.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 29, 2017 @ 07:52 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 28, 2017 @ 06:47 PM
It's on my radar. Should be a good pickup @ $15 or $20 in a few months.

I've heard so many mixed comments about 2K18 this year, so I'm glad I went with Live 18. By time you end up buying it, it'll be an even better game after EA releases some patches for it. I know from conversations in the past that you're not crazy about the complicated controls in 2K, so I really think you'll like the simpler controls in Live.
Title: 30 for 30
Post by: Brad Company on November 04, 2017 @ 10:50 AM
What if I told you...I bought the latest Call of Duty?  :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 04, 2017 @ 05:15 PM
I'm shocked ;) My son got it too.

My copy of PES 2018 arrived today. I haven't played the demo in a while and forgot how much better this year's game look and played.
Title: Re: 30 for 30
Post by: Ted on November 04, 2017 @ 07:35 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on November 04, 2017 @ 10:50 AM
What if I told you...I bought the latest Call of Duty?  :))

I've got some leftover funds in my steam wallet from a couple of refunded shit games and I'm so tempted.  I'd only be interested in the single player though.  Are you playing through the story?  If so how is it?

After going hard on FIFA for the last few weeks I've backed off a bit.  I still play a game or two every night, but I've been spending more time with Shadow of War and getting into the story there.  It started off a bit slow for me, but it's ramping up now.  I was a huge fan of Shadow of Mordor, probably my all time favorite game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 05, 2017 @ 11:03 AM
I am only dimly aware of the "single player" aspect of the game. :)) I hear it is decent but short, about 6 or 7 hours, the usual thrillride experience with QTEs, etc.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 07, 2017 @ 11:27 AM
Target messed up and sent me the Ronaldo Edition of FIFA 18.

Ted, let me know if you want the digital code included with it because I don't use any of that stuff or even know what it is. It includes:
I'll send you a PM with the code if you want it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 07, 2017 @ 12:49 PM
Is it a separate code from the game that just gives those 3 bonuses?  I would use the gold packs definitely so I'll take it if it's possible to separate from your game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 07, 2017 @ 12:53 PM
Yeah, it's a digital code for the PlayStation Store. I'll send you a PM with it now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 07, 2017 @ 05:29 PM
Worked perfectly.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 07, 2017 @ 05:31 PM
You're welcome. Glad you could use it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 11, 2017 @ 12:53 AM
I may have to add Assassin's Creed: Origins to my wish list after hearing nothing but good things about it. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is the only other game I'm interested in getting anytime soon. AC: Origins is going to be available for $30 at a few places on Black Friday, and hopefully there will be some deals on SW: BF 2 this holiday season too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 19, 2017 @ 04:00 PM
I jumped on Origins today with the pre BF sale. Early Xmas, hohoho. :)) Went all in with the Gold. Game is more combat+rpg elements, so I think it may be more my kinda thing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 19, 2017 @ 11:08 PM
I'm assuming those sale prices will be available to non-PS+ subscribers on the 22nd. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 20, 2017 @ 03:21 PM
The Great Unwashed Sale starts Friday, I believe.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 20, 2017 @ 07:26 PM
Yeah, Origins is a reboot of the formula. Feels much more like an open world RPG with good combat. I like this direction.
Graphically, this game is at or near the top, really feels next-gen in that respect. It was between this and HZD, I'm pretty happy with the choice.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 20, 2017 @ 07:57 PM
I'm planning on buying the disc version on BF for $35 at Target...or Amazon if they match the price.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 21, 2017 @ 02:13 PM
The PS Store deals are now available to everyone as of this afternoon. Now I'm debating if I should buy the digital version of AC: Origins for $42 or get the disc version for $35 on Black Friday...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 21, 2017 @ 04:17 PM
Digital.  F discs.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 21, 2017 @ 05:01 PM

Quote from: Brad Company on November 20, 2017 @ 07:26 PM
It was between this and HZD, I'm pretty happy with the choice.

Horizon is only $20. Why not get both?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 22, 2017 @ 09:03 AM
I just bought Origins and Madden 18 from the PS store. I was planning on skipping Madden this year, but the latest patch is getting very positive reviews.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 22, 2017 @ 02:01 PM
I saw the Madden price and was tempted as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 22, 2017 @ 04:33 PM
I've only played one game so far, but I was pretty impressed. I can't remember that last time I was able to get through the 2nd quarter in 2017 without getting bored, but 2018 head my attention the whole time. It looks great with HDR enabled too.

The biggest gameplay complaint about this year's game was quarterbacks not scrambling, but this was apparently fixed in yesterday's patch. I played against the Jets and Josh McCown attempted to run quite a few times and even got a first down on third and 4, so it looks like the patch did what it was supposed to do.

The next price drop will most likely be close to the Super Bowl when it drops to $20. I figured it was worth the extra $10 to have it now since most of the patches have already been released.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 22, 2017 @ 04:39 PM
Quote from: Jason on November 21, 2017 @ 05:01 PM

Quote from: Brad Company on November 20, 2017 @ 07:26 PM
It was between this and HZD, I'm pretty happy with the choice.

Horizon is only $20. Why not get both?

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I see that now, wasn't that cheap the other day. I set aside $35 for D2 expansion pass, looks like I'm gonna switch that to HZD plus the DLC. XYZPDQ.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 22, 2017 @ 04:40 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 21, 2017 @ 04:17 PM
Digital.  F discs.

Was gonna post the same.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 22, 2017 @ 04:41 PM
You sportsballers like NBA Live? It's only $15 right now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 22, 2017 @ 04:53 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on November 22, 2017 @ 04:41 PM
You sportsballers like NBA Live? It's only $15 right now.
As long as you're not looking for a deep franchise mode, I think you'll like it. The gameplay and graphics are great. Personally, I think it's a steal at that price.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 22, 2017 @ 07:48 PM
I think NBA and FIFA are bundled for the sale too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 22, 2017 @ 09:32 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 22, 2017 @ 07:48 PM
I think NBA and FIFA are bundled for the sale too.
Yep. $40 for both games. Probably the best deal on the site right now.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 23, 2017 @ 04:40 PM
I know y'all ain't Plus people, but $40 for 12 months is about as good as it's ever gonna get.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 23, 2017 @ 06:50 PM
I'd go plus to square off against you guys in some sports games, but that's about it.  Imagine if we had had the ability to capture our NCAA 06 season and put it on youtube for posterity.  That would have been great.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 24, 2017 @ 01:19 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 23, 2017 @ 06:50 PM
Imagine if we had had the ability to capture our NCAA 06 season and put it on youtube for posterity.  That would have been great.

Agreed. That would have been amazing. At least we still have the results: NCAA 06 Season (

I'd also recommend Madden 18 for $30. Played a few more games last night and absolutely love it. It's a much better game than 17. The graphics, CPU QB play, line play and running game have all been improved from 17. I honestly can't remember that last time I enjoyed a Madden game this much.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 24, 2017 @ 06:21 PM
Wow!  Thanks a bunch for that link.  I had no idea it existed.  Just reading those dates and scores brings back a lot of good memories.

I may be wrong, but I think the Opponent Season ended on the 1/13/2006 date with my win over Indiana.  If I remember correctly you were ahead pretty big in that game and I made a second half comeback to take that game.  The other two games after that were one offs?  Man that was a great time and I remember a lot of great and tense games as well as games against top 25 opponents that we knew we wouldn't win, but just tried to do our best.  Pretty cool that we got that season done in pretty much real time with the college football season as well.  We ran through. the whole thing from August to January.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 24, 2017 @ 07:18 PM
I pulled those dates and scores from the old ladder site we used to record our games on. I don't know what the deal is with those last two games because I remember you winning the last game we played to take the championship. I remember you winning something like 5 in a row to finish the season, including the final game against Indiana.

It's possible the dates are just wrong because I know we both finished 11-11 and we never played the final tie-breaker game. I'm going to look for that old database again to see what the deal is.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 24, 2017 @ 07:29 PM
Quote from: Jason on November 24, 2017 @ 07:18 PM
I pulled those dates and scores from the old ladder site we used to record our games on. I don't know what the deal is with those last two games because I remember you winning the last game we played to take the championship. I remember you winning something like 5 in a row to finish the season, including the final game against Indiana.

It's possible the dates are just wrong because I know we both finished 11-11 and we never played the final tie-breaker game. I'm going to look for that old database again to see what the deal is.

Just dug up the old database and those were the dates in there along with the confirmed dates matching them. I'm not sure if you remember, but the winner would record the score and the loser would then have to confirm it. I don't remember those games at all. I do remember the sting of losing that last game 11 years later.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 07, 2017 @ 01:56 PM
NBA Live has finally added roster editing in today's update:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 14, 2017 @ 11:52 PM
My younger son and I will probably finish Uncharted: Lost Legacy tomorrow after putting it on hold for a while. He had gotten up to chapter 4 of 9 back when I first got it but then wanted to play through the first four Uncharted games again before finally restarting Lost Legacy this week.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 27, 2018 @ 10:12 AM
Got the Madden 18 GOAT edition on sale, with Plus and the 10% off code going around, paid $16.
Figured the HDR alone was worth the upgrade.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 27, 2018 @ 09:19 PM
Nice score...I really like Madden 18 and have enjoyed it more than any recent version.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 13, 2018 @ 03:08 PM
Lol, NBA LIve is $4.49 right now. Why anyone would buy a game, especially sports, at launch, is beyond me. ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 13, 2018 @ 09:17 PM
That's insane. There's no excuse for not picking it up at that price, although I felt the same when it was $10 a few weeks ago.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 01, 2018 @ 11:26 AM
I had a little B-day money to spend, so I went into the PS store looking to spend exactly $100 to get the $15 back deal.
I ended up getting a tidy haul, all on sale..

For Honor, FIFA 18, Tekken 7, and F1 2017. I had to get the DLC McClaren and Madden MUT starter pack to add $7 and hit $100 even.
So many games, and yet, I'll be playing the Division all weekend, I need help. :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 01, 2018 @ 12:16 PM
Nice haul. I have FIFA 18, Tekken 7 and F1 2017 and would recommend them all. For Honor has been in my Wishlist since it was released, but I haven't pulled the trigger since the single-player game is limited.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 01, 2018 @ 08:16 PM
Yeah, I'll see if I'm even competitive online, there is team modes, so that maybe the ticket.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 05, 2018 @ 09:06 AM
My younger son and I beat Tomb Raider on the PS4 this weekend. I had beaten this game on the Xbox 360 years ago, so it was fun to play one of my favorite games again with updated graphics. Now we're finally starting Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 14, 2018 @ 07:01 PM
Picked up Baja Edge of Control HD for $15 on PSN last night.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 16, 2018 @ 11:12 AM
Grabbed Dirt 4 on sale last night and Watch Dogs 2 last week. I loved Dirt 2 and 3 on Xbox 360 and couldn't pass up the fourth one for only $15.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 18, 2018 @ 05:16 PM
Titanfall 2 ultimate is 5.99 right now. That's a deal!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 18, 2018 @ 08:56 PM
I'd be all over that if it had a third-person camera mode. I'm thinking about grabbing Resident Evil 5 for $8 to get my Gears of War fix.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 17, 2018 @ 10:17 PM
Picked up Burnout Paradise and God of War from today's big sale on PSN.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2018 @ 11:24 AM
Spider-Man and NBA Live 19 have both pre-loaded on my PS4 this morning. I'm going to see Judas Priest live Thursday night and should be able to check both games out when I get home that night.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 05, 2018 @ 03:50 PM
The Green Manalishi
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2018 @ 05:17 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 05, 2018 @ 03:50 PM
The Green Manalishi

With the two-pronged crown...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 20, 2018 @ 12:54 PM
I bought my soon-to-be 8-year-old son the NES and SNES classic systems. He loves playing the older Nintendo games on his DS, so he's going to love these. I plan on playing them a lot too.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 27, 2018 @ 10:11 AM
Waiting for my Sony Rewards points to kick in so I can grab "For Honor" while it's on sale for $10.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 27, 2018 @ 02:33 PM
Quote from: Jason on November 27, 2018 @ 10:11 AM
Waiting for my Sony Rewards points to kick in so I can grab "For Honor" while it's on sale for $10.

Looks like I missed it...oh well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 27, 2018 @ 05:10 PM
It's on sale constantly, it's now into a new "season", so there's that edition and the base game.
I'm gonna get Fallout 76 when the price dips a bit more, bugs and poor performance be damned.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 27, 2018 @ 05:47 PM
With work slowing down for the season I've been playing a bit more.  Banner Saga 1 on PC which I kind of bounced off of the first time because I wasn't fond of the combat, but enjoying it this time for the story.  OOTP 19 on PC.  Jake got both of us a copy and he wants to do an online league, but it says something about FTP and web servers to do it and that's Martian talk to me.

And I just completed the 2023 season of my Brewers franchise in Show 17.  Won the NL central and entering the playoffs.  Won the WS in 2022 so will be trying to repeat.  Then will probably move to Show 18 and continue from there.  But may switch and start fresh with a Miami franchise and see how it goes.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 28, 2018 @ 05:35 PM
Knocked out of playoffs in the NLDS.  Won my start, but lost to STL in game 5.  They went on to lose the WS to TEX in 6.  My 3B Joey Gallo got MVP for the second straight year hitting .278 with 46 HR.  And my SS Michael Reed got a Gold Glove.

Roster won't change much due to lots of young protected players.  I probably should have been house ruling some trades in previous seasons because now it feels like my roster is too strong going forward and I'll probably get bored with lack of challenge to make the playoffs.  Either that or I'll self impose lower budget to force out good players from my roster.

Let 35yo 1st baseman Brandon Belt go to free agency due to younger player behind him ready for ML play.  He was very productive in his time with me so I liked his lefty bat alot and a little sad to see him in an Angel uniform.  He's a Giant (no pun) in real life, but I had picked him up in a trade with NYY either a few seasons ago.

No retirements for me, but some notable ones around the league:

KC Andrew McCutchen  15 seasons .301AVG 2551H 354HR
LAA Brian McCann  19 seasons .265AVG 388HR
SEA Robinson Cano  18 seasons  .297AVG 2612H 305HR
ARI Felix Hernandez 19 seasons 246-170 3715K 3.30ERA
LAD Craig Kimbrell 13 seasons 332SV
Free Agent Miguel Cabrera 20 seasons .301AVG 3486H 617HR 87.9WAR
Free Agent Joey Voto 16 seasons .307AVG 2414H 390HR

Cano, Miggy, Votto, and McCutchen all inducted Hall of Fame (The Show does it immediately no 5 year wait)

The most laughable part of the season (and a failure of the game) was that my manager, the fictional JJ Windsor, turned down my contract extension to go be a 3rd base coach with another club.  He won the WS with me last year and this team is solid so I don't know why he would leave.  Maybe he thought the GM was a dick  :P
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 28, 2018 @ 11:58 PM
I can take a look at the web server and FTP stuff for you if you'd like.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 29, 2018 @ 01:19 PM
I might take you up on that offer.  I really like GM'ing in OOTP.  Do you have a copy of the game?  I think the complete manual is available online.  If you do take a look at it tell me what you need from me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 29, 2018 @ 05:22 PM
I don't have a copy of the game, but I'm looking at the online manual right now ( ( and think I should be able to set that up for you on my web server, which doesn't have any of my business accounts on it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 29, 2018 @ 09:45 PM
Let me know what I can do to help, including throwing some $ at you.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 29, 2018 @ 11:27 PM
No money is necessary. I sent you a DM with a bunch of information. I'll help you with all the settings when you're ready to enter them into the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 30, 2018 @ 12:42 AM
Entered the info in the obvious boxes and some others that aren't so obvious.  None of the test connection attempts were successful, but not surprised.  Maybe we can real time this sometime during the next 3 days and get it ironed out over the weekend.  If you have time.

Thanks for everything so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 30, 2018 @ 12:48 AM
That's because I'm an idiot. FTP username is ted.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 30, 2018 @ 01:11 AM
Successful test uploaded a file under "league file upload options" section

Successful test downloaded a file under "league file download options" section

Unsuccessful at report upload test, team file transfer test, and email test.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 30, 2018 @ 09:04 AM
Are you using the FTP or non-FTP option for the other settings?
I'll DM you new mail info to try.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 30, 2018 @ 02:57 PM
The drop downs for all of the transfer options have "Passive; Standard FTP" selected.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 29, 2018 @ 01:14 AM
I just bought the NHL 19 & FIFA 19 bundle on PSN. It's currently on sale for $52 and I had a 20% coupon, which brought the games down to my $20 price point each. I'm kinda burned out on the NHL series, but all the talk about the new skating engine being such a game changer got me interested in it. I guess I'll find out tomorrow...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 30, 2018 @ 01:34 PM
Interested to hear about NHL. I burned out on it about 2015 although I did buy 17, but only played a couple games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 31, 2018 @ 01:15 AM
I'm not seeing the "game-changing" improvements with the skating. I guess it's somewhat better, but not the revolution people claimed it to be. I am having fun with FIFA though, although not a big upgrade over 18. The most noticeable difference is the smarter AI. I'm struggling on Semi-Pro in 19 while I was fairly competitive on Pro in 18.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 01, 2019 @ 12:40 PM
I decided to update some of my Xbox 360 games to digital last night. I had a year and half old code for 1 month of Xbox Live Gold that I used last night to take advantage of the current Gold Sale going on. I was able to buy:for $33.08 total. Even with the PS4 and Xbox One generation coming to an end, the Xbox 360 is still going strong in my house. I also bought the digital version of Red Dead Redemption right before Christmas.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 01, 2019 @ 06:33 PM
I've bought a lot of pristine PS3 games on disc recently, as The HPBs near me have stacks of them, for 3-6 bucks.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 02, 2019 @ 10:31 AM
Also bought Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. arcade authentic versions from Nintendo's eshop on the Switch. The versions available on the NES classic and for download for the DS are the NES ports of those games. My son was excited to finally be able to play the "bakery" level in Donkey Kong, which is not included in the NES ports.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 04, 2019 @ 09:31 AM
Really like the new Nintendo eShop. It much easier to navigate than and on par with PSN. Just bought a volleyball game for my daughter for $7.49 and got an additional $4 off for gold coins I had accumulated for owning other Switch games my son got for Christmas (Mario Cart, Donkey Kong Country and Zelda). Apparently, you're given gold coins for each purchase made on the store.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 04, 2019 @ 04:21 PM
Did a PC upgrade (final one for this rig) and have started playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance (great so far).  Jake got me the F5 for DCS World so in the process of updated to DCS 2.5 to check that out.  And getting my space fix with X4 foundations.

All PC.  I know.  Don't hate.   ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 05, 2019 @ 01:27 AM
What are the final specs for your current PC now?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 05, 2019 @ 02:53 PM
I've really loved this PC and it's given me more longevity than any prior hardware purchase.   I purchased it from a fellow flight sim enthusiast in 2012 or 2013 (I think).  He and his brother built them for fellow simmers.  The original 2GB 560 card blinked out after two or three years, probably  after a dust build up, and was replaced with a 960 4GB card which has been good.

It has the original P67 motherboard with an i5-2500 @ 3.3ghz.  It's not a K so I don't think it can be overclocked, but a few years ago I used an internet guide and fiddled with the multipliers in the BIOS.  I have had it boosted to 3.79ghz ever since and it's totally stable.  I did add a giant cooler master heat sink and fan.  It idles at 45 and typically runs at 60-63 under load when running games like sims or Kingdom Come.

So the last iteration of this PC is

i5-2500 Sandy Bridge @ boosted 3.79 with coolermaster heat sink and fan.
Corsair Vengeance 32 GB (4x8) DDR3 PC 1600 9-9-9-24
Gigabyte GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 @ 1797mhz
Rosewill Bronze 1000W PSU
250GB SSD (Windows 7 OS only)
500GB SSD (for sims like DCS World 2.5 and other heavy games like Kingdom Come that are texture heavy)
1TB HDD (for older and lighter games)

It's also VR capable now and that will truly be my final addition to this rig if I decide to take the VR plunge.  All the reading I've done indicates that any further upgrade of the video card will just be bottlenecked by the older CPU.  And the RAM is maxxed for the board.  So this is it.

I'm enjoying playing this weekend, but will probably do the free backdoor upgrade to Win10 Sunday night.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 06, 2019 @ 12:47 AM
Have you thought about upgrading the CPU to an i7? You can get a decent one for about $300 now. That should help a lot since you're running a lower-end i5.

You should definitely make the switch to Windows 10. I'm assuming you're going to use the media creation tool to upgrade for free?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 06, 2019 @ 03:48 AM
yeah media creation tool.

You know I have looked at an i7 for my 1155 slot, but it just doesn't seem worth the $.  The info I've read is that for the types of games I play I would not see enough of a difference with that CPU for the $ investment.  When I finally do upgrade to an i7 (or beyond?) I'd rather do it on a new mobo that has M2 slots for the SSD's, and also utilize DDR4 RAM.

I think, for the games and sims I play the biggest difference so far in performance has been upgrading to 32GB from 8 GB of RAM.    Especially DCS World which loves the RAM and the SSD.

I'm calling it good with this rig.  Next time will be a full replacement, but probably not for 3 years (or more hopefully).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 06, 2019 @ 01:08 PM
Got impatient.  Upgrade to Windows 10 appears to have gone fine.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 09, 2019 @ 10:16 AM
Curious to see how NHL 19 plays after reading this post from EA:
Before the holidays begin, we just wanted to provide everyone with an update around NHL 19, and more specifically the feedback we have been hearing around the gameplay.

Over the past few months, we have been seeing a lot of people on all channels asking for us to revert to Beta tuners as they enjoyed the game better during that time frame. While we believe that the current gameplay has a lot of improvements from launch, we also recognize that there could be areas of gameplay that you preferred better in the past.

As a result, in mid-January we are going to be rolling back to the Beta Tuner for a limited time to get your feedback on what you like/dislike about the Beta Tuner compared to the current gameplay tuner. Please note that this will undo some of the positive changes that we’ve seen from the community, so you’ll be seeing some of the following occur again:
After we change back from the tuner, we will be posting a feedback survey to gather your thoughts, likes, and dislikes on the Beta tuner.

While it is a little while until the tuner goes live, we wanted to provide you with an update as we know how passionate you are about the product. Once we get closer to the date of the tuner, we will provide an update with more information and details on what is happening, when it’s happening, and what you can expect.

Thank you for your dedication and feedback throughout NHL 19 and we hope everyone has a happy holidays!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 17, 2019 @ 01:12 PM
Quote from: Jason on August 24, 2017 @ 11:06 AM
Redout is another one I'm keeping my eye on. Will probably wait for a price drop before purchasing though.

This is currently on sale on PSN for $20. Seriously thinking about it...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 25, 2019 @ 04:51 PM
I ended up joining PS+ for a month to get some deals on a few games:

F1 2018 was $42 and Redout was $20 for non-PS+ users. Total $62
I purchased a one-month PS+ plan for $10 and got F1 2018 for $24 and Redout for $10. Total $44

I may end up grabbing some more games while I have the extra PS+ discount.

I made sure to cancel auto-renew on my account.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 25, 2019 @ 07:47 PM
Stick with it, we can play some co-op, I can help you level up a character or something.
Plus is totally worth it over the long haul.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 25, 2019 @ 09:59 PM
I really like having the cloud saves now that I have 2 PS4s. It makes it much easier to sync settings and saves across the two. It also seems like they have more PS+ game discounts than they did in the past. I'm kind of annoyed I just missed on on the 25% off deal for a full year of PS+
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 27, 2019 @ 09:16 PM
I ended up buying Madden 19 Friday with my PS+ discount for $24 and have probably played it more during the past two days than I played 17 and 18 combined. Unlike NHL 19, RPM (real player motion) is very noticeable as soon as you play the game. About 90% of the time I absolutely love how it's implemented in the game. Unfortunately, it drives me crazy the other 10% of time.

There were apparently a lot more issues with RPM when Madden was first released, but from what I've read, they fixed the worst of them. My biggest issue is when your player jukes left or right when you're trying to just run diagonally away from a defender, which causes you to get tackled. It happens less frequently now that I'm becoming more familiar with the controls, but pisses me off those times it does still happen...especially when you're a few yards from the end zone.

The CPU is not free of these issues either. I've read complaints about the CPU running backs jogging instead of running and have seen this once so far. They also tend to juke too much behind the line of scrimmage, but this was apparently much worse before the game was patched.

Having said all that, I am enjoying it more than any past Madden I've played in a long time. I haven't played back-to-back games in Madden is years and I've done it three times this weekend with 19. When everything is working, it plays a great game of football. The lighting and colors may be one of the best upgrades in years and gives the game its most realistic look, especially on an HDR-capable TV. It almost makes previous Maddens look look cartoony with their bright, over-saturated colors.

I had my doubts about buying Madden this year, but so far I'm happy with it. The same with FIFA and NBA Live. NHL 19 has been the only EA Sports game I've been really disappointed with this year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 02, 2019 @ 12:37 PM
Two  Saturdays ago my power supply on my PC shorted out so I bought an identical replacement through Newegg.  Replacement arrived last week, but during the downtime I decided to get RDR2 on PS2 and it's a great game.

New PSU in last weekend and since then have jumped back into Elite Dangerous to check out the new exploration tools and grind for a few ships to try.  Also been down with the flu since Tuesday.  Ugh.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 02, 2019 @ 11:59 PM
I noticed that you had been playing RDR2. What chapter are you up to? I'm still on chapter 4.

Feel better. Bad colds and stomach viruses have been working their way through everyone in my house for the past month. It would have probably been worse if we all didn't get flu shots.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 03, 2019 @ 02:59 PM
I think I'm in the middle of Chapter 2.  I've been playing slow and just exploring as I go.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 04, 2019 @ 01:54 AM
I quit a while ago. It's on the backburner, now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 04, 2019 @ 08:10 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 04, 2019 @ 01:54 AM
I quit a while ago. It's on the backburner, now.
Same here. I've been waiting on HDR and interface improvements, but it doesn't like like either are coming anytime soon...if at all.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 05, 2019 @ 02:46 PM
Did you end up getting For Honor? It's free on Plus right now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 05, 2019 @ 04:22 PM
I did. I bought it last month for $10. I probably won't have PS+ much longer, so it works out better that way.

I am planning on buying AC: Odyssey for $30 with the PS+ discount this week.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 05, 2019 @ 09:04 PM
I grabbed the Ezio collection for 10 bucks and Rogue remastered for 15, as well as Marching Fire for For Honor for 15.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2019 @ 03:51 PM
Now you've got me considering the Ezio Collection to add to my growing list of unplayed AC games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2019 @ 08:35 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 06, 2019 @ 03:51 PM
Now you've got me considering the Ezio Collection to add to my growing list of unplayed AC games.

WTF...I ended up buying both the Ezio collection and Odyssey.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2019 @ 10:43 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 06, 2019 @ 08:35 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 06, 2019 @ 03:51 PM
Now you've got me considering the Ezio Collection to add to my growing list of unplayed AC games.

WTF...I ended up buying both the Ezio collection and Odyssey.

BTW, this is all Brad's fault ;)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 07, 2019 @ 09:08 AM
I bought a bigger HDD just to hold all these unplayed games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2019 @ 11:03 AM
I upgraded my original PS4 internal drive to a 2TB drive before external drives were supported, and then added an external 2TB drive once external support was available. My new PS4 Slim has a 1TB internal drive along with a 4TB external drive attached to it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 09, 2019 @ 11:54 AM
5TB the only way to go. 8)

Recent Beta breakdown;

Division2  Yay
Anthem  Nay.

Division 2 Beta runs great, the graphics are improved via HDR, the map is more varied, there are new skills, etc.
Massive did not dumb it down or try to reinvent the wheel, they've taken the best of Division 1 and brought it forward.

Anthem, on the other hand, the Beta runs like complete ass, the network structure is bad, there are loading screens EVERYWHERE, the enemies pop in and out and are completely braindead.
It feels like Mass Effect Andromeda with loot shooting added on, it's very crude and uninspiring. Might be good way down the road, but in its' current state, nope.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 10, 2019 @ 12:27 PM
I'll end up grabbing the Division 2 when it drops in price. I replaced my disc version of the first one with a digital copy a while back even though I didn't play it much.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 11, 2019 @ 10:38 AM
I can level you up with the quickness if you'd like.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2019 @ 11:09 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 11, 2019 @ 10:38 AM
I can level you up with the quickness if you'd like.
I may take you up on that before my PS+ subscription runs out at the end of the month. I really do want to play this game but I got stuck on an early level long ago and never tried it again.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 11, 2019 @ 03:56 PM
Name the place and time. We'll get you to level 30 in an hour or two. Game opens up big time after that.
You'll get all my drops as well as yours. At first you'll have to turtle up and let me clean house, as the enemies will scale to me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2019 @ 04:03 PM
Sounds like a plan. I hope you're patient.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 12, 2019 @ 10:58 AM
Just picked up Fight Night Champion for PS3, forgot how good this game was. There is still a file to be found with about 50 awesome created fighters one can add to the game.
Amazing to think there hasn't been a boxing game since. And yeah, with the Division, it would be super easy to get you set up. You can also matchmake into any activity.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2019 @ 12:12 PM
That game is amazing. I bought it digitally in December for the Xbox 360. It would probably be a day one purchase for me if a new version was released.

I'll get to try out my new headset online with The Division. It just arrived today and is charging right now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 12, 2019 @ 01:55 PM
Is FN Champion available digital download from PSN? 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2019 @ 02:51 PM
Quote from: Ted on February 12, 2019 @ 01:55 PM
Is FN Champion available digital download from PSN?
Yes, and it's only $10.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 12, 2019 @ 03:37 PM
The Boxer Share feature no longer is in service, and the DLC is janky as hell to try and get. You can only get it through the store portal in-game, and even then you may very well not get it.
The game does connect to the EA servers, and you can download the last tuner set, or so it says.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 15, 2019 @ 03:05 PM
PSN is having another sale on PS+ subscriptions for $45 a year. I have $90 in my PSN wallet and am really thinking of getting this just for the cloud saves and game discounts.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 16, 2019 @ 02:38 AM
You should. It's a good value.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 19, 2019 @ 11:09 AM
Quote from: Brad Company on March 16, 2019 @ 02:38 AM
You should. It's a good value.
I joined for a year. I ended up buying on Amazon for the same price, but no tax.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 12, 2019 @ 09:21 AM
My younger son has been hooked on this series on Amazon Prime called the Video Games Years. It's a 10-part series that covers gaming from 1980 - 1989. Because of that, we've been on a classic gaming binge for the past month.

Some of the games we've been playing are:Amazon Prime customers can now get a year of Switch Online for free, so we just started playing a bunch of those games a few days ago. I was able to get up to Super Macho Man in NES Punchout. It's amazing how you start remembering the patterns again once you start playing. The last time I played that game was probably 1989.
I also dug out the Activision Anthology on the PS2. I bought that game back in the PS2 days and never realized it had both Pitfall 1 and 2. I was able to complete Pitfall 2 after not playing it for 35 years.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 19, 2019 @ 04:14 PM
In keeping with my whole retro-gaming phase, I was looking for Q-Bert on either the PS4 or Xbox 360. I ended up finding Q-Bert Rebooted and was thrilled that it also included the original arcade version, so I ended up buying it today for $10. I didn't even realize it included cross-play, so now I have a copy for my Vita as well.

I originally had no interest in the "rebooted" version, but my son and I haven't stopped playing it all afternoon. It's so much fun that I now have no interest in the arcade version. I can't believe this game came out 5 years ago and I never heard of it before today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 24, 2019 @ 12:17 PM
Anyone planning on checking out Days Gone? I'm interested in seeing the reviews for it once the embargo ends today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 24, 2019 @ 08:31 PM
Zombie survival not really my thing, but I'm picturing a nice $10 price before the end of the year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 24, 2019 @ 11:28 PM
I'd never pay full price for it, but I'd grab it for $20 if it's anything like The Last of Us.

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 25, 2019 @ 01:28 AM
I'll probably pick it up on sale too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 25, 2019 @ 11:24 AM
Early reviews are not too impressive. May not even be worth the $20 I thought it was.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 28, 2019 @ 02:41 AM
Madden 20 coming with 10 college teams. Remember all the fun we had playing NCAA Football and me winning all those championships. Those were the days.  ;)

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 22, 2019 @ 08:48 AM
Just bought ATV Drift & Tricks for less than $5 on PSN. Never heard of it before and won't even be able to play it until tonight, but it looked pretty good in the YouTube videos I watched. I loved the old ATV Offroad Fury games on the PS2, so I couldn't pass this up for $5.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 24, 2019 @ 08:39 AM
Rage 2 is an amazing game. Ignore the reviews. If you like Doom 2016's combat with an open world setting this is the game for you. A lot of people say the world is empty and it can be to a degree but there are a ton of places to visit across the map. Combat is where the game shines. The gunplay is excellent and the abilities you gain over the course of the game will bring out the inner badass in you.  The driving is horrific, which is odd since it was made by the guys who made Mad Max. You only have to race once in the story and once you get used to the boost it is not that bad. Plus you can unlock a gyrocopter early on and avoid a bunch of the driving and just fly everywhere.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 24, 2019 @ 09:43 AM
I'm annoyed that I missed the sale on Grip last week. The new "Air Blades" update looks amazing and is getting good reviews. I may have to jump back into RDR2 now that the HDR issue was fixed in last patch.

I also picked up GRID: Autosport digitally for the Xbox 360 for only $6.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 25, 2019 @ 09:37 AM
Just finished the third of six official Ninja Tracks in Trials Rising. I think that I have reached my skill limit at this point. Too hard on my thumb and just wears out the analog stick.  Ended up in the top 5% worldwide, same as the previous Trials games. One of the few games I am still competitive in. Still have plenty of user created tracks to try. Plus I have the season pass for all the new content coming down the road.

Most played game right now is the Division 2. Great game but it really went backwards in regards to how you upgrade guns and armor. Not even considering the Raid, since there is not matchmaking in game and most randoms do not use headsets, which is a must with most raids on a console.

Now I need to find some games to fill in the time between now and September when Borderlands 3 hits.  July has Wolfenstein: Youngblood but I am not seeing much else in the shooter category that interests me. Hopefully Doom Eternal get a surprise release date for the summer but will probably be end of year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 19, 2019 @ 08:44 PM
Highly recommend you guys check out Farm Together. Especially if you liked the farming from Stardew Valley or the old Harvest Moon games. Great family game, co-op and is a relaxed version of building/growing a farm/ranch since there are animals to raise. The devs made some of the avatar games on the Xbox 360, including Avatar Farm.  They a really small team of 5 or 6 people from Spain.  What is refreshing about the game is they have been updating free content since release. 11th update for the Xbox version and each included not only fixes and community suggested improvements but new content each time. There are also a few cheap DLC's which I bought primarily to support the dev.  PS4 version came later but is caught up in terms of content. Switch version is way behind due to Nintendo being Nintendo. Steam version is the way to go if you want all the content as it has been around much longer.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 20, 2019 @ 10:17 AM
I remember when my wife was hooked on Farmville when it came out, and she doesn't even play videogames. I always avoided games like that because I have enough shit to manager in the real world. I don't need any manufactured "chores" to take care of too. I could see my younger son enjoying it though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 02, 2019 @ 10:05 AM
Have not played a platformer in quite some time but Ori and the Blind Forrest is a blast. Beautiful game and story. Ended up getting gamepass because the are so many games I wanted to try but never felt like purchasing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 02, 2019 @ 12:59 PM
I'm not a fan of subscription services, but I'd definitely get the Xbox Game Pass if I owned an Xbox console.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 09, 2019 @ 09:33 AM
Here's a list of games I plan on buying over the next few months once they drop to $20:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 09, 2019 @ 11:33 PM
my buy list for the rest of the year, outside of some indie games that pop up.

Borderlands 3 - Preorderd $99 version with all the DLC because Borderlands DLC never fails to disappoint.
Outer Worlds, Gears 5 and The Blair Witch game - Will launch with GamePass, woo hoo!
FIFA 20 - Will buy at launch of standard version.
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep - Iffy but I always cave in.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD - Love the Super Monkey games.
Doom Eternal -  Launch game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 12, 2019 @ 08:17 PM
I forgot to add Grid to my list.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 13, 2019 @ 10:29 AM
In anticipation of Borderlands 3 releasing in just over a month I am going through all the games and DLC one more time with characters I have never used.  Just started with the Borderlands GOTY and I have never used a Siren in any of the BL games, I was always a soldier/turret guy so Roland and Axton were my favs. Lilith is just straight up OP, the phasewalking action is just so useful in many different ways. Based on this I will be going with the Siren Maya in BL2. Then I will go for the real test and use Claptrap for the Pre-Sequel. He has the absolute worst skill trees and his action skill is random. Bright side, do not have to worry about keeping oxygen filled, since he is a robot.

Still have no idea who to start with for BL3, have not really delved too deep into the skill trees.  FL4K seems to be the popular choice but I don't want to have to deal with all the pets.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 22, 2019 @ 08:38 AM
Quote from: Jason on May 24, 2019 @ 09:43 AM
I'm annoyed that I missed the sale on Grip last week. The new "Air Blades" update looks amazing and is getting good reviews.

Grip is back on sale for $20 this week so I plan on buying it before the sale ends.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 01, 2019 @ 09:43 AM
Games like Blair Witch are what makes Gamepass so good. Would have never paid retail for it and probably never would have even with a deep sale.  It was an okay game that started off well and overstayed it's welcome in the last chapter. The puzzles and use of the handheld camera worked well but was underutilized. Too many areas were just far to disorienting for for me. I got lost often and just ran around in circles. That happens when you are in the woods, especially at night. Got the bad ending because I had no idea there were multiple endings. Would have considered a few different choices made in two sections of the game. Not worth going through again but got around 8 hours out of it. Combat is like Alan Wake Flashlight edition but there are very few enemies in the game to begin with and they switch things up toward the end on how you deal with them.  Very few scares, not a really good story but passable. Framerate was really bad in daylight and slightly less bad at night. Had a few glitches that forced me to restart a chapter (dog got stuck and got myself stuck in the bushes a couple time and could not move out) but to it's credit did not crash once.

If anything it got me to rethink watching the movies to see the similarities.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 01, 2019 @ 11:00 AM
Save yourself some time and just watch the first movie.

I watched some gameplay videos of the game and was turned off immediately since it's first-person. I've never played any horror type video games (including the Silent Hill and Resident Evil series) and would have liked to try this one.

I did end up buying MLB 19 last night and played two quick games. Hoping to get some more time with it tonight.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 01, 2019 @ 12:49 PM
The first is probably the only one I could stand. I don't even know when the game is coming to the PS4? Right now it's only out on Xbox and PC.

You have a PS4, like Horror Movies and have not played Until Dawn? One of the few horror games I have ever liked and a bonus for you, it is in third person. Also quite re-playable as you will get different results based on your actions. Don't like a character, easy peasy, get em killed off. It is heavy on the QTE's and plays similar to Heavy Rain as far as that goes. The only thing that bothered me is that it has a weird change halfway through the game as best I recall. Goes from one genre of horror to another. Similar to that movie we both watched. That said it was still worth the full retail price when it released. It is $20 on the PSN store, a steal at that price.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 01, 2019 @ 02:39 PM
Looks interesting. I watched a video review on YouTube and added it to my Wishlist on PSN.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 01, 2019 @ 03:02 PM
Picked up Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey for PC.  About 8 hours in.  It's ok.  A lot of exploration that turns into grinding. Some of the appeal is that the mechanics are so buried.  No tutorial really of any kind.  The game even tells you you are going to have to figure out how it works so some of that mystery is what keeps it interesting and drives you forward.  Once you do and understand the systems then some of the shine wears off and then it becomes the grind of trying to lock in certain mutations to evolve forward.

It's not a bad game, but it's not really special.  The hominids have cool animations and it is pretty fun to build up a band of 12 adults and 6 babies and go out on a group expedition.  It's pretty funny to intimidate the other predators, occasionally killing them, but the best part is watching 12 ape-men armed with sharpened sticks shrieking at the world.  Makes me laugh every time.

It would be better if the world were more dangerous and if there were rival clans.  What it needs more than anything is for you to not have to babysit your clan as much.  You have to tell them when to eat and drink.  And they can't do either if they are holding anything in their hands before you start the process.  You got mauled by a giant cat?  Fine, just rub this giant seed all over your lacerations.  No more bleeding or even chance of infection, yeah right.  You're starving to death? Well drop that stick dummy.  Oh you can't?  Here let me take it from your power grip.  I know you don't have precision grip, but surely you have enough brain cells to drop a stick and pick up a coconut.  That part of the game is a dumb design and should have been cleaned up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 12, 2019 @ 03:56 PM
I can safely say if you liked the previous Borderlands, this is more of the same but with much better gunplay and a ton of QOL improvements. There is a bump in the graphics, lighting and elemental improvements. It's not going to blow anyone away but that has much to do with the art style.  Gunplay is much more enjoyable, it is not Destiny good but a big improvement. Little things like not having to open ammo/money boxes and then hold again to get ammo is a time saver, it's automatic once you open a box. Leveled up to 5 and looking forward to getting more time in with it.  Got to play early by changing my location to New Zealand in the Xbox settings. A first for me to try this trick but and it actually work.

Downloaded Gears Of War 5 on gamepass. Have not played the series since the original but I had fun in the first chapter. It's a bit glitchy as things like XP and your collectables are not showing. Going to hold off on playing this until they get this fixed.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 13, 2019 @ 02:40 PM
Gears of War is one series I've missed this generation, especially with Gears 5 getting such good reviews.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 14, 2019 @ 01:21 AM
Picked up Vampyr on Steam in the sale for $17.  Jesus are the controls clunky in this.  The writing is borderline terrible.  The dialog choices laughably bad.  If I didn't have over 2 hours in I'd go for a refund.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 21, 2019 @ 09:52 AM
Finished the main story and most side missions for Borderlands 3.  Great Shooter and Looter with an absolutely terrible story. I wish Anthony Birch, the writer for BL2 and the DLC was still at Gearbox. I like the humor and poop jokes do not bother me. There are more than enough serious story shooters out there. The humor in BL3 was just not funny most of the time and the main story was a miss from every direction, all the way up to the ending. Some of it going so far back most of the people playing will have no clue. Look kids it is the enemy Amberlamps, remember that meme? Even a wire hanger joke referenced from the 1981 movie Mommy Dearest, which offended many politically correct reviewers thinking it was a jab at abortions. The exception were a few quips when enemies die like, "Jokes on you I was in credit card debt." 

There were some good long side quests. Still a few stinkers but not bad considering side missions in the previous games.  I like Ice-T but the whole Balex character seemed shoehorned in. Penn and Teller (Pain and Terror) was my favorite boss fight. Not as much the fight itself, which was fine but everything leading up to it was great. I completely understand ignoring most of the characters from the Pre-Sequel but far too many characters from the earlier games were never even mentioned. Game needed more missions with Tina, Brick and Mordy I was also pissed off at the lack of Mr. Torque, until I realized he was part of the post game content. The Jacobs Story was probably my high point in regards to the story. 

Now to the endgame which offers quite a bit of meat, outside of the upcoming DLC's. Gotta get leveled up to 50 (finished the story at 43) and you can replay the whole game with harder difficulty but the nice thing that was added is mayhem mode. Where you can still go into an existing finished game and play leveled up enemies with modifiers to make it more challenging but better loot. Mayhem has three levels as you get better gear and can also be used in a mini-dungeon boss mode and Circle of Slaughter to add difficulty. There is also a gun near the end of the game that shoots guns for Euridium. A great way to rack up serious cash required to upgrade the SDU's for guns, bank etc. They finally found a good use for money and once you have everything unlocked it can still be used on the Slot Machines of which there are three cash versions and one takes Euridium.

Will easily put a couple hundred hours into this one. The shooting is so much better I could not go back to the previous games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 10, 2019 @ 10:20 AM
Thinking of getting Ace Combat 7 while it's on sale on PSN this week. I've never owned any of the AC games, but I've always been interested in them.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 10, 2019 @ 04:52 PM
It's supposed to be good... I liked Ace Combat 2 way back when. The FTP PS3 game was garbage.
I might grab P Cars 2 for $15.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 10, 2019 @ 11:44 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on October 10, 2019 @ 04:52 PM
It's supposed to be good... I liked Ace Combat 2 way back when. The FTP PS3 game was garbage.
I might grab P Cars 2 for $15.

I just bought Ace Combat and am downloading it now.

I might have to consider Project Cars 2 at that price too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 13, 2019 @ 04:24 PM
Finished my first two missions in AC7 and find myself really enjoying it more and more the better I get at it.

I also downloaded Mortal Kombat 11 since it's free for the weekend. I can't believe how much better it look and plays than X. I don't recall any other game making such a huge graphical leap while on the same console cycle. The slower paced gameplay is nice too. It allows the animations to really show off and makes the fighting seem much more realistic. It also helps us older guys with slower reflexes.

I was tempted to buy it while it's on sale for $35, but I'll definitely get it when it drops to $20. If I didn't just buy AC7 and Days Gone, I might have bought it at $35.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 13, 2019 @ 05:25 PM
Tekken 6 to TT Tag Tournament on PS3 was a big jump as well. I got Soul Calibur 6 recently, it looks and plays a lot better than expected. Create a fighter is dope.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 13, 2019 @ 07:17 PM
I just got Soul Calibur 6 a week or two ago when it was on sale too. Haven't played too much but like what I've seen so far.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 22, 2019 @ 09:50 AM
The Outer Worlds is getting some really good reviews. Refreshing to see a dev/pub not afraid to have reviews go out days before it is released. Available on the 25th. Plus it is part of Gamepass for Xbox and PC. Already pre-installed and just counting the days to release.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 29, 2019 @ 02:07 PM
I just bought Antigraviator, which just came out today. I'm a sucker for futuristic racers and the $20 price was just right.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 21, 2019 @ 08:32 AM
Anyone else picking up Civ 6 for PS4 or Xbox one?  I went with the full game and all the DLC. Love the Civ games but hate playing games on PC.  Should be out sometime today. Already pre-loaded and patched once.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 21, 2019 @ 02:19 PM
I remember playing one of them on the PC in the late 90's (I think) and being hooked, but haven't played a version since. Is this the first version on this generation of consoles?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 21, 2019 @ 05:35 PM
Yes, there has not been a Civ game on consoles since Civ Revolution which was came out last gen and was extremely watered down and not very fun. This is the full game that has been on the PC since 2016 plus all the expansions. It's priced way too high for a game that was released back then but I have a Civ 2 itch that needs scratching as I put hundreds of hours into that game on the PC. Plus there is not a lot of games coming out the next few months that I am interested in so this is my get through the Holidays title.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 21, 2019 @ 08:49 PM
Let me know how managing the interface with a controller is. It would be nice if the game supported the DS4's touch pad to move the cursor around.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 06, 2019 @ 08:54 AM
I downloaded Monster Energy Supercross while it's free for PS+ members and it looks and plays much than I expected. The only negatives are the brutal load times and lack of outdoor tracks. I'm really surprised that the tracks are limited to official stadium tracks only. I would have loved to play this on some outdoor tracks.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 07, 2019 @ 12:07 AM
It is a Supercross game sponsored by Monster, so it kinda makes sense since they are all stadium courses.  I think they added some outdoor stuff in their second release. Have not played a descent supercross/mototcross game in ages. The Trials games are great but it's not the same. There are a couple descent moto/supercross games on the PC but my rig can't handle games.  I do miss when Rainbow studios was a competent game deve and made the classic Motocross Madness for the PC and the early MX vs ATV games.  They are still making the MX vs. games but the last few I tried ran so poorly and looked like a last gen games.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 07, 2019 @ 12:20 AM
I've spent a good part of the day looking to see what MX games were available on PS4 and if they had motocross tracks. The first two were MX vs ATV Encore Edition and MX vs ATV All Out. Both were made by Rainbow Studios, which I've been a fan of since the PS2 days, but both games got horrible reviews in the areas that matter most to me - controls/gameplay, graphics and frame rate.

Tonight I came access the MXGP series, which is made by Milestone - the same developer who made Monster Energy Supercross. It's all motocross tracks and doesn't include all the stupid tricks - it's purely a racer. There's currently 3 in the series, but the first one is currently on sale on PSN for $7.49, so I'm going to give it a try.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 11, 2019 @ 11:37 PM
Apparently I was wrong about there only bring 3 games in the MXGP series.  There's MXGP Pro (2018) and MXGP 2019.

MXGP Pro also uses the Unreal 4 engine (like Monster Supercross) and is currently on sale for $12 on PSN, so I'm going to buy it tomorrow. I've been pretty happy with my $8 purchase of the original MXGP, so I'm looking forward to the same type of gameplay with better graphics and physics.

I was wondering why Milestone didn't put both motocross and supercross tracks in their Monster Energy series - they still sell them as two separate games.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 25, 2020 @ 12:32 PM
Getting ready for next-gen means I bought another PS3, a 160gb slim for $70. I'm thinking PS5 will only back compat with PS4, so a backup triple seemed like the way to go.  A good working PS3 controller is worth half what I paid these days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 25, 2020 @ 12:47 PM
I wish I would have bought a PS3 when they were still available to purchase new. It's the only Playstation console I've never owned.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 25, 2020 @ 03:47 PM
When I got my Super Slim, it was the last gasp of new machines at retail. There are screaming good deals for them used, now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 25, 2020 @ 03:54 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 25, 2020 @ 03:47 PM
When I got my Super Slim, it was the last gasp of new machines at retail. There are screaming good deals for them used, now.
Where? eBay?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 26, 2020 @ 02:57 PM
The one I just got was at a Half Price Books.  FB Marketplace is swimming in them.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 02, 2020 @ 11:08 PM
Looking forward to trying out the BioShock games with when they're released on PS+ this Tuesday. I've always been interested in the stories and settings, but turned off by the first-person gameplay. At least now I get to try them out for free.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 03, 2020 @ 11:39 AM
The remasters are well done. The atmosphere and setting are so good. 1 and 2 are one download and Infinite is a separate one.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2020 @ 11:59 AM
I've come close to buying them so many times. I'd probably have a better time watching my son play them as I'm more interested in the story than the actual gameplay.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 03, 2020 @ 05:41 PM
Just bought Zombie Army 4, loved the trilogy and more FPS for me (technically third person with a bunch of snipping). Also pre-ordered AO Tennis 2 since it hits on the 11th.  A bit miffed at the price, even with a 10% discount it was $53.99.  The game retail disc will be out the same day @ $39.99 almost anywhere. Why do we digital guys have to take it where the sun don't shine?  It's cheaper and more profitable to sell a copy digital due to the only cost is some bandwidth.  Wanted to compare it to the PSN store but the webstie version of PSN still does not list the game. I am keeping it since I love tennis and this is all we have but MS Store is going to get an earful.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2020 @ 11:40 PM
I've been checking the PSN store for it too because I'm curious to see how much it's going to sell for. I never thought to check the price of the physical release. I know the first one launched at $40 digitally, so I'm sort of expecting this one too, especially since the retail price of the disc is $40. I think it may show up tomorrow afternoon since Sony usually updates their store on Tuesday afternoon.

I know disc-based games go on sale quicker than digital, but Microsoft may just have listed the price incorrectly because I can't see them selling it digitally for more than the retail price at launch.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 04, 2020 @ 08:47 AM
Let me know what you think of Zombie Army 4. That's been on my radar since it was announced.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 04, 2020 @ 11:11 AM
If you played the Trilogy it's more of the same with a few wrinkles so far. You can modify weapons by finding upgrades throughout each section. Been awhile since I played the Trilogy but this one seems to offer more ways to get large amounts of kills with the environmental hazards scattered everywhere. Only an hour in and still on the first chapter and have already taken out 550 zombies. Have not played the hoard mode but that was something I liked in the Trilogy. The story mode seems fairly beefy with 8 or 9 chapters. Can be fully played as singleplayer or co-op. Singlplayer is like the Trilogy, just you versus the world.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 04, 2020 @ 06:41 PM
Still no AO Tennis 2 on the PSN store. I'll probably buy it at launch if it's $40 for the digital version.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 04, 2020 @ 11:01 PM
Sony is having a Critics' Choice Sale starting tomorrow: (

I'll probably end up grabbing FIFA 20 and DOA 6. Maybe they'll add AO Tennis 2 when they update the site.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2020 @ 11:35 AM
Quote from: Jason on February 04, 2020 @ 11:01 PM
I'll probably end up grabbing FIFA 20 and DOA 6.

I ended up buying them. The ball physics in FIFA are so good this year. It's almost on par with PES in the regard. I also decided to try a new camera after all these years. I'm currently using Tele with Height at 6 a Zoom at 2. I've always been a default or classic guy, but I'm liking the change this year.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2020 @ 08:11 AM
Still no sign of AO Tennis 2 on the PS store.

Brent, did the price ever decease on the Microsoft store?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2020 @ 12:25 PM
AO Tennis 2 is finally up, but it's listed at $59.99.

The Division 2 is currently on sale for $2.99. How can I not buy it at that price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 11, 2020 @ 02:59 PM
Back up to $59.99 on the Xbox Store. Still shows $39.99 at Gamestop, etc for the disc version. Did not unlock until after I went to sleep so I will get to play some tonight but my focus has been on Zombie Army 4.

Division 2 at full price was worth every penny, at $2.99 that is almost theft. Tons of stuff to do in the game and even more after you beat the story. Only stopped playing it because I had done everything and the DLC did not appeal to me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 11, 2020 @ 04:14 PM
Played a couple short exhibitions and I think you might want to wait for a discount before jumping in, unless you really want to start a career mode. From everything I have seen that is where the majority of time was spent. On the court it felt pretty much the same, with a little better character movement. You will still swing at shots and nothing happens but it only happened a couple times. Still have no clue how to get constantly good timing on my swing. This was not changed along with the cameras. I still can't find a camera I really like. Graphics are pretty much copy paste from the original. It does not look bad but it still has a last gen look to it. I like the constant stats and they added a happy/mad option you can press after a point to get different responses to what you did on the court. Loading times to get into the match or even a simple training mode are LONG. The menu interface is much cleaner and easier to use.

Could not use the creation center to download any players, courts, player lists, etc as it was down. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 11, 2020 @ 05:17 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 11, 2020 @ 12:25 PM
AO Tennis 2 is finally up, but it's listed at $59.99.

The Division 2 is currently on sale for $2.99. How can I not buy it at that price.

If you get Div. 2 get with me, I will help you out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2020 @ 05:25 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 11, 2020 @ 05:17 PM
If you get Div. 2 get with me, I will help you out.

I couldn't resist it at that price. I'll definitely look to get some time in online this weekend. I still have PS+ for another month, but will probably renew for the cloud saves alone.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2020 @ 05:41 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 11, 2020 @ 04:14 PM
Played a couple short exhibitions and I think you might want to wait for a discount before jumping in, unless you really want to start a career mode. From everything I have seen that is where the majority of time was spent. On the court it felt pretty much the same, with a little better character movement. You will still swing at shots and nothing happens but it only happened a couple times. Still have no clue how to get constantly good timing on my swing. This was not changed along with the cameras. I still can't find a camera I really like. Graphics are pretty much copy paste from the original. It does not look bad but it still has a last gen look to it. I like the constant stats and they added a happy/mad option you can press after a point to get different responses to what you did on the court. Loading times to get into the match or even a simple training mode are LONG. The menu interface is much cleaner and easier to use.

I don't understand how to the disc version is selling for less since it's not a sale price.

The issue with shots not registering has been mentioned in all the reviews I've read and it should hopefully be something they can patch soon.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 15, 2020 @ 08:19 PM
Any of you PS4 guys picking up Dreams?  I have been really impressed by what I have seen so far. 

Someone at Bethesda should be taking notes that this person made their game within a game and still has a better framerate.  ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 16, 2020 @ 11:18 AM
I'm definitely getting it for my younger son and I'd love to try it out myself.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2020 @ 10:04 AM
Beat the final level of Zombie Army 4. Ended up with just over 10,000 kills on the default difficulty (medium), which I found fair but towards the end they will throw a ton of different zombies at you. Going to start playing Hoard mode and bought the season pass because I am a fan of the developer and will be looking for more levels. Also need to go through a few chapters to find a few things that were missed and getting gold on all chapters.  One thing I enjoy is that you not only have a difficulty but you can set how many players worth of zombies you want solo or co-op. So I tried a few levels on medium with 4 players worth of zombies. Works well for getting your score up and hitting gold but one of the levels I tried had a snipers, specifically the one where they are introduced in the story. 3 or 4 snipers constantly re-spawning while you are dealing with regular zombies and moving 3 gas canisters to a boat, leaving you with only a pistol while carrying. Stressful would be the nicest thing I could say about the experience.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 19, 2020 @ 05:18 PM
New patch out for AO Tennis 2.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 19, 2020 @ 05:53 PM
I played last night and must have had the patch as Taylor Fritz was in the game and things did seem to load quicker.  I really want to love this game and start my career but finding the right difficulty level and getting the timing down for swings has been frustrating.  Have to say props to the two users that created the current top 125 men's and women's players to download.

Top Spin gameplay/graphics with AO's career mode and customization and you are getting near a perfect tennis game. Throw in the mini games from the Virtua Tennis and I might not ever leave the house.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 19, 2020 @ 06:24 PM
I'm wondering if the "reflex animation" fix is for the unresponsive controls under certain circumstances.

I ended up buying NHL 20 today since it went on sale for $24. I'm so tired of this game yet I buy it every year.

I have been playing a ton of FIFA 20 and I'm really enjoying my time with it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 19, 2020 @ 06:34 PM
Nope, I had just as many no-swings as before the patch.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 22, 2020 @ 02:19 PM
I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying NHL 20. I read in so many reviews how it's much smoother than NHL19 and now I can what they mean. The controls in the older games always felt jerky and didn't simulate the feel of felt more like running on ice. This year's game really feels good on the ice. It's similar to the RPM progress made from Madden 19 to 20.

I went into training mode to refresh my memory on some of the controls and realized how much I had forgotten. I'm even starting to use the L1 deke for the first time ever and I'm actually getting the hang of it in real games. The announcers are not nearly as bad as they were made out to be. One of them is always very excited, but it fits in with the game. I like the guest announcer option too, but it's a shame Snoop Dog is the only one available, so I had to disable it, which is fortunately an option. It would love to see them expand on this feature with former players and coaches.

I'm still fumbling around with the controls a bit due to playing FIFA 20 much recently. I'm so used to pressing L1 to switch players in FIFA that I'm forgetting it's R2 in NHL. Other than that, I'm having a good time with it. I didn't make any real slider adjustments other than setting the game speed down to 3 from 4, which seems to give the game a more realistic flow.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 05, 2020 @ 07:20 PM
Gamepass has been killing it lately. Now I find out that NBA 2K20 just released on it today. Ori and the Will of Wisps on the 10th.  It helps make up for my terrible purchasing decisions like AO Tennis 2.  :(
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 06, 2020 @ 05:25 PM
You're tough critic on tennis video games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 06, 2020 @ 11:23 PM
I praised the things that deserved praise and then there is the graphics, gameplay and controls, which deserve all my ire.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 11, 2020 @ 02:11 AM
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a masterpiece so far. Combat is much better and the atmosphere is simply stunning and I am still in the first area.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 14, 2020 @ 10:55 PM
Just finished Ori and the will of the wisps and rate the game a 9.5/10. .25 deducted for the occasional technical issue. .25 deducted for the inclusion of a sand areas where the spectacular control of Ori becomes an annoyance for a short period of time near the end. If you have never played either Ori game and have a descent PC, you are missing out. Unless you do not like the 2D Metrovania style platformers. This is the peak of 2D platformers. The story is untouched in how to relay what is happening with so few words, sublime soundtracks and visual storytelling. The game knows how to tug on the heart-strings.

$1 to play two of the best platformers ever made. (

Just listening to the main menu theme alone gives me chills.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 15, 2020 @ 12:13 AM
This is crazy, but I bought MotoGP 14 years ago during a flash sale, played it once, wasn't impressed, and never played it again. I decided to try it again last night and realized it's made by Milestone, who is becoming my modern-day Rainbow Studios of developers.

I'm really enjoying it now and will most likely upgrade to 19 (built on the Unreal 4 engine) when it goes on sale.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 18, 2020 @ 02:40 PM
Quote from: Jason on March 15, 2020 @ 12:13 AM
This is crazy, but I bought MotoGP 14 years ago during a flash sale, played it once, wasn't impressed, and never played it again. I decided to try it again last night and realized it's made by Milestone, who is becoming my modern-day Rainbow Studios of developers.

I'm really enjoying it now and will most likely upgrade to 19 (built on the Unreal 4 engine) when it goes on sale.

Just my luck...19 (and 18) went on sale today for $17. Downloading it now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 18, 2020 @ 08:36 PM
Quote from: Jason on March 18, 2020 @ 02:40 PM
Just my luck...19 (and 18) went on sale today for $17. Downloading it now.

What a difference 5 years will make in graphics and gameplay. It's like going from from a last-gen game to a current-gen game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 19, 2020 @ 11:04 PM (

Gamestop considering itself an "Essential Business" to stay open during the outbreak. Apparently Punko Pops are serious business.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 20, 2020 @ 10:08 AM
Just another reason to hate them.

I'll never understand why that store is even relevant. I read about people pre-ordering and shopping there and physically want to slap them in the head.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 21, 2020 @ 08:48 PM (

I am sure the leaked conference call went over well. (

and this (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2020 @ 11:14 AM
During the call, GameStop’s execs tell their workers to ignore major news developments regarding the outbreak in favor of getting information from the company itself, dodge the question of whether or not employees that are either too worried to come to work or are forced to take time off will be paid compensation, and take the time to mention how their business is “thriving” in the face of so many other stores closing.

Do these guys work for the current administration? Sorry, no politics allowed ;)

One of the few times I'm at a loss of words...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 22, 2020 @ 06:50 PM
The king is back! Best parody account ever.

Not that XBL is fantastic but PSN download speeds were so hit and miss back when I had a PS3/PS4.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 27, 2020 @ 11:15 PM
Not an Onion article. (

QuoteWorkers have been told to wrap a plastic bag around one hand to protect it from exposure to the virus, open the door a crack, and take the customer’s credit card, the manager said. Employees are then to run the card with a hand still encased in the bag, flip the bag inside out, leaving the card inside, put the purchase in the bag, and hand it back through the door.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 28, 2020 @ 02:26 PM
What the actual fuck is wrong with that place?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 28, 2020 @ 03:32 PM
Quote from: Jason on March 28, 2020 @ 02:26 PM
What the actual fuck is wrong with that place?

The idiots who keep shopping there while this is going on are part of the problem too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 28, 2020 @ 05:56 PM
That is why I am happy to be completely digital.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 28, 2020 @ 10:01 PM (

Gamespot trying to one up Gamestop

Good gravy I just finished the DLC. A DLC that has you marry a gay couple as the finale of the main story. It was a solid DLC that I still have stuff to do in. Yet because it captures the look and feel of Lovecraft''s work...This is the most racist pile of shit the author has ever seen. Also a DLC dedicated to a gay wedding is homophobic because he did not pay attention to the storyline.

Also the author is so blinded by race/color, he thinks Wainwright Jakobs is black.

QuoteSo now, looking at the storyline of Guns, Love, and Tentacles, you have to take into account how Gearbox has written the black characters--in this case, Wainwright and Hammerlock--because that's a part of Lovecraft fiction too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 28, 2020 @ 11:41 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on March 28, 2020 @ 05:56 PM
That is why I am happy to be completely digital.

I'm completely digital too, but there's still plenty of other ways for people to get physical copies of games without going to Gamestop in person.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 29, 2020 @ 07:23 PM
Got F1 2019 (PC) in a bundle and been running through a career.  Pretty good career mode that even makes the practice sessions important to your progress in the career and with the car.  Racing is fun too.  Have been tweaking my difficulty and assist settings as I gradually acclimate to the racing.  Being able to do that anytime during the season is nice since I usually get better at driving as the season goes on.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 30, 2020 @ 11:00 AM
F1 2019 is is really good. I spend more time running time trials than anything else.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 05, 2020 @ 03:45 PM
I can't stand Ian Bell, but I have to admit that Project Cars 2 is great looking and playing game. I wasn't impressed with demo when I tried it a while ago, but I'm really enjoying the fully patched game now.

I forgot how customizable the game is. I haven't touched any of the steering and visual settings yet because it can be quite overwhelming, and also because I haven't felt the need to. It's playing fine for me as is.

This is the first time I've bought a deluxe version of any game so it's nice having the extra cars and tracks included.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 07, 2020 @ 03:37 PM
Yeah, it plays better than some would have you believe. A nice change up from GT Sport.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 07, 2020 @ 05:49 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 07, 2020 @ 03:37 PM
Yeah, it plays better than some would have you believe. A nice change up from GT Sport.
Did you change any of the sensitivity settings? I thought about it, but I don't know if I want to go down that rabbit hole.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 07, 2020 @ 07:57 PM
Not yet; I can pretty well deal with the controls as is.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 07, 2020 @ 09:42 PM
That's kind of where I'm at. I've been doing ok with the default controls and think I should just leave good enough alone.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 08, 2020 @ 04:14 PM
The controls become more intuitive when you realize you can't drive like most games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 10, 2020 @ 04:21 PM
Mount and Blade II Bannerlord releases to early access on pc. Put hundreds of hours into the first two iterations.  Been crushing skulls and loosing arrows to the face with glee for the last few days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 21, 2020 @ 12:04 AM
Journey to savage planet is a pretty fun game if you are into exploring and metroidvania games. Still halway through but here is the review that got me to download it from gamepass.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 21, 2020 @ 02:43 PM
So they are making a Peaky Blinders game. I got really excited.

Then really dissapointed.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 27, 2020 @ 12:40 PM
Release dates for TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 27, 2020 @ 04:48 PM
Glad to hear they're not delayed as long as originally planned.

I'm looking forward to Streets of Rage 4 this Thursday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 27, 2020 @ 05:37 PM
Just FYI TLOU2 spoilers/gameplay footage are flying around ruining the story/ending.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 27, 2020 @ 11:16 PM
It appears the info was leaked by a disgruntled employee and is the main reason Naughty Dog moved the release date back up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 30, 2020 @ 07:40 PM
I picked up Doom Eternal for some rip and tear action. IDs games always run buttery smooth.  Also picked up a couple survival/sim games games. Dawn of Man and Stranded Deep.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 30, 2020 @ 11:31 PM
I ended up getting Streets of Rage 4 and hope to play some co-op with my son tomorrow. Looking forward to SMB3 in less than 2 weeks now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 03, 2020 @ 11:58 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 15, 2020 @ 08:19 PM
Any of you PS4 guys picking up Dreams?  I have been really impressed by what I have seen so far. 

It went on sale this week so I just bought it this morning.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 09, 2020 @ 12:55 PM
Onrush currently on sale for $2.49 on PS Store. May have to try it at that price.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 11, 2020 @ 03:24 AM
Trying AO Tennis 2 again. I love all the work the community has done for the game, with the players, courts, etc. Just wish that same passion could be found from the developers. Gameplay is still AO Tennis.  AI rarely hits unforced errors on Pro difficulty or above. So most of their points come on my unforced errors and my points on winners. The swing is still a damn mystery to me and how exactly it works to get constant proper timing so I just turned all the meters off. It helps a little not having to focus on that and the swing itself. I wish they would eliminate the auto swing function, this is where I think the problems start. It also feels awkward having a swing start for you as you are chasing down a shot and have yet to hit a button. If I hit a button, start the swing animation. If not, just let the ball go by. Still way too many times I hit a button or the animation starts and the ball is not hit.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 13, 2020 @ 10:28 PM
Solved my tennis problem. Bought Tennis World Tour for $12 and with all the updates over two years, it's a pretty good game on the court. Outside of McEnroe's commentary and some of the sounds when hitting the ball no major issues. AI players actually hit unforced errors and the rallies feel much more realistic. Swing is not perfect but much closer to Top Spin 4. It's has none of the court and player customization outside of making a player but this will get me by for now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 19, 2020 @ 11:41 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 13, 2020 @ 10:28 PM
Solved my tennis problem. Bought Tennis World Tour for $12 and with all the updates over two years, it's a pretty good game on the court. Outside of McEnroe's commentary and some of the sounds when hitting the ball no major issues. AI players actually hit unforced errors and the rallies feel much more realistic. Swing is not perfect but much closer to Top Spin 4. It's has none of the court and player customization outside of making a player but this will get me by for now.
Not sure how I missed this. I've come close to buying this game so many times but the early reviews have always scared me away from it. I wish sites would review games again after they've been patched.

It's currently on sale for $12 on the PS Store, so I'll have to think about getting it again.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2020 @ 11:00 AM
At $12 it is worth a try. Would have started a career but I have been busy with SMB3.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 20, 2020 @ 12:10 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2020 @ 11:00 AM
At $12 it is worth a try. Would have started a career but I have been busy with SMB3.

You really had to twist my arm on that one...I just got it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 22, 2020 @ 09:16 AM
My older son's driving game is trending at #3 on Dreams. It's amazing what you can do in that "game".
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 24, 2020 @ 02:19 PM
Looking to buy a Logitech G29 steering wheel for my PS4. Amazon has it for $235 (normally $400), but it keeps going in and out of stock before I have the balls to buy it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 24, 2020 @ 05:40 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 24, 2020 @ 02:19 PM
Looking to buy a Logitech G29 steering wheel for my PS4. Amazon has it for $235 (normally $400), but it keeps going in and out of stock before I have the balls to buy it.

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I got it. It ships on June 7th.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 24, 2020 @ 09:32 PM
What do you and I lack?

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 25, 2020 @ 12:42 AM
You ain't kidding.

Your YouTube videos don't show up in Tapatalk so I was going to answer "willpower" before seeing the video.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 26, 2020 @ 12:44 PM
I was surprised to see how many racing games I own that have the Red Bull track, so I raced there in each of the following games:After playing a ton of Assetto Corsa, it was tough to play the games that run at 30fps (Moto GP and GRID). The difference isn't as noticeable is you;re not used to the smoother frame rate because Moto GP 2019 seemed so smooth to me before I started playing Assetto Corsa again. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 26, 2020 @ 02:58 PM
It's noticeable when you play Driveclub, as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 26, 2020 @ 03:49 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on May 26, 2020 @ 02:58 PM
It's noticeable when you play Driveclub, as well.

Yes!!! Driveclub doesn't have Red Bull, but I did play it this weekend and noticed how bad it was too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 31, 2020 @ 03:38 PM
My racing wheel is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I have to try to find something to mount it on.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 01, 2020 @ 11:20 PM
I guess if you are shelling out for the wheel, might as well go all the way. (

Did you play any SMB3 yet?  I scrapped my original plans and made a 32 team Texas League. Going with Lubbock where I grew up and modeled everything around Buddy Holly and the Crickets. It was either that or Craig Ehlo (Most famous person from my HS) getting posterized by Michael Jordan. That would have been a bit much for the SMB3 editor.

Right now I have been hitting Minecraft Dungeons hard. Only a few levels from having everything unlocked on the hardest difficulty. Absolutely hate Minecraft combat in the base game but love the combat for the dungeon crawler. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 02, 2020 @ 01:06 AM
I have looked at that particular one along with a few others, but I'll make do with a $5 tray table for now. The pedals have a rug griper that works pretty well, so they're fine on the floor.

I tested out a bunch of games tonight with the wheel. GT Sport and F1 2019 felt the best so far. I was getting faster lap times with the wheel after just a few laps of each. I'm only about 1-2 seconds off my controller times on Assetto Corsa. All of the games have separate control settings for the wheel, so I'll have to look at those too.

Here's my son testing it out tonight.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 02, 2020 @ 01:37 PM
Looks like it works well, hard to beat a $5 setup.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 02, 2020 @ 03:18 PM
The footrest is a perfect height too. I hope the G29 is compatible with the PS5.

I usually get in a game or two of SMB 3. I'm waiting are some of the gameplay patches that are in the works before getting too invested in it.

I've also been playing World Tennis Tour. I like the game, but I suck at it. I barely won my first match on Amateur and haven't won a match since.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 03, 2020 @ 06:03 AM
Yeah I started a career in World Tennis Tour. I like that it controls the difficulty as you work your way up rankings. Just make sure you are using all the shot types to control the pace and placement is very important. Don't hit every shot to the back of the court. The training mode helps a bit to learn to control the shots.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 03, 2020 @ 09:22 AM
I'm all in now on the steering wheel. I just bought this stand on Amazon. I like that it's easily adjustable since both my sons have been using it and my wife likes that it folds up. The extra 10% discount sealed the deal.

The back button attachment is back in stock at stores, so I got one of those too.

[attachment deleted by admin]

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 03, 2020 @ 12:44 PM
Quote from: Jason on June 03, 2020 @ 09:22 AM
The extra 10% discount sealed the deal.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 03, 2020 @ 01:22 PM

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 03, 2020 @ 01:26 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 03, 2020 @ 03:46 PM
Only thing good to come out of a Rob Zombie movie. RIP

Back to gaming, just beat Minecraft Dungeons on the hardest mode. Will probably buy the DLC with a gamepass discount.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 03, 2020 @ 06:50 PM
Both of my sons, who have previously never been interested in sim racers, have been playing GT Sport all day the past two days with the wheel.

My younger son has run hundreds of time trial laps today on different tracks and then has me try to beat them. It took me 14 laps to finally beat his time on one of the small oval tracks.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 04, 2020 @ 09:56 PM
Don't know if anyone here plays Borderlands but this computer case is flat out amazing. You see the detail in the cell-shading and then wonder if it is real computer or something I missed from the game. (

Short video of it. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 04, 2020 @ 11:40 PM
That's impressive. I'm glad you posted the video since it's hard to process from the image only.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 10, 2020 @ 07:53 PM
Quote from: Jason on October 13, 2019 @ 04:24 PM
Finished my first two missions in AC7 and find myself really enjoying it more and more the better I get at it.

I also downloaded Mortal Kombat 11 since it's free for the weekend. I can't believe how much better it look and plays than X. I don't recall any other game making such a huge graphical leap while on the same console cycle. The slower paced gameplay is nice too. It allows the animations to really show off and makes the fighting seem much more realistic. It also helps us older guys with slower reflexes.

I was tempted to buy it while it's on sale for $35, but I'll definitely get it when it drops to $20. If I didn't just buy AC7 and Days Gone, I might have bought it at $35.

Any further thoughts on AC7? Complete version is $28 atm.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 10, 2020 @ 08:56 PM
That's only the second time it's been that cheap:
I don't know what's included in the deluxe edition, but I got to mission 5 so far and really like. I'm not usually good at these types of games, but feel like I have a handle on this one. I stopped playing because I was waiting for their big 20th anniversary update and haven't had a chance to jump back into it yet since it was released, but based on what I've seen and played, I'd give it a thumbs up. I
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on June 27, 2020 @ 09:42 PM
Creator of NBA Jam finally confirms that the game was programmed so that if the Chicago Bulls took a last second shot against the Detroit Pistons it would always miss.

True dedication to your team. Go to 19:30 in the video for him admitting to dissing the Bulls and Jordan via a little code. Really good doc, enjoyed the whole thing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 27, 2020 @ 11:17 PM
That was a good video. It's crazy what they had to do to get the headshots in the game. I love that he added that code to prevent the Bulls from hitting a last minute shot against the Pistons. I wonder if that made it into the Genesis/SNES versions, but I doubt it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 11, 2020 @ 10:13 PM
Devolver Digital Direct. We may not get E3 but they delivered something really long and hopefully as good as the previous E3 shows.

Also for PC gamers a free game on Steam from them. A First Person Marketing Simulator. (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 12, 2020 @ 08:52 AM
Far Cry 6 Trailer leaked early. Los Pollos Hermanos, it's Gus.

May or may not work, I think the video is being released later today.

Box Art

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 12, 2020 @ 12:18 PM
The Devolverland Expo trailer looks pretty cool. I wish we got free games like that on PS4, even though it's a FPS.

I've never played a Far Cry game in my life. Are they first or third-person games?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 12, 2020 @ 12:36 PM
First Person
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 12, 2020 @ 04:02 PM
I guess that's why I've never played any of them. I want to get F1 2020, but I'm not buying another racing game at full price just to deal with bugs, even though F1 2020 is probably in much better shape than Assetto Corsa is right now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 14, 2020 @ 03:49 PM
So, I'm all in with my racing wheel now. I just ordered the Logitech shifter for my G29. I haven't owned a car with stick shift since getting married 22 years ago, so hopefully this will scratch that itch. The shifter had only been available by third-party sellers for ridiculous prices, so I jumped on it once it was available through Amazon for retail price.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on July 15, 2020 @ 10:00 PM
I signed up for Xbox gamepass for PC.  First month is $1.  6/month after that.  There's a good selection of games to play for the sub price.  I mostly did it to get access to the standard edition of MSFS 2020 that releases next month without having to pay the purchase price. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 16, 2020 @ 09:45 AM
That game has me seriously considering an Xbox Series X.
I hope you have a fast internet connection if you plan on downloading it and plenty of hard disk space since it comes on 10 discs.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on July 17, 2020 @ 12:28 AM
They still release stuff on discs?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 17, 2020 @ 11:59 AM
Quote from: Jason on July 14, 2020 @ 03:49 PM
So, I'm all in with my racing wheel now. I just ordered the Logitech shifter for my G29. I haven't owned a car with stick shift since getting married 22 years ago, so hopefully this will scratch that itch. The shifter had only been available by third-party sellers for ridiculous prices, so I jumped on it once it was available through Amazon for retail price.

Holy crap...driving with a clutch and shifter brings racing games to a whole new level. I was teaching my kids how to drive stick yesterday. I don't think it works with F1 since those cares don't use a shifter like that, but PC 1 & 2, AC & ACC and GT Sport all support it. Only cars with a shifter in real life work in AC & ACC, so you can't use it with the GT3 cars, but it's still awesome to use.

I still have to see what other games support it. I'm hoping The Crew 2 and NFS: Heat do since they're open world.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 17, 2020 @ 01:49 PM
Have to give Hello Games some more credit, they released another update with new story missions and a ton of other fixes, updates. The new stuff was good but a bit short, though it can be repeated with new stories about how the freighter/crew met it's demise. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on July 17, 2020 @ 05:42 PM
You do have to give them credit.  I personally think they should have never gone on all the PR and marketing junkets like they did in the beginning, overpromising and lying about features.  Some might never forgive them for that, but they sure have followed up with tremendous support and expansion to the original game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 17, 2020 @ 07:11 PM
It made for interesting drama at the time and in turn a nice redemption story.

It's a rare sight in gaming to see this much FREE support. My hope is to see a next gen version of the game just to deal with the loading screens and texture pop-in and other technical issues. Plus a bit more variety in the planets.

Still love this video that released right after launch.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 21, 2020 @ 11:31 AM
A first for me in No Man's Sky. I have 1,000,000,000 Units thanks to my new farm. Farm currently can produce 750K a day which is more than I will ever need. Best part is that it never has to be touched outside of hitting X on Biodomes for plants and getting gasses from storage containers. Don't know when they added the Electromagnetic Generator but it is the best addition to the game. Find a hotspot for electricity, build a home base there. It just runs through batteries to create a gird and there is no Carbon/Condensed Carbon charge required. Even with a low level "C" rating you can power everything you desire with 5 or 6 placed down. I use a few more but my home base is fairly electric hungry as are my biodome/gas extraction farms. The hardest part was finding a hot spot for electricity and gas close enough so they shared the same base diameter, since bases can't share power. In each case they were all spread apart (and it took many many hours just to find these two hot spots close enough and being the right Gas, because even on the right planet Oxygen Gas is everywhere). By putting the Base Computer in the middle of the circle it allowed me to run electric wires to the Electric Generators and opposite direction to the Gas Extractors. I keep a big teleporter in the middle, so I can warp to each farm (Nine Total all on different planets/systems) and run a short distance teleporter to and from the Gas Extractors. Another really big addition and I even once asked for this on their Reddit is the ability to auto harvest all the plants in a biodome. I hated harvesting because it took forever due to being in a circle and not controller firendly. Each biodome does require you to harvest but you can run though it hitting a button as you pass though each.

What spurned this on was the multiplayer base. You can give items to anyone. One day someone puts 90 million worth of tech items in my inventory to sell. He then proceeded to do this for 10 other people running around. There is a constant text feed on screen telling you who is give items to someone else. Even cooler it is shown in the language of who you are giving it to. So as I was getting my base up and running I was creating a bunch of mid level circuit boards and doing the same thing at a much smaller amount. There are a few places on the multiplayer base where you know newer places are going to be, to get certain quests, buy tech items, etc. For a new/early level player this gives them the money for a new ship, better multi-tool and they can buy more of the items they need instead of mining them. It's a nice rare feeling of good will for a multiplayer game, which I rarely play. Logged a few hundred hours in Rocket League and enjoyed the game but it was just toxic as all get out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 21, 2020 @ 05:44 PM
My older son was asking me about this game recently. I told him that I really didn't know much about it other than it having a disastrous launch, but a ton of post release support. I thought this was one of the first games that PSN offered refunds for too.

I've almost bought it on sale a few times but never did. My son may end up buying it if it goes on sale during Sony's big summer sale which starts tomorrow. If it's cheap enough, is probably get a copy too.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 21, 2020 @ 11:44 PM
It's actually on sale right now for $24.99.  So it may not be part of another sale?

This price is only available from 7/8/2020 02:00 am to 7/23/2020 01:59 am.

Or if you had an Xbox you could play it for free with Gamepass.  ;)

A million new players since it showed up on Gamepass. So many new players to give tech to.  ^-^
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 22, 2020 @ 10:47 AM
Surprisingly, the cheapest it's ever been was $22.49 (

I would have thought it would have been $10 at some point over the years.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 22, 2020 @ 02:56 PM
If it was like most games and had not been touched since launch outside a DLC or two and a few updates sure. This game has gotten regular updates for four years. DLC quality updates at no charge.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 23, 2020 @ 05:40 PM
PSN's Summer Sale kinda sucks for me. I'll probably end up getting the Arkham Knight season pass for my son and the Crew 2 season pass for myself.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 28, 2020 @ 12:27 AM
Cuphead coming to PS4 it seems. Fun game but never finished it. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 28, 2020 @ 09:03 AM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on July 28, 2020 @ 12:27 AM
Cuphead coming to PS4 it seems. Fun game but never finished it. (
My son has that game on the Switch. Great looking game but brutally hard.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 28, 2020 @ 04:48 PM
Reeeeeeeeesetera is a known Sony Pony love fest. They are a sensitive bunch. (

PS5 is still going to win the hardware race, have a ton of great games. Just let Gabe have his opinion and move on with life.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on July 28, 2020 @ 04:52 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 01, 2020 @ 04:49 PM
I may not be the 60fps snob I thought I was. I've been playing a ton of GRID this past week (about 40% through career mode) and really like it. It may only be 30fps, but it's a locked 30fps with absolutely no slowdown, even when there's a full grid (pun intended) of cars on the screen.

Having not played GT Sport, PC 2 or the first Assetto Corsa in a few weeks has definitely helped because GRID was hard to look at when I would play it after playing those silky smooth 60fps games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 03, 2020 @ 11:24 AM

Do you know anything about the following flight stick? I'm looking for something entry level to try: (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 04, 2020 @ 09:24 PM
I've never used that particular stick and I asked Jake and neither has he.  Some guys are really really picky about their sticks, throttles, and rudder pedals.  If it doesn't feel just like the real thing they don't want anything to do with it.  I'm not one of those guys.  Jake is more so than I am, but still not even close to unreasonable.

I use a Logitech Extreme 3d Pro.  It lasts me about 2 or 3 years before the deadzones are so screwed up I need to replace it. The one I currently use is at least 2 and it's pretty much ready for the scrap heap.  I have "lazy hands" and tend to abuse the stick by resting my hand in place with full weight on it instead of holding the stick and supporting my hands with my own muscles.  This causes the stick to wear out faster because there is always force in one direction on it.  Typically the rudder twist wears out first.  $40

I use an old Saitex X52 throttle from the X52 set I had.  The stick perished long ago, but the throttle has been rock solid.  It's going on 15 years old.

Jake currently uses the thrustmaster t1600 for throttle $100 and the vkb gladiator stick $150.  But he's into more military type stuff and plays multiplayer pretty hardcore so he needs something precise and a little more robust.

All that said I think that HOTAS4 looks like a decent combo.  The thing I would be thinking about in a console setting with joystick and throttle is

1. what is the base of support?  When maneuvering if you move the stick and the base is sliding or kicking out from under it's going to be a problem.  Are you going to be playing with this thing resting on your thighs?  Or on a tv tray or something?

2.  Does it have a lot of buttons?  I don't care about buttons that much on my PC setting because I use a keyboard to control the different switches in the aircraft.  But on a console that's probably not an option?  So the more buttons (wheels, sliders, toggles) generally the better.

3.  How long will it last?  $80 seems kind of cheap for a combo so do most guys get a year of hard use out of it?  2? 3?

I think that I've seen some videos of guys flying free form in Elite Dangerous with that stick and it's pretty amazing.  I think it's got a rocker on the front of the throttle that can also be used for rudder or strafe left/right functionality.  So for space sims it's probably pretty solid. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 05, 2020 @ 08:59 AM
Thanks. I really appreciate all the information. I added the Logitech Extreme 3d Pro to my Amazon wish list in case I decide to buy Flight Simulator 2020 for my PC. I'm hoping I can buy an decent graphics card for around $100 that would be able to play it on medium settings.

I never thought about a base of support, but I'd probably use a tray now that you've mentioned it. I've seen how much enjoyment my Logitech wheel has added to my existing driving games, so I'm thinking something like a flight stick would do the same for my flying games.

The button situation should be fine for PS4 games since it's officially licensed. I would do what you do and use the keyboard for any flight games that require more buttons, which would most likely be the case with most flight sims.

I guess for $80 it's worth a shot, even if it only last a year. At the very least, it'll give me an idea if a more expensive setup is worth it down the road for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 13, 2020 @ 09:10 PM
PGA game hitting next week, getting excited for that. Really just commenting to break the dry spell.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 14, 2020 @ 05:21 PM
My father in law in leaving Sunday morning about 9 brutal weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to enjoy some gaming once he's gone. I am about 85% done with my career in Grid and unlocked almost every car in the game. The only remaining ones are the pieces of shit I don't want.

I'm thinking of picking of Train Sim World 2020 while it's on sale too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 17, 2020 @ 01:16 PM
IGN Microsoft Flight Simulator review (


10 masterpiece - Unparalleled realism and an entire planet to explore makes Microsoft Flight Simulator a simulation like no other.

QuoteMicrosoft Flight Simulator is legitimately incredible. It's difficult to fully describe how amazing it feels to jump into a plane and have the freedom fly to and from literally any place in the entire world. The base game's 20 included aircraft feel like more than enough for even hardcore aviation enthusiasts, and the ability to adjust the assists to tailor the experience to whatever skill level you desire makes it suitable for anyone looking to fly the friendly skies from the comfort of their home. The real-world mapping data, however, takes Microsoft Flight Simulator from being just an impressive game to the most awe-inspiring simulation I've ever experienced, in spite of its less than stellar load times. Seeing famous landmarks, landing at the world's most recognizable airports, or just touching down in a remote landing strip in South America is mind-bogglingly cool and an absolutely unparalleled way to virtually explore our world.

Other reviews seem to think it is one of the best sims ever made. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 17, 2020 @ 03:17 PM
I expected nothing less. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to play it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 17, 2020 @ 04:06 PM
Quote from: Jason on August 17, 2020 @ 03:17 PM
I expected nothing less. Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to play it.

I know just the setup.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 20, 2020 @ 08:23 AM
I ended up getting F1 2020 last night since it just went on sale for $38. I heard a lot of good things about this year's game, so I broke my rule of waiting for a $20 price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 20, 2020 @ 10:10 AM (

Must have dozed off and missed the trailer from last month. I still play the original but will probably buy this when it hits in Sept. I like some of the new additions and changes to the game engine. It is going to be interesting seeing that the developer of the sequel is Big Ant, the guys who made the AO tennis games. Hopefully the bring over some of the user created options so we have more court variety. Also nice that shots do not sound like they have been hit by a frying pan.

Some gameplay footage. (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 20, 2020 @ 12:38 PM
It looks good. I had seen that Big Ant was making this which is why they've had almost no post-release support for AO Tennis 2 after releasing 30+ updates for the original.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: GB_Simo on August 20, 2020 @ 07:43 PM
Quote from: Jason on August 20, 2020 @ 08:23 AM
I ended up getting F1 2020 last night since it just went on sale for $38. I heard a lot of good things about this year's game, so I broke my rule of waiting for a $20 price.

Interested to hear your thoughts. I've found it to be both instantly familiar and a big leap forward for the series, which is a neat trick. The My Team feature has generated a lot of buzz and I can see why but the big improvement for me comes in the refinements made to the handling model, which have made the cars both nicer and more convincing to drive.

Did you end up trying Train Sim World 2020? I know bugger all about trains but the game is really good at teaching you the basics of each train, the scenery whistling past you is oddly relaxing - soothing, almost - and once you get into it, there's something about trying to keep to a schedule, stop on your marks at the stations and so on that's surprisingly compelling.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 20, 2020 @ 08:02 PM
Hey Adam,

I ran a few time trials last night and noticed the improved handling model right away. I loaded up 2019 after a few races to see if i was imagining the improvements and I definitively was not. I'm looking forward to playing it with my wheel tonight. I also just created a Racenet account for this and Grid.

I haven't tried TSW 2020 yet. I'm waiting until I have some time to invest in learning how to play correctly. I've been on the fence with this game for a long time and figured I'd take the plunge while it's on sale. If I end up enjoying it I can look forward to TSW 2, which just came out today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 21, 2020 @ 12:14 PM
Highly recommend Spiritfarer if you are into games like Stardew Valley mixed in with Animal Crossing (never played it but I get the similarities from watching videos). All the farming, fishing, cooking and crafting and resource management. The twist is you do not romance anything. You are basically the shipmaster who takes care of spirits you come across before you take them to the afterlife. They have certain things they will eat, will send you to places to do things, etc. The dialogue with the characters has been great so far. Islands early on are small and there is a bunch of backtracking to certain areas to get upgrades and certain materials.

It's on Gamepass so it was a steal for me. They claim 30 hours to do the main story and up to a 100 do do everything. From what I have done so far I can see that. Their version of money is the only drawback in that I got the highest upgraded ship (give you the most space to build things) in under 10 hours of gameplay. Same with blueprints upgrades  for the ship. That said actually building certain buildings require items that require you to travel to far away areas that are not easily accessible until you get items for your boat to pass through barriers. So it's not something that makes the game too easy, just felt the progression was odd in terms of money.

Game is getting 9's an d 10's  because while it follows management style game rules, it changes what exactly you are doing it for.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 23, 2020 @ 10:25 PM
Quote from: GB_Simo on August 20, 2020 @ 07:43 PM
Did you end up trying Train Sim World 2020? I know bugger all about trains but the game is really good at teaching you the basics of each train, the scenery whistling past you is oddly relaxing - soothing, almost - and once you get into it, there's something about trying to keep to a schedule, stop on your marks at the stations and so on that's surprisingly compelling.

I was able to get quite a few hours of Train Sim World in this weekend and couldn't agree more with your statement. I've been playing the Main-Spessart Bahn route and it's so odd how addicting it is when a majority of the time you're only adjusting your speed and trying to time the braking to make a well positioned stop.

I started playing Friday night and couldn't wait to play again on Saturday. I started getting a little frustrated at first because I couldn't figure out why things would work sometimes (locking doors and accelerating), but not other times. It seems that most of my issues were related to accidentally hitting the emergency brake or forgetting a step in the startup procedure for my train. After downloading the PC manual and watching some YouTube videos I started to realize what I was doing wrong.

I'm about 100 miles into my journey and I'm getting silver ratings so far, so I guess I'm starting to figure things out. I would try to enjoy the scenery more, but I'm constantly watching my speed and anticipating the next next speed limit change. Unlike most vehicles I'm used to driving, trains require a lot more anticipation and work to get to, maintain and decrease to necessary speeds. I usually start planning my station stop about a mile out too.

My only complaints about the game are the terrible frame rate and lack of in-game help or more in-depth tutorials. I'm definitely glad I decided to give this a shot.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 25, 2020 @ 11:26 AM
After spending a few days with MSFS 2020 I put it away because I realize my PC is finally obsolete.  So I've ordered a new one.  In the interim I'm back in No Man's Sky just exploring and slowly working the story line.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 25, 2020 @ 09:16 PM
Quote from: Ted on August 25, 2020 @ 11:26 AM
After spending a few days with MSFS 2020 I put it away because I realize my PC is finally obsolete.  So I've ordered a new one.  In the interim I'm back in No Man's Sky just exploring and slowly working the story line.
What are the specs of the computer you ordered?

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 25, 2020 @ 10:15 PM (

I got this one.  Jake got the same one a few months ago (different case) and loves it.  It'll be able to handle VR as well if I ever make the leap.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2020 @ 09:18 AM
Very nice. Let me know how MSFS 2020 runs on it when you get it.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2020 @ 12:19 PM
Not the final review but IGN if they had to review it now, a 6. (

This is the kind of review score that will have to make EA make changes. They have always been given the 8 or 9 review just because it's Madden. It's hot in Florida but I think once reviews start hitting, Tiburon Studios is going to be sweating even more. That is what you get for a Franchise mode where the only additions added this year are a visor and a couple faces.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2020 @ 01:31 PM
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, but I'm not expecting much from it this year including the next-gen versions, which I think people are going to be even more disappointed in due to the higher expectations. I miss the days of being excited for Madden's release.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2020 @ 03:13 PM
Already a three minute spoof real. The last one is the best.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2020 @ 06:37 PM
Score another W for Gamepass owners. Wasteland 3 hits this weekend. Reviews have been very kind. (

The crashing bug mentioned on the Xbox One has been resolved.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 26, 2020 @ 08:48 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on August 26, 2020 @ 06:37 PM
Score another W for Gamepass owners. Wasteland 3 hits this weekend. Reviews have been very kind. (

The crashing bug mentioned on the Xbox One has been resolved.

Wow.  Score!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2020 @ 08:11 PM
IGN review goes final.
Despite the fact that Madden NFL 21 features arguably the best core gameplay the series has ever seen and the introduction of a fun, albeit novel, new mode in The Yard, the continued neglect shown to classic Franchise mode, lack of innovation across the board, and technical issues leave this gridiron mismatch coming up short.

Now we wait and see if that affects other reviewers into allowing the score to reflect the quality of the game.

User Scores at Metacritic are usually low but this is really low. (
0.3 (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2020 @ 08:44 PM (

QuoteEA Sports has delayed the NHL 21 closed beta and postponed the announcement of more news about the game in a show of solidarity for athletes' strikes regarding racial injustice.

Madden on the other hand, will be available for retail tomorrow.  ::)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 27, 2020 @ 10:13 PM
I'm sure it had nothing to do with it having no new innovative features and EA wanting to delay the negative onslaught.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 27, 2020 @ 10:24 PM
It keeps getting worse.  These are In-Game images.

Ea going with MS Paint to update the players stripes on the uniform.


Logos and teams not matching


Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2020 @ 03:36 AM
Embargo is up. Lot's of 6's and 7's replacing the usual 8's. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 28, 2020 @ 09:24 AM
Not that it really means anything, but it is pretty funny seeing all the user scores of zero down the line.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2020 @ 10:17 AM
Wasteland 3 is pretty fun for a genre (turn based action) I am not the biggest fan of. Takes getting used to but I have my custom characters USA and Canada at level 2. Did kill both of them once being a bit too close to an oil drum but I will get better.  ;)  Really need to look over the skills and upgrades to figure out how I plan to take each character do their paths. USA is an AR guy and Canada is a Sniper but the ammo has been limited for it, so I might also lean her towards carrying a rocket launcher since she will fight from a distance.  Definitely recommend making custom characters on the first go, that way you get to use the weapons of your choice for both characters along with a good base skill set for that type of player.

Only complaint early on is it does run fairly sluggish on the Xbox One X. I barely read up on what next gen systems are going to offer but they both really need to offer something like a 1080p 60FPS or 4K whatever FPS they can produce option requirement for all games. Will gladly sacrifice resolution for framerate.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 28, 2020 @ 01:47 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2020 @ 10:17 AM
Only complaint early on is it does run fairly sluggish on the Xbox One X. I barely read up on what next gen systems are going to offer but they both really need to offer something like a 1080p 60FPS or 4K whatever FPS they can produce option requirement for all games. Will gladly sacrifice resolution for framerate.

Agreed, except they should shoot for 1440p at 60fps. There's no reason the new systems shouldn't be able to handle that.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2020 @ 02:18 PM
Quote from: Jason on August 28, 2020 @ 01:47 PM
Agreed, except they should shoot for 1440p at 60fps. There's no reason the new systems shouldn't be able to handle that.

Systems should be able to handle it. Certain game engines are the big issue. Bethesda is using an archaic engine this generation and most games made with Unity tend to have framerate issue, just to name a few. Bethesda struggles to get a solid 30FPS on 1080p on this generation. That is why I think Sony/MS need to require every game can be played in 1080p/60fps as an option.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 28, 2020 @ 03:40 PM
Sony and Microsoft should not allow any developers to use Unity on their new systems. It shouldn't even be used on current systems. It's a mobile game development engine designed 10 years ago.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2020 @ 06:03 PM
Not to mention the CEO of Unity is John Riccitiello, former failed CEO of Electronic Arts. 

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 29, 2020 @ 02:40 PM
The day my new PC gets delivered Newegg puts the same unit on sale for 24 hours for $80 less. LOL
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 29, 2020 @ 03:58 PM
Quote from: Ted on August 29, 2020 @ 02:40 PM
The day my new PC gets delivered Newegg puts the same unit on sale for 24 hours for $80 less. LOL

You should be able to get them to credit the difference.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 29, 2020 @ 04:52 PM
It’s easier to whine about it and blame liberals.  THANKS OBAMA!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 30, 2020 @ 11:02 PM
I ended up ordering the Thrustmaster Hotas two weeks ago on Amazon when it dropped to $70. It was back-ordered and not supposed to arrive October, but it shipped today and is going to arrive tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much more fun AC 7 is with this thing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 30, 2020 @ 11:30 PM
Hey let me know how you like it.  I'm ready for a new stick and throttle
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 08, 2020 @ 09:51 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on August 28, 2020 @ 10:17 AM
Wasteland 3 is pretty fun for a genre (turn based action) I am not the biggest fan of. Takes getting used to but I have my custom characters USA and Canada at level 2. Did kill both of them once being a bit too close to an oil drum but I will get better.  ;)  Really need to look over the skills and upgrades to figure out how I plan to take each character do their paths. USA is an AR guy and Canada is a Sniper but the ammo has been limited for it, so I might also lean her towards carrying a rocket launcher since she will fight from a distance.  Definitely recommend making custom characters on the first go, that way you get to use the weapons of your choice for both characters along with a good base skill set for that type of player.

Only complaint early on is it does run fairly sluggish on the Xbox One X. I barely read up on what next gen systems are going to offer but they both really need to offer something like a 1080p 60FPS or 4K whatever FPS they can produce option requirement for all games. Will gladly sacrifice resolution for framerate.

Playing on PC with Gamepass.  It's a hoot.  I like the story.  I like the combat.  There's a lot of good voice acting in there as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 08, 2020 @ 09:52 PM
New PC has been flawless.  Old PC collecting dust in the corner so I grabbed an unused monitor from Jake and hooked it up on another table in the room.  Now my 9 year old grandson is playing No Man's Sky on it on the weekends.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 11, 2020 @ 10:46 PM
Quote from: Ted on September 08, 2020 @ 09:52 PM
New PC has been flawless.  Old PC collecting dust in the corner so I grabbed an unused monitor from Jake and hooked it up on another table in the room.  Now my 9 year old grandson is playing No Man's Sky on it on the weekends.

Have you had a chance to try of MSFS 2020 on your new PC?

Every computer and laptop in my house has been recycled from customers, including my own. I have one accountant customer who wanted to replace all the computers in his office, so I ended up with a bunch of Dell Inspiron desktops with an i5 CPU, 8GB of RAM, 1TB hard drives and Windows 10. I set three of them up for me, and both of my sons. The only thing I did to mine was add a second 4TB hard drive.

I just scored an HP laptop with the same specs plus a 17 inch screen in perfect shape from another client. I use that when I need a laptop on the road and my younger son is currently using it for remote learning since he's using Google Meet all day.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 12, 2020 @ 09:49 PM
Yes,  I'm running on ultra settings, granted at 1080p on 27".  I can maintain 30+ FPS anywhere and mid 50's in less crowded parts of the world which I fly in alot due to using FSEconomy.

Thinking of upgrading now to a 1440 monitor, but not sure I want to sacrifice the level of detail I'm getting in the sim.  However, I might do it for the experience I would get in other games.

Sim-wise, 2020 is a very mixed bag.  My opinion is that it is significantly behind X-plane 11 and DCS World in terms of pure simulation of flight and modeling systems on aircraft.  Significantly.

It is so far ahead in visuals of anything I've ever experienced in a sim.  Every other sim has always had different levels of cartoon looks.  2020 has a certain fidelity to the visuals that is pretty stunning.  Especially in certain times of day when the lighting is a certain way.

I think it was definitely pushed out the door ahead of schedule.  It feels like a beta.  There's lots in the sim that isn't working and lot's of aircraft systems are still not modeled, correctly, or at all.  Real time weather is hit and miss.  Live traffic often doesn't render.   I think the interior of the aircraft is substandard to the exterior visuals of both the aircraft and the scenery. The ATC is same shit ATC that's been around since FSX (but no sim does ATC well so it's a minor knock).

It's not much better as a simulation than say American Truck Simulator is a simulation of what it's like to drive a rig (and I know what it's like to drive a rig), but like American Truck Simulator there's something compelling about it and even though it doesn't feel very realistic I still want keep loading it up.

It really really really lacks all of the neat things you can do with X-plane, but it's so goddamn shiny that it's hard to go back right now.  I think the strongest thing I can say in its favor is it really makes you appreciate how gorgeous the planet is from a flight deck.

I think anyone with limited experience with flight sims will be blown away by it.  Its simulation is sophisticated enough to not feel simple for a newbie.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 13, 2020 @ 11:10 AM
Quote from: Ted on September 12, 2020 @ 09:49 PM
I think anyone with limited experience with flight sims will be blown away by it.  Its simulation is sophisticated enough to not feel simple for a newbie.

That's probably the number one reason I'm interested in it. I'm obviously not a pilot, so I've always found older versions to be overwhelming.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 13, 2020 @ 01:12 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 13, 2020 @ 11:10 AM
Quote from: Ted on September 12, 2020 @ 09:49 PM
I think anyone with limited experience with flight sims will be blown away by it.  Its simulation is sophisticated enough to not feel simple for a newbie.

That's probably the number one reason I'm interested in it. I'm obviously not a pilot, so I've always found older versions to be overwhelming.

Took a flight around your home airport (KMJX) yesterday.  Cool area.  You have a nice airport nearby.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 13, 2020 @ 03:13 PM
Lol. That's where they give the driving test. I'll be there with my daughter in 2 months.

You should check out Atlantic City airport. You'll get a nice coastal view of Cape May, Wildwood, Ocean City and Atlantic City.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 16, 2020 @ 08:49 AM
MLB The Show 20 has just dropped to $24 for PS Plus members.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 16, 2020 @ 06:29 PM
Does it do anything 19 doesn't?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 16, 2020 @ 06:48 PM
It has the new pitching rules (3 batter minimum), better fielding and supposedly better hitting physics.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 20, 2020 @ 10:53 PM
I ended up getting The Show 20 and like most other annual sports games, there's no major upgrades, but they did make a lot of subtle changes that add up to a nice upgrade. I don't think the changes warrant a $60 purchase, but I'm happy with paying $20 for them.

The interface is one of the things I noticed right away. I realize it doesn't really affect gameplay, but the upgraded look of the game really gives it a fresh look. The hitting information, pitch types and the balls/strikes indicators all have a new modern look. I also like that they added the pitch history back to the L2 button.

Another area that was improved was fielding. Fielders are more responsive and the new first-step mechanic really makes the difference between good and bad players more noticeable. They've also added some more information to the accuracy meter for throws home.

The frame rate has been pretty good at the stadiums I've played at so far. This is definitely one game I'd love to try on a PS4 Pro though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 21, 2020 @ 06:51 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 13, 2020 @ 03:13 PM
Lol. That's where they give the driving test. I'll be there with my daughter in 2 months.

You should check out Atlantic City airport. You'll get a nice coastal view of Cape May, Wildwood, Ocean City and Atlantic City.

Someone posted a flight down the Jersey shore:

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on September 22, 2020 @ 01:23 AM
Did you like what you see?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 22, 2020 @ 09:16 AM
Quote from: Ted on September 22, 2020 @ 01:23 AM
Did you like what you see?
Absolutely. My only complaint is that they didn't have the Barnegat lighthouse in the game.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 23, 2020 @ 07:42 PM
So Tennis World Tour 2 is out. Early on it is just crazy how bad the timing window for the swing is right now. Completely unpredictable and starting a career mode just a cluter^^%& at best. Should be named Unforced Errors 2 because that is how most of the points are won for the AI and Human. It's like they had Big Ant bring over everything bad from AO Tennis 2 and leave all the great customization stuff behind.

Could be saved with a patch or two or three with the swing but right now exhibitions are the only thing tolerable and even  then the timing is still an issue, making it tough to hit power shots where you want them to go. It's just you are playing with higher level players that simply do not hit every other shot like Tom Hanks in Bachelor Party. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 24, 2020 @ 10:41 AM
The reviews have been pretty bad for it. It's kind of a shame as I was looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 24, 2020 @ 01:38 PM
Same here. There is still hope that a patch or two can make the swing better.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 25, 2020 @ 08:37 PM
I debating on picking up Project Cars 3 this weekend. The price dropped to $45 today and will be on sale until Tuesday. I've always had a hard time dialing in good steering settings on PC 1 and 2, so I'm fine with 3 being a GRID clone that runs at 60fps.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 26, 2020 @ 09:25 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 20, 2020 @ 10:53 PM
I ended up getting The Show 20 and like most other annual sports games, there's no major upgrades, but they did make a lot of subtle changes that add up to a nice upgrade. I don't think the changes warrant a $60 purchase, but I'm happy with paying $20 for them.

The interface is one of the things I'd noticed right away. I realize it doesn't really affect gameplay, but the upgraded look of the game really gives it a fresh look. The hitting information, pitch types and the balls/strikes indicators all have a new modern look. I also like that they added the pitch history back to the L2 button.

Another area that was improved was fielding. Fielders are more responsive and the new first-step mechanic really makes the difference between good and bad player more noticeable. They've also added some more information to the accuracy meter for throws home.

The frame rate has been pretty good at the stadiums I've played at so far. This is definitely one game I'd love to try on a PS4 Pro though.

I grabbed it, as well. I think it plays a bit better than 19, runs a bit better, too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 26, 2020 @ 09:46 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 26, 2020 @ 09:25 PM
I grabbed it, as well. I think it plays a bit better than 19, runs a bit better, too.

What mode do you use on your PS4 Pro? Balanced, Fast or 4K?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 27, 2020 @ 09:02 PM
I ended up getting Project Cars 3 and love the new driving physics. I wish the cars handled as well in 1 and 2. Thankfully, you're able to turn off the XP and other nonsense notifications that constantly popped up during races.

It's been a nice surprise after being disappointed with Assetto Corsa Competizione.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 27, 2020 @ 10:55 PM
Quote from: Jason on September 26, 2020 @ 09:46 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on September 26, 2020 @ 09:25 PM
I grabbed it, as well. I think it plays a bit better than 19, runs a bit better, too.

What mode do you use on your PS4 Pro? Balanced, Fast or 4K?

Balanced, 1440p with HDR.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 28, 2020 @ 12:52 AM
I really hope Sony drops the price of the PS4 Pro to $200 this holiday season. I'd jump on it at that price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 30, 2020 @ 02:14 PM
Confirmed HOTAS support has pretty much guaranteed my purchase of Star Wars: Squadrons on Friday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on September 30, 2020 @ 09:53 PM
Never change EA. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 01, 2020 @ 10:42 AM
Quote from: Jason on September 30, 2020 @ 02:14 PM
Confirmed HOTAS support has pretty much guaranteed my purchase of Star Wars: Squadrons on Friday.
Confirmed first-person only gameplay has now guaranteed I won't be buying it. I could have sworn I saw third-person gameplay videos.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 01, 2020 @ 05:13 PM
It kinda makes sense for that type of game. Would you get as much motion sickness being inside whatever thoee things are as you would on foot? Maybe buy it for the kids and give it a try. I did search and there is a third person mode but only for spectating. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 01, 2020 @ 09:02 PM
It's not the motion sickness. I just prefer playing those types of games with a third-person camera. Even with racing games, I always use the chase cameras instead of the cockpit cameras.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 02, 2020 @ 12:11 PM
I've been watching some videos and now I'm rethinking my decision...again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 03, 2020 @ 12:43 PM
I'm most likely going to pass on Squadrons and get Mafia Remastered instead. That 1930's city/setting looks amazing.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 17, 2020 @ 04:36 PM
Had a chance to try VR gaming for a couple nights Thursday and Friday.  Jake had a buddy who was upgrading his setup and sold him a Samsung Odyssey with controllers, and also a set of rudder pedals for $200 bucks.  He's been enjoying it, but couldn't play for a couple of nights with his squaddies so lent it to me to set up and experiment on my rig.  I'm pretty impressed with how much different flight simulation feels with it.  I couldn't get xplane to work with it and MSFS 2020 doesn't support it yet, but DCS World was pretty awe inspiring.  I got hit by a SAM at one point and with my tail blown off was falling, inverted toward the ground.  I actually closed my eyes and ducked in reaction to the ground rushing up at me.  Elite Dangerous was the most impressive just from a sheer scale and size feel.  Flying toward and docking with a space platform, and also flying around a planet while looking up and around me at it's giant orb shape was spectacular.  Surprisingly, No Man's Sky didn't do much for me in VR and the game I was really looking forward to in VR, Derail Valley, was the major disappointment.  I just didn't get much out of its VR experience.  I didn't try any racing games, but I'm going to assume flight and auto simming is where it's strong for me. 

He has another squad buddy that might be upgrading a reverb g1 to a g2 and may be passing along his g1.  If it's a good deal I might go for it.  Or I'm thinking about giving myself a Valve Index for my birthday.  But it's pretty expensive stuff......  I like flying in VR though.  I think once MSFS supports it I'll really have to pull the trigger on a headset.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 18, 2020 @ 09:13 PM
I've never tried VR gaming but have always been interested in it. If done correctly, I would imagine it could be pretty amazing.

I did go on a ride in Busch Gardens in Virginia (Battle for Eire) that uses VR and was amazed at how you could look all around the 3D world as if you were really in it.

I've considered getting the VR set for the PS4, but will probably wait for the PS5 version. Besides being more powerful, I'm hoping for more games that offer real support for it. Flyering, racing and fantasy games would be my preferred genres, along with theme park games like Planet Coaster.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 21, 2020 @ 11:24 PM
How times have changed for HB Studios. Small developer making a golf game competing with the behemoth EA, the company they helped make games for in the past. They understood the sim golfers frustrations with EA and made a video making fun of the Battlefield course in Rory McIlroy PGA Tour.

The Behemoth was slayed and exited the golf game business.  So little HB gets in bed with 2KSports. The current game 2K21 has many problems, especially on the multiplayer end. There was an  update to the game today. A few minor things worked on but there was this. (

History repeating itself and such. The irony is dripping of the pumpkin head. Now we just wait for in game ad's between holes. (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 21, 2020 @ 11:59 PM
I think most of the people hoping for 2K to make another NFL game would end up very disappointed if it ever happened.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 22, 2020 @ 03:51 AM
Quote from: Jason on October 21, 2020 @ 11:59 PM
I think most of the people hoping for 2K to make another NFL game would end up very disappointed if it ever happened.

They actually have the NFL License to make an Arcade game and are working on it. EA has set the bar so low this generation with Madden, so it's not hard to make something a step up from disappointing. ( (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 22, 2020 @ 08:26 AM
I should have said simulation NFL game. Their arcade NFL game is going to be no different than their pay-to-play NBA Playgrounds. I can't believe people are actually excited for the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 22, 2020 @ 09:11 AM
Once again when EA sets that bar so low. People, including myself, are looking anywhere for a football fix. Do I fear it will end up like Playgrounds, sure.

My apologies for using Ryan Moody but this video made me laugh. As long as Madden stays animation driven it will never be a true simulation. A descent sports comedy, maybe.

P.S. I even purchased Doug Flutie's Maximum Football 2020 when it released. Only to get a refund 3 hours later. Terrible gameplay and a UI that made me weep. I just wanted to create college teams but the editor was a complete dumpster fire. Axis Football 2020 just released but it looks just as bad on the field and I have no desire trying to get another refund after a few hours.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 22, 2020 @ 12:23 PM
I've watched a bunch of videos of both Doug Flutie 2020 and Axis Football 2020. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say they would be bad looking for PS2 games. If the gameplay was incredible I might be able to live with it, but I don't think it is. Are either of those games physics based or are they animation driven like Madden too?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 22, 2020 @ 08:54 PM
The tackling system is in Maximum 2020. It's just such a mess to look at.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 27, 2020 @ 01:19 PM
Hoping Pacer is finally released this Thursday (10/29). After that, I'll probably get Mafia and PES 2021 when they go on sale, hopefully around Black Friday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 27, 2020 @ 10:07 PM
Spending more time with MSFS 2020.  The updated A320 mod from Flybywire has taken the default airbus to improved realism with systems and a nicer feel when flying.  I'm finding it harder and harder to return to x-plane just because the visuals are so outstanding.  Looking forward to VR support when it comes.  I got a bit of a windfall a couple weeks ago and am thinking of picking up the Valve Index.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 27, 2020 @ 11:58 PM
I had no idea what the Valve Index was until I just googled it. Looks like you're going all in on VR. I can only imagine how amazing games would look with that setup.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 28, 2020 @ 01:13 PM
Actually, after thinking some more about it I decided to go ahead and preorder the HP Reverb G2.  It's supposedly started shipping this week, but my order most likely won't arrive until December.  The G2 is supposed to be the first set that will support MSFS in VR so I hope by the time it arrives that feature will be implemented in an update.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 28, 2020 @ 01:54 PM
The G2 looks impressive too, and while expensive, it's quite a bit cheaper than the Valve Index. Looking forward to your impressions when you get it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 29, 2020 @ 08:47 AM
Pacer was finally available to purchase this morning. Looking forward to playing it later this afternoon.

Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on October 29, 2020 @ 10:28 AM
Someone just give Sean Murray a medal and/or knight him. (

No Man's Sky: Next Generation

Free upgrade for PS5/XB/PC

Fuller worlds
Save Game Transfer
32 player multiplayer
4K at 60FPS
Ultra visuals
Vast base building
Warp speed load times
PS5 Haptics
Advanced audio

    Haptic controls: From the satisfying feeling of firing your boltcaster, to the gentle nudge of a building part slotting into place in a space habitat or the firm click of the trigger in your interstellar ship â€" haptic controls allow players to feel immersed in an alien world as never before.
    Fuller worlds: Next generation hardware allows No Man’s Sky’s procedural generation to create lusher, richer and more densely populated universes than ever before. Planet surfaces are even more detailed, with thousands more rocks, alien grasses, and exotic flora on screen at any time.
    32 player multiplayer: For the first time on console, up to 32 players can join forces to build, survive, fight and explore the galaxy together.
    Advanced audio: Immersion has always been a pillar of No Man’s Sky. Thanks to PlayStation 5’s Tempest 3D AudioTech, players will be able to soak in the ambience of an alien planet, or feel a ship fly overhead like never before (You can find out more about PS5’s 3D Audio here.)
    4K* at 60FPS: On PlayStation 5 players can experience the universe in pin-sharp detail at higher framerates.
    Ultra visuals: Explore alien vistas with improved shadows, greater draw distances, thousands more objects on screen and improved lighting and volumetric effects.
    Vast base building: Players can now work together to build huge off-world colonies, with the ability to construct and render far more vast and complex bases on screen.
    Warp-speed load times: Explore the universe instantly with 5-10x reduction in loading times. On PS5, you can warp from solar system to solar system in an instant.
    Crossplay: PS5 explorers will be able to join together with other adventurers on all other platforms, including previous generations.
    Upgrading from PS4 to PS5: Not only will previous owners of No Man’s Sky on PlayStation 4 be able to upgrade their game to PlayStation 5 at no extra cost when PS5 launches in their territory, but their progress can be carried across to their new console.
    PlayStation VR: No Man’s Sky is fully playable in PS VR on PlayStation 5 by virtue of its backwards compatibility functionality.
    An evolving game: Just another step on the evolution of the best-selling title, No Man’s Sky Next Generation will come preloaded with the previous four years of huge upgrades from day one. Join in the journey at our most important moment yet.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 30, 2020 @ 01:33 PM
Quote from: Jason on October 29, 2020 @ 08:47 AM
Pacer was finally available to purchase this morning. Looking forward to playing it later this afternoon.

Pacer is shaping up to be the best Wipeout game since Wipeout 3 on the PS1. Good graphics, great controls and no issues with frame rate. I just wish all the tracks were open in Quick Play since I prefer to race without weapons. It's not too bad considering I got most of them available after just a few hours of play.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 04, 2020 @ 01:38 PM
Anyone playing the new Watch Dogs? I enjoyed the first one, outside the main character. Did not really care for the second. I was expecting to be playing Cyberpunk this month. In a drought right now, need something new.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 04, 2020 @ 03:21 PM
Nope. I have the second one only. I thought the third one was a next-gen only title until a few weeks ago.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 10, 2020 @ 04:52 PM
EA Play games are now on Gamepass (Console). I think they hit PC next month.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 10, 2020 @ 05:22 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on November 10, 2020 @ 04:52 PM
EA Play games are now on Gamepass (Console). I think they hit PC next month.

I'm surprised you didn't get an Xbox Series X at launch. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you always got new consoles when they were first released.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 10, 2020 @ 09:39 PM
I used to but I waited a few months after launch to get the Xbox One. No games are really making me want to jump into next gen so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 12, 2020 @ 12:09 PM
Less than a month away and this is the best EA can do with next gen footage for FIFA.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on November 12, 2020 @ 05:23 PM

QuoteAllegedly, the idea is to give parents more control over their children's FIFA experience, monitoring how long players are on the game, how much they're spending, and who they're talking to.

Things you can control from the parental settings on the consoles. Well played EA.  ::)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 23, 2020 @ 04:19 PM
Back on the road with American Truck Simulator since the release of Colorado DLC.  Jake gave me the Idaho and Colorado DLCs for my birthday.  Still a chill experience just criss-crossing the map, looking at the other trucks and the scenery.  I’m still kind of amazed at how seamless it can be sometimes.  I like pulling into a yard to drop my trailer and seeing other trailers parked there knowing they already have a load and destination.  Click on the show loads from this location and those same trailers in the yard pop up and you choose which one you want to take and off you go.  Really makes the world feel alive.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 28, 2020 @ 11:19 AM
I started Mafia last night and can't believe how good the graphics are on the base PS4. I can only imagine how good this game looks on one of the more powerful consoles. The game does feel more like a movie than a game with all of the storytelling and cutscenes. Like most Rockstar games, the controls and shooting are a little clunky, but I'm hoping to get more comfortable with them as the game goes on.

I had to get used to driving safely around the city since hitting a pedestrian can automatically cause you to fail a mission. I was getting ready to get out of my car and start punching people in the face with all the honking that was going on at me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 01, 2020 @ 03:29 PM
I might have to revisit mafia.  I remember how cool it was when it first came out.  I played on PC and would drive around with my wheel and then when on foot use a Logitech gamepad.  Or maybe it was mouse and keyboard, I can’t remember now.

I discovered a mod for ATS that incorporates multiplayer so spent part of holiday weekend on the roads seeing other truckers coming and going.  There’s about 900 people at any given time in the server and they control the load by only putting you in visual contact when within a certain radius.  Which is pretty much how ATS handles the AI traffic as well.  They’ve incorporated a cb radio function as well so you can give a hello to nearby drivers.  All in all it’s pretty chill and a fun way to play ATS.  You lose the AI traffic in MP, so the world feels less realistic, but there is pretty consistent and routine contact with other truckers so all in all a pretty fair trade off.  Most of the players seem to be good ‘ol boy types, not really my crowd, but everyone is generally polite and the griefing is kept to a minimum by a pretty active admin crew that drives around in cop cars.  Probably the coolest thing is the congestion at the various depots where you pick up and drop off loads.  Those are dead in default ATS, but in MP it’s quite common to have another one or two drivers jostling for room at the docks. 

Still no ship date on the Reverb G2.  Want to try ATS with that too.  Jake has a used G1 coming in from another squad mate to try out.  While he does that he’s going to let me use his Samsung again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 02, 2020 @ 09:40 AM
I played Mafia for a few more hours last night and now I'm completely hooked. I really hope I can find the time to complete the game this weekend. I also checked out the "Free Ride" option, which is a really nice addition. I enjoyed just driving around the game world and checking it out. On a side note, I'd love to see the race track in the game added to a real racing game. It would be an awesome addition to something like Project Cars or Forza.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 04, 2020 @ 04:47 PM
I spent another 3 hours playing Mafia last night and think I'm about 65% through the main story. It's like the original Red Dead Redemption set in 1930's Chicago.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 05, 2020 @ 02:22 PM
I finished up Mafia today. Amazing story and game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 08, 2020 @ 11:58 PM
Well I went a bit crazy with the Xbox Cyber Monday sale.

FIFA 21 and Madden 21 for $35 - I know, but it's the longest I have held out. Mainly bought it due to the free upgrade when I decide to get the Xbox Series.  Also based on the videos, I can see why they went free because they put little to no effort into it.

NBA 2K21 was $29

Bioshock collection was $10  Only shortly played the first ages ago so really excited for this.

Preordered Cyberpunk and have it downloaded and ready to go for tomorrow. Not to mention that Control is now on Gamepass. So plenty of stuff to play.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 09, 2020 @ 12:06 AM
I'm waiting for Madden 21 to go on sale digitally myself. I'll probably get FIFA when it drops to $20 too.

I haven't been impressed with the videos I've seen of next-gen (current-gen?) Madden so far, but I watched a video today that showed the receiver animations for certain routes and was really impressed with how much better they looked running their routes. They compared it directly to the current-gen version and the corner route really stood out to me. I'll have to find the video and post it.

Found it (corner route at about the 14 minute mark):

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 09, 2020 @ 07:47 AM
Yeah I think I saw a bit of that covered at OS. Since I am not in a rush to hit next gen, it's not really something I am worried about. Graphically, minus a few areas current gen Madden 21 is a good looking game. Just expected a bit more from next gen.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 09, 2020 @ 09:58 AM
Madden dropped to $35 on the Playstation Store in early November, but I held out assuming it would drop to $20 after Black Friday. I guess it never did since since next-gen Madden was coming out in early December and they assumed they could keep the price high since people would buy it anyway for the free next-gen upgrade.

I doubt I'll own a next-gen console before Madden 22 is out, so I won't be able to take advantage of the free upgrade anyway.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 09, 2020 @ 07:40 PM
My Reverb G2 has shipped so looking forward to that whenever it gets here.

Until then I'm on a bit of a Dwarf Fortress binge and have not been simming that much.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 09, 2020 @ 07:50 PM
Control is a really nice third person shooter. Not really into all the sci-fi stuff but fun so far. Unfortunately Cyberpunk has just unlocked so I might have to shelve it for a bit.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 09, 2020 @ 08:30 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on December 09, 2020 @ 07:50 PM
Control is a really nice third person shooter. Not really into all the sci-fi stuff but fun so far.

It's currently on sale for $17.99. Would you recommend it at that price?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 09, 2020 @ 10:03 PM
Absolutely. Still playing it as CP 2077 does not unlock for a few more hours. 

ACG review will give you an idea of the gameplay.  Just started using telekinesis and it is a blast. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 09, 2020 @ 10:58 PM
I think I'm in. Just curious, what made you get the game now? Was it on sale for Xbox too?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 10, 2020 @ 05:16 AM
Was always interested in it but was waiting for a sale.  Microsoft then decided to add it to Gamepass last week.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 10, 2020 @ 08:34 AM
I spent about two hours watching videos on it last night. The performance on the base PS4 was terrible when it was released. The third patch supposedly improved it according to Digital Foundry, but I'm trying to find out if any of the remaining 9 updates improved it any more.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 10, 2020 @ 09:53 AM
Looking hard at Cyberpunk.  I may pull the trigger.  Trailers look good.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 10, 2020 @ 02:30 PM
Control runs fairly well on the Xbox One X. Mostly 30fps with a slight drop when you start causing mayhem with the kinetic physics.

Just started Cyberpunk and played through the first mission. Gunplay is good, not great. Stealth and melee are both viable options. Hacking things takes a little getting used to with a controller. Have not had any technical issues so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 10, 2020 @ 09:01 PM
Good thing you have an Xbox One X. Cyberpunk is apparently pretty bad on the base consoles. I know it doesn't make sense financially, but it probably should have been a next-gen title.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 11, 2020 @ 07:14 PM
I would hate to imagine it on a standard PS4/Xbox One.  Still my game has crashed four times already. So save often. For the most part the game runs okay but there are little freezes  that stop the game a few seconds. The cut scenes are a pain in the ass due to constant loading and reloading and reloading. Instead of one load to run a cut scene it breaks it up.  Gameplay itself is fine and enjoying it so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 14, 2020 @ 02:29 PM
Not that they have had another patch I have not crashed once. The freezing is just a bug that you simply go to a menu and hot resume game and all is well. Having a blast now. Some interesting side missions in the game. There is one with automated cars that is hilarious.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 18, 2020 @ 09:33 AM
Sony pulled Cyberpunk from the Playstation store and is offering refunds for all digital purchases. I'm more shocked that they pulled a game that popular from the store. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on December 18, 2020 @ 01:45 PM
That is crazy, not just removing the game from the store but Sony actually willing to give refunds. Sony was always kind of a dick in that department. Recall once they did not want to refund a pre-order of a game I bought but had not released.  Pretty sure they have loosened up since then, it was a few years ago.

Odd thing is, I have not had a single crash since the last patch and that was released right after launch. I have beaten the main game and half of the side stiff.  Just under 50 hours clocked in. Got my moneys worth but I am also not playing it on the standard PS4 or Xbox One.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 24, 2020 @ 03:39 PM
Especially for Jason the retired boxer......

My new obsession:  The Thrill of the Fight!

8 bucks on Steam

That's me, the invisible man.

So, I don't know how to box and I've only ever boxed a few times for fun with friends in my garage when I was in my late teens early 20s.  That being said, this game makes me want to study it some and maybe learn some technique.  This was my last fight last night, so I was pretty gassed going in, having done about 30 minutes of sparring and fighting during the day (I'm really out of shape right now).  Still, no excuses, I'm bad even when fresh.  The best part is the only thing that keeps me from playing more is I need to rest and recover  ;D.

The opponent is the third one you unlock (beat an opponent and the next one unlocks).  First guy is a fat sparring partner who is slow.  The second guy "Melky" is small and weak.  I haven't been able to get past Ugly Joe.  He keeps beating me by UD.

Some reference for the video.  The punches I throw you can see if they're blocked (white flash), land (blue flash), land well or on a weak spot like the chin or temple (yellow flash).  You can also see red splotches (cut and bleeding).  I cut ugly joe in the second round I think and I tried to work that cut with jabs.  I don't know if the ref will stop the fight for cuts getting worse or anything, but I'm experimenting with the game right now.  You can see all sorts of visible damage on your opponent, redness, swelling, bruising, and the aforementioned cuts and bleeding.

Now, you don't see hits on yourself in the replay, but when you are under the hood in vr it's first person and when you get rocked you lose color, or see double vision for awhile, and the crowd gets muffled.  In the replay the only cues you have to me getting rocked (and I was getting rocked constantly by Ugly) is the loud connections, the grunts, and the crowd sound gets muffled.  That's the only real downside is the damage being done to the human in replay isn't conveyed very well.  But playing you know exactly how badly you are doing.

Ugly works the body alot and I'm trying to improve defending the body.  I think when blocking you have to be a bit more exaggerated than in real life, but I don't really know.  Also, I realize in replay I'm really stationary.  Right now my play space is limited, but I could at least bob and weave more so I'm working on that.  I want to expand my play area so I can more easily circle around.

In the gym you have a speed bag, a heavy bag, and that bag that rebounds around suspended from both the floor and ceiling, forget what it's called.

It's very customizable, rounds, minutes, rest time, and power modifier.  You can leave the game on auto modifier or modify it up to 2.5x power.  I let it auto and I noticed in 3 days my natural modifier came down from 1.63 to 1.45 so I think that means I'm punching more effectively, but I don't know for sure.

After the fight you can see the stats of score by round, punches thrown, punches that caused damage, jabs thrown, and power punches thrown.  You get all that from your opponent as well.  In my first bouts three days ago it was like the old fight night stats with over 100 punches thrown, but since I tried to adjust my style I'm throwing about even with the AI, 35-50.

Game is really fucking fun.  I want to play all the time but I'm fat lol.

Jason, do you have any pointers for a 55 year old fat amateur? 

I'll post more videos as I fight my way up the ladder if anyone is interested.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 25, 2020 @ 01:22 AM
I was really confused as to why you were really tired until I realized halfway through your post that it was a VR game and you were actually throwing the punches.

I like the slower, more realistic gameplay compared to the arcade style fighting in Fight Night where punches are flying all over the place. I was able to watch the fight a few times and put together some tips for you. First of all, Ugly Joe throws mostly left hooks and right crosses that are slow and telegraphed. I'm not sure how much control you have, but you need to slip under his left hook and come up with a hard right cross to the head. He telegraphs the right cross too, so you can hit him with a straight, hard jab before he throws it or slip it and counter with a left hook of your own.

He's also keeping his hands very high, so you should probably try fight low and go to the body more. When he's got his hands up that high covering his face, a straight jab or hard right to the gut will being them down. Another option, if possible in the game, is to get close and throw a right uppercut when he's covering up like that, which I did see you do a few times successfully. If you do land it successfully, try to follow with a left hook to the head.

It's hard to tell if you're doing this because your arms are invisible, but drop your elbows to block his body shots. Most importantly, keep moving your head and definitely post videos of your way up the ranks.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 25, 2020 @ 11:45 PM
If things get tough, kick him in the nuts.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 30, 2020 @ 08:40 PM
I was excited to see Maneater listed as one of the PS+ games for January until I realized it was the PS5 version.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 07, 2021 @ 05:22 PM
Modder saves Cyberpunk on PC. 3rd person Camera now available on nexus mods.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 07, 2021 @ 05:38 PM
That's fucking annoying...if a modder can add a 3rd person camera to it, there's no reason CDPR can't or won't.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 07, 2021 @ 06:04 PM
Did you watch the video?  It's not a pleasant thing to watch. I can't see 3rd person being high up on the list right now. The devs need to make the arcade/pachinko machines playable. How that was omitted is beyond me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 14, 2021 @ 06:09 PM
Bought Immortals Fenyx Rising. Had little knowledge of the game but have been desperately looking for something new to play. Did some research and it has a big comparisons to Breath of the Wild which is one of my favorite games. Similar combat, tons of puzzles. Looking forward for it to download so I can jump in.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 14, 2021 @ 10:56 PM
I just bought Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I had bought it on disc for my older son when it first came out in 2019, but I promised my younger son I'd get it digitally for him when it went on sale. I watched my older son beat it and was sort of interested in it myself.

We've also been having fun with Planet Coaster. I used to play the original Roller Coaster Tycoon on the PC back in the late 90's, so this is a nice upgrade for me.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 15, 2021 @ 09:26 PM
Immortals Fenyx Rising is an absolute blast. It's like getting the Breath of the Wild sequel and not having to buy another Switch. They basically made a carbon copy of the game, made enemies a bit spongier but removed the great annoyance from BOTW with weapons breaking.

It really is that similar.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 15, 2021 @ 10:58 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 15, 2021 @ 09:26 PM
Immortals Fenyx Rising is an absolute blast. It's like getting the Breath of the Wild sequel and not having to buy another Switch. They basically made a carbon copy of the game, made enemies a bit spongier but removed the great annoyance from BOTW with weapons breaking.

It really is that similar.

I can see myself buying this game when it drops in price. I think my younger son would really like it too.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 17, 2021 @ 03:13 PM
My son and I have decided to definitely get Fenyx Rising. We've been watching a ton of gameplay videos, including the comparison video you posted. It was apparently on sale for $40 last month, but Ubisoft games have a history of dropping to $20 pretty quickly.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 17, 2021 @ 05:03 PM
You can get 60+ hours out of this one. For me it will be closer to 100 because I walk/fly everywhere instead of using the mounts. There are numerous hidden quests that do not show up as you scan the area. You just have to find them naturally. Loving it so much I bought the season pass.

Almost 20 hours in and still on the second island. What is most impressive about this game is outside of a crash, it has been absolutely bug free.  Also it does not take itself serious and is pretty funny at times. You have Zeus and Prometheus basically doing the play by play on your adventure and Hermes, being Hermes.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 17, 2021 @ 06:28 PM
I do have a one of the videos we were watching, the player jumped off a ledge on his horse and started gliding, while the horse kept falling. What happens to your horse in that situation and can you just call for your horse once you land and have it show up?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 17, 2021 @ 08:35 PM
Yeah once you land you call the horse and it will be available. It's an instant feature where you are already mounted when you call them.  You will also have a ton of different mounts to tame and add to your collection and choose from. Have three so far. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2021 @ 12:44 PM
Just saw that current-gen owners of Fenyx Rising are entitled to a free next-gen upgrade.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 23, 2021 @ 05:27 PM
That's nice of them. Just checked the stats and 75 hours, full health/stamina/weapons and all but one helmet upgrade. Still have the two smallest areas to uncover. Taking my sweet time since there is not a lot out there I am super interested in until Far Cry 6 and Back for Blood.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 27, 2021 @ 05:33 AM
Started a franchise in Madden 21 with Carolina. What we lack in run defense, we lack even more in pass defense. Gave up 400 yards to the Raiders and 550 to the Bucs. To be fair I am playing on Arcade mode which allows for more big plays and is the only way I can enjoy playing it.  Still came out with two wins thanks to Christian McCaffrey and his dominating running game. Bridgewater is doing well so far but I have been playing it safe early on with few deep balls.  To beat Brady was simple. Played in the rain, they had six turnovers.  :))  McCaffery had 189 yards by the end of the first half and got himself injured and out for 4 weeks. Lost three players in the game to the same f******* injury that game. All Torn Labrums. That is as Madden as you can get. I even had to look up "Torn Labrum" to see what my team is dying from.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 27, 2021 @ 09:36 AM
To be fair, my first shoulder surgery in 2018 was for a torn labrum. Lol.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 27, 2021 @ 09:33 PM
Control is going to be one of the PS Plus games for February, so I'll have chance to see how it looks and plays on my base PS4.

Also thinking about getting Resident Evil 2. I've never played any Resident Evil game, but I saw it in a video of best looking games this generation and it looked nice. I was surprised to see a playable demo, which I downloaded and really enjoyed. The gold version is currently on sale for $20.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 28, 2021 @ 08:56 PM
90+ hours and I completed everything in Immortals Fenyx Rising.  My only gripe is the final (Northern Most) area you unlock. They went full BOTW copy and made a whole area as annoying as the fog in the Lost Woods. Just replace fog with frozen walls that saps all your stamina limiting the ability to move freely around an area. To get to the main objective on the map you are basically stuck inside a long somewhat disorienting puzzle that just leads you in a circle up the mountain. At the peak once you finish the mission you would almost expect this frozen wall to be broke. Nope, they left it there forcing you fast travel from the highest point to fly to all the other areas of the mar to open chests, do vaults, etc.

Still give it a 9/10. So much value packed into the game. Now the first DLC has dropped and it is just a ton of vaults, which is fine for me as I enjoy the puzzles and god powers required to complete certain vaults. Still would have preferred a new area/story line as there is a ton of Greek mythology untouched. Plus it is one of those DLC's that is a stand alone and anything you acquire doing it can't be brought back to you for the main game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 28, 2021 @ 09:02 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 27, 2021 @ 09:33 PM
Control is going to be one of the PS Plus games for February, so I'll have chance to see how it looks and plays for my base PS4.

I did finish the story. Did not mess with a lot of side stuff but it is a solid shooter and the kinetic stuff is where the game gets fun. Story was fine but this game did get a little tiring toward the end. Was happy to be finished with it and have no desire to try the DLC's.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 28, 2021 @ 11:25 PM
Immortals Fenyx rising demo available for PS4/PS5 and Xbox.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 28, 2021 @ 11:40 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on January 28, 2021 @ 11:25 PM
Immortals Fenyx rising demo available for PS4/PS5 and Xbox.
Thank you!!! Downloading now.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 29, 2021 @ 08:34 AM
Watched my son play through the Fenyx demo this morning. Looks and plays great on the PS4.

I'm glad I held off on buying Resident Evil 2 because Sony just put a bundle of RE 2 and RE3 on sale for $30. I grabbed that last night too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 30, 2021 @ 10:14 PM

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 31, 2021 @ 11:21 AM
I would think SDS would confirm if the leaked image is legit. Hopefully we'll find out this week. If so, this would be a pretty big deal for Xbox owners.

The next big question would be if it supports cross platform play.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 31, 2021 @ 01:37 PM
Reddit on a tear as usual. All the below images were pulled of Gamestop's website before they realized they spoiled the reveal. (

This was posted on Reddit just a n hour or so ago. (

Jackie Robinson Special Edition for his foundation. Nice touch if true. Shows a mid April release if it is real.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on January 31, 2021 @ 02:00 PM
Today is baseball day it seems.

It appears Midway made an a MLB Arcade game long before MLB Slugfest that never got released.

Really good read. Some gameplay video, all the power ups and if you are into emulation, there is a link to the ROM.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 01, 2021 @ 01:31 PM
I watched the video and think they were probably smart not to release it. Baseball isn't really a sport suited to over-the-top gameplay. Definitely an interesting story, especially how they found the CD-R of the game that was stored away for 2 decades.

In regards to The Show, it looks like it's coming out in April and will support cross-platform play. Hopefully the online play has been improved from the last time I played it online, which was probably The Show 16.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 01, 2021 @ 02:33 PM
Yup, the leaks were correct. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2021 @ 01:21 PM
Just bought Fenyx Rising on sale for $35 on PSN.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 03, 2021 @ 10:03 PM
Enjoy! I know I did.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2021 @ 11:37 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on February 03, 2021 @ 10:03 PM
Enjoy! I know I did.

I'll try to if my younger son ever stops playing it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 04, 2021 @ 12:21 PM
They had a sale of Super Blood Hockey on XBL for $2.99. Watched the trailer and wow, this is my jam. They basically took NES Ice Hockey added one timers and a franchise mode. A deeper franchise mode than you would expect from what appears to be very small, if not one person dev team. Not only that it's actually pretty creative in how you pick from inmates to make your team. You have the fat guy (enforcer) medium guy (all-around) and slender guy (sniper). Then you have to watch their food intake daily (which affects daily cost to keep team), watch their stats and make sure they do not get brain damage. There are no offsides or penalties but there are random fights. You win the fight and you stay up a man the rest of the period and can also send opponents to their final resting place, as they can to you. You are broke at the start and have to offer up a kidney, shown in full detail, to get the 10,000 to start a team.  You also have to make rent and if you are losing, which my first go consisted of. I decided to do a restart and selected "declare bankrupcy."  Seems like the sensible thing.

This is what happens. NSFW or around small children.

Only gripe is it is really hard to tell which is your player in certain matchups. There are no white "Away" uniforms and certain colors like solid Black and Green are damn hard to tell apart. Even odder is the US is black and Canada is Green. Plus they have the always dangerous North Korean hockey team.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 05, 2021 @ 04:34 PM
I ended up getting FIFA 21 while it's on sale for $20, mainly for the free next-gen upgrade. It's funny how I already have a bunch of PS5 games in my library, yet I don't even own the console...or will own it anytime soon.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 06, 2021 @ 08:00 AM
Same here. Just preordered MLB The Show and got the $85 version so I could have current gen/next gen as I have not been in a rush to upgrade.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 09, 2021 @ 12:46 PM
Add Crash Bandicoot 4 to the list of PS4 games I own with free PS5 upgrades.

The rest are:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2021 @ 12:24 PM
I'm about 5 hours into Resident Evil 2 and had to resort to YouTube videos to figure out how to progress past certain parts. Thankfully I swallowed my pride because I never would have figure out some of the things I had to do. Still enjoying it a lot though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 17, 2021 @ 02:06 PM (

Microsoft is launching a new FPS Boost feature for its latest Xbox Series X and Series S consoles that’s designed to make existing games run better. While Microsoft has previously focused on improving frame rates with backward compatibility for its latest Xbox consoles, FPS Boost is specifically designed to improve older games without developers having to put in any additional work.

Some games will nearly double frame rates, and Microsoft says it has seen a few instances where backward-compatible titles even quadruple in frame rates.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 17, 2021 @ 03:40 PM
Being able to improve the framerate in older games without requiring developers to touch their code is really impressive. Sony's lucky to have their exclusive games because Microsoft is really bringing it from a technology standpoint this generation.

If the PS5 wasn't backwards compatible, I really think I'd go with an Xbox this generation. I'll probably buy an Xbox anyway when they drop in price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 18, 2021 @ 10:24 AM
Welp... Codemasters is screwed. PapEA gonna need to dig a deeper grave.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 18, 2021 @ 01:29 PM
I beat Resident Evil 2 today using Leon. I'm thinking of playing through again with Claire to see how different the story is.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 18, 2021 @ 06:27 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 18, 2021 @ 01:29 PM
I beat Resident Evil 2 today using Leon. I'm thinking of playing through again with Claire to see how different the story is.

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Glad I tried playing as Claire. It's a completely different story. It's essentially two games in one.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 19, 2021 @ 04:04 PM
Finished the story with Claire today and I'm glad I did. Not only was the story much different, with a lot of new locations, but the final boss was different too. Looking forward to starting part 3 now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 19, 2021 @ 06:13 PM
Playing Aground. Surprisingly deep game. Mining/Crafting/RPG/Survival 2D game with looks so dated the beta has been available for years on flash gaming sites. Just released on consoles with no multiplayer but that is fine by me. Loving it because it ticks the right boxes.

Demo is free to try.

Also playing Wreckfest which was just added to Gamepass. I don't really care for the racing aspect but the demolition derby is a blast.  Reminds me of my days with Destruction Derby on the PS One.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 22, 2021 @ 11:37 PM
I started Resident Evil 3 tonight and can't believe I've never played these games before. Not only are they great looking, but the controls are better and the gameplay is smoother than other third-person games I've played, including Mafia and Red Dead Redemption. I'm so disappointed that the new one is going to be first-person only.

I'm thinking of picking up 5 and 6, even though they're not using the RE Engine, since they're currently on sale for $8 each. They're more like Gears of War, but I'd enjoy that style of game too.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 24, 2021 @ 04:26 PM
Got in on the MLB The Show 21 Tech Test. You start of with an exhibition and the get plumped into Diamond Dynasty.  Not a mode I plan to play but I had fun creating a team and the uniforms/logos/etc. Really detailed with how much you can edit. Only 4 stadiums (Dodgers. Padres, Yankees, TB). Feels a lot like when I left off playing the game years ago but more refined. Going with zone batting and pitching meter. Love there are still so many options/cameras/presentation as I remembered it having. A certain football game should be embarrassed by it's paltry offerings in this area.

Going to try out online with a friend tonight.  Dl was only 17.9GB on the Xbox One X. Friend said it was 33GB for the Xbox Series X. Lot's of stuff not in the game like announcing, Time of day, weather. Only real gripe are the watermarks all over the screen as this is my first tech test. I understand it but it's really distracting.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 24, 2021 @ 07:13 PM
Nice. What game modes are available? Can you play a full exhibition game? I'm still not used to the game being on Xbox. I wonder how the framerate is on the One X since it's much more powerful than the PS4 Pro. You may get a buttery-smooth 60fps without even needing a next-gen console.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 24, 2021 @ 08:13 PM
Exhibition with any team against the Dodgers, full game. Then it is Diamond Dynasty. Frame rate seemed fine to me but with all the watermarks it is really hard to tell. They really are annoying.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 24, 2021 @ 08:24 PM
I'm jealous. I would have tried to get in if I knew you could play exhibition games. I remember being in a beta years ago and it was Diamond Dynasty only.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 25, 2021 @ 04:34 PM
Finished Resident Evil 3 today and enjoyed it just as much as RE 2. The graphics were a little better and the puzzles were less annoying, but the story was not quite as good. I hope they remake the first one with their RE Engine. I ended buying 5 and 6 on sale for $8 each (skipped 4 because it looked like shit), but I'm not expecting them to be in the same league as 2 and 3 since they're older games on an older engine.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 25, 2021 @ 05:40 PM
Played 2 5 inning games with my friend in Vancouver. No lag whatsoever but it is a tech test with limited people. Still hopeful. A few minor issues where my friend could not see all the uniform logos he created for his team and in the first game my logos did not show up. Could have something to do with me being on the Xbox One X and him being on the Xbox Series X.  Smart move for them to give unlimited packs for free just to get you drooling over having two teams of 99 playing each other. While it had no affect on me it will obviously hook someone into spending money for the legendary cards. Especially when you are releasing it to a while new console.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 26, 2021 @ 05:49 AM
Quote from: Jason on February 24, 2021 @ 08:24 PM
I'm jealous. I would have tried to get in if I knew you could play exhibition games. I remember being in a beta years ago and it was Diamond Dynasty only.

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They sent out invites randomly, I got one and didn't sign up or anything.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on February 28, 2021 @ 01:14 PM
I have been obsessed with Greedfall the past few days. It has been on Gamepass for some time but I never really paid much attention to it. This is a game made by a lower budget AA game developer (SPIDERS) and while that shows in areas, it is also a technical marvel for such a small team. It's a 60+ hour RPG that is openish world. They use a travel system to take you to different areas as you progress and each area has it's own little world. The worlds are crafted to make use of the character skills. If you do not have any points in "insert x" you will not be able to climb a tall wall. etc. A different path must be found. Tons of these little checks within the world and also in the story bases on your attributes. A lot of people refer to the game as what Bioware used to make, "Dragon Age meets Witcher 3." There was a point where I forgot to do a certain side mission and you reach a point in the story where my failure to do so created a story twist so big that truly shocked me. Had to look up on the internet to see what the heck just happened and why.

If you are looking for a game where the character choices have true impact on the story, beautifully created world, very few technical issues and ultra fast load times and all the stuff I wrote above... This should be for you. The cons are there. It's got some Eurojank. Controls are off but can be helped by changing the camera settings. Lot's of invisible walls in the open world, which is why I can't ever say truly open world. Combat is descent but nothing spectacular. Reused assets, especially in the cities. All the palaces are copy/pasted with a few exceptions. A general lack of polish in certain aspects of the game. Things you can really overlook when you consider how small this development team is versus Bethesda, Bioware, etc.

As you know I am the least PC/SJW person on this message board but if you are going to have a game with black characters, you need to hire black voice characters. It's jarring to see a black character and hear the whitest sounding white person in the history of white people doing the voice acting for them. They get bonus Ice-T playa ball points for having a black "pimp" in a medieval fantasy game.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 28, 2021 @ 10:02 PM
I can safely say that Resident Evil 5 and 6 absolutely suck. They don't look, play or have stories nearly good as 2 and 3. I hope Capcom decides to remake the first one with RE Engine.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 09, 2021 @ 11:07 AM
With so few games out I reinstalled Stardew Valley as it has added online co-op, a new island and a ton of new additions since I last played years ago. Once again I am hooked. Still hate the limited energy but I have bought more salads in the game than I have in real life. Cheapest energy boost and makes it easy to romance Leah.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 09, 2021 @ 11:29 AM
I ended up getting Maneater while it's on sale. I watched my son play it for a little while and it looks pretty fun. I'm planning on knocking out some of the games in my backlog, starting with Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted: Lost Legacy.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 11, 2021 @ 04:55 PM (

During a roundtable about the acquisition today, Xbox announced the 20 games coming to Game Pass, which include the following:

    Dishonored 2
    Doom 2
    Doom 64
    Doom 3
    Doom Eternal
    Fallout New Vegas
    Fallout 4
    Fallout 76
    Rage 2
    The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
    The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
    The Elder Scrolls Online
    The Evil Within
    Wolfenstein: The New Order
    Wolfenstein The Old Blood
    Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Of these, all but Morrowind, Oblivion, TES Online, and Fallout: New Vegas will be available through Cloud play for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 11, 2021 @ 05:04 PM
Phil has confirmed. If you want Bethesda games, outside a few games that have existing contracts, you gotta be on Xbox or PC.

Quote"If you're an xbox customer, the thing I want you to know is that this is about delivering great exclusive games to you that ship on platforms where Game Pass exists." - Phil Spencer

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 11, 2021 @ 09:39 PM
I don't think I own a single game by them, so I'm good.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 11, 2021 @ 09:55 PM
The majority are in First Person View, so that checks out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 19, 2021 @ 12:46 AM
Man the Bethesda and EA drop on Gamepass is like Christmas.  Holy cow.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 19, 2021 @ 09:19 AM
Gamepass really is a system seller. I'll most likely pick up an Xbox this generation for Gamepass only.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 20, 2021 @ 12:46 PM
I was thinking the same thing
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on March 25, 2021 @ 03:55 PM
It Takes Two is getting some really good reviews. Very cool premise for a co-op game. Me and a friend are going to play it but are fighting on who has to buy it because when you buy it they give you a friend pass to let someone play through the game with you online for free.

Bonus points for Fleetwood Mac, "The Chain" in the trailer.

IGN/Gamespot gave it 9's.

ACG review. Buy! Buy it now!

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 26, 2021 @ 11:27 AM
It's a good looking game. I'm surprised there's no solo play with a CPU partner.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 29, 2021 @ 04:58 PM
Really liked that trailer, but I hate platformers.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 31, 2021 @ 01:19 PM
Zombie Army 4 is one of the PS+ games in April. Been wanting to play that one for a while. The Last of Us 2 just dropped to $30 again, so I'm thinking of getting that too. I was hoping it would be $20 by now, but an extra $10 won't kill me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 03, 2021 @ 07:40 AM
I enjoyed Zombie Army 4 and even stuck around for the first season pass DLC.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 05, 2021 @ 02:08 PM
Outriders is pretty good. It's basically Gears of War and The Division had a baby. Tossing in a little Destiny with the charter creation and skills. 3rd person cover shooter that never really likes it when you are in cover. Joe Montana grenade accuracy that you see in the Division and there are plenty of melee guys who come straight at you.  Launch game so it is pretty glitchy and had 3 or so crash to desktops. It was on Gamepass so I am getting my money's worth.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 05, 2021 @ 03:38 PM
I was going to ask if anyone knew about Outriders. I saw a YouTube video comparing it to Gears of War a few days ago and have been checking out reviews and videos since then. I thought it was cool that there's a demo for PS4, but you get the whole game on Xbox.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 06, 2021 @ 04:02 PM
Downloaded the demo, gonna give it a shot. Looking at videos, it seems like Diablo meets Doom Eternal, as well.
It'll have to really grab me to fork out full price for it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 07, 2021 @ 03:28 PM
I am still sticking with good as the gameplay itself is just fine. It needs a few patches but as someone 20+ hours in and still have not completed the story and hardly touched side missions there is some meat on the bones.

One thing they did which I love is the ability to rework your skill tree at any time, with no charges or special items required to access it. Allows for making builds even more fun as you have three tiers you can go down or spread the among the three. I have built a glass cannon that can destroy the toughest enemies even at a higher world tier. Of course if I make a few mistakes in timing a dodge or get rushed, it's game over. Also you can build you weapons and armor to match the skill tree so you can do damage on higher world trees, in turn better chances for better loot and better mods, especially from breaking down legendary gear. Once you get to lvl 20 you start getting a bunch of Epic (purple) items that allow for two mods. One can be changed to anything you have found and broken down to get that mod. Mods also have three tiers, so another build factor to play with.

There is a lot underneath the customizing of weapons and armor to create a great build. I can see myself spending time on this with the endgame.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 12, 2021 @ 09:30 PM
Outriders has not had a good few days. From nerfing a bunch of things that most gamers did not need nerfed, simply because some twitch streams are able to destroy the highest level of a game they play all day.  Then after a patch increasing the probability of losing all your inventory which has been an issue since Beta.

Then there is this poor guy. The devs took the guys loot, his character and the wheels on the truck. (

QuoteYou got the full Detroit experience
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 13, 2021 @ 05:14 PM
Good news, the tires have been found. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 13, 2021 @ 05:59 PM
I was sold before this because I never played the first three Mass Effects but this looks better than expected.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 11:39 AM
Anyone here play Cities: Skylines? It's a Sim-City clone that's available on the consoles. I'm thinking of getting it and the reviews are good, but I was wondering if any of you guys have played it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 15, 2021 @ 11:54 AM
I've played it a bit, but lost interest fast.  I was into sim city like 30 years ago.  I don't know if Skylines is good because my tastes have changed and I'm not into city builders anymore.  But I think the consensus is that it's solid for a city builder.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 03:21 PM
Thanks. Why I'm suddenly interested is because my kids found a simple Sim-City clone made in Dreams and they've all been hooked. I played a little Sim-City back in the day and thought a new version would be fun for everyone.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 15, 2021 @ 03:27 PM
Days Gone coming to PC next month.  Sweet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 15, 2021 @ 04:49 PM
Quote from: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 11:39 AM
Anyone here play Cities: Skylines? It's a Sim-City clone that's available on the consoles. I'm thinking of getting it and the reviews are good, but I was wondering if any of you guys have played it.

It was free on Plus a while back, never tried it, though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 07:34 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 15, 2021 @ 04:49 PM
Quote from: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 11:39 AM
Anyone here play Cities: Skylines? It's a Sim-City clone that's available on the consoles. I'm thinking of getting it and the reviews are good, but I was wondering if any of you guys have played it.

It was free on Plus a while back, never tried it, though.
Oh shit. I would have been nice to try it out for free.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 15, 2021 @ 07:46 PM
Quote from: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 11:39 AM
Anyone here play Cities: Skylines? It's a Sim-City clone that's available on the consoles. I'm thinking of getting it and the reviews are good, but I was wondering if any of you guys have played it.

I enjoyed it enough to buy a couple of the add-ons. Problem is with the older consoles you will see performance issues as the city grows. Especially when you zoom in. Also some of the fast forward features on PC were not available for the console way back when I played it. If I recall just a basic x2 speed was the only option. 

QuoteOh shit. I would have been nice to try it out for free.

It's on Gamepass for consoles and PC.  :P

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 15, 2021 @ 08:40 PM
I've been thinking about it and it's not even the backwards compatibility that has me locked into the PS5. I still have a PS2 and two Xbox 360s hooked up, so I don't have a problem keeping old consoles around. It's that most of my PS4 games will look and play better on the PS5 with increased resolutions and frame rates. There's a good possibility I'll get both consoles this gen anyway and I'd even get an Xbox Series X first if they're more readily available in the fall.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 15, 2021 @ 09:59 PM
I am going to get a PS5 at some point but well after the Xbox Series X, which is still a ways away due to demand and lack of "truly next gen" games for it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 16, 2021 @ 05:12 PM
and in true form, I just purchased and Xbox Series S from the Microsoft store, along with the 1GB SSD hard drive. I do not own a 4K TV and have no desire to buy one. The Xbox also has smart delivery that will prevent me from having to download a bunch of 4K textures, keeping file size smaller. I have never come close to using my 1GB on my Xbox One X so having 1.35GB should be just fine. 1440p plus up to 120fps is my jam. I am a framerate over texture kinda guy.

Free expedited shipping and shows it will be here by the 20th or 21st.  8)
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 16, 2021 @ 05:51 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on April 16, 2021 @ 05:12 PM
and in true form, I just purchased and Xbox Series S from the Microsoft store, along with the 1GB SSD hard drive. I do not own a 4K TV and have no desire to buy one. The Xbox also has smart delivery that will prevent me from having to download a bunch of 4K textures, keeping file size smaller. I have never come close to using my 1GB on my Xbox One X so having 1.35GB should be just fine. 1440p plus up to 120fps is my jam. I am a framerate over texture kinda guy.

Free expedited shipping and shows it will be here by the 20th or 21st.  8)

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 18, 2021 @ 12:23 PM
Just a reminder that Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition will be completely free for all PS4 owners starting tomorrow.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 18, 2021 @ 02:43 PM (

Quote“I do have an opinion on something that your audience may find of interest, and it might piss some of them off,” Garvin replied. “If you love a game, buy it at fucking full price. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen gamers say ‘yeah, I got that on sale, I got it through PS Plus, whatever’.”

Quote“But how do you know you love a game until you’ve played it?” Jaffe responded.

Quote“I’m just saying, you don’t, but don’t complain if a game doesn’t get a sequel if it wasn’t supported at launch,” Garvin replied. “It’s like, God of War got whatever number millions of sales at launch and, you know, Days Gone didn’t. [I’m] just speaking for me personally as a developer, I don’t work for Sony, I don’t know what the numbers are.

That is one fine take there, especially during a pandemic where many people do not have the funds they once had. Especially for a game that is at 71% on Metacritic.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 18, 2021 @ 04:12 PM
Not to mention that most games are a buggy mess and sometimes incomplete when they're first released. Why should I pay full price for a broken game when I can get it for half the price when it's patched and complete a few months later.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 18, 2021 @ 10:53 PM
Another one that probably shouldn't be let near an interviewer.

If the game didn't sell well enough to garner a sequel it either wasn't good enough, the demographic wasn't big enough, or it wasn't marketed enough.  That's assuming it could have sold more than it did.  I tend to believe the markets are pretty efficient, especially in an industry as big as this one so I think it sold the exact number of copies at full price that it was able to.

I mean technically he's not wrong.  They needed to sell more copies to justify the investment in a sequel.  He was just kind of an asshole about it and wants to lay the blame at the feet of the market instead of the developers/publishers failure to meet expectations.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 21, 2021 @ 04:16 PM
Sony working on adding videos to PlayStation Plus? (

Xbox removes Gold Requirement for Free to Play multiplayer games. (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 21, 2021 @ 06:22 PM
Xbox Series S and the SSD 1TB hard drive arrived. That is one small ass hard drive.

Not my image but at $219 it thinks very highly of itself. At least MS offers the option to upgrade. Sony has no options until this Summer and will be interesting to see how much their ssd external runs.  You can use a standard external hard drives on both the PS5 and X series, but they can only play the older games or be used to copy next gen/next gen optimized games for later transfer back to ssd.


The interface is exactly the same as the Xbox One. It just runs much smoother. Console is also really small and really quiet. Still waiting for The Show and Madden to download to bask in their "next gen" beauty.  ;) I did buy Bright Memory which is one of the few games that is only available on next gen systems. It's $8 and a glorified tech FPS/Action demo made by one person but it will give me something to do as I wait.

Irony is I have a 50mbps connection so it will be a long ride. Meanwhile the Internet Company I use is in the ally installing fiber, which would be nice to have but looking forward to 1GB download in the near future.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 22, 2021 @ 03:05 PM (

The full list of EA games getting FPS boost is as follows;

    Battlefield 1 - 120Hz on Xbox Series X, Off by Default on Series X
    Battlefield 4 - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S
    Battlefield V - 120Hz on Xbox Series X, Off by Default on Series X
    Mirror's Edge Catalyst - 120Hz on Xbox Series X
    Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S
    Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S, Off by Default on Series X
    Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S
    Sea of Solitude - 60Hz on Xbox Series X/S
    Star Wars Battlefront - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S
    Star Wars Battlefront 2 - 120Hz on Xbox Series X, Off by Default on Series X
    Titanfall - 120Hz on Xbox Series X
    Titanfall 2 - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S, Off by Default on Series X
    Unravel 2 - 120Hz on Xbox Series X/S, Off by Default on Series X

When you see "Off by Default on Series X," that is due to the fact that some titles need their resolution to be reduced to ensure it "runs smoothly and plays great" at these higher framerates.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 22, 2021 @ 03:06 PM
Those framerate differences are a welcome sight and Bethesda has a bunch of games getting it soon.

Just downloaded PGA 2K21 and they added a 60fps option to the next gen systems and it is so smooth compared to 30.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 22, 2021 @ 03:16 PM
I missed the memo. Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 each got the 60FPS upgrade last month.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 22, 2021 @ 03:36 PM
You beat me to it. I was about to post the article from Major Nelson's site. Xbox is killing it so far this generation.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 22, 2021 @ 09:41 PM
Quote from: Jason on April 22, 2021 @ 03:36 PM
You beat me to it. I was about to post the article from Major Nelson's site. Xbox is killing it so far this generation.

They have done amazing things in regards to backwards compatibility for some time.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on April 29, 2021 @ 02:00 PM
Just downloaded Second Extinction on Gamepass. Basically Left 4 Dead with dinosaurs.

Have not played it yet but I looked into the developer to see what they had done previously (Avalanche Studios Group) not the same Avalanche behind the Just Cause Games. They developed Rage 2 which was okay, The Hunter; Call of the Wild, which is a hunting game I have not played but has a beautiful; open world. Then there was a game I had not heard of called Generation Zero. It did not list Single player as an option but it has both single player and online coop after watching the trailer.

It is a game from 2019 and the reviews were basically great open world with little to do, plus buggy. IGN gave it a 4. So I was about to dismiss the game until I saw that they have been adding updates and are still adding them. Most people that play the game now love it. It's basically Fallout 76 in terms of being panned to turning into a pretty good game. So I bit the bullet and bout it for $30. So far it has been a blast.  It is an open world game where you are hunted by robots and you spend a ton of time scavenging for gear. What interested me most is this is a Swedish team and the world is based on Sweden in the 90's. It's apparently a small dev team on this game and you do get a bunch of reused building assets and it can be buggy but the core gameplay is pretty fun.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 03, 2021 @ 05:41 PM ( (

As someone who played Fallout 76 on the old system and now on the Series S with Frame boost to 60. The difference is night and day.  Microsoft just keeps killing it.

Meanwhile at Sony. (



Double Yikes.


Triple Yikes.  :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 03, 2021 @ 05:55 PM
Full list of the FPS Boost games.



Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 10, 2021 @ 01:37 PM
Console Wars are one thing. ( (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 10, 2021 @ 03:42 PM
Reading shit like that makes me feel like I'm way too old for gaming.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 11, 2021 @ 07:49 AM
Has anyone played Wreckfest? It's a PS Plus game this month, but only for the PS5. The PS4 version is currently on sale for $20 and reviews are all pretty good, so I've been thinking of picking it up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 11, 2021 @ 04:06 PM
Yeah I played it on Gamepass. It's a mixture of demolition derby and demolition racing. It was pretty fun but the cameras always felt wonky for me and it's why I stopped playing it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 11, 2021 @ 05:38 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 11, 2021 @ 04:06 PM
Yeah I played it on Gamepass. It's a mixture of demolition derby and demolition racing. It was pretty fun but the cameras always felt wonky for me and it's why I stopped playing it.

Of course it's on Gamepass...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on May 11, 2021 @ 10:32 PM
I love it.  It's the modern version of Flat Out Ultimate Carnage.  It's my go to for pure fun racing.  I play it on PC with gamepass.  Highest praise.

I didn't have any problem with the cameras.  Standard keep pressing a button to get from in the cab to zoomed out behind.  About 5 different levels of camera.

My favorite are the figure 8 demolition racing tracks.

The only thing that would make it better is VR.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 12, 2021 @ 08:06 AM
Quote from: Ted on May 11, 2021 @ 10:32 PM
I love it.  It's the modern version of Flat Out Ultimate Carnage.  It's my go to for pure fun racing.  I play it on PC with gamepass.  Highest praise.

I didn't have any problem with the cameras.  Standard keep pressing a button to get from in the cab to zoomed out behind.  About 5 different levels of camera.

My favorite are the figure 8 demolition racing tracks.

The only thing that would make it better is VR.
Thanks!!! I'm sold. Looking forward to playing it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 12, 2021 @ 09:55 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 11, 2021 @ 05:38 PM
Of course it's on Gamepass...

I really thought Mass Effect Legendary Edition was going to be on gamepass, since the original versions of each are.  Never played the trilogy so I plopped down some money for it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 18, 2021 @ 10:09 PM (

Take Two working far too hard on bringing GTAV to next gen systems this November. Plus Red Dead Online.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 19, 2021 @ 08:52 AM
I had forgotten about their football game since I'm not expecting much from it, but it does suck that it got delayed. You'd think there would be pressure on them from the NFL to release on schedule. Agreed that Take Two is spending to much time on GTA V and RDR Online. Hard to believe that GTA V released on the Xbox 360/PS3.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 19, 2021 @ 09:46 PM

QuoteI Insist You Play Mass Effect as a Woman
QuoteYou’ll regret completing this space trilogy series as a dude.
QuoteIf you’ve had an excellent female boss, or if (like me) you supported Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy for president, there’s something in there you may recognize. If you never have, then you more than anyone need to play this video game as female Shepard.


I always make female characters when the option is available and enter into lesbian relationships when option is possible. Probably for different reasons than the author but...  ;)

* I absolutely hate Mass Effect and deleted it 5 hours in due to a headache from a thousand walls of text and boring linear combat. My bad as I knew this going in.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 20, 2021 @ 07:57 PM (

Timesplitters returning with the original creators!!!  I love those games. Tons of content and bots in multiplayer modes for people who prefer single player. Plus you could tweak the difficulty of the bots and they even had special maneuvers.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 26, 2021 @ 09:43 AM
New State of Play sale now live on PSN. I'll probably get MXGP 2020. Been waiting for a good sale on it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 26, 2021 @ 12:44 PM
PS Plus for June has Virtua Fighter 5 and SW Squadrons.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 26, 2021 @ 12:51 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on May 26, 2021 @ 12:44 PM
PS Plus for June has Virtua Fighter 5 and SW Squadrons.
I've been waiting for the remaster of VF5 since it was first leaked last year. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it's coming out June 1st, and then that is part of PS Plus. Looking forward to trying Squadrons too.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 26, 2021 @ 02:52 PM
MS should just really stop putting out Games with Gold and stick to Gamepass. It gets more embarrassing each month.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on May 26, 2021 @ 08:36 PM
Quote from: BDSooner72 on May 19, 2021 @ 09:46 PM

QuoteI Insist You Play Mass Effect as a Woman
QuoteYou’ll regret completing this space trilogy series as a dude.
QuoteIf you’ve had an excellent female boss, or if (like me) you supported Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy for president, there’s something in there you may recognize. If you never have, then you more than anyone need to play this video game as female Shepard.


I always make female characters when the option is available and enter into lesbian relationships when option is possible. Probably for different reasons than the author but...  ;)

* I absolutely hate Mass Effect and deleted it 5 hours in due to a headache from a thousand walls of text and boring linear combat. My bad as I knew this going in.

I too never understood the praise this game got.  I tried 4 different times, but found it utterly boring.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 27, 2021 @ 10:10 AM
Today is a big day for news.

Dying Light 2 and Far Cry 6 footage and details coming.

and Sony.  m::d (

QuoteGood news or bad news first? Good News: An update for Borderlands 3 has been prepared for release that includes full crossplay support across all platforms. Bad News: For certification, we have been required by the publisher to remove crossplay support for PlayStation consoles.

Sony and what it is doing with crossplay is just a slap to the customer face. Crossplay extends the life of games for everyone. In a pandemic when funds are tight, this is how they care for their customer.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 27, 2021 @ 09:14 PM
Dying light 2 Stay human hitting December (

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BDSooner72 on May 27, 2021 @ 09:22 PM
Far Cry 6 gameplay leaked a day early.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 02, 2021 @ 12:27 AM
Quote from: Jason on May 26, 2021 @ 12:51 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on May 26, 2021 @ 12:44 PM
PS Plus for June has Virtua Fighter 5 and SW Squadrons.
I've been waiting for the remaster of VF5 since it was first leaked last year. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it's coming out June 1st, and then that is part of PS Plus. Looking forward to trying Squadrons too.

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Plus and Now subs are 25% off.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 02, 2021 @ 06:50 AM
Perfect timing. My subscription runs out this month.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 02, 2021 @ 04:05 PM
The next God of War and Gran Turismo will have PS4 versions.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 02, 2021 @ 04:11 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on June 02, 2021 @ 04:05 PM
The next God of War and Gran Turismo will have PS4 versions.
Good call by Sony seeing as the PS5 won't be readily available anytime soon. I wonder if PS4 users will get a free upgrade to the PS5 versions.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 14, 2021 @ 09:24 AM
Microsoft Flight Simulator confirmed for Xbox Series S/X and included with Game Pass.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 28, 2021 @ 10:28 AM
I finally finished Tomb Raider Anniversary on the Xbox 360. I don't think I've ever played a game that was so much fun and frustrating at the same time. I've now restarted Rise of the Tomb Raider for the 4th time (the first time was on the Xbox 360 in 2015).

I was mad at myself for passing up NHL 21 for $20 a few weeks ago, but I was able to buy the Deluxe Edition for $13 during the recent PSN sale. I have to remember to keep an eye on all versions of the sports games because Deluxe Editions and standard editions usually go on sale at different times.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 03, 2021 @ 01:36 PM
Finished Rise of the Tomb Raider last night and started Shadow of the Tomb Raider this morning. The graphics in these games are amazing, even on a base PS4. I'm kind of surprised these games, especially SOTTR, aren't mentioned as some of the best looking for this generation.

I've also been enjoying NHL 21. EA is good at improving their controls for both Madden and NHL each year (except for 19). I've also done something I've never done before - I've lowered the gameplay slider to 0 (default is 3 out of 6) and it's really made a difference in how the game plays. It feels a lot less frantic and the animations have time to play out, which results in a smoother looking and playing game.

A few weeks ago I thought I was done playing games, but I should have realized it was just one of my annual gaming ruts.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 18, 2021 @ 09:43 AM
I'm going into the backlog for the foreseeable future. Giving driving games a renewed focus and jumping into Borderlands 3, with a bit of Fallout 76.
Giving up on finding a PS5 anytime soon, I'll probably get an SSD for the Pro.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 18, 2021 @ 11:01 PM
That's where I'm at now. Went on vacation and then got slammed by work when I returned, but I'm planning on finishing Shadow of the Tomb Raider this week and moving onto Uncharted Lost Legacy afterwards. I have no desire to buy a new console, even if they were available, and plan on putting a big dent in my backlog in the meantime.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 22, 2021 @ 01:34 PM
I've been playing a ton of WWE Battlegrounds with my younger son and we're having a blast. It's so much fun playing as tag team partners and cheating our asses off to win matches. All the micro transactions suck, but there's enough in the base game to have fun.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 24, 2021 @ 01:50 PM
Can you equip a folding chair for your character?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 03, 2021 @ 11:43 PM
So glad I never bought Tennis World Tour 2 when it was one sale. I tried it out today since it's one of the PS Games for August and immediately deleted it. The controls, in what should be a fully patched game, were terrible.

I'll stick with AO Tennis 2, which was surprisingly made by the same developer as TWT 2 (Big Ant Studio).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 04, 2021 @ 07:06 PM
I had seen where it was terrible. Going to give PvZ a try.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 30, 2021 @ 10:57 AM
eFootball 2022 is now available to download for free from the PS Store.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 30, 2021 @ 12:18 PM
It's getting mauled in reviews. ( ( (
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 30, 2021 @ 03:11 PM
Funny that you posted that. I had just tried it and thought it looked and played horribly so I jumped online to see if it was only me.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 30, 2021 @ 05:48 PM
F2P trash. FIFA blows, but that looks so much worse.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 04, 2021 @ 07:21 PM
Days Gone was on sale on steam for 40 and my son-in-law said it was one of his top 3 games so I went for it.  36.5 hours in.  I think I have a problem.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 05, 2021 @ 02:52 PM
Quote from: Ted on October 04, 2021 @ 07:21 PM
Days Gone was on sale on steam for 40 and my son-in-law said it was one of his top 3 games so I went for it.  36.5 hours in.  I think I have a problem.
That's another game I own and want to play, but I've heard it looks and plays so much better on the PS5, so I've been holding off on it.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 08, 2021 @ 02:09 PM
Life's short, play it. Frame rate boost be damned :D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 08, 2021 @ 06:51 PM
I agree with Brad.  69 hours in.  Hordes are a little grindy, but still liking the story and want to keep going.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 12, 2021 @ 10:23 PM
Finished main story of Days Gone in about 73 hours.  Still clearing infestations occasionally and cruising around wrapping up some side stories and clearing camps.  I added it to my personal Hall of Fame and might play through again on higher or highest difficulty.  Also trying to 100% the achievements, but that's unlikely.

For now I've moved on to Star Ruler 2 which is an interesting 4X,  and a fantastic lo-fi wrestling game called Wrestling Empire (also on Switch, iOS, and Android).  Such a funny game.  Total chaos and a pretty solid career mode.  Clunky controls hold it back from being a recommendation to anyone other than wrestling fans.  It's an MDickie game.  If you know that name you know what it means.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 13, 2021 @ 12:05 AM
73 hours...that's impressive. I didn't realize the game was so long.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 13, 2021 @ 03:01 PM
Well I didn’t hurry.  It’s probably 60 hours long.  Maybe half that if you’re young with good reflexes and power through.

I watched all cut scenes and there’s a lot.  I didn’t die much on normal except for two notable times having trouble getting through a couple of story hordes (think boss levels).  I’m sure if I clear the map I’ll go over 100 hours.

It’s a great game.  The main character is a white knight dickhead with PTSD, and I liked so many supporting chars so much more, but I didn’t hate him. Just rolled my eyes a lot.  The voice acting is top notch.  The story is predictable and decent.

I highly recommend you move it up in the que and play it with what you got. The last cut scene outside the main story definitely set up a sequel. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 13, 2021 @ 04:06 PM
I may have to. I had bought it in October 2 years ago with the intention of playing during the Halloween season. I guess better late than never.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 19, 2021 @ 10:41 AM
I've been hooked on Forza 7 and wish I had bought the Ultimate Edition before it was delisted. It's hard to believe this game was released on the Xbox One. I don't know how well it ran that system, but it looks beautiful and runs flawlessly on the Series S. I guess I should be happy that I at least bought the standard version while it was still available.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 22, 2021 @ 08:24 PM
Just finished up Gears 2 co-op with my son. I had remembered more than I thought. For some reason I thought a lot of what happened in 2 was in Gears 3. Now we just need to bear Gears 3 and 4 before playing a current-gen version of the game (Gears 5).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 27, 2021 @ 02:41 PM
Went to a Game Xchange store here, came out with a PS2 fat, with OEM controller, 2 OEM memory cards,  OEM DVD remote, GT3, GT4, Tourist Trophy, and MVP 06 for a hundred bucks. Everything very clean.
I still have component cables, gonna get this thing hooked up tonight, hopefully runs good.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 27, 2021 @ 03:51 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 27, 2021 @ 04:29 PM
Nice score. Component cables are a must. They're such an improvement over the standard RCA cables.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 27, 2021 @ 05:31 PM
Yep, this sucker is in really good shape. Looks like adult owned and very clean. Years ago I got the Monster component PS2/3 cables with optical on clearance somewhere for like 5 bucks. I held onto them for all this time. All the games boot and run, so far, so good.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 27, 2021 @ 07:26 PM
Awesome. Congrats on your new purchase. I purchased my fat PS2 in September 2001 (a few days before 9/11) and it still runs fine to this day. They're pretty solid units as long as they're taken care of.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 28, 2021 @ 12:26 AM
I used to have a Slim with all the trimmings and sold it, regrettably. This rectifies that. I want to find one of the Logitech wireless controllers like I had before, that thing was great.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 28, 2021 @ 09:47 AM
Is this the one you're talking about? It's the only non first-party controller I've ever bought. My son uses it for the PS2 because its current location won't work with a wired controller.

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[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 28, 2021 @ 06:50 PM
Yeah, I think that's it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 28, 2021 @ 09:15 PM
It's definitely not as good as the dual shock 2. The analog sticks are very loose and the buttons are mushy, but it's well built and I never had issues with the wireless connection.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on October 30, 2021 @ 01:24 PM
Brought home the GOAT, MVP 05. Found  an ancient FAQ online for editing the roster and renaming the  scabs.
Had  to look up how to  enable progressive scan for games that support it. Makes a big difference with MVP.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 01, 2021 @ 05:17 PM
I had forgotten how some of the later games in that generation started offering 480p. I think NASCAR 05 was the first one I had with that option. Some of my son's older Lego games also had a widescreen option.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 04, 2021 @ 01:58 PM
I'm freeing up space on my SSD so I can download Forza Horizon 5 and it have ready to go tomorrow morning.

Update: It looks like it's only available to people who purchased the premium edition. GamePass players have to wait until Tuesday.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 06, 2021 @ 02:43 PM
Got NFL 2K5, now I'm set on sports games, lol.
Somebody talk me out of buying the new  CoD, please.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 06, 2021 @ 09:09 PM
I can only say that my son, who has bought the deluxe version of COD for as long as I can remember, is passing on it this year.

I watched him play the demo a month or two ago and thought it looked like a PS3 game.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 11, 2021 @ 10:59 PM
I've been playing a ton of Forza Horizon 5 since it was released on Tuesday and can't see myself going back to 4. The graphics, gameplay and location are all so much better in 5.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 14, 2021 @ 12:29 PM
The competition in Forza Horizon 5 has really heated up in my house since my two sons, who were never into racing games, have gotten hooked on it. We've been upgrading and tuning our favorite cars so we can break each others records on a daily basis. I can't stress how much fun this game is.

There were also new updates for Gears 1, 2 and 3 on Series X/S, but I haven't found any details on what they do. My younger son and I are about halfway through Gears 3, so I'll see if I notice anything new.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 14, 2021 @ 04:03 PM
I think next-gen upgrades are coming for a bunch of old first party stuff.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 15, 2021 @ 02:31 PM
Microsoft announced today that they added FPS boost to the entire Gears of War franchise. I can't wait to finish Gears 3 now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 15, 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Got an invite to buy a PS5 tomorrow, starting at 2 p.m. I imagine they will be gone in seconds.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 15, 2021 @ 06:41 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on November 15, 2021 @ 06:06 PM
Got an invite to buy a PS5 tomorrow, starting at 2 p.m. I imagine they will be gone in seconds.

Directly through PlayStation? I filled out that form so long ago that I just assumed the whole thing was over.

Good luck tomorrow!
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 15, 2021 @ 07:01 PM
Yeah, PS Direct. I guess the selection process will keep the numbers low and theservers from melting. Supposedly.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 18, 2021 @ 07:19 PM
Did you get one?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 19, 2021 @ 08:36 AM
Black Friday sales are up on the PlayStation and Xbox digital stores. The Last of Us 2 has finally dropped to $20 which is my buying price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 20, 2021 @ 10:35 AM
Detroit Become Human was on sale on Steam so I've been working through that.  The graphics are amazing although during some cinematic scenes I've been getting tremendous framerate drops.

I like the story well enough and playing as 3 protagonists, but this is very much an adventure game and not much of an action game I think.  Still, if the story holds up to the end it will have been worth the $20.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 20, 2021 @ 11:59 AM
That's a game I've been wanting to play too. I have it as a PS+ game, but haven't played it yet. It routinely drops to $10 on the PS Store too where I've considered buying it many times.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 20, 2021 @ 01:42 PM
I think Plus and Now are on sale again, as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 22, 2021 @ 08:55 AM
Finished Detroit. 13.3 hours play time. May revisit in the future to play down other branching story lines, but maybe not. I liked the story and the acting. The gameplay was dull except for some of the QTE melee fighting
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 23, 2021 @ 08:49 AM
I've had more fun playing CoD in the last two weeks than I've had in years. Vanguard is really well balanced and polished, so much so I also grabbed Cold War in the BF sale. That game is way better than the reputation around it. Immediately put a shit eating grin on my face, particularly the classic maps.
My mentality now is ignoring stats and just playing, does wonders for enjoyment.
I played Vanguard on PS4 pro and now on PS5, both versions are impressive, Cold War is a knockout with ray tracing. Instantaneous loading is a great QoL improvement.
3D audio support is well done in both, it is better than Sony's previous simulated surround  VSS.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 24, 2021 @ 09:48 PM
We're on the final act of Gears 3 and will hopefully finish it tomorrow. It's been fun playing through the first 3 again, but I'm really looking forward to the next 3 since I've never played them.

My older son got an email from Microsoft with a link to buy an Xbox Series X directly from them but didn't see it until tonight. Of course I didn't get one of the emails. Most people that got them were able to get a Series X with no problem. You only had to buy an additional controller and a choice of one digital game.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 25, 2021 @ 07:36 PM
Completed Gears 3 today. I was surprised  to see that Microsoft had the Halo Edition Series X available on their site today. I didn't get it, but it's supposed to be harder to get than the regular Series X.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 26, 2021 @ 11:12 PM
Picked up Cyberpunk 2077 for 30 in the steam sale.  I'm finding it underwhelming and kind of a slog.  In particular things are very spread out and the vehicle handling is abysmal so I don't want to drive anywhere.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 27, 2021 @ 08:12 AM
Sounds like my impressions of GTA games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 27, 2021 @ 12:36 PM
I'm usually pretty meh about GTA titles, can enjoy them for awhile.  I've enjoyed this far less than any so far.  I'm not sure why I'm sticking with it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 27, 2021 @ 07:42 PM
Speaking of GTA, I just bought GTA IV digitally for my Series S.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 27, 2021 @ 09:29 PM
I have a disc copy for PS3. There are still multi-player lobbies.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 28, 2021 @ 10:50 AM
I bought it so I can play it at 60fps with upscaled resolution. I've spent more time playing 360 games on my Series S than current and next-gen games.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on November 28, 2021 @ 12:28 PM
That's really what it's for.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 28, 2021 @ 05:40 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 26, 2021 @ 11:12 PM
Picked up Cyberpunk 2077 for 30 in the steam sale.  I'm finding it underwhelming and kind of a slog.  In particular things are very spread out and the vehicle handling is abysmal so I don't want to drive anywhere.
There's two big updates coming out in early 22, so you may not want to give up on it yet. Maybe just put it on hold for a little while.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 30, 2021 @ 11:27 PM
Quote from: Jason on November 28, 2021 @ 05:40 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 26, 2021 @ 11:12 PM
Picked up Cyberpunk 2077 for 30 in the steam sale.  I'm finding it underwhelming and kind of a slog.  In particular things are very spread out and the vehicle handling is abysmal so I don't want to drive anywhere.
There's two big updates coming out in early 22, so you may not want to give up on it yet. Maybe just put it on hold for a little while.

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When I posted that I had about 10 hours in the game and had just finished act 1 which felt like a super long prologue/tutorial.

The game has opened up more since then.  I have 38 hours in now (played all four days off of Thanksgiving break since we didn't go anywhere and no family came to us) and I'm well into my tempestuous relationship with Keanu Reeves.  In fact, he told me he has an "impressive cock", but I'm playing a trans-woman lesbian so I wasn't tempted to take the bait.

It's an odd game.  I'm not into gun collecting ala Borderlands and I hate bullet sponge combat ala The Division, but at least Cyber has a sort of level system that allows you to be whatever you want be and also allows you to wipe your levels and reconfigure if you get sick of who you are (for a price), which makes sense because I am only what/who I am at least partially because of my implants.  And I like being able to make guns on the fly just by crafting.  I hit a spot where I really need a weapon type I'm not carrying.  Fine, I just strip the looted guns down to their components and craft something that's serviceable on the spot.  It's not going to be anything good, but if I just need to get past this next couple of rooms I'll be ok.

It seems to reward creativity dealing with problems and it really wants you to hack every piece of tech you come across to gather components, but it will also just let you blast through some areas if you are sick of sneaking around.  You might waste all your ammo and grenades but it will let you firefight through anything (at least so far). 

I haven't played it the last two nights because I'm back to working on a couple of models, but I'll probably return to it.  I left it at a spot just after a major mission so it kind of feels like a moment where I would step away and rest anyway inside the story. 

If I had to sum it far it's been a 7/10 and I expect it to finish as a 7/10.   :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 01, 2021 @ 12:08 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 30, 2021 @ 11:27 PM
In fact, he told me he has an "impressive cock", but I'm playing a trans-woman lesbian so I wasn't tempted to take the bait.

Just when you think you know someone...

I was really interested in this game when is was announced, lost interest when it became first-person only, but may still pick it up when it's cheap just because I'm interested in exploring the world they created. Hopefully the next-gen versions, coming out in February, will be a big improvement over the current game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 01, 2021 @ 02:52 PM
Ray-tracing of the cock confirmed.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 01, 2021 @ 11:14 PM
lol....hey they gave me the opportunity so I took it.  What can I say.

The world is astonishingly empty feeling.  I mean there are people everywhere, but it feels like that scene in the matrix when Morpheus takes Neo into the construct to show him around.  It feels like it's not real.  It's busy and crowded and everything is just on a loop.

They certainly got the feeling of trash and clutter right in the heavy urban areas.  It's like every urban area I've ever spent time in.  Just shit everywhere.

And if you go in expecting a blade runner type of environment it's not that.  This is more like a vacuous version of a blade runner world.  There's no depth to it.  It's a shell.  It's not gritty.  It's just loud and dirty.

It's still a 7/10 though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 01, 2021 @ 11:26 PM
It's funny that you mention Blade Runner because that's exactly the type of environment I was hoping for and expecting. Disappointed to hear it doesn't live up to that.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 07, 2021 @ 10:58 AM
I finally got around to trying out PGA Tour 2K21 after downloading it a few months ago when it was a PS+ game and can't believe how much of an improvement it is over 2K19. The driving/putting is much better and provides a lot more accessibility options for rookies like myself. Your swing power is no longer just a wild guess now that you have the ability to add power markers to the swing stick. They also added a 60fps option in a later update. I deleted my copy of 2K19 as I can't see myself ever going back to that version.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 20, 2021 @ 10:48 AM
My son and I finished Gears of War: Judgement last night, but we still need to play the hour-long Aftermath campaign that's supposed to be linked to Gears 3. After that, we finally move to a more modern console with Gears 4 for the Xbox One.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 27, 2021 @ 09:47 AM
We finished the hour-long Gears 3 Aftermath campaign on Christmas Eve and it turned out to be better than the main game. It did a good job of filling in some missing parts of the Gears 3 story. We have officially graduated from Xbox 360-era Gears games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 28, 2021 @ 09:51 PM
We started Gears 4 tonight and there's a few things I like right off the bat. First, they went back to the Gears 1, 2 and 3 control scheme.

Second, the splitscreen view shrinks everything, but shows at least 90% of what you'd see in single-player mode. The previous Gears games probably showed about 60% which made it hard to see what was going on around you.

Finally, the graphics are obviously much better than the Xbox 360 games and the Series S easily runs splitscreen at 60fps.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 12, 2022 @ 09:46 AM
I completed the Forza Cup in Forza Motorsport 7 this week. Forza Motorsport 8 is definitely my most anticipated next-gen game on any system.

I didn't have a chance to play Gears 4 this past weekend since I was stuck in Atlantic City all weekend for my daughter's volleyball tournament, but I'm hoping to finish it this weekend. Things had really started to pick up when we last stopped playing and I'm anxious to see where it goes.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2022 @ 10:16 PM
My son and I finished Gears 4 today. What started out as the weakest Gears game ended up being one of the best. Onto Gears 5...

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 08, 2022 @ 09:49 AM
I need to convince my older son to let either me or my younger son use his Series S so we don't have to do split-screen for Gears 5. It's tough going back to 30fps (split-screen only), plus I want to be able to really appreciate the graphics at full screen.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2022 @ 09:53 AM
This is the first time I've ever gone this long without buying a current year EA Sports game. By now I've usually bought all three (Madden, FIFA , NHL) at discounted prices, but I've passed on every sale so far. I'm not even interested in playing them when they arrive on EA Play in the near future. I think this may be the beginning of the end for me with EA Sports.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 11, 2022 @ 12:00 PM
I tried FIFA 20 and uninstalled it immediately. Madden is comically bad now. Everything is a MTX hustle, the games are a shadow of what they used to be.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 11, 2022 @ 04:26 PM
I'm the same.  There hasn't been a interesting sports title for me in about 2 or 3 years.  Maybe I've just moved on.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 11, 2022 @ 05:35 PM
I came close to buying NBA 2K22 since it's currently on sale for $23, but then I remembered how hard those games push VC and decided not to. It's kind of a shame that there's no really no sports games to look forward to anymore.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 12, 2022 @ 12:57 AM
Retro is where it's at for those games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2022 @ 01:21 PM
I may give NBA 2K22 a try. The last basketball game I've played is NBA Live 19. I'm guessing that VC won't matter to me if I'm just playing a standard offline season. I don't play any of that My Player crap.

According to reviews the gameplay is supposed to be much improved and it's a really good looking game. I think I can get $24 worth of enjoyment from it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 12, 2022 @ 06:01 PM
It would have to have radically reprogrammed AI and a revamped control scheme to be much improved.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2022 @ 10:36 PM
The basic offensive and defensive controls match NBA Live, so I can live with that. My problem now is size of the game (122gb). It's getting to be a pain in the ass not being able to fit at least 4 games on the SSD at a time.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 14, 2022 @ 08:30 AM
I'm currently playing R6 Extraction and Hell Let Looose, as well as my usuals. Extraction is a co-op PvE game that's surprisingly well done.

HLL is a different animal entirely, unlike anything else on console. Large scale battles with ultra realism. It's actually difficult to describe a game that instills actual fear. Or makes you walk for 15 minutes before getting domed out of nowhere. Teamwork and smarts are rewarded, anything else is punished severely.
I've uninstalled it twice, only to go back for more. The biggest drawback is the time sink, matches last a long time.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 15, 2022 @ 07:56 AM
Cyberpunk is now showing as Xbox Series X/S Optimized. CDPR has a live stream later today and will supposedly make the announcement official.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 15, 2022 @ 02:48 PM
My Samsung T7 SSD arrived today and I just realized the Xbox can have more than 1 external drive attached at a time, so I'm moving my Xbox One games to the SSD and keeping my Xbox 360 games on my regular external drive.

Transfer speeds between the internal SSD and Samsung SSD topped out around 2.5Gbps. Transfer speeds between the standard external drive and the Samsung SSD were between 450 - 750Mbps.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 16, 2022 @ 09:58 AM
I'm loving my new SSD so far. I'm able to transfer games between SSDs in around 2 to 3 minutes. The same transfers were taking up to 20 minutes on my standard external drive. My Xbox One games, especially Forza 7, load lightning fast off the external SSD too. I really hope Microsoft adds external SSD support for Xbox Series X/S games in the future. I'm also debating if I should buy another SSD while they're on sale.

Now that I freed up space on my internal SSD, I was finally able to install NBA 2K22 and play a few games last night. This is the first NBA 2K game I've played since NBA 2K15 on the PS4. The one thing I remember about 2K15 was being bombarded with VC in every aspect of the game, including navigating the main menu, so I was shocked to see that this has been toned down in 2K22. To my surprise I didn't see anything related to VC in the main menu, settings, loading screens or Quick Play games. I was able to do everything I wanted without any crap getting the way.

The game itself looks amazing and plays great. The slipping and sliding from previous versions, which I saw in videos, has been completely removed. The controls are responsive and don't seem to be locked into long animations like in the past. The basic controls are the same as NBA Live, so I immediately felt conformable playing. The only area I need a lot of work on is the post game, which plays differently than NBA Live. I don't usually use a lot of the advanced controls (See this thread: Advanced Controls ( in any game, so I'm not worried about learning every move in the game. I feel like I have a full arsenal of moves with what I can do.

So far, I have no complaints with the game and I'm looking forward to playing it a lot more.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 17, 2022 @ 06:08 PM
I think I figured out why my post game is so bad. Apparently the controller settings don't save, so I was playing with "Absolute" instead of "Camera Relative". For now, I guess I'll have to remember to change the controller settings every time I play. Strange that they can't fix a simple issue especially with all the complaints about it online.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 20, 2022 @ 04:51 PM
I've been wanting to check out NASCAR Ignition 21 even though it's not supposed to be a good game, so I was glad to see that it was available for free this weekend as part of Xbox Live Gold. The graphics are probably worse than Heat 5, which is surprising considering the game made the jump from Unity to the Unreal 4 engine. The frame rate is locked at 30fps, even on the next-gen consoles, and the options and features are extremely limited. For instance, there's no rear view mirror, track map or ability to turn off proximity indicators, yet I can't stop playing the game.

The car handling is excellent and the racing itself is a lot of fun. This is the first NASCAR game where I can hold a clean line around a turn using a controller. It's so much fun racing inches away away from another car around a bend and not running in to them. A new patch was just just released on Friday which supposedly fixed a lot of issues with the game, so I'm not seeing a lot of the bugs mentioned in all the reviews.

The best part is that a free next-gen upgrade is going to be available in April. They haven't given exact details, but I'm assuming better graphics and 60fps gameplay will be included. Because of that, I decided to buy the game while it's on sale this weekend. If it's this much fun now, it can only get better once the new update is available. It's definitely not the deepest game and doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, but it's fun and that's all that matters to me.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 20, 2022 @ 06:14 PM
I'm glad you're having fun, but what you describe is unacceptable for a full-price title these days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 20, 2022 @ 06:26 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 20, 2022 @ 06:14 PMI'm glad you're having fun, but what you describe is unacceptable for a full-price title these days.
I agree. I'd never pay full price or recommend anyone else to either. I'm surprised I was willing to pay $35 for it (I also had $10 in Microsoft credit from Bing rewards). I usually wait for NASCAR games to drop under $20. I just didn't want to lose access to it tonight and felt the free next-gen upgrade justified the purchase at a slightly higher price.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 01, 2022 @ 10:20 AM
I picked up F1 2021 on Xbox for $15 to hold me over now that my GRID Legends trial has finished.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 01, 2022 @ 11:06 AM
I'd really love for the F1 franchise to move into VR.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 01, 2022 @ 12:46 PM
I only dabble, but the F1 games always seem the same to me year after year
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 01, 2022 @ 03:49 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on March 01, 2022 @ 12:46 PMI only dabble, but the F1 games always seem the same to me year after year
They are. I just wanted one for my Series S that runs at a steady 60fps with no screen tear. For $15 it was a no-brainer.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 02, 2022 @ 06:10 AM
Yeah, that's the sweet spot, price-wise. I've got 19 and 20, might get another one if it's 120fps.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 02, 2022 @ 05:56 PM
Looking forward to this.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 05, 2022 @ 10:50 AM
Dropping back into Destiny2, man it's a different game on PS5, so much better now as far as QoL. Got the latest expansion and got right back into the swing. Nice change of pace from CoD, which I have regained a good bit of my " skillz" in, lol.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 05, 2022 @ 10:45 PM
I'm on race 11 of 24 in F1 2021 and it's kept me more interested than I expected. I have no interest in the story mode (Braking Point) or even the standard career mode, so I just created a custom Grand Prix with a race weekend (practice, qualifier and race) at each track.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 08, 2022 @ 11:44 AM
Lots of hours in Mount & Blade Bannerlord lately.  I'm currently the hobo king of the Khergits (Mongols).
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 08, 2022 @ 05:10 PM
I play as Sir Ohsis of Liver.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 08, 2022 @ 10:56 PM
Seriously?  Hahaha that's great.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 18, 2022 @ 12:56 AM
My son bought the remastered GTA V for his Series S and it really is a big improvement over the the last-gen version. I wasn't expecting much of a graphical upgrade and a locked 60fps on the Series S. I'd be tempted to buy it if SSD space was so tight. Making room for a 100GB+ game would be tough right now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 18, 2022 @ 10:42 AM
At this pace, a new-gen patch for RDR2 should be along in 2025.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 26, 2022 @ 10:18 PM
I was able to re-download Flight Simulator on my Series X since it has more SSD storage than the S. The better draw distance and lack of terrain popup are nice improvements over the Series S, plus it's 4K. It's still only 30fps, but it's much more steady.

The best thing about owning a Series X and S is that now my younger son and I can play Gears 5 on separate consoles instead of split screen. We tried it out today and it worked great. Besides the obvious negative of sharing a screen, split-screen also ran the game at 30fps. Now we're both able to play it in full screen and 60fps.

Communication is much easier now that we're both on current-gen consoles too. We had chat issues when playing Gears 1, 2, 3 and Judgement when my son was on the Series S and I was on my Xbox 360. I had to use the Xbox App on my phone to be able to join a chat party with my son on the Series S. Now we can both go right through the consoles. The chat was clear and there's no 2-second delay.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 30, 2022 @ 05:01 PM
Just finished Gears 5. Like Gears 4, it wasn't crazy about it at first, but it got much better towards the end. I'm guessing they're working on a sixth based on the cliffhanger ending.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 07, 2022 @ 12:17 AM
I think I'm in my golden age of racing games. Between GRID Legends, Forza Horizon 5, Forza 7 and F1 21, I can't remember another time where I was playing so many good racing games, and that's not counting NASCAR Ignition, which will have a next-gen update released this month.

It's a shame no other sports have the same type of competition.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 07, 2022 @ 02:50 PM
Assetto Comp got an update, as well. GT7 is out, yeah racing is in good shape.
Stick and ball sports are at a low ebb.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 07, 2022 @ 06:58 PM
Yes, once I get a PS5 it will get even better.

GRID Legends released an update today that fixed a small graphical issue that bothered me. Building and tree textures would sometimes pop in late. They don't anymore.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 07, 2022 @ 09:04 PM
Xbox's Spring Sale started this evening and Assetto Corsa Competizione is on sale for $15. Now I have to decide if I should just wait to get a PS5 since I already own it on Playstation or just spend $15 to play the next-gen version now on my Series X.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 09, 2022 @ 11:46 AM
I ended up getting MXGP 2021 in the Spring Sale. I loved MXGP 2019 on the PS4 and I was looking forward to the 60fps gameplay on the next-gen consoles.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 09, 2022 @ 10:18 PM
I ended up getting ACC too. For $15 I couldn't pass it up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 10, 2022 @ 01:21 PM
That's the price for me, as well.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 11, 2022 @ 12:13 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on April 10, 2022 @ 01:21 PMThat's the price for me, as well.
Did you make any changes to the video and controller settings?

I've turned sharpness down to 0 (I hate artificial sharpness settings) and lowered everything as much as it allowed. I've also changed the color temperature to "Warmer" and Tone Mapping to "Default". The PS4 version did have any options for video settings.

Attached are my preliminary controller settings. I had settings I used on my PS4, but decided to start over with this version and put everything at 50% and go from there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 20, 2022 @ 09:20 AM
Ended up getting The Crew 2 on sale yesterday in anticipation of the next-gen update coming in July.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on April 20, 2022 @ 06:30 PM
Got Call of Duty WWII for sale on steam this week.  I've been in the mood for a story shooter.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 13, 2022 @ 10:03 AM
I downloaded NHL 22 to check out. It looks great at times, but I did notice stuttering using the standard camera. I heard a lot of complaints about this when it was release and assumed it was fixed - apparently it wasn't. I ended up deleting the game mainly because it's just more of the same. It's a shame because the NHL series was always one of my favorite games going back to the original on the Genesis. I guess I'm just bored of it after 30+ years.

I'm going to give Madden 22 another shot. The last time I played it was on my Series S during the 10-hour trial when it first came out. I'll see how it is fully patched on my Series X.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 13, 2022 @ 05:04 PM
Those games are all just shells for MUT, FUT, and My Player now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 14, 2022 @ 06:23 PM
The new Resident Evil 2 & 3 4K/60fps updates are out. Downloading them now on my Series X.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 14, 2022 @ 08:14 PM
Quote from: Jason on June 14, 2022 @ 06:23 PMThe new Resident Evil 2 & 3 4K/60fps updates are out. Downloading them now on my Series X.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk
Even better, these games are now shown with the X/S symbol, meaning they'll only run on next-gen consoles, but will still run off my external drive. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the same way. More games should work like this too.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 21, 2022 @ 07:55 PM
The NASCAR: Ignition next-gen update is finally coming out this Thursday (6/23). I'm looking forward to seeing what improvements they've made.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 22, 2022 @ 09:23 PM
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 23, 2022 @ 08:09 AM
Quote from: Jason on April 20, 2022 @ 09:20 AMEnded up getting The Crew 2 on sale yesterday in anticipation of the next-gen update coming in July.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 23, 2022 @ 11:46 AM
NASCAR: Ignition is still fucking 30fps. I can't believe they don't even offer a lower resolution at 60fps.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 25, 2022 @ 02:47 AM
Color me shocked. Still a full priced budget title.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 18, 2022 @ 09:25 AM
I ended up buying Mafia remastered for the Xbox. It's usually $20 on sale, but it dropped to $14 during the big summer sale. I loved the game on PS4 and wanted to play with slightly increased resolution and a solid 30fps. I'd love to see a 60fps patch released one day.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 18, 2022 @ 02:53 PM
At least the NASCAR game will get another major patch in September, 11 months after release, to fix some issues. You can't make this shit up.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 18, 2022 @ 03:28 PM
It doesn't sound like 60fps will be added, but they are supposedly re-doing the UI. I hope I'll finally be able to turn off the spotter text without having to disable the entire HUD.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 01, 2022 @ 10:57 AM
I replayed The Last of Us so my younger son could see the story. My previous save file was from 2015 and I had forgotten most of the story and also wanted a refresher before finally starting Part 2. It was much harder than I remembered. The game is very stingy with weapons and supplies (even of the easier difficulty levels) to make it feel much more realistic.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 03, 2022 @ 06:27 PM
I liked that game and story as well.  Haven't played 2, but would like to.

Been alternating between Mount & Blade Bannerlord and Cities Skylines for the last 2 months.  Gamepass on PC has Ghost Recon Wildlands now so I'm gonna try that out.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 03, 2022 @ 09:56 PM
I'm 5 hours into part 2 and it started much differently than I expected. The graphics are a huge improvement over the first one and the gameplay is better too. The part I'm at now is more in line with the first game.

Even though this game has been out for a while, I'm going in completely spoiler free. I do know that something happens in the game that a lot of people do not like, but I think I may have reached that part early in the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 08, 2022 @ 09:29 AM
After 20 plus hours, I finished TLOU Part 2 last night. It was by far the longest single-player game I've ever completed. I was completely wrong about the controversial part happening in the first two hours. I don't want to say too much about it and spoil it for anyone, but I'm a little undecided on it myself. There were parts of the game that were absolutely brilliant, but there were a lot parts that felt unnecessary.

Overall, I'd say it was an amazing game and a must play, but I felt it could have been even better if it was a little more focused.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on August 11, 2022 @ 08:06 PM
I ditched out on Wildlands when it made me install a separate Ubi loader and that loader had trouble connecting even though I have had an Ubi account for awhile.  I just cant be bothered to have to work hard to play someone's game.

Been playing mostly Workers and Resources Soviet Republic for the last week.  Making construction vehicles go brrrrrrr
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 18, 2022 @ 10:23 AM
I downloaded and tried the 10-hour trial of Madden 23 the other night. It looks and plays pretty good (especially the running game), but I just can't bring myself to play it much. The "new" passing mechanics are really just the old system with new visual displays and game game seems to play a little too fast for my liking.

It's funny how Madden used to be one of my most anticipated games every year and now it's not even on my radar anymore.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 18, 2022 @ 05:27 PM
The last one I played had Mahomes on the cover. Dreary and uninspired, the players felt like cardboard cutouts.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 03, 2022 @ 10:55 PM
Finally getting around to completing Uncharted: Lost Legacy on the PS5. I had started it when it came out years ago and never finished it. I ended up starting over since I remembered almost nothing from my first time playing it. I'll probably restart Spider-man on the PS5 next.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 04, 2022 @ 10:17 AM
I should revisit Spiderman on PS5, but I need to find settings that reduce motion sickness for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 05, 2022 @ 04:53 PM
Finished Lost Legacy last night. That was the only Uncharted game I had never completed.

Do you have Spider-Man Remastered? The smoother gameplay at 60fps may help reduce your motion sickness.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 20, 2022 @ 11:22 PM
F1-22 is free to play on Steam this weekend.  It is VR capable so gonna see what VR racing looks like.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 24, 2022 @ 02:51 PM
I downloaded the 10-hour trial of NHL 23 and to my surprise, I'm really enjoying it. I deleted the 10-hour trial of NHL 22 after 5 minutes last year, so I wasn't expecting much this time. I'm using default sliders and playing on Pro and having really good games.

I did notice that the default camera was changed to Classic this year and I'm really liking it. I've been using Dynamic Medium for the past few years, so maybe the different camera is making it feel like a fresh experience to me. Either way, I'll probably buy it when it drops to $20.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 18, 2023 @ 10:19 AM
Been enjoying F1 2022 on the Xbox. I'm tempted to buy Madden 23 now that it dropped to $20 for X/S. I'm still waiting for MX vs ATV Legends and NHL 23 to drop to $20.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 20, 2023 @ 11:31 AM
Playing Red Dead 2 and Red Dead online on series X.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 20, 2023 @ 04:32 PM
If you haven't played RDR 1 or haven't in a while, the Enhanced Xbox version is by far the way to go.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 20, 2023 @ 10:56 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 20, 2023 @ 04:32 PMIf you haven't played RDR 1 or haven't in a while, the Enhanced Xbox version is by far the way to go.
It does look great with the increased resolution, but it's a shame they never increased to the frame rate from 30fps to 60fps.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 22, 2023 @ 02:41 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 20, 2023 @ 04:32 PMIf you haven't played RDR 1 or haven't in a while, the Enhanced Xbox version is by far the way to go.

Haven't played it for a long time.  It's a better experience than 2?  Because 2 is pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 22, 2023 @ 05:31 PM
I couldn't say if it's better, but it's definitely worth completing it if you didn't back in the 360 days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 22, 2023 @ 06:52 PM
Undead Nightmare is a must.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 25, 2023 @ 07:25 PM
Took a break from Red Dead Sunday and had some days off this week. 

Fight Night Champion is on gamepass so I resurrected a fighter, or should I say his started a career with his "son" and finished it off today.

Started using some custom sliders after about 20 fights, which to my amateur eyes made it feel more like boxing. I wished I had discovered them before the career start.

Just the summary with some thoughts:

John Zehnder Jr
6'3" 242 lbs Big Boned body type

Final record 28-16-2

Doctors forced retirement at 32 y.o. due to neurological issues from too much damage taken during career..
 Zehnder started getting warning letters after failing post fight physicals in 2018 at age 26.  Right after his last fight in January 2024 they said he was done.  I should go back and count the letters.  I think there were about 10 failed exams.  After  2 or 3 letters I played him more defensively and careful, but against higher ranked fighters with the custom sliders there was only so much that could be done.

(I think it would have been more meaningful if they had forced retirement earlier.  I remember feeling pressure about it the first 2 or 3 times, but then it kept happening with no real penalty so I just kept pushing forward to see where the limit was.  I'm pretty sure accumulated damage started being an issue after the custom sliders because of the significant change to boxer damage and boxer power.  It was really a great change and forced me to change tactics while also feeling it was even on both sides.  I was just as dangerous as the AI and capable of ending a fight quick against a careless opening or mistake, and they could too.)

Champ twice and both times was forced by the commission into an immediate title defense fight and was unsuccessful. His last fight was one fight after the failed title defense. Beat Tyson for the first belt and some AI generated fighter for the second.

(Honestly, I never expected Zehnder to even get a title shot.  He just would muddle around trading wins with losses, never really getting any streaks going.  Yes, he moved up the rankings, but didn't break the top 20 for YEARS.  Then, when he did, momentum started building and I seem to remember him cracking the top 10 after a handful of fights.  The first title shot against Tyson was a surprise. I didn't expect the invite and I think Zehnder just defeated the currently ranked 5th or 6th fighter. He just turned 31 before the fight and was 23-13-2.  I didn't think Zehnder could win.  Luck was on his side because he cut Tyson in the first round under the left eye.  Then Tyson walked into a straight right in the 4th and went down.  Commission demanded a title defense within 13 weeks which reduced training time and Zehnder lost that to an AI.  The second title and it's defense were similar stories, but a different belt and against AI.)

Did all the promo events offered to him, but never seemed to get traction on the marketing side of things.  Retired with 31/100 popularity.  This kept him in "club fighter" status, never reaching contender status, and only getting champion status by default because he was champion for a few months total.

(I could take or leave this part.  It's a necessary element to move into the status levels above champion as you can't get superstar or GOAT unless your popularity is really high.  I just didn't know what else to do besides the offered promos to get there.  And since my goal with Zehnder was just to play out the career and let the chips fall I didn't focus on it.  Maybe there's more to it.)

At time of retirement was ranked 6th overall heavyweight.  At that time the only remaining imported fighter not retired was Tyson, but he had only fought once in the previous 2 years. 

(I think his overall record was 62-8.  Zehnder was his 8th loss.  His one fight after me was a win against one of the AI.  Tyson was ranked 7th.)

Ali retired at 33, Frazier at 35, and Foreman at 48.

(I had imported all of the heavyweights into the Legacy, but Tyson was the only one Zehnder ever fought.  Zehnder was going to fight Tommy Morrison, but Morrison retired just before it was to be scheduled.  If I am able to import Zehnder into legacy for future careers that will be cool.)

I thought FNC was good and then I started using the sliders and now I think it's great.  I wish the series would restart with a current version.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 25, 2023 @ 08:21 PM
It's amazing how well FNC still holds up today graphically and gameplay-wise. Id' love a new version even if it didn't include licensed fighters, but everything needs licensed athletes these days to sell well. I'm hoping Undisputed lives up to the hype when it's finally released.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 29, 2023 @ 12:31 PM
For anyone needing an HDMI 2.1 switch, I can recommend the Ilano from Amazon. Works flawlessly passing 4K/120hz + VRR and ALLM. Using short (3ft.) cables, it doesn't even require usb power.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 29, 2023 @ 04:04 PM
That's nice, but I wish it offered at least 3 inputs for that price. My current Amazon Basics HDMI splitter has 5 inputs with 4K@/60Hz support in which 4 are in use.

I did something I'd never thought I'd do. I purchased a first-person shooter, and not just one. After watching Power On: The Story of Xbox with my son, I wanted to try Halo after watching the episode about it. The Master Chief collection was on sale for $15, so I went ahead and bought it. My son said he'd play co-op with me.

What's funny is that I had mistakenly purchased the PC version of the collection. I was under the assumption that all first-party Microsoft games worked on both PC and Xbox (Play Everywhere?), but I couldn't find it in my library to download later that evening. Once I realized there was a separate Xbox Series X/S version, I requested a refund through the Microsoft Store. To my surprise, the refund was approved within minutes and the money was put back on my Microsoft account. That's the first time I've ever done a digital refund for anything and Microsoft made it easy and fast.

Finally, my son and I wanted to play Gears of War Ultimate Edition now that I have my Series X and S setup in different rooms, but I no longer have an GPU/Xbox Live subscription. Fortunately it offers LAN play which works perfectly. I hope Halo does too. What's even more surprising is that you can still create a party and chat without Xbox Live Gold.

We had played all the Gears games last year, but I was using my Xbox 360 and we then switched to split-screen on my Series S when we got to Gears 4 and 5. This was also before Gears 1 through 3 had FPS boost.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 01, 2023 @ 07:41 PM
Finished up Gears of War Ultimate Edition. I didn't realize there was an extra chapter that was deleted from the Xbox 360 version, so that was a pleasant surprise.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 02, 2023 @ 09:49 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 29, 2023 @ 04:04 PM...
I did something I'd never thought I'd do. I purchased a first-person shooter, and not just one. After watching Power On: The Story of Xbox with my son, I wanted to try Halo after watching the episode about it. The Master Chief collection was on sale for $15, so I went ahead and bought it. My son said he'd play co-op with me.


One of the best gaming memories I have is completing the original Halo couch co-op with a buddy.  I don't complete the majority of the games I play and this might have actually been the very first. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2023 @ 09:09 AM
I know I'm about 25 years late to the party, but LAN play is awesome. My son and I started our Halo campaign last night using it. I'm so glad Microsoft still offers LAN play as a feature in a lot of their games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 05, 2023 @ 08:00 PM
We're on chapter 7 of 10 of Halo and the good news is that first-person view doesn't seem to bother me. I played for about 3 hours straight today and didn't even have a headache afterwards.

The bad news is that the campaign is really lacking in story. It's easy to see that it was designed for online multiplayer with the campaign added as an afterthought. Both players play as Master Chief but the game acts as if there's only one, almost every chapter involves running around similarly looking rooms fighting waves of enemies and objectives are not always very clear.

We're still having fun with it and plan to complete it in the next few days, but we're hoping things get a little better with the Halo games designed for the Xbox 360. Maybe we'll watch the series on Paramount Plus when we're done.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 06, 2023 @ 11:15 AM
The series peaked story-wise and otherwise with Halo 3 and ODST.
The TV show is good, but is not faithful to the source material.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2023 @ 11:45 AM
ODST does not have online multiplayer, so I was hoping the campaign would be good. The collection only goes up to Halo 4, so I'm glad the last 2 of 3 games are considered the best.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 09, 2023 @ 08:22 AM
We completed Halo last night and we're glad to be done with it. Hopefully Halo 2 is a big improvement. If not, we'll jump to Halo 3.

Why would a first-person game add tricky platform jumps? That's exactly what Halo did in its final chapter last night. Luckily my son was able to handle it to complete the mission.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 09, 2023 @ 08:13 PM
Completed the first two chapters of Halo 2 and it's a huge improvement over the first one so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 10, 2023 @ 05:21 PM
Quote from: Jason on February 09, 2023 @ 08:22 AMWe completed Halo last night and we're glad to be done with it. Hopefully Halo 2 is a big improvement. If not, we'll jump to Halo 3.

Why would a first-person game add tricky platform jumps? That's exactly what Halo did in its final chapter last night. Luckily my son was able to handle it to complete the mission.

You obviously haven't played much Destiny.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 10, 2023 @ 10:35 PM
It's funny that you mention Destiny. My son suggested I try Destiny 2 now that I'm enjoying first-person shooters, but I think Bungie eliminated all the campaigns once it went free-to-play. I still have the original Destiny on disc (it's the only disc game I never switched to digital with), but after your comment I have no interest in trying it again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 11, 2023 @ 08:06 PM
Don't let me scare you, D2 is F2P, you'll get some good fun, it's in the highest level stuff that the jumping puzzles get crazy. Skip D1. There is plenty of campaigns and PvE content for solo dolo players in D2.

I'll help you in any way possible if you try to get into it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 12, 2023 @ 02:46 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on February 11, 2023 @ 08:06 PMI'll help you in any way possible if you try to get into it.
Thanks, I may take you up on that once I finish the Halo series.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 03, 2023 @ 07:44 PM
After taking a little break from Halo due to my son being sick and then going on a Ratchet & Clank bender, we kept having the game freeze on us tonight. A quick Google search shows it's a common issue. It's kind of annoying that an actual game-breaking bug is still in such an old game. If there's no work-around, we'll have to move onto Halo 3.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 17, 2023 @ 07:55 PM
Found my old copy of NCAA 14.  Dusted off the PS3 and have been working a dynasty for Washington Huskies.  Just figuring out all the nuances of scouting and recruiting is a game unto itself.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 18, 2023 @ 12:54 PM
IMO, still the best football game and it's not the nostalgia because I still play it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 29, 2023 @ 09:16 AM
Playing through Resident Evil 2 and 3 again with my younger son (he's mostly playing and I'm just watching and helping). We just finished Leon's story in part 2 and started Claire's. Hoping there's a sale and a few updates for RE 4 by time we're done with 2 and 3.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 03, 2023 @ 11:05 AM
Finished up Leon's and Claire's stories in RE 2 and starting RE 3 tonight.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 14, 2023 @ 11:47 AM
Finished RE 3 and Halo 3. Started Halo: ODST last night.

I was so happy to find the original Space Invaders and Space Invaders II on Xbox:

I've been looking for years, but all of the previous versions released (Forever, Infinity Gene and Extreme) were not arcade accurate. The Switch got a version (Invincible Collection), but it never came out on the PlayStation or Xbox.

My high score on the original is 6000 so far.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 19, 2023 @ 09:54 PM
Finished up Halo: ODST tonight and started Halo: Reach. ODST was by far the best one so far. I ended up buying Halo 5 for $5 during Microsoft's Spring Sale, so we have 4 and 5 to play once we're done with Reach.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 20, 2023 @ 03:47 PM
You've hit the peak.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 28, 2023 @ 09:18 AM
Finished up Halo Reach last night. It's got the best gameplay and level design so far, but the stories in all the games suck. I guess it's the online play that makes these games so popular because the campaigns don't come close to anything in the Gears of War franchise. I also find the cover-based gameplay in Gears more enjoyable and strategic.

Having said all that, we're starting Halo 4 this weekend.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 03, 2023 @ 12:51 PM
Quote from: Jason on April 28, 2023 @ 09:18 AMI guess it's the online play that makes these games so popular

I'm sorry you slogged through all of that to reach your conclusion.
Call of Duty actually is better for single player story.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 03, 2023 @ 01:19 PM
We're forcing ourselves to finish Halo 5 too.

I have Killzone: Shadowfall on PS5 on deck. Unfortunately there's no co-op LAN play for that one.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 03, 2023 @ 03:46 PM
Have you played the other Killzones? Shadowfall looked good at the time, but the game itself was kinda meh at best. The MP was decent, but is now dead.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 03, 2023 @ 05:51 PM
I played and completed Killzone: Mercenary on the Vita. Killzone: Shadowfall was one of the first games my son had when he first got a PS4, so I played it a little back then. It can't any worse than the Halo campaigns.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 04, 2023 @ 03:04 PM
Quote from: Jason on May 03, 2023 @ 05:51 PMIt can't any worse than the Halo campaigns.

About that...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 10, 2023 @ 09:03 AM
Almost done with Halo 4. We're on mission 8 of 10 and should be done with it tonight. Gameplay-wise, this is the best one so far. It is nice to see that the gameplay has improved with each game. I will say that the most fun thing to do in this series is drive the Scorpion tank and blow shit up. The vehicle levels have become my favorite part of the series.

The story, unsurprisingly, sucks like the rest of the games, but to be fair, my son and I are usually talking/yelling and not paying much attention to the details. After killing me multiple times, I finally booted his ass from the session when the option popped up on the screen. He came running into the living room saying "are you serious?". I couldn't stop laughing, so we started started the mission over from our last checkpoint.

I can't believe that we're on our 6th Halo game and we're still playing games made for the Xbox 360. We're both anxious to see how much better the gameplay and graphics are on Halo 5, which finally moves us into the Xbox One generation.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 11, 2023 @ 09:43 AM
We finished Halo 4 last night and were so excited to start Halo 5 only to find out that it doesn't support LAN play. There's a Halo 5 LAN server program you can download and run on a PC on your local network, but it doesn't support co-op play. I guess our Halo journey is over.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 11, 2023 @ 12:53 PM
*sad Grunt noises*
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 13, 2023 @ 08:19 PM
The Halo journey continues. I bought a month of Game Pass Ultimate so we can play Halo 5 co-op online and then play Halo: Infinite afterwards since it's included with Game Pass.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 20, 2023 @ 07:00 PM
Halo 5... completed.

This one was hit or miss. Some levels were so much fun to play while others sucked.

I downloaded Halo Infinite and checked out the first level. I wasn't impressed at all. We're going to give it an hour and then decide if we we're going to finish it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 22, 2023 @ 08:32 AM
We're going to stick with Halo Infinite. The open world and grapple gun add just enough to make it feel different than the other games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 04, 2023 @ 04:14 PM
We finally finished all of the Halo games. I really enjoyed Halo Infinite and will probably buy it when it's cheap so we can complete some of the optional missions in the open world.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 14, 2023 @ 08:38 AM
My younger son was looking for new games to play last month and has beat the following list of games based on my recommendations:

Because he enjoyed RDR 2 so much, he sort of pushed me into restarting the game again. I had played it for about 5 hours back when it came out and then stopped. I'm now 23 hours into the game and showing no signs of slowing down. This is already the longest single-player game I've played and I'm only about 35% done with the story. The controls are a little clunky and some missions drag on a little longer than necessarily, but I'm enjoying my time in the world.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 18, 2023 @ 01:51 PM
I beat RDR 2 this morning after doing something I've never done before - I played for 14 straight hours yesterday. I was so hooked on the story that I just couldn't wait to see how it ended. I can describe the game in one word: masterpiece.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 20, 2023 @ 05:50 PM

These are two devices I recently added that allow me to use Ps4 and PS5 controllers wirelessly with PS2 and PS3. They work really well and take no time at all to get working. Such a gamechanger, especially for PS2.

Also, this thing works crazy good as well, it even supports progressive scan;

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 20, 2023 @ 08:31 PM
I've been watching and reading reviews for PS2 HDMI adapters for the past month so I can replace my son's old TV with a component connection. The problem I keep running into is that none of these adapters support PS1 games played on the PS2. My son plays the first three Crash Bandicoot games all the time, so I need PS1 compatibility, which seems like it may be impossible with these converters.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 21, 2023 @ 06:17 PM
Do you have a PS3, that will play any PS1 game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 21, 2023 @ 11:16 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on June 21, 2023 @ 06:17 PMDo you have a PS3, that will play any PS1 game.
I don't. It's the only PS console I've never owned.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 22, 2023 @ 02:56 PM
Man, it's a good time to get one, they'll never be cheaper.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 28, 2023 @ 11:45 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on June 22, 2023 @ 02:56 PMMan, it's a good time to get one, they'll never be cheaper.
Not sure how I missed this.

I've considered buying one, but I'd want the first slim model, which is not backwards compatible with PS1 games. I also have no idea where to buy one. I've never really used Ebay and have major concerns with buying used items, especially game consoles. I've seen plenty of videos showing people getting ripped off buying used consoles from places like

As far as gaming goes, I'm about 65% through the original Red Dead Redemption. I've been meaning to replay it for years. It still amazes me that it came out two console generations ago.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 29, 2023 @ 04:51 PM
Every PS3 plays PS1 games. All models from early phat to super slim. I would hit a Half Price Books or a Game Xchange, they are dirt common there. I have a 160GB slim and a 500GB super slim, there are plus and minuses to each.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 29, 2023 @ 07:23 PM
You're right. I was thinking PS2 games, which I'd want too.

The easiest and cheapest option would be for my son to get over his retro-gaming phase.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 30, 2023 @ 10:32 AM
Back-compat models are crazy expensive and unreliable. You could look at emulation, a firestick can play ps1.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 01, 2023 @ 12:15 AM
He's going to have to stick with playing my PS2 slim on his older Samsung TV with component inputs. He hasn't used the PS2 in a few weeks, so maybe his retro phase is wearing off.

I finished RDR 1 tonight and think it's an even better game after playing RDR2. You really appreciate the story so much more when you know the history of all the main characters.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on July 01, 2023 @ 12:22 PM
RDR1 is so good...and looks great on Xbox these days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 03, 2023 @ 11:28 PM
I started Max Payne 3 today. I had played about halfway through back on my Xbox 360 years ago and don't know why I never finished it. It's only 10 hours long, so I'm probably going to play GTA 4 afterwards.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 07, 2023 @ 12:00 PM
I beat Max Payne 3 last night. I'd give it a 6.5/10. The shooting mechanics are a lot of fun, but it's really the only thing you do in the entire game, just in different locations. I'm glad I finally played it though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 21, 2023 @ 06:33 PM
I started play Assetto Corsa Competizione again now that the new physics update (1.9.x) was released on console. For some reason I had the Intercontinental GT Pack DLC for free on PS5 (just Googled it to find out it was offered to all pre-orders of the PS4 version), so I ended up by the British GT Pack and 2020 GT Challenge Pack while they on on sale earlier this week.

Today I finally took my Logitech wheel out, which has been in storage since we started construction on our house back in August. I've heard about ACC having a bunch of issues with different types of wheels, but I thought the force feedback and control during the short time I played today. I should be able to get much more racing in tomorrow.

I also bought the Mass Effect Legendary Trilogy, Dead Space and Star Wars Jedi Survivor during the Xbox Summer Sale. My younger son has already beaten Jedi Survivor and Dead Space.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 30, 2023 @ 12:07 AM
Finished RE 7 tonight. I would have liked it much more if it wasn't first person, but I'd still give it a 7 out of 10.

I also went ahead and purchased a 2TB drive for my PS5. It's not coming until late August, but I couldn't pass up the $120 price:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 01, 2023 @ 02:38 PM
Here is a code for the new beta software for PS5;

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 01, 2023 @ 06:46 PM
Thank you!!!

I was going to see if there was somewhere to sign up for this yesterday and never got around to it. I used to get invites to the PS4 system betas all the time, so I hope I'll start getting PS5 invites now that I redeemed my first code.

If you haven't already, try turning on System UI Haptic Feedback: To turn on this feature, go to [Settings] > [Accessibility] > [Controllers], and then turn on [Haptic Feedback During Console Navigation].
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on August 02, 2023 @ 12:32 PM
It looks like the Atmos option encodes any audio into an Atmos container. I haven't noticed any latency yet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 02, 2023 @ 12:45 PM
Unfortunately I don't have a sound system with Atmos support...yet.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 16, 2023 @ 12:43 PM
Finished Resident Evil 8 last night. Like 7, I'd like it much more if it wasn't first-person (I'm not paying for the Deluxe version just to get the third-person camera) and would give it a 7/10. The level House Beneviento was probably the creepiest level I've ever played in a video game and was by far the best part of the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 11, 2023 @ 10:25 AM
Looking forward to the 5-hour weekend trial to The Crew: Motorfest this weekend. The game looks very good and the car handling is supposed to be a big improvement over The Crew 2, which was a big complaint of mine with the game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 13, 2023 @ 08:59 AM
I started playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor now that the new patch finally fixed the frame rate issues and made it look better.

The Resident Evil 4 Remake just went on sale today for the first time. My younger son will be thrilled. We've been wanting to play it since it was released.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 14, 2023 @ 11:19 AM
Quote from: Jason on September 11, 2023 @ 10:25 AMLooking forward to the 5-hour weekend trial to The Crew: Motorfest this weekend. The game looks very good and the car handling is supposed to be a big improvement over The Crew 2, which was a big complaint of mine with the game.
The trial is available to download now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 25, 2023 @ 09:03 AM
I beat Star Wars Jedi: Survivor this weekend. It's good game with a little too much platforming for me. I'm glad I stuck with it though because the second half of the game is much better than the first half.

I'm planning to start Resident Evil 4 this week since it finally went on sale a few weeks ago.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 02, 2023 @ 08:14 AM
Finished up RE 4 over the weekend and plan on starting the DLC campaign this week. The Resident Evil 2,3 & 4 remakes are one of the best gaming trilogies I've ever played.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on October 05, 2023 @ 10:09 AM
Quote from: Jason on October 02, 2023 @ 08:14 AMFinished up RE 4 over the weekend and plan on starting the DLC campaign this week. The Resident Evil 2,3 & 4 remakes are one of the best gaming trilogies I've ever played.
Finished the DLC last night and it makes a great game even better. If you don't play the DLC you'll be missing out on major parts of the main story. The way they tie the two stories together is amazing. I can't recommend this game enough.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 20, 2023 @ 04:21 PM
I'm on chapter 8 of 12 in Space Dead and hoping to finish it tomorrow night. The graphics in this game are incredible and there's no performance issues at all, which is surprising since there were apparently a lot of issues when the game first released.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 22, 2023 @ 09:52 AM
Back from a couple weeks vacation and all I've really been playing lately is The Show 23
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 24, 2023 @ 12:26 PM
Quote from: Ted on November 22, 2023 @ 09:52 AMBack from a couple weeks vacation and all I've really been playing lately is The Show 23
You playing on PS5 or Xbox?

Finished up Dead Space on Wednesday. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. There was quite a bit of back-tracking in the game and there were two boss fights where you could run out of ammo and just have to die and restart from a checkpoint, but other than those two minor complaints, it was a great game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 26, 2023 @ 03:23 PM
Xbox with Gamepass.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 11, 2023 @ 08:10 PM
I just started playing Forza Horizons 5 after a very long break, and on the PS5 I just started God of War (2018). As a fan of the series, I've been meaning to play GoW for a long time.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on December 12, 2023 @ 02:36 PM
I like FH5 way more than I thought I would.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 29, 2023 @ 10:07 AM
I'm about 10 hours into God of War (2018) and got to a great part of the story last night which makes combat MUCH more fun. I'm hoping to complete the game this weekend.

I'm also about 20 hours into The Crew Motorfest. I'm replaying events I've already completed to get enough money to buy the required cars for the final events. It's nice that you can use any of the cars you own when replaying events though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 03, 2024 @ 11:25 AM
I finished God of War (it was amazing) and went straight into Ragnarok. My expectations are pretty high for this one.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 16, 2024 @ 10:34 AM
Finished God of War Ragnarok last night and it's definitely a more epic game. The scale of the final battle was so impressive that I can't believe this game is on the PS4 too. The graphics, combat and gameplay have all been improved and story goes into many different directions.

My only complaint is that I felt they padded the length of the game with some levels that went on too long or could have been optional missions. I'd rather play a tightly focused game that's shorter than a game with padding just to extend its length. Unfortunately, I think I'm in the minority as today's gamers cry if a AAA game isn't 25+ hours.

On to the Valhalla DLC...

Edit: Had to go back to the main game and visit a final realm one more time for the true ending.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 23, 2024 @ 01:40 PM
I've completed 14 of the 15 playlist in The Crew Motorfest and am back to earning enough money so I can buy the car required for the final playlist (Dream Cars).

Also hoping to have some time to wrap up the God of War Ragnarok DLC.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 30, 2024 @ 10:27 AM
My younger son has inspired me to finally start playing all the Assassin's Creed games I own. Since November he's completed (in this order):

I just bought Rogue Remastered on Xbox, so he's going to start that after he beats Demon's Soul. I started AC 1 last night and really enjoyed it once I started getting used to the controls. It's nice having my son around while I play because he can explain things I need help with. I must have lost a lot of brain cells overs the years because these games to seem to be more complicated than ever to me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 02, 2024 @ 10:27 AM
I've completed 6 of the 9 assassinations required to complete the AC and hope to finish it tonight. It'll be the first AC game I've every completed and it only took me 17 years to do it.

I'm looking forward to AC 2 because it supposedly fixes a lot of the issues I have with the original game like the bad parkour controls and ease of alerting enemies while walking around the cities.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 03, 2024 @ 01:16 AM
I finished AC 1 tonight and take back everything good I said about the game. The combat becomes so difficult that it stopped being enjoyable. The bad parkour controls made the game much harder and frustrating than it needed to be, and the guards constantly being alerted to your presence got old by the end of the game. I ended up having my son beat a lot of the missions with combat later in the game.

The guards constantly swarm you and unless you have perfect timing to pull off a block/instant kill combo, you'll never do any damage to them. Even when you do time it correctly, another guard will hit you to stop your animation from playing out. It guess going from God of War, which has great combat, to an Xbox 360 game didn't help things.

Don't even get me started on the camera and horrible throwing knife controls. I'm so glad to be done with this game and hope 2 is much better.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2024 @ 10:38 AM
I'm halfway through AC2 and the gameplay is MUCH better. Assuming things don't take a turn for the worse in the second half, all of my complaints with the first game have been improved on in this game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 10, 2024 @ 01:22 PM
I'm on sequence 13 of 14 in AC2 (sequences 12 & 13 are DLC that are bundled into the Remastered version) and can't believe how good this game is. I'm looking forward to Brotherhood and Revelations, which my son said are on par with it. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on February 11, 2024 @ 12:02 PM
Hiding in a stack of hay never gets old.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 13, 2024 @ 01:46 PM
Finished up AC2 last night. It's easily a 9/10. The included DLC messes up the pacing of the story a little bit, but it doesn't hurt the overall game, and the final sequence was amazing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 21, 2024 @ 09:06 AM
I should be done with AC: Brotherhood either tonight or tomorrow night. The story may not be as good as AC 2, but the gameplay improvements and additions make it a much better game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 22, 2024 @ 11:24 AM
Finished up AC: Brotherhood last night. If Revelations is half as good as the first two games (and I'm told it is), this will up there with some of the great gaming trilogies like Uncharted, Tomb Raider and Gears of War.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 26, 2024 @ 01:09 PM
I finished AC: Revelations over the weekend and thought it was great. It had the best city, graphics and gameplay of the first four games. The overall story was not as strong as Two and Brotherhood, but it did a great job of not only wrapping up Ezio's story, but Altair's too. I'd highly recommend this trilogy and can see myself playing through the entire thing again. For now, I plan on finishing Leonardo Da Vinci's side-missions in Brotherhood, along with taking over some Templar Towers.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 28, 2024 @ 11:36 AM
Been rotating between DCS World, Run 8 Train Simulator and Helldivers 2. 

Man, Helldivers is a hoot.  Even with randoms.  What a slick experience.  Dropping to the music of the swelling horn section never gets old.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 28, 2024 @ 05:28 PM
My son and I have considered trying out Helldivers 2. I've heard nothing but good things about it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 29, 2024 @ 10:21 PM
I have nothing but good things to say about it.  Even playing with randos is fine.  It'a hoot.  Here's the last 8 minutes of a mission with me, my son, and my nephew.  We're pretty low level here.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 29, 2024 @ 10:30 PM
Also crossplay so we could kill bugs together.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 29, 2024 @ 11:07 PM
Quote from: Ted on February 29, 2024 @ 10:30 PMAlso crossplay so we could kill bugs together.
Are you playing on PC?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 01, 2024 @ 11:07 AM
I am.  I don't have a PS5.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 02, 2024 @ 12:59 PM
I'm downloading this today.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 02, 2024 @ 04:27 PM
If you want to team up let me know.  I'm not sure how we'll find each other, but willing to try.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 04, 2024 @ 08:27 AM
The gameplay in Helldivers 2 looks great and I love third-person shooters, but it's a shame that a PS+ subscription is required to fully enjoy the game.

I finished AC 3 over the weekend and have now completed 5 games in the series. The logical move would be moving on to AC4 Black Flag, but I started it last night and the 30fps really bothered my, especially when moving the camera around. I'm now trying to figure out if I should skip it for now and move on to Rogue, try out Liberation or just jump to Mirage.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 13, 2024 @ 11:37 AM
I decided to play Mirage next and I'm currently about halfway through it, but it hasn't grabbed me like the previous games. The graphics are gorgeous and the cities are very detailed, but the combat has been dumbed down and there's no incentive to do side missions. The main character is also not as interesting as Ezio or Altair, which was a problem with III too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 15, 2024 @ 12:56 AM
I can safely say that Helldivers 2 is the least toxic multiplayer game I've ever played.  I play with my 8 y.o. grandson on easy because he likes the bugs and he likes easy difficulty.  We are joined by two randoms partway through the mission.  It goes well.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 15, 2024 @ 09:15 AM
Your grandson's commentary was awesome, especially when you got the Watch Dog for yourself. I didn't realize the other two players could chat with you until they started talking at the end of the mission. They didn't sound too old themselves.

I'm sure you went through it with Jake, but your grandson will be giving you the orders in a few years. My 13 year old son has to explain everything to me now.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 22, 2024 @ 08:09 PM
I took about a week break from AC: Mirage, but started playing it again this week and have been enjoying it more than before. I think I've finally come to grips with how to play it. The story and characters are still boring, but the way investigations are done is very interesting and could work well in a Batman or detective game.

I'm hoping to finish it this weekend and then may move on to GTA 4 and 5.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 25, 2024 @ 09:08 AM
I finished AC: Mirage over the weekend and would give it 7/10. What I don't understand is that Ubisoft advertised this game as going back to its roots, yet they tied the story to AC: Valhalla. I know it was originally designed as DLC for Valhalla, but once they made the decision to make it a full game and a sort of reboot of the original, they should have gone with a fully independent story, especially since they were going for the crowd that either passed on Valhalla or did not like it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on March 25, 2024 @ 08:10 PM
They didn't have near enough time to pivot, that's how it goes these days.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 21, 2024 @ 11:35 AM
I'm about halfway through GTA 4 (I'm amazed at how many 360 era games I'm playing and completing this generation) after taking a little break after Mirage. My major complaints about the game are the controls and shitty camera. I spend more time manually adjusting the camera than anything else. I wouldn't mind some checkpoints in the longer missions too. Other than those complaints, I'm enjoying it. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on April 21, 2024 @ 09:52 PM
Shitty camera and controls are GTA's DNA, the bad driving and shooting are bonus content
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on April 29, 2024 @ 09:05 AM
I'm on mission 72 of 88 and my biggest complaint has to be the complete lack of checkpoints, especially in longer missions.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 01, 2024 @ 01:11 PM
I finally beat GTA 4 last night, although my son did have to help me with one of the missions. I may sound like a broken record, but the lack of checkpoints prevented this game from being a 9 or 10 out of 10.

It's been almost 14 years to the month that I originally planned to beat this game. The first time was after beating the original RDR in June of 2010.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 09, 2024 @ 08:31 AM
I'm about 1/3 through GTA 5 and while the gameplay and graphics are far better than GTA 4, I thought the characters and world were more interesting in 4. I'll see if that changes as the story progresses.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on May 09, 2024 @ 07:23 PM
It won't.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 15, 2024 @ 08:38 AM
I almost done with GTA 5 and will probably finish it either tonight or tomorrow. I did not see the plot twist towards the end coming and think it added a lot to the story. I guess I'll see how it plays out once I'm done.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on May 17, 2024 @ 08:48 AM
I finished the GTA 5 main story last night and will probably do some side missions over the weekend. I ended up liking the story more than I expected. It had a sort of "Ocean's Eleven" heist vide to it. I wasn't expecting Franklin to be my favorite character and enjoyed the game the most during the parts when Travis wasn't around. Travis seems to be a popular character among the GTA community, but I found him to be a bit much most of the time.

Both of my sons kept saying how I'm like Michael (still living in the 80's), so now I started calling my older son, whose name is James, Jizzle. James "Jizzle" De Santos provided a ton of comedy relief in the game and is the perfect stereotypical millennial.

I'd give the game an 8.5 out of 10 and would definitely play it again since it only clocked in at 22 hours for me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 04, 2024 @ 08:26 AM
I just completed one of the oldest titles in my backlog - Bioshock. This was the first game I ever saw on an Xbox 360 when someone I used to work with brought their Xbox 360 into work back when it first released. I was always fascinated by the location and the opening hooked me. I'm glad to have finally played it.

I'm considering Forza Motorsport now that it's 50% off. I think most of the major issues have been fixed.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 04, 2024 @ 07:52 PM
Forza was never as bad as it was made out to be. It's a good game, and makes a nice companion for Horizon 5. I bought the 360 versions of the Bioshock games when they were dirt cheap. I'll play those instead of the remasters if I return to Rapture.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 04, 2024 @ 10:24 PM
Just out of curiosity, why do you prefer the originals to the remasters?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 06, 2024 @ 11:08 AM
Arkham and Bioshock games have wierd graphical glitches and don't offer much in the way of performance upgrades. The Mass Effect remaster is done right.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 06, 2024 @ 12:16 PM
My sons and I like the original Arkham games more too. I'm not even sure why they remastered them since they left the frame rate at 30. I didn't realize the Bioshock remasters had issues too. Do the originals run at 60fps? They're not on the FPS Boost list provided by Microsoft.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on June 07, 2024 @ 07:51 PM
You can choose to unlock the framerate and get 60fps on Series X.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on June 07, 2024 @ 08:19 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on June 07, 2024 @ 07:51 PMYou can choose to unlock the framerate and get 60fps on Series X.
Thanks. I'll probably grab the first one on sale to check it out. I'm sure my son would love to play through it again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 20, 2024 @ 08:17 PM
My younger son and I decided to get Robocop on sale for the PS5 and really like it so far. It's nice to play a simple arcade-style shooter and the slower-paced gameplay is right up my alley. 

College Football 25 is looking really good too. I'm definitely grabbing that when it goes on sale.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 25, 2024 @ 02:11 AM
Well with the release of cfb25 I got a little sentimental for this place. Long time no talk (it's Bdoughty) just in case you forgot me.

Still playing games on the Xbox, have the Series X. Still dealing with the same medical issues, had a relapse last year and was in the hospital for a week. In remission but being forced to stay on immunosuppressants for the rest of my time. Went after my kidneys as it must have been bored of my lungs. Just happy to still be on this Earth.

Have mellowed a lot over the past few years. Hoping you guys will accept me back in the fold.

Enjoying CFB25 on the field. It's not perfect but I went in with pretty low expectations, having purchased Madden every year. It plays fast and All American is much tougher than it used to be. Throwing interceptions galore with the new pass meter and defense is more challenging, compared to All Pro in Madden. Getting older does not hel0.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 25, 2024 @ 02:12 AM
They nailed the college atmosphere but in true EA fashion they have some weird ommisions. No progressive lighting. You start a game at 6pm, it will look exactly the same in the 4th qtr. Hopefully they can at least patch in a simple transition at the half where it moves to the next static time of day. Seems simple but again it is Tiburon.

They put a big emphasis on Wear and Tear of a player over the course of a game. Yet they removed formations subs and insert second team options from the game. You still have auto subs with sliders but at times it does not feel like it works properly. Where it hurts most is in dynasty thanks to the transfer portal and players not getting playing time. Like in real life they will leave and people are seen a mass exodus of players leave and you are forced to hope you can win out players from the transfer portal.

Recruiting is fun but really buggy right now. 3 and 4 star recruits being untouched by any team and issues performing certain actions. The biggest issue is sim stats and upsets are terrible right now. Far too many upsets from FCS teams. You have examples of 6 win teams making the playoffs and far too many low ranked non power schools making the playoffs in in year one and two of the dynasty.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 25, 2024 @ 02:14 AM
Two commentary teams is nice, the three man team Rece Davis, Palmer and Pollack do most of the games and do a good job. Fowler and Herbie do the big game of the week and is a bit underwhelming and large gaps of silence at times.

There is a pretty decent selection of uniform options in the game. Oregon was odd with only 5 base uniforms in the game, of course you can mix and match from the base options. Not as many historic unis as i would like but it also seems like EA put in the uniforms that each school submitted. Kent State has like 15 different helmets available to pick from.

They did say they would be adding new unis over time, along with any stadium changes. They got the new additions to Texas Tech stadium in the game that are not even completed yet.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 25, 2024 @ 02:14 AM
A few other bits. The snow is the same crappy painted on white mess from Madden. Teambuilder is providing some great looking FCS teams to add to play now but does not let you edit downloaded rosters. So you are stuck with how they rated and edited the rosters. You also can't replace the generic FCS teams with real FCS teams in an online dynasty. They will only replace an existing team using custom conferences, which is almost as broken as the simulated games. For example, while you can recreate the Pac 12 back to last year it frontloads all the conference games to the early part of the schedule with non conference at the end. You also have to leave two teams minimum in the Pac 12 and can't create new conferences. Only moving within the existing ones. This also can cause certain yearly rivalries (protected) to go away. They say in the conference customization you can protect rivalries but there is no option to do so. You can edit your teams schedule for each year but only non conference games and are limited to teams without a game scheduled that week.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 25, 2024 @ 02:15 AM
For all the flaws I am still loving the game. More than excited to have college football back. The CFB25 team seems to show passion for the game that I have not seen from the Madden team in years. With some patches to the simulation issues and some tweaking to gameplay, plus some basic progressive lighting changes I will be a happy camper.


Hi everyone, long time no see. Happy to be playing cfb again.

My apologies for any typos or unintelligible thoughts. Typing this with Xbox controller with dim lights.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 25, 2024 @ 09:49 AM
I'm glad to hear you're in remission after a tough year. I hope you continue to improve. BTW, I doubt anyone here holds anything against you for taking an extended break from the site.

I'm excited about College Football 25. I haven't put a lot of time into a football game in many years now. I bought Madden 24, but I couldn't get into it. I read that the players in CF 25 have a more weighted feel to them, which I'm hoping is true since all the players in the recent Madden games have a weightless feel to them.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 25, 2024 @ 11:54 AM
It definitely feels more weighted. Also running backs are much tougher to get down. Even a solid hit stick tackle is no guarantee with a power back.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 27, 2024 @ 10:42 AM
I played two games for College Football 25 and enjoyed them more than any football game I've played in years. The running game is especially good. I'm going to try to play Madden 24 again to see if it's just placebo or if CF 25 really plays that much better than it.

I also on episode 3 of 6 in Alan Wake Remastered. I've been wanting to play this for years and it hasn't disappointed so far. The story and atmosphere are great and shooting is a lot of fun too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 27, 2024 @ 02:00 PM
Loved the original Alan Wake and the DLC but did not care for Alan Wake 2. It felt more like movie based on a walking simulator with the occasional combat tossed in. Game looked great but was to slow and cumbersome and a ton of backtracking. I stopped playing a few hours in. May one day give it a second shot since I own it.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 29, 2024 @ 10:14 AM
I finished episode 4 of Alan Wake last night and think this may be one of the best games I've ever played. I do have have 2 minor complaints though - I wish the dodge button was separate from the sprint button and was a face button instead of L1/LB. I also wish there were health packs available during some of the longer fights. I like games with regenerative health, but that doesn't help much in some fights when you're over-whelmed by the Taken.

To be fair, these complaints may be based more on my skill level as my son doesn't share my opinion on these. Either way, I highly recommend playing Alan Wake Remastered if you haven't already.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 29, 2024 @ 12:02 PM
I might have to get the remaster on sale since I loved the original so much.

I don't play games on PC due to it being a relic, that struggles with Windows 11 updates. One game that always amazed me was Sunday rivals. Pretty much a one man team that did things with weather in football games not seen in forever. Light and heavy rain and snow. Also the lighting for the snow in different times of day is just beautiful.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 29, 2024 @ 02:16 PM
That looks nice. It's like the football version of Super Mega Baseball. I'd get that if it was available on console.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 30, 2024 @ 08:36 AM
I finished Alan Wake last night and absolutely loved it. My son already owns and finished part 2, so I'll probably give it a shot.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on July 31, 2024 @ 02:06 AM
Quote from: Jason on July 29, 2024 @ 02:16 PMThat looks nice. It's like the football version of Super Mega Baseball. I'd get that if it was available on console.

Speaking of Super Mega baseball 4, here was the 32 team Fast Food league I created.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on July 31, 2024 @ 09:39 AM
That's very impressive. Too bad there's no roster sharing available for the game. 

I didn't give that game nearly as much attention as I should have, but I'll make up for it at some point.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on August 01, 2024 @ 02:55 PM
Madden 25 Franchise and Presentation deep dive.

Nothing mind blowing, nice to see they are doing a few things with Franchise. Bought the MVP bundle because the price was really good to pre-order both. Still see myself playing CFB25 far more.

Would be great if 2K brought back a college basketball game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 01, 2024 @ 03:40 PM
Of course no gameplay was shown...
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on August 01, 2024 @ 11:55 PM
Sorry, Gameplay Deep Dive was last week. Booooooom Tech, don't recall my defensive coaches teaching this on how to tackle. Guess Wrap Up Tech was not flashy enough.  :)

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 02, 2024 @ 11:48 AM
Yeah, I'm not too sure about Boom Tech. I still don't use the Hit Stick and that's going to be 20 years old this year. The dive tackle (B or Square) has been burned into my brain since the Genesis days.

The animations and field do look much better in 25 though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on August 08, 2024 @ 10:54 AM
Patch for CFB 25 and its a big boy.

Discovered that FCS SE, MW, and NW were secretly using professional players and passing them off as collegiate players. Gave them sanctions and ensured they are now using properly-rated players.

Like that they have a good sense of humor.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on August 08, 2024 @ 11:08 AM
Reddit CFB has been doing some test and the poll logic is much better. Really good first patch, though they have a ways to go. Need some basic Dynamic lighting changes and some of the most noticeable issues with custom conferences, protected rivals and weird schedules were not mentioned. Though they said Custom Conferences are still being investigated.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 08, 2024 @ 11:48 AM
A lot of gameplay updates in this patch. Looking forward to trying it out.

I'm going to grab that EA Play deal today and try it on PS5 too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on August 21, 2024 @ 03:06 AM
I know a couple of people that will be excited about this.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 21, 2024 @ 08:33 AM
I'm glad I didn't watch Gamescom live since Mafia was the only interesting game and it was shown last.

I have concerns about it being in set in the early 1900's in Italy. Lost Haven in the 1930's was the real star of the original Mafia.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 22, 2024 @ 09:26 AM
I'm hoping to finish Shadow of the Tomb Raider this evening and don't understand why they're rebooting this series. All three of these games look amazing, even though they are last gen games (the first two were on Xbox 36 too), and have great stories and gameplay. The character model and voice actor for Lara Croft are the best of the entire series too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2024 @ 09:04 AM
I finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Thursday night and finally completed the trilogy I started 11 years ago on the Xbox 360. I played each game of the trilogy on a different console/generation with the original on the Xbox 360, Rise of the Tomb Raider on the PS4 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider on PS5. I'd rate all three 9/10.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on August 29, 2024 @ 09:59 AM
New patch is available for CF 25 this morning. No patch notes yet.

Edit: Patch notes are out:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on August 30, 2024 @ 10:08 AM
Mass Subs  ;D

QuoteFixed an issue where the Broken Vertebrae injury was incorrectly labeled as a Strained Back.

And this is why EA is not on my approved list of medical providers.  :o
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 10, 2024 @ 08:28 AM
I ended up buying MLB 24 on sale for $23 on the Xbox store. I wanted to get 24 on PS5 since I've bought the past 3 years on Xbox, but Microsoft always has it on sale earlier and cheaper. I thought Sony might have it on sale for $20 when it hit PS Plus last week, but I was wrong.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on September 10, 2024 @ 02:32 PM
It's weird having it on both consoles as part of subscriptions.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on September 19, 2024 @ 11:02 AM
Patch notes for CFB25 update

Really more upset that there are still no fixes to custom conferences and the ability to protect rivalries. It was mentioned in the preview articles and game when first starting a custom conference.

Even though there was a simple fix for a dynamic lighting change. It looks like it is now to be used as a feature for CFB26.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on September 26, 2024 @ 09:01 AM
I had a first in MLB The Show 24 yesterday. Don't think I've ever seen a play like this before:

Title: Re: Xbox to Start Selling Games Directly on Android App Next Month
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on October 13, 2024 @ 03:44 AM
Still enjoying Days Gone, love having to deal with the large zombie hordes early on with limited fire power. Just purchased my first good assault rifle but find myself using the machete quite a bit now that I can repair them with scrap.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 21, 2024 @ 07:45 PM
That was actually pretty amazing for a videogame
Title: Re: Re: Xbox to Start Selling Games Directly on Android App Next Month
Post by: Ted on October 21, 2024 @ 07:46 PM
I completed Days Gone.  Solid game and story.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on October 22, 2024 @ 09:00 AM
I just opened up

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on October 27, 2024 @ 01:38 PM
Just finished the main story.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on October 28, 2024 @ 08:06 PM
Everyone seems to love D.S., but it doesn't look that interesting to me.  Let us know your thoughts.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on October 29, 2024 @ 11:28 PM
It's a Hideo Kojima game, so I knew it would be heavy on story and weird stuff. That said, I knew little about the actual gameplay. After an hour, I still know little about the gameplay. Cut scene after cut scene, a short walking simulator, enter a cave with more story. Then you walk to a town to deliver packages, using the triggers to keep balance. Then it just got weird. Black goo, the afterlife, staying silent, baby in jar, death, rebirth, followed by more walking, without packages...

So I deleted the game, because it was not for me. On to the PS4/PS5 God of War games.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on November 02, 2024 @ 10:40 AM
lol that's what it kind of looked like to me.  I kept scratching my head at the high praise, but that's ok.  Everyone likes what they like.

Currently sinking too many hours into Trainz 22.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 07, 2024 @ 08:44 AM
Huge update for The Crew Motorfest yesterday, including a new island (Maui) to explore for free:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on November 07, 2024 @ 02:46 PM
Death Stranding Directors cut comes to Xbox Series X/S. Limited time on sale for 19.99.

Looked at the first user review and it proclaimed, "If you are not engrossed by this in the first hour, you are a potato."

I have called worse, plus potatoes are pretty tasty.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on November 11, 2024 @ 04:15 PM
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 preload just started on my Xbox Series X (146gb). Can't wait to play it next week.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on November 21, 2024 @ 12:22 PM
STALKER 2 early impressions. The framerate on performance mode is terrible at launch on the Series X. Never have I seen it touch 60fps. VRR is all over the place. Controller drift is bad. I am loving the gameplay and world so far but really want to see a performance patch before I continue.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on November 21, 2024 @ 05:11 PM
That's the norm for game releases nowadays. Jedi Survivor had a ton of performance and graphical issues when it launched, and I've heard that the Flight Simulator 2024 launch this week was a disaster too.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 03, 2024 @ 08:32 PM
Never played the Ratchet and Clank series so I checked out the Rift Apart game which is on PS+. Having a blast with it. Great looking game plays smooth and the gunplay and traversal are enjoyable. Plays a lot like High on Life which I loved.

Sony finally put Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition on sale, so it was an early Xmas gift to me.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 03, 2024 @ 09:16 PM
My son has been pushing me to play Rift Apart for the longest time. I bought the game when it was on sale before I even owned a PS5.

I watched my son play through it twice. It's an amazing looking game and matches the visual fidelity of most animated movies.

I plan on playing it at some point. I've completed the original on PS2 and the reboot on PS4, so it's just a matter of time until I get around to Rift Apart.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 04, 2024 @ 12:43 PM
nerding out with Trainz Simulator 22 these days.

I figured out how to import height maps into the software to recreate real life locations.  lol what?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 04, 2024 @ 05:54 PM
Quote from: Ted on December 04, 2024 @ 12:43 PMnerding out with Trainz Simulator 22 these days.

I figured out how to import height maps into the software to recreate real life locations.  lol what?
How does this game compare to the Train Sim World series? Are they more or less complicated?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 04, 2024 @ 06:50 PM
I'm new to train simming, but from what I see TSW is like Flight Sim 2024.  You basically drive and operate the train.  I think TSW might be more realistic from a physics and operational standpoint.  And TSW graphics are better.

I picked Trainz because I'm just as much into the building of the layouts and routes and I'm more into industry switching and shunting than I am into riding a train along a route.  I'm also considering picking up an N scale starter set and maybe trying some real model railroading.

Trainz allows you to drive the trains like in TSW, but also has a really robust building software built in.  It's actually pretty slick.  So I can do both with Trainz.  There's also a game called Railroader which I also like and is pretty involved with routing, shunting and switching.  But it's steam railroad focused and I don't have much interest in that era.

Trainz is scratching my creativity itch and it also lets me play with the trains.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 05, 2024 @ 08:39 AM
I love trains and train sets, and I'm completely obsessed with monorails. I've always wanted a set of my own, but space is tight in my house. I've considered building one along the perimeter of my office above the doors and windows, but I'm not sure sure how well I can do that.

I've played a decent amount of TSW 2 and 4 and recently purchased Tram Sim World, which I haven't tried yet. Trainz is currently in beta on Xbox (, so I'll definitely grab it once it's released.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 05, 2024 @ 10:40 AM
I noticed Railroads Online was added to the new releases for Xbox. Steam reviews are solid. Watched the video and it looks interesting with the creation options. Just not really into trains. Prefer Medieval Dynasty/House Flipper/Power Wash simulation games where you have to do the work.

Steam reviews are always fun to read, especially with the fact hours played are listed.

602 hours played and it gets a not recommended review.  :))
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 10:41 AM
I didn't realize you were into trains and model railroading.  Have you looked at N scale?  That seems to be the answer for people with space limitations (I'm in that same boat).  Apparently lots of people start with N scale layouts using an old door or in as little space as 2'x 5'.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 10:47 AM
Quote from: BoomerSooner on December 05, 2024 @ 10:40 AMI noticed Railroads Online was added to the new releases for Xbox. Steam reviews are solid. Watched the video and it looks interesting with the creation options. Just not really into trains. Prefer Medieval Dynasty/House Flipper/Power Wash simulation games where you have to do the work.

Steam reviews are always fun to read, especially with the fact hours played are listed.

602 hours played and it gets a not recommended review.  :))

That's another one I'm tempted by except for steam era engines, but the construction aspect is compelling.  And Steam (the gaming platform) reviews are notorious for that negative review after 1000 hours crap.  On one hand I think this guy must be nitpicking, on the other, at least I know he's put some time in before reviewing.  Typically I dismiss most individual reviews, especially long hour negative reviews.  I go with the general consensus (very postive, mostly positive, mostly negative, overwhelmingly, etc..)

That being said, games like Trainz, and Railroader, and Railroads Online that have multiplayer I'd be into regardless of steam era for the multiplayer.  I've multiplayered Railroads and Trainz and had pleasant experiences.  It's kind of satisfying working together to get stuff where it needs to go.

If you guys end up picking any of this up on console then post it and I'll prob grab a copy and join.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 05, 2024 @ 11:37 AM
Quote from: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 10:41 AMI didn't realize you were into trains and model railroading.  Have you looked at N scale?  That seems to be the answer for people with space limitations (I'm in that same boat).  Apparently lots of people start with N scale layouts using an old door or in as little space as 2'x 5'.
I'll have to check that out. I was looking at the Bachmann HO scale sets for the longest time but never pulled the trigger. They seemed to be reasonably priced and had a lot of different sets.

I did have a Lionel oval set track back in the late 90's and early 2000's that I used to setup around my Christmas tree, but my nephew broke it and I never replaced it.

Edit: Just did a quick search on Amazon and Bachmann makes N scale sets too. I really like the small size. You're going to get me into so much trouble with my wife if I buy a set.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 05, 2024 @ 11:56 AM
We go to Allaire State Park multiple times a year and ride the train there.

We also went to the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania back in 2017. I'll post some pics from there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 01:21 PM
That would be cool.  I like to go down to the different rail yards around Seattle and watch the goings on.  My wife and I are starting to plan some Amtrak trips which we want to take once we quit working.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 01:22 PM
Quote from: Jason on December 05, 2024 @ 11:37 AM
Quote from: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 10:41 AMI didn't realize you were into trains and model railroading.  Have you looked at N scale?  That seems to be the answer for people with space limitations (I'm in that same boat).  Apparently lots of people start with N scale layouts using an old door or in as little space as 2'x 5'.
I'll have to check that out. I was looking at the Bachmann HO scale sets for the longest time but never pulled the trigger. They seemed to be reasonably priced and had a lot of different sets.

I did have a Lionel oval set track back in the late 90's and early 2000's that I used to setup around my Christmas tree, but my nephew broke it and I never replaced it.

Edit: Just did a quick search on Amazon and Bachmann makes N scale sets too. I really like the small size. You're going to get me into so much trouble with my wife if I buy a set.

I have an Kato N set on the way.  Should be here in about a week.  I haven't told my wife.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 01:34 PM
Trainz Xbox screens look good.  I just put in a request to join the Beta.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 05, 2024 @ 08:36 PM
All this talk about trains had me laughing earlier. Had to make a drive to Liberal, KS which has two train tracks that you drive over just as you come into town. Not once in ten years have I seen a train. Sure enough as I head into town, we had to sit at a train crossing for ten minutes waiting for a train to roll through. The amount of graffiti on each of the containers was impressive but highly NSFW.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on December 05, 2024 @ 10:49 PM
I've been to and through Liberal so many times in my youth.  Had an aunt & uncle and a handful of cousins that lived there until the late 90's.  Last time I went through Liberal was probably 2010 or 2015.  Ate at a really good Mexican restaurant there before heading on.  Can't remember the name though.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 06, 2024 @ 10:36 AM
Indiana Jones And The Great Circle hots next week on gamepass (today if you paid for the bonus stuff).

Reviews looking good. Game hits 60fps and stays there. A product that looks actually finished.

Digital Foundry TECH review.

QuoteIndiana Jones and the Great Circle is one of the best licensed games we've ever seen - brilliant for Indy fans and enjoyers of great games in general, while packing some excellent technology. Machine Games has indeed 'knocked it out of the park'. In this video, John goes into depth on the Xbox Series X and Series S versions of the game - and our PC review will follow soon.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 06, 2024 @ 10:49 AM
I don't get it. My son and I started watching some reviews of the game last night and we're not seeing what everyone else is seeing.

First of all, I said from the very beginning that it was a mistake to make an Indiana Jones game in first person and the gameplay I've seen so far has not changed my mind. The fact that they have to switch to a third person camera for a lot of scenes proves the entire game should have just been done that way. Also, the third person animations look terrible. My son literally just finished playing the original Xbox version of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and the climbing animations look they were used for Indiana Jones. The worst is when the camera jumps between first and third person views when swinging on your whip.

Based on the review videos I've seen (about 5 so far) the entire game seems like you're sneaking up behind someone and hitting them with a shovel or punching them with ridiculous fighting animations. Don't even get me started on the ridiculous fighting stance with the two fists in front of his face like he's a boxer from 1800's Ireland. The best part is when the enemies start throwing air punches when they're 20 feet away from you.

The whole game just gives me a PS2-era vibe and I'm not remotely impressed. I'll take Uncharted or Tomb Raider over this game any day.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 06, 2024 @ 07:09 PM

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 06, 2024 @ 07:21 PM
As a fan of the Wolfenstein Series and MachineGames, first person is what they do and they do it well. Along with dealing with Nazi's. They got this, can't wait to play it and this is coming from someone that was never a big fan of Indiana Jones movies.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 07, 2024 @ 11:02 AM
Okay after watching some of the gameplay videos the combat can be rough at times.

I like ACG reviews. Funny and pretty unbiased.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 07, 2024 @ 10:18 PM
That was one of the better reviews I've seen. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing a lot of the flaws I've mentioned.

Another complaint is that they made disguises a big part of the "stealth", but you're not able see yourself wearing it during gameplay. There's a notification on the HUD telling you that you're disguised.

The best part is when you're just walking around - you basically control a dot on the screen. It brings back memories of playing Adventure on an Atari 2600 in the late 70's.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 10, 2024 @ 03:02 PM
Maximum Football (Game Preview) just released on the Xbox Free to play and an option for a paid version that will have more stuff.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 10, 2024 @ 03:47 PM
The gameplay is rough. Glitches galore. Players freezing in space, weird ball physics on tipped passes. You only have three stadiums that are just rebranded by the team you choose. Could only play day games, did not see any options to change TOD and weather. Very bare bones and a ton of upgrades are locked to paid users.

There is a college dynasty mode that looks interesting. Far better conference customization than CFB25. You can rename conferences and change logos. Also, nice that you can edit uniforms in the actual game, instead of having to go to a website. There was plenty to manage, including recruiting.

The problem is the gameplay made me not want to test anything out and I just deleted it. There is potential to be a good alternative but at minimum a couple years away.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 10, 2024 @ 04:54 PM
Hasn't this game been around for a while? I thought it was originally done by a small developer and then bought by a larger one.

I believe this year's game was built using UE 5, so it looks much better than the previous games that looked like PS2 era games. I'll definitely check it out since it's free.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 10, 2024 @ 10:57 PM
Around a long time. It was originally called CFL 99 (Canadian Football) and was a one man dev team and only on PC. Then it became Maximum Football. One year they tossed Doug Flutie on the cover and in the title. Eventually sold to another company and here we are.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 15, 2024 @ 01:05 PM
Just completed Ratchet and Clank: A Rift Apart. A 9 out of 10 and one of my favorite games this year. It's a meaty game, especially if you hunt for all the collectables. Graphics are just stunning in every area you go to. Platforming sections are fun and the combat is solid. You get to buy and upgrade almost 20 weapons and throwables. I stuck to the guns, most of the throwables were gimmicky but if I played on higher difficulty the need to use certain ones would be a necessity. There are some light puzzle sections, nothing difficult but short breaks from the action.

Only gripe is the armor you collect along the way. These sets grant bonuses if you collect all three items. Problem is, by the time you collect these you are already at the end game.

Now I am onto Horizon Forbidden West. Just started the first section and relearning how everything works.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 19, 2024 @ 10:12 AM
I hate to keep shitting on Indiana Jones, but there's a glitch that allows you to play the game in third-person and it's obvious why Machine Games makes first-person games.

Link to video:

Those animations are terrible. There's another video I saw of the fighting in third-person which explains why it looks so bad in first-person. The animations are unbelievably bad. I'll post it if I find it again.

Edit - Found it:
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on December 20, 2024 @ 07:03 PM
No rush to play it, hopefully a couple patches help clean some issues up.

Right now I am just basking in the greatness that is in Horizon Forbidden West. Appreciating Lance Reddick's voice one last time in a video game. He was in so many games and shows I loved, from Destiny to The Wire and the Bosch Series. Just an amazing voice and delivery.

Horizon Zero Dawn is the only PS game I ever Platinumed. Forbidden West just improved on everything I loved about the first. Except for the underwater stuff I am dreading because I have a fear of drowning. Fortunately, there is an option to turn off drowning. Have yet to turn it on but came close the first story section that had you escaping underwater.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on December 20, 2024 @ 08:46 PM
Let's not forget how great Lance Reddick is in the John Wick movies.

I will get around to playing both Horizon games at some point, especially now that I paid for the Zero Dawn PS5 update.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 08, 2025 @ 02:57 AM
Horizon Forbidden West and the DLC completed. Better than the original in every way and Zero Dawn was an excellent game. No platinum this time as I don't have the patience to run around finding every hidden recording, plus I have to get back to playing God of War.

The only story issue I have with the game is the developers need to cater to the crowd that has to define her sexuality.

If You Won't Give Aloy A Girlfriend, Make Her Asexual

I have no problems playing as a gay person. Loved playing as Ellie in TLOU. Cyberpunk was me essentially living out a lesbian fantasy with my female V. Sir Hammerlock is one of my favorite Borderlands characters and there was a whole DLC based on him getting married to Wainright Jakobs. But with Aloy you go through two games where she is essentially asexual and thwarts off any advances. Only to hit the DLC and she magically falls for a girl. It felt tacked on for the sake of appeasing a small audience.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 09, 2025 @ 09:32 AM
I need to get back on track with my single player games. I stopped playing Control around Thanksgiving and need to get started again.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 15, 2025 @ 04:17 PM
Slowly starting to enjoy God of War. The father/son banter is great. Love the little puzzles littered everywhere. Still can't shake all that time playing Horizon, using the bow for everything, so I playing with Kratos an Axe Sniper.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 15, 2025 @ 05:18 PM
I'm not able to play anything this week. My bathroom is being redone so my living room looks like a war zone with everything stored in there.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 15, 2025 @ 07:38 PM
That is good for me. I need time off from CFB25 after the past few games.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 15, 2025 @ 08:24 PM
I'm anxious to play my next game so I can take sole possession of first place.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 16, 2025 @ 09:57 AM
PGA 2K25 announced

Nice to see it will be current gen only. If it looks as good as EA's golf game I will be happy. They only added two new courses and removed two. Only two international courses is underwhelming. They get the US Open, British Open and PGA Championship. No Masters as it is exclusive to EA.

The big problem will be if custom courses are not allowed in career mode, as was the case in 2K23. What is the point of being able to customize events and not be able to use a giant pool of custom courses?

It's sad that the only thing that really excited me was you can play as the actor who played Scooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore.

A big FU to 2k for giving players who pay $100+ for premium editions SEVEN days early access. You know EA sees this and is like, hold my beer. Madden 26 will have TEN days early access.

Also, another FU to me as I love golf games and will be buying the $99 version to play it early.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 16, 2025 @ 10:59 AM
There's no mention of them switching from Unity to a better engine, so I wouldn't count on any graphical improvements.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on January 16, 2025 @ 11:49 AM
Currently smashing zombies in State of Decay 2 when not running trains. 
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 19, 2025 @ 12:32 AM
Finished God of War story. Still plan to do some of the side stuff, like defeating the last three Valkyries. The first one I fought was brutal and took like 30 tries as I was underpowered. Great story but the kid got on my nerves, especially after finding out what he was. I know that was the intention and it worked. A little too scripted on the fight with the boss throughout. Too many "press button" actions in said fights. Map and navigating were excessively slow to get around and too much backtracking. Someone on the dev team has a weird fetish with riding up and down lifts that move at a snails pace.

I actually enjoyed the puzzles and figuring out how to manipulate your way around areas more than the actual combat. Combat was fine and had a descent amount of enemies but was a step down from the combat in Horizon Forbidden West for me. A solid 8/10 that would have been a 9 if not for the backtracking and slow pace in areas.

Now starting GOW Ragnarok.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 19, 2025 @ 12:44 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 16, 2025 @ 10:59 AMThere's no mention of them switching from Unity to a better engine, so I wouldn't count on any graphical improvements.

Agreed. Unity has never been an engine to showcase graphics with one HUGE exception. Ori and the Blind Forest and Will of the Wisps. Both won awards for art design and direction.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 19, 2025 @ 11:53 AM
Quote from: BoomerSooner on January 19, 2025 @ 12:44 AM
Quote from: Jason on January 16, 2025 @ 10:59 AMThere's no mention of them switching from Unity to a better engine, so I wouldn't count on any graphical improvements.

Agreed. Unity has never been an engine to showcase graphics with one HUGE exception. Ori and the Blind Forest and Will of the Wisps. Both won awards for art design and direction.
Yes, but they're animated games. They're not mimicking real life.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 24, 2025 @ 06:33 PM
The employee who worked on GOW Ragnarock that designed the Sigil Puzzles (the pink arrows you set fire to areas to access areas) should be waterboarded. Then waterboarded some more. Then forced to drink a gallon of water right after.

It's so hit an miss, even when you learn afterwards that you can multiply 3 times in the same space, with no penalty, to make the circle rounder.

Starting to feel that there are three truly great character in the series. The two dwarven brothers, Brock and Sindri and Mimir the head with some of the best dialogue in the game.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 24, 2025 @ 06:49 PM
Quote from: BoomerSooner on January 24, 2025 @ 06:33 PMStarting to feel that there are three truly great character in the series. The two dwarven brothers, Brock and Sindri and Mimir the head with some of the best dialogue in the game.

You would be correct with that statement.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Brad Company on January 30, 2025 @ 12:19 PM
GTA 6 targeting a solid 30fps, lolololol ;D
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 30, 2025 @ 02:05 PM
Solid 30 fps! Also considering $100 price point for base game.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 30, 2025 @ 02:21 PM
WTF Jason, could you not have given me a warning after my last GOW post?

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 30, 2025 @ 02:39 PM
I was tempted to say something but didn't want you to suspect anything.

There's another (optional?) mission after the game I'm anxious to talk to you about.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 30, 2025 @ 02:42 PM
Quote from: Brad Company on January 30, 2025 @ 12:19 PMGTA 6 targeting a solid 30fps, lolololol ;D
I hope the speculation is wrong. They should be able to provide a lower resolution option at 60fps, especially on the PS5 Pro. I can't go back to 30 now. I'll wait for the remaster on PS6.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 30, 2025 @ 07:53 PM
Quote from: Jason on January 30, 2025 @ 02:39 PMI was tempted to say something but didn't want you to suspect anything.

There's another (optional?) mission after the game I'm anxious to talk to you about.

Went ahead and completed the final part of the story after seeing you could still do everything afterwards without any issues. I am guessing the mission you a referring to is going to a tavern to pay respects? Saving that one for now because that seems like it will be pretty emotional.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 30, 2025 @ 10:15 PM
No, that's not it. Make sure you visit Sindri.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 31, 2025 @ 02:02 AM
The Viking Funeral? It says you have to head back to a tavern to start it. Is that not the one?

Do I need to visit his house?
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 31, 2025 @ 09:51 AM
Maybe it is the Viking Funeral - I don't remember the mission name. I won't say anymore until you finish it. It's nothing amazing, it's just not what I was expecting.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on January 31, 2025 @ 12:37 PM
I did the Viking Funeral.

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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on January 31, 2025 @ 02:24 PM
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Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on February 07, 2025 @ 01:29 AM
Giving Ghost of Tsushima a try, since it is made by Sucker Punch and I loved the Infamous series. Beautiful game so far and plays similar to an Assassins Creed game. Only have month left of PS+ and this and Returnal were the last games in the catalogue I was interested in.

Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2025 @ 12:10 PM
Don't post any spoilers. I plan on playing that next. I started it a while back but got sidelined with something else.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on February 17, 2025 @ 11:02 AM
Going to try Avowed on Gamepass tomm. Average reviews but I will play anything Obsidian tosses out there.

Caved and preordered PGA 2K25. Did not even mess with the demo. Just jumping in as I need a more challenging golf game.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on February 17, 2025 @ 09:20 PM
I'll have to check out the demo, but I just bought 2K23 last month so I'm good on golf games for a while.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 19, 2025 @ 09:28 AM
Quote from: BoomerSooner on February 17, 2025 @ 11:02 AMGoing to try Avowed on Gamepass tomm. Average reviews but I will play anything Obsidian tosses out there.

Caved and preordered PGA 2K25. Did not even mess with the demo. Just jumping in as I need a more challenging golf game.

I'm gonna try Avowed as well.  Other than that I've been playing Rival Stars Horse Racing on PC
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on February 19, 2025 @ 05:43 PM
Enjoying Avowed so far. Never played the old Pillars of Eternity games it is based on but the story is not an emphasis for me. It feels like an Elder Scrolls light game. Not a full open world and there is no romance or homes to fill with cheese wheels. The combat is fun and you can respec for a small price to play around with builds. Currently running a two hand blunderbuss type gun with a sword and board secondary when you deal with quicker mobs.

The world itself has a bit of depth with an early emphasis on parkour getting around certain areas. Plenty of chests to find in out of the way places. Apparently, enemies do not respawn so once you have been to an area there is little reason to go back.

Also, there are a lot of bears.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on February 21, 2025 @ 10:32 AM
PGA 2k25 put in the work with Unity. It looks alot better than 2k23. Love the new swing setup but starting at proam to get used to it. The one area EA does better is with the clouds, even though they are static and tied to time of day. Overcast in 2k25 still looks to dark and hard to play in.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: BoomerSooner (Banned) on February 26, 2025 @ 01:01 AM
28 hours into Avowed. Still have not been to the final area and completed the main story. In the three main areas of the map, at least 50% of the map has not been touched. They use a fog of war style map that only shows places you have traveled. I plan to fill it up as the world is a joy to explore. The only reason so much has been unexplored is my desire to level up my armor and weapons and you have to progress the story to go to new areas that have access to better gear and crafting materials. You can still level gear up in the early areas but it takes longer.

The most impressive thing is it has been mostly bug free. One side mission is bugged for me and sometimes a companion gets hit with a shock attack and will stay in that state constantly zapping you until you get into another fight or move to an area that has a loading screen or fast travel.

The minor complaints are the NPC's are pretty lifeless and the enemy types are pretty limited. Plus they only use half of the overworld map. They are planning DLC so I assume that is the reasoning.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on February 26, 2025 @ 11:47 AM
I uninstalled it after about 3 hours.  It was completely bland to me.  And the combat just sucks.

Back to Rival Stars Racing.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Jason on March 06, 2025 @ 10:04 AM
I've been in a bit of a gaming rut, but I decided to download the PGA 2K25 First Look demo and while the graphics do look much better, it's the new swing stick that I enjoyed the most. I'll definitely grab this when it goes on sale.

I almost bit on Star Wars Outlaws for $35 last week, but my son convinced me to wait until it drops into the 20's.
Title: Re: Personal Gaming Thread
Post by: Ted on March 06, 2025 @ 02:48 PM
I almost bit too, but I just can't bring myself to by Ubisoft titles that require me to install Ubisoft launchers and shit on my PC.

Maybe I'll play it on Xbox one day.